SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 VOLUME 39, NUMBER 35 WWW.MCBH.USMC.MIL Hawaii Marine DOG GONE ORDER Cpl. Danny H. Woodall Combat Correspondent recently released Marine Corps Order prohibits full or mixed breeds of Pit ABulls, Rottweilers and canid/wolf hybrids aboard Marine Corps installations. According to the order, the rise in own- ership of large dog breeds with a predispo- sition toward aggressive or dangerous behavior, coupled with the increased risk of tragic incidences involving these dogs, has prompted the commandant of the Marine Corps to issue a new change to Marine Photos by Lance Cpl. John P. Hitesman Corps Order P11000.22. The change to the Marines from Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, Marine Expeditionary Brigade-Afghanistan, take cover from enemy fire during the begin- order was made to provide for the health, ning of a patrol to search the city of Dehana, Helmand province, Afghanistan during Operation Eastern Resolve II August 13. safety and tranquility of all residents of family housing areas Corpswide. There have been several fatal incidents of dog attacks on Marine Corps bases, said Island Warriors take Dehana back from Lt. Col. Jeffrey S. Tontini, base inspector. The movement to ban aggressive breeds of dogs emanated from these attacks. Taliban forces during Eastern Resolve II The order also states that a Veterinary Corps Officer or civilian veterinarian will determine the “majority breed” of a dog in They have taxed the local citizens and used Prior to Eastern Resolve II, the citizens of Lance Cpl. John P. Hitesman the absence of formal breed identification. their lands as a means to fund and commit ter- Dehana and the surrounding areas were advised Combat Correspondent Formal breed identification is verified via rorist acts within the surrounding cities of Now to evacuate the city to ensure their own protec- certificate from a civilian organization such HELMAND PROVINCE, Islamic Republic Zad, Bar Now Zad, and Changolock, among oth- tion and safety. as the American Kennel Club. of Afghanistan – For more than three years ers. While many men and all the women and Although the order prohibits certain Taliban forces have controlled the city and the That all began to change in the early morn- children heeded the warning, some of the adult canine breeds on Marine Corps bases, own- pass of Dehana in Afghanistan’s Helmand ing hours of Aug. 12, when Marines and sailors males chose to remain behind with their homes ers of the previously mentioned dogs can province. of Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine and other possessions. submit waiver requests to the base com- Regiment, Marine Expeditionary Brigade- Upon insertion, the ground and air forces mander via the base inspector’s office in Afghanistan along with soldiers from the quickly overwhelmed the area and posted semi- order to “grandfather” their dog onto base. Afghan National Army, commenced Operation permanent security while suppressing the Currently, waivers can Eastern Resolve II to take back the city of enemy. This allowed combat engineers attached be obtained at the base Dehana and its surrounding areas for the to 2nd Bn., 3rd Marines to begin construction of inspector’s office, the Afghan population. a combat outpost that would eventually become pass identification Although the Marines’ ground assault was the operational headquarters for the ANA in office or Forest City met with virtually no resistance, the Marines Dehana. management office on from Company G and ANA units reinforcing During construction of the COP, the remain- base. A downloadable them as the air assault element received light ing Taliban continued engaging with small- ...the version of the waivers is machine gun and small-arms fire while being arms fire, machine guns and even the occasion- also scheduled to be potential inserted into their area of responsibility in the al mortar attack, but Marines and ANA quickly accessible on the MCB for a fatal Dehana pass. achieved fire superiority and repelled the Hawaii website — “I think we overestimated the Taliban in this enemy’s aggression throughout the night and www.mcbh.usmc.mil. attack area,” said Cpl. Braxton K. Russell, a squad into the morning. ‘‘ Capt. Zachary Martin, commanding officer, To grandfather Pit poses a leader from Company G assigned to the air “They are still here and only time will tell Company G, 2/3, uses an interpreter to brief the Bulls, Rottweilers or any assault element. “We expected a lot more resist- risk to all Afghan National Army commander of routes and wolf breed, owners procedures for the searching of the city of Dehana. ance than we encountered.” See DEHANA, A-8 must submit waiver base requests no later than residents.” Oct. 12. Once submit- ted, waivers will be — Lt. Col. Police arrest suspect with help from prior Marine approved from the local Jeffrey S. Tontini Christine Cabalo driver sped off, Sims noted he and Dunn focused on installation command- Photojournalist the remaining passenger who was climbing into the er. Any prior waivers rear window of a parked green Nissan pickup truck. from previous duty stations expire upon Waimanalo, Hawaii — Butch Sims, a prior Marine Seeing the passenger’s feet sticking out of the car, the vacating family housing, or at the end of captain, assisted police in the Aug. 2 capture and two approached the green truck. Both attempted to the grandfather period of Sept. 30, 2012, arrest of Zion Lunasco who is a suspect in connection flag down arriving police and point out the suspect. whichever is soonest. with a break-in of a parked car. “The guy saw the cops, jumped out and started run- As part of the waiver request, owners Sims became suspicious, he said, when he saw an ning,” Sims said. “So [we] started chasing him, and at must provide proof of a medical screening, unfamiliar white Toyota pickup truck parked across that point we basically chased the guy through the base and state registration, microchip iden- the street from his Waimanalo home. The prior neighborhood.” tification and completion of a tempera- Marine said a passenger got out and started peering Assisting police in trying to capture the suspect, the ment test in order for their dogs to be into the windows of several cars on the side of the two were among dozens of residents who were search- waived under the new policy. road. Calling the police, Sims said he was confronted ing street by street. The search lasted for approximate- The temperament test is a nationally rec- by the driver exiting the white truck. ly 45 minutes. ognized examination administered and “[The driver] pulled a knife and tried to stab me,” “There’s a lot of places to hide in a residential interpreted by individuals who have been said Sims, who was formerly an infantryman with 3rd neighborhood,” Sims said. “It’s really a credit to the certified in the technique and evaluation of Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment. “I continued to dogs [of the neighborhood], because the dogs would such test results. “The reason for the grace period to regis- approach him, and he jumped in his car. ” Christine Cabalo start barking and we would know he was moving From his home behind Sims’s residence, Kawena through the area.” ter [Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, etc.] is to allow Butch Sims credits his Marine Corps dog owners enough time to seek an outside Dunn said he saw the confrontation and watched the training as a contributing factor in driver eventually flee in the white truck. Once the his assistance to police in an arrest. See ARREST, A-6 See DOG, A-2 Inside today’s Hawaii Marine Weekend Forecast Lost and found Wherever The Kam May Take Me Scattered Showers Our own Lance Cpl. Colby High — 84 W. Brown chronicles his Today Low — 76 Lance Cpl. Cassandra Flowers and other hotel furniture may also be available. impromptu road trip down Kamehameha Highway, C1 Combat Correspondent “This whole thing was really organized by Mildred Courtney, Outrigger military liaison. Scattered Showers utrigger Hotels plan to donate their left She loves to give back to the Marines, especially High — 85 behind goods to the base chapel for jun- the junior enlisted,” McAlexander said. “We Low — 77 ior Marines and sailors here today from 8 think this event will be great for the Marines.” Small Team O Saturday a.m. to noon, or until all items are gone. Service members will be allowed to pick out Huge Record Navy Capt. Kalas McAlexander, base chaplain, 12 items and will have to prove their rank with Wild Attacks defeat said many items available are electronics, clothes a military identification card. All remaining Strikers, 9-0, to cap off Scattered Showers and shoes on a first-come-first-served basis. Items items will be donated to the base thrift store. undefeated season, B1 High — 84 are completely free, but only available for E-4’s and For more information on the event, call Petty Low — 78 below. Because of recent hotel remodeling, bedding Officer 2nd class Brett Martinez at 257-3552. Sunday A-2 • SEPTEMBER 4, 2009 HAWAII MARINE NEWS BRIEFS Naval Health Clinic Closing K-Bay Range to hold All Naval Health Clinic operations, including pharmacy and lab services, will be closed today due to annual Provider Training. Kaneohe Bay Clinic will re-open tomorrow and will stay open over Labor Day weekend. All other clinics will re-open recreational firing series Tuesday. To speak to a medical care provider during the Lance Cpl. Alesha R. Guard service members’ marksmanship proficiency it’ll be an opportunity for Marines to work Combat Correspondent as well as improve safety awareness required toward improving their score if they put the clinics closing, call the Provider After-hours Advice by military and civilians, when dealing with time in.” Line at 473-0247, extension 3.
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