FOCUSED ON _________nature Dr. Animangsu Ghatak, from the Indian Institute of Technology, uses Web of ScienceSM to make connections in the scientific community while attempting to develop adhesives that mimic the toe pads of tree frogs. What are your users focused on? Take a closer look — and win a $1,000 travel voucher Visit booth #1711 and let us know how your library is helping Attend any of our in-booth presentations and you’ll be entered students and researchers achieve their goals. into the grand prize drawing for a $1,000 travel voucher — One library’s story will be featured on the Thomson Reuters good for any library conference. Visit booth #1711 for your building in Times Square. chance to win. Saturday • “Picture This” Trivia – 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM, and 3:30 PM • Promoting Your Researchers and Assisting Your Faculty Outreach Step into our fun photo booth to capture Programs: ResearcherID.com – 10:00 AM your memories from ALA. • Life Sciences with Cited References: BIOSIS Citation Index® – 12:00 PM • Collaborative Bibliographies with EndNote® – 3:00 PM FOCUSED ON ______________ Let us know your focus at booth #1711. ©2010 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. Thomson Reuters and the Kinesis logo are trademarks of Thomson Reuters. ALA_Cognotes2010.indd 2 6/4/10 11:39 AM Page 16 • Cognotes Saturday, June 26, 2010 • WASHINGTON, D.C. Everyone’s a Critic: The Future of Book Reviewing Twelve Attendees Win As all book lovers know, the world not an either/or propo- StoryCorps Interview of book reviewing has been in up- sition,” Graff will be heaval. The book sections of news- moderating the sec- Slots Thanks to papers were the first to be affected, ond Booklist Online American Libraries as many papers slashed coverage program, “Everyone’s or stopped reviewing books in print a Critic: The Future Twelve librarians have won a entirely. Prepublication review jour- of Book Reviewing,” once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do a nals have undergone change, too. In today, from 1:30–3:30, personal StoryCorps interview with an the last six months, Kirkus went out Convention Center - admired mentor or colleague during of business and was brought back 202A. Panelists will the conference, courtesy of American to life, while Publishers Weekly, share their insights Libraries. Library Journal, School Library into where book review- To win their slots, contestants had Journal, and Horn Book have all ing is headed and their to explain whom they wanted to inter- been sold to new owners. most trusted sources of Otis Chandler Ron Charles view—a mentor, colleague, or someone While there have been no dras- reviews. who inspired them in the profession— tic changes at Booklist, the ALA’s The panelists are: and why their relationship is impor- 105-year-old review journal, the Otis Chandler, the tant. The winners’ essays uncover a editors are aware that this isn’t the founder and CEO of the wealth of personal relationships and time for business as usual. successful social-media library innovations and experiences, “For a while, it was hard to see site Goodreads; Ron including how a “Bookaroo” cowboy much of an upside—frankly, there Charles, the deputy increased library card holders from wasn’t one,” says Keir Graff, senior editor of the Washing- 5,000 to 500,000; serving in military editor of Booklist Online. “But pub- ton Post Book World libraries under fire; a “One Campus, lications that are finding success and a widely followed One Book” program; preservation of these days have realized that they Twitter user; Jon Fine, heritage and intangible culture; and need to adapt or die. It may be a director of author and addressing poverty through VISTA cliche, but change, however painful, publisher relations for service. presents opportunities. I think Amazon.com, whose StoryCorps is the award-winning, most ardent book bloggers agree that customer reviews have Jon Fine Jennifer Hubert Swan nonprofit oral history project that there is still an important place for been a powerful agent honors and celebrates the lives of book-reviewing institutions with of change; and Jennifer Hubert New York City. everyday people through listening. vetted, edited reviews—and I think Swan, who is the author of the popu- Last year’s Booklist Online pro- Since its founding in 2003, more than most of those book-review editors lar Reading Rants blog, a veteran gram, “Books and Blogs: Made for 50,000 people have participated, many would admit to reading customer reviewer, and a middle school librar- Each Other,” was standing-room- of whom have come as a part of special reviews, too.” ian at the Little Red School House only, so attendees are encouraged to initiatives to reach underrepresented Convinced that “old versus new is and Elisabeth Irwin High School in get their seats early. voices. This is the first time a group of librarians have been invited to con- tribute their stories. The interviews will take place on Custom Printed and Standard Design Flash Drives Saturday and after Sunday’s 10:30- 11:30 a.m. Auditorium Speakers Pro- Quality Tier 1 Chips gram (Convention Center, Ballroom FREE Set-up Our 5 Most C) featuring StoryCorps founder On All Flash Drives Dave Isay, and also sponsored by STANDARD (1-Color/1Side) Popular Styles GREAT GIFTS! American Libraries. In founding Sto- “Grab A Byte” ryCorps, Isay predicted that libraries FLASH DRIVES and librarians would play a big role; 1 GB be there on Sunday to hear how his prediction has played out. Isay—win- Make $311* ner of a MacArthur “Genius” Fellow- By selling 100 drives ship—will sign copies of his new book, for $10.00 ea. *Less Shipping Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps (Penguin) following the program. Sell at Like all StoryCorps interviews, the the Library Annual Conference ones will be ar- New Color Clip for Patrons’ chived in the American Folklife Center Flash Needs at the Library of Congress. StoryCorps interviews air weekly on NPR and Drives New Retractable can also be heard at the StoryCorps Flash Drives with Ring website, www.storycorps.org. Great for School Colors JanWay has the Best Prices for Flash Drives For current prices and Call Today! 800-877-5242 product details, visit Visit Our Online Catalog @ www.JanWay.com www.JanWay.com Keyword: USB See us at ALA Booth 2211 Dave Isay WHERE PUBLIC K-12 school &ACADEMIC libraries ARE GOING BOOTH #1942 Ingramcontent.com Page 18 • Cognotes Saturday, June 26, 2010 • WASHINGTON, D.C. (Top, left) ALA President Camila A. Alire (third from left), with ALA past-presidents (left to right) Peggy Sullivan 1980-81, Barbara Ford 1997-98, Betty Turock 1995- 96, Nancy Kranich 2000-01, and Patricia Glass Schuman 1991-92, at the ALA Past Presidents, Library Champions, and Legacy Society Reception Thursday evening. (Top, right) Nell Allen, Birmingham (Ala.) Public Library, shows off her Libraries Build Communities shirt as she prepares to head out to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library to help restore books in the Children’s Illustrator Collection. (Bottom, left) Dozens of Libraries Build Communities volunteers gather as they prepare to spend the day at area libraries, schools, the Capital Area Food Bank, and Habitat for Humanity of Washington, D.C.; restoring books, coordinating food donations and building homes. (Bottom, right) Rick Sample, Capital College, Laurel, MD, takes in “Galaxy,” a glass and natural stone piece by Costas Varotsos in the convention center. eBooks, audiobooks & more Visit booth 1741 to see what’s new from OverDrive • Integrated eBook apps for iPhone®, iPad™, Android™ & others • Manga & comics for children and YA • Library eBook Accessibility Program • OverDrive Dashboard™ for librarians Stop by the Digital Bookmobile and help Random House record a community- sourced audiobook of The Wizard of Oz! Friday - Sunday across the street from the Renaissance Hotel The leader in eBooks, audiobooks & more for libraries www.overdrive.com ©2010 OverDrive, Inc. Page 20 • Cognotes Saturday, June 26, 2010 • WASHINGTON, D.C. Tickets are $45 at Improving Programming with ALSC Buy Your Tickets the Bash Booth in the Registration Area. Learn about improving your li- mal Programs in Libraries taking place brary’s programming or bringing some- on Sunday June 27 from 8:00–10:00 TODAY! Shuttles to Newseum from WCC from thing new to your children’s depart- a.m. in WCC 145 B. Animal programs 6:30–8:30 p.m., ment with help from the Association have proven to be popular methods for and return to all for Library Service to Children (ALSC) fostering reading fluency in school and AL A hotels from 8:30–11:30 p.m. this year at ALA Annual Conference. public libraries, as well as a huge draw 7:00–11:00 p.m. From Reader’s Theatre to program- for children and a great way to encour- ming with animals, ALSC can help. age humane education. Participants Deeping Your Patrons’ Literary Ex- of this program will learn about best ALA Washington Office Honors periences: A Readers Theatre Perfor- practices in library programming with mance will feature award-winning au- animals, as well as animal-themed Former Staffer with Conference thors Katherine Paterson, Christopher books that support humane treatment Paul Curtis, Jacqueline Woodson, and of animals and are great to share with Room Dedication Ceremony Ifeoma Onyefulu performing a Read- children and families. The American Library Association’s ers Theatre using scripts they have Developed for librarians, managers (ALA) Washington Office held a spe- developed from their own children’s and administers, Developmentally cial dedication ceremony to commemo- books. Librarians will discuss how to Appropriate Practice will teach par- rate the naming of the Mark A.
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