April 14, 1992 Oliver Stone/Craig Zadan Story Line Productions 100 Universal City Plaza Bldg 506, Suite 111 Universal City, CA 91608 Dear Mr's. Stone & Zadan We are members of Outrage! San Francisco, a direct action group which protests homophobia and promotes self-empowerment and self- determination of all queer/gay/lesbian/bisexual people. We understand that Mr. Zadan and others will be in San Francisco on the weekend of May 29, 30 and 31 to address the community's concerns regarding "The Mayor of Castro Street." Although we know that GLAAD San Francisco is hosting a town meeting around that time, we would like to host a separate private meeting with you as well. As street activists, we are more closing associated and connected with those who may be planning actions such as were seen during the filming of "Basic Instinct." We extend this invitation to you in good faith and will make every attempt to enter the discussion with open minds. We would like to meet with either or both Mr. Stone and Mr. Zadan as well as anyone else closelv associated with the project who is in a decision making role. This invitation is also extended to the director and Robin Williams. The purpose of the meeting would be to air our differences about the film and, hopefully, begin some kind of dialogue where we are all talking with each other instead of to each other through the press. In addition to certain activist organizers, we are inviting other concerned individuals such as Randy Shilts, Rob Epstein (director of "The Times of Harvey Milk") and Tom Ammiano. We have yet to receive confirmation or compile a complete list of those who wish to attend. If you accept, we will advise you of the final list well before the meeting date. We have asked professional facilitators Nancy Hopkins and Gil Lopez of the firm Hopkins and Lopez, a meeting facilitation training group, to act as facilitators/mediators at the meeting and they have graciously agreed to provide their services gratis. Their phone number is below. We at Outrage! read Mr. Stone's interview in the Advocate and understand his frustration with the project, but we would also like to point out that queer activists, and the lesbian, gay and bisexual community in general, also feel frustrated and angry with the countless dangerously negative or sanitized images of us which are produced by Hollywood and its almost complete dismissal and Page 2 lack of understanding of our issues. The story of Harvey Milk is a very personal one to many people in our community. Surely you can understand why we feel passionately that it be told accurately and explicitly with the politics and rage intact. We feel it is essential that Harvey's story be told with the input of the community. We request that you ask yourselves whether or not it would really be sacrificing the project's artistic integrity to talk to us about our concerns and listen to our suggestions. Perhaps our points of view will help you to make it an even better film. If you, the producers, director and star give this meeting a chance and truly listen to what we have to say, we believe we can fend off of a divisive and embarrassing battle which will only detract from the work of us all. Instead of protesting this film, we would like to place ourselves in the position of welcoming you to San Francisco and helping you get the film made. As I hope is evident from this letter and our willingness to talk, we are not "absolutists" as Mr. Stone described Queer Nation LA to be in your interview with the Advocate. In fact, we would like to supply you with some accurate information about queer activists. We would like to suggest a meeting in the afternoon of May 29, 1992 from about 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, at a location in or near the Castro. Hopefully, by then, you will have your director so our meeting can be as productive as possible. If this time is inconvenient, please call or write me as soon as possible to discuss an alternate time. We look forward to your response. Singed, LCiJjA^ Allen Carson for Outrage! San Francisco 260 Page Street, Apt 9 San Francisco, CA 94102 Outrage! Contacts: Allen Carson(415) 978-0433 or (415) 252-5831 John Woods (510) 446-3921 or (415) 821-6108 cc: Jeff Yarbrough, The Advocate Daniel Mangin, Bay Area Reporter Rob Epstein, Telling Pictures Nancy Hopkins, Hopkins & Lopez (415) 863-8132 Randy Shilts, c/o SF Chronicle Tom Ammiano, SF School Board 02.■24' 19:12 ©213 871 2963 SPECTACOR FILM @004 . 005 ■5 f -iro.j .= .£3 Oliver St,one - Director 7 Feb. 1992 aolli*wood, Calif. In He: 'The Mayor of Casi-i'^ Street' Dear Mr. Stone. This letter is an insider's view cf Dan white for your consideration. I first became accceinted with M'. white while awaiting riy federal parole revocation hearing in the f an Francisco county jail. As a jail trusty I had access r.c i he segregated cell where be was caged until his trial for rha dcd ie killings of Harv^ Milk and George Mcscone. My crusty chores in-cluded bringing the meals to his cell on a rood cart, obtainiri reading materials (he preferred the writings of Jack ".ondon) , and sweep and mop the tier area out¬ side the cells. My acquaintance with Mr. Fhite ci:.i be documented and confirmed from different sources: Jail records, ry fe.deral parole officer, my attorney who visited me at tne 1, fam,ily meiribers, jail guards, etc. L'Uckiiy, I beat the rap a'.galn-st b- , 'was released before his trial, and corresponded with him. In m/ personal belongings I have several letters frorri Dan. I liked the go'--.net "what he did. Even attended his trial. I sm .not gay, never a .ve been; but from personal experienc I can tell you this: Dan White: wa a cicset queen. We 'wiled away the time playing ca :ss through the cell-baxs and jail- house conversations. Because of -.is sea status I was for long stretch the only company Da.n had. I recall that time vividly, -and n :it merely because of Dan*:; notoriety; for as an asp:iring w-rlnsr I tend -O take a unique .notice o;: events and people: their foibles, tone of voLce, off-the-cuff coicments. The sort of stuff that nor.-writ.err ""et sll by, l pick u.p on. Let ne give you an example, Talxcng with Dan ac :;.he ;ell-bars one time: "YOU knew Tony", he said, "th:s ;ay after day waiting for trial, the pressure just keeps mourvting and mounting, NOW I know what it reels like to be under the gun," 02-24-92 19:12 ©213 S71 2963 SPECTACOR FILM i) 005-005 IS: .42 FPOn rn ST:2Sa:i =.04 Ir. Re: "The Mayor of Castrc Street' Letter to Oliver Stone - ptce 2 A vision fisshed-up in niy mind when ne said that. A vision of Harvey Milk looking up from the floor of h: s City .Hall office, looking up into Dan's eyes as he bent over him, gun in hand, to put one in his head. A double vision for George Moscone Yes Dan, I can understand under- -the-gun pressure. Mr. stone, if you're interested, Z'c- be glad to talk with you or your assistant on my other impressions, conversations, and experiences with Dan White in the San Francisco couv:y jail. .Might surprise you on a side of him unreported in news rr.edl.. accounts. Looking forward to hear from you, T am. Sincerely yours. (#76141-012 J-unit) 3901 Klein Boulevard Lompoc, Ca. 93436 *• F.S. note: I am writing from the U.-j. Penitenriary-Lonipoc, where I'm doing a 2G-year sentence for armed ::ank.-robbery. TOTAL P.aa '24 92 19:11 ©213 871 2963 ■SPECTACOR FILM 0003.'005 Ft3-24-lS92 13 = 42 ,-rC'1 V C \ V Ms. Lucy Fishsz: Tony Medina (#76141-012-J-unit) sr. Vice Preside.nt,Production 392Bo-ulevard WarneiT Bro-tliers, Inc. Lompoc/ Ca. 9 3436 4000 Warner Boulevard 7 Feb. 1992 Burbank, Ca, 91522 Dear Ms. Fisher. Your name is on a Warner B^j^tbers^ 1: s.tL for executives here at the., Wii4.t,er's Club. The director, Olive: Sto.ne's last filn was a Warner release. Not much of a connection ior writing to you, but it's all I got. Don't know how else to get 'his letter to him (enclosed). The .news media says that Mr. Stonen next film is to be 'The .Mayor of If you'll read tha enclosed letter, there's a' chance Mr. Stone might be interested in what information I hay§ff Certainly would appreciate your con.;ideration and assistance. YO'irs most ^ncerely. OUVer Stone April 20th, 1992 IHLAN, INC. 3110 Main Street *301 Santa Monica California 90405 Dear Mr. Stone, Warmest aloha from the Garden Island of ^aua i I read your interv'iew in the Advocate and enjoy your perspective and believe in my heart that you are the right person to bring The Mayor Of Castro Street to the public. In many ways you are a lot like Harvey who pushed the creative and political envelope to it's limits and beyond, regardless of the dangers. I encourage you to reconsider your decision not to direct.
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