NORTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE THE SPECTRUM OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VOLUME XLVII. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, SKPTEMBER 25, 1931. NUMBER 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROVERBIAL SIDELIGHTS FROSH OPTIMISTIC THIRTEEN PROFESSORS Try our proverb department! There's no depression in love, they BUILDING ON STATE'S Come in and let us fit you out with say-but, did you know-there's no JOIN TEACHING RANKS one. Here are this week's lucky depression in North Dakota State numbers: Freshman spirit. In fact, we have a CAMPUS IS OPENED surplus. Witness the Christmas OF N, D. STATE COLLEGE I. W. Smith-"Turn not to the spirit manifest over at the college Structure Ranks Among Largest right ciana nor to the left: remove Y. M. C. A. building!! Freshmen W. E. Smith Comes From Rob- Gynasiums in Northwest thy foot from evil." P. S. "Quote have volunteered to aid in the erts College, Constantinople ; Colleges, Universities me as rating "Bad Girl" four stars "door-opening" Sobs there-gratis. Graduate of Iowa and a nice juicy Brooklyn." Over at the publications office, Mr. T. W. Johnson finds many howling ROSS' POSITION IS FILLED DEDICATION TO BE DEC. 5 for a chance to work on the Spec- Metzinger-"My son, attend to my trum. Get up and bar the door, you words; incline thine ear unto my For the opening of North Dakota With the completion of the new phy- perhaps suggest; but no, we like the State this fall thirteen new instructors sical education building on this cam- sayings, that you may grow wise." old fighting spirit. The alumni have been added to the faculty accord- pus, North Dakota State college has a won't know the old school after Frosh-"He was oppressed, and he ing to A. H. Parrot, registrar. gymnasium which ranks among the these big-hearted freshmen have put was afflicted, yet he opened not his In the school of chemistry Messrs. foremost on college and university their shoulders to the wheel for mouth: he is brought as a lamb to D. S. Dedrick and Lawson F. Marcy campuses in the Northwest, according about four years. the slaughter-and as a sheep be- are filling the vacancies left by Dr. A. to the concensus of opinion. Among Maybe they're too ambitious, but physical education buildings, the Uni- fore her shearers is dumb ,so he K. Smith and Professor Carl Gott- Caesar was ambitious, and you versity of Minnesota field house is .openeth not his mouth." schalk. Dedrick, instructor in physical know the rest. After all, we'll give probably the only building in the chemistry, has an undergraduate de- these yearlings a big, glad hand, northwest which is larger than State's Soph-"But he that weareth not a gree from Oklahoma City university because Moses probably meant col- building, says C. C. Finnegan, director green cap wrongeth his own body and a M.D. and Ph.D. degree from the lege students too when he said, of athletics. and soul, for all they that hate me, University of Iowa. Marcy is a gradu- "Six days shalt thou labor and on Formal dedication of the building love death." ate of Evansville college, Evansville, the seventh"-well, on the seventh, will take place Dec. 5, the date sche- Ind, and has an M.S. degree from Co- we'll probably go over to the house duled for the basketball game with the Sec. McArdle-"It is better to lumbia university. He comes here and meet the fellows. University of Minnesota. give than receive." All the male from Parsons college, Fairfield, Iowa. Being approximately 284 feet long Frosh had a $50.50 chance in his W. E. Smith, instructor in civil en- and 122 feet wide, the gymnasium is a office. gineering, comes here after two years two-story building completely fire- Hartley Eckstrom at Roberts college in Constantinople. proof throughout. The construction is He is a graduate of the University of of Shale-tex rainbow brick trimmed Again Heads Honor Iowa. IVI. E. High, physics instructor, with Bedford stone. Gamma Phi Beta Is has had graduate work at McPhearson The main auditorium, 159 by 108 feet, Roll for College college and at the University of Ohio. includes three regulation basketball High in Scholarship Foster Buck is the third man to be added to the staff of the school of courts. Seating arrangements will ac- Jeanette Panimon and Burton commodate 3,600 spectators who will For Third Quarter Mechanic Arts. have a clear view of the main basket- Kilbourne Take Second From Switzerland is the new in- ball court as well as the stage at the And Thin', Places structor in modern languages, Miss north end of the building. The stage Kappa Delta Second ; Kappa Yvonne Fleury. Miss Fleury has stu- is 78 by 44 fet and has a front decorat- Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Delta With an average of 96.8 Hartley died at the Universities of Lous-anne ed in the college colors, yellow and Lead Men's Organzations Eckstrom, sophomore in chemistry and and Zurich in French and German green. At either side of the stage are engineering, for the second time re- Switzerland. dressing rooms and property rooms. corded the highest average ever made Victor H. Jones, geology instructor, Complete lighting equipment has been Gamma Phi Beta with an average of by an undergradute at State college. is a sedimentation specialist. He has provided for stage presentations. 87.2 and Kappa Delta with 85.5 lead the campus social organizations for the Eckstrom recorded the same average recently worked with the survey de- Leading oil from the main lobby at Audrey :Iouglum spring term. This is the third succes- for the winter term of his sophomore partment of the Illinois Geological Sur- the south end on the main floor of the sive term that Gamma Phi Beta has Above is shown Miss Audrey Houg- year. For three successive terms vey society, the Iowa Survey society, building are offices of the athletic staff headed the list. lum, co-ed at the State College who is Eckstrom has headed the honor roll. and has done experimental work along members, property rooms, shower now in Detroit, Michigan, where she Jeanette Panimon, sophomore in the Mississippi river in Louisiana. He rooms for visiting officials, a room for Leading the fraternities was Kappa Sigma Chi with an average of 84. Sig- is appearing with the North Dakota science and literature, placed second is a graduate of the University of Iowa. (Continued on Page Four) with 96.6. Burton Kilbourne, junior ma Phi Delta was second with 83.9. Department American Legion band. After working as a graduate assist- in science and literature, was third Following Kappa Delta was Kappa The young lady according to associated ant at Iowa State under E. R. Smith, with 96.3. Georginia Metzinger, senior Kappa Gamma, 85.4; Phi Omega Pi, 85; press dispatches from Detroit has made brother of I. W. Smith of the mathe- in science and literature, placed fourth Fraternity Formal Alpha Gamma Delta, 84.5. Alpha Xi a decided hit with her band. She ap- matics department, Arthur Davis with 95.9 and Henry Zwerg, senior in Beta, 84.1; Alpha Gamma Rho, 83.3; peared at Dakotah Field with the or- comes to North Dakota State this year. architectural engineering, was fifth Rushing Activities Kappa Psi, 82.3; Alpha Sigma Tau, ganization at the opening game with He holds a B.S. degree and a M.S. with 95.5. 81.8; Theta Chi, 81.8; Delta Kappa Sig- Concordia Friday night, Sept. 18th, degree from Iowa State. Will Begin Today ma, 81.7; Alpha Kappa Phi, 81.5; and prior to leaving for Detroit. The band Four students tied for sixth place with an average of 95.3. • These were Miss Nadine Buck of Topeka, Kan- Delta Tau Epsilon, 80.2. this Miss Houglum is appearing with sas, is replacing Constance Heilman, freshman in science Miss Dorothy Cole, • * is the famous North Dakota American instructor in physical education for Alpha Kappa Phi Gives First and literature, Chester D. Smith, so- Legion band, the band which General women. She comes here from the Pi Gamma Mu High phomore in science and literature, Party ; Period Extends Pershing declared was the "liveli- University of West Virginia and is a Pi Gamma Mu with 89.9 led all the Warren Whitman, sophomore in Through Oct. 2 est Band in the World," a most graduate of the University of Wiscon- organizations. The Lincoln Debate science and literature, and Harold unusual musical organization in view sin. club was second with 89.4. Other or- of the fact that its thirty-one musi- Lundgren, junior in chemistry. Formal rushing for men's Greek let- Horace L. Barnett of the botany de- ganization recorded averages as fol- cians are from thirty-one different William Haugstad with an average ter organizations on the campus opens lows: Senior Staff, 89.2; Am. Society of partment is a specialist in plant path- towns in North Dakota and that it was of 95 was the tenth student on the today with every fraternity group Argic'l. Engineers, 89.1; Pan-Hellenic (Continued on Page Four) originally the first North Dakota honor roll. scheduled for a party night during the council, 89.1; Alpha Zeta, 89; Kappa National Guard band, serving on formal period which extends through Delta Pi, 88.9; Scabbard and Blade, the Mexican border and later becom- Friday, Oct. 2. Informal rushing began 88.8; Student Branch of Am. Soc of ing the 164 U.
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