Anesthesiology 2009; 111:695–6 Copyright © 2009, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. General Anesthesia and Ascending Arousal Pathways THE ability to produce a reversible loss of consciousness on cortical (and hippocampal) recordings from anesthe- is the defining characteristic of general anesthetics. It is tized rats, using power spectral analysis and the burst also the most fascinating and elusive. Although the mo- suppression ratio to quantify the electroencephalogra- lecular targets of many anesthetics have been identified, phy under isoflurane anesthesia. they are widely distributed in the central nervous sys- In the first part of the study, histamine was locally tem. Therefore, identifying the locus of action of these infused into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) drugs in the brain represents a major challenge. The of the basal forebrain during burst suppression caused neuronal mechanisms of sleep, a physiologic state that by isoflurane (at 1.4%). The electroencephalography involves a loss of consciousness, provide one obvious shows a pronounced shift to increased delta and theta Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/111/4/695/248373/0000542-200910000-00005.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 avenue of enquiry.1 Brain imaging and electroencepha- power, equivalent to the pattern recorded at lower con- lographic studies give a broad characterization of the centrations of isoflurane. The respiratory rate was also anesthetic state and show clear similarities with the increased, which the authors cite as a measure of behav- sleeping brain. However, natural sleep and wakefulness ioral arousal. Behavioral arousal itself was not observed, are controlled by multiple arousal pathways, as well as but this was presumably because of the high concentra- by the intimate connectivity between the thalamus and tions of isoflurane used. Future studies on the effects of cortex. Anesthetics could cause a loss of consciousness histamine in the NBM at a concentration of isoflurane by pressing a switch in any (or all) of these regions, for just above that required for loss of righting reflex would example by disrupting intracortical connectivity2 by di- be informative in terms of the correlation between be- rectly triggering burst firing in the thalamus3,4 or by havioral and electroencephalographic measures of anes- inhibiting ascending arousal pathways.5–7 An interesting thetic depth. However, they do show that histamine study presented by Luo and Leung in this issue of ANES- infusion into this region speeds up emergence from THESIOLOGY is the latest evidence that the ascending con- isoflurane anesthesia. trol of natural sleep-wake cycles may be targeted in Luo and Leung do not study induction, and it remains drug-induced loss of consciousness.8 an open question whether these two processes are Luo and Leung investigate whether the histaminergic caused by separate neuronal mechanisms as recently system contributes to the neural mechanism of isoflu- suggested by Kelz et al.9 In studies of induction and rane anesthesia. The tuberomammillary nucleus is the emergence there is an intrinsic asymmetry in both the sole source of histamine in the brain, and has been arousal state of the animal and the experimental design. previously implicated in the actions of ␥-aminobutric For induction, the animal is in a state of high arousal acid–mediated anesthetics such as propofol and pento- during equilibration with the anesthetic before loss of 5,7 ␣ barbital and the 2 adrenoceptor agonist dexmedeto- righting reflex. During emergence the animal is awaken- midine.6 Centrally active histamine receptor antagonists ing from a quiescent state, with the anesthetic being are known to cause sedation, and histamine levels are slowly cleared by the animal. Perhaps this inevitable reduced during both natural sleep and anesthesia. How- asymmetry does mean that some anesthetic targets are ever, the tuberomammillary nucleus sends projections to more important than others during induction versus the entire brain, so exactly how histamine release pro- emergence, but it is hard to see why a pathway that duces behavioral and electroencephalographic arousal clearly mediates one should not be able to impact the needs further investigation. The new study focuses on other. the possible role of histaminergic excitation of the basal Of course, just because the infusion of histamine into forebrain, a structure implicated in the control of arousal the NBM can elicit cortical arousal and reduce emer- largely because of its widespread cholinergic innervation gence time, this does not necessarily mean that this of the cerebral cortex. phenomenon plays a role in anesthetic action. First, The authors take an in vivo approach, studying the direct cortical or thalamic projections of the tuberomam- effects of histamine and histamine receptor antagonists millary nucleus may be just as important. Second, and perhaps more importantly, agonists for a wide range of This Editorial View accompanies the following article: Luo T, excitatory neurotransmitter systems have been shown to ᭜ Leung LS: Basal forebrain histaminergic transmission modu- counteract the effects of anesthetics. Enhancing cholin- lates electroencephalographic activity and emergence from ergic,10,11 orexinergic7,9,12 and serotonergic13 drive have isoflurane anesthesia. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2009; 111:725–33. all been shown to attenuate anesthesia; histamine is not unique in this respect. This probably reflects the redun- dancy of brain arousal systems, that is, the multiple Accepted for publication May 22, 2009. The authors are not supported by, nor parallel pathways through which the cortex can be ex- maintain any financial interest in, any commercial activity that may be associated with the topic of this article. cited. The application of exogenous neurotransmitters Anesthesiology, V 111, No 4, Oct 2009 695 696 EDITORIAL VIEWS will alter the baseline arousal against which the anes- tibility to anesthesia. Therefore, investigating (ideally thetic effect is being measured. Pinning down which through unit recordings) how anesthetics actually affect neurotransmitter systems are the real anesthetic targets neuronal activity will be fundamental in determining and which are merely able to overcome anesthesia whether the various neurotransmitter systems are mech- through a physiologic excitation is therefore fraught anistically involved in causing loss of righting reflex, or with difficulties. The authors attempt to address this whether they merely modulate this state because of issue by showing that an antagonist (triprolidine) spe- actions on parallel arousing or sedating pathways. cific to the histamine H1 receptor can affect measures of Anna Y. Zecharia, Ph.D., Nicholas P. Franks, Ph.D., F.R.C.A., isoflurane anesthesia. F.Med.Sci., Biophysics Section, The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College Triprolidine alone did not produce loss of righting of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, United Kingdom. reflex or reverse the burst suppression caused by higher [email protected] doses of isoflurane, but it did produce a significant in- Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/111/4/695/248373/0000542-200910000-00005.pdf by guest on 02 October 2021 crease in emergence time. However, centrally acting H1 References antagonists are well known sedatives. Therefore, even 1. 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The authors show that Contribution of TWIK-related acid-sensitive Kϩ channel 1 (TASK1) and TASK3 although applying triprolidine alone to the NBM did not channels to the control of activity modes in thalamocortical neurons. J Neurosci 2003; 23:6460–9 affect burst suppression, it could block histamine-in- 5. Nelson LE, Guo TZ, Lu J, Saper CB, Franks NP, Maze M: The sedative duced activation, suggesting that at sufficiently high component of anesthesia is mediated by GABAA receptors in an endogenous sleep pathway. Nat Neurosci 2002; 5:979–84 isoflurane concentrations histaminergic tone in the NBM 6. Nelson LE, Lu J, Guo T, Saper CB, Franks NP, Maze M: The alpha2- is completely inhibited. The effects of triprolidine on adrenoceptor agonist dexmedetomidine converges on an endogenous sleep- promoting pathway to exert its sedative effects. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2003; 98:428–36 emergence time are consistent with the reactivation of 7. Zecharia AY, Nelson LE, Gent TC, Schumacher M, Jurd R, Rudolph U, the histaminergic system and specifically histamine re- Brickley SG, Maze M, Franks NP: The involvement of hypothalamic sleep path-
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