Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 180 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Monday, September 26, 1988 Capt. Mays relieves Capt. Johnson at FTG Change of Command By J03 JOHN GAONA podium. Rear Adm. Rickman related a bit of Capt. Michael E. Mays assumed the history of the base and applauded the command of Fleet Training Group staff at FTG for their innovative training (FTG) Saturday morning at a change techniques. In the final analysis, Rear of command ceremony held at FTG. Adm. Rickman said, "big guns and fancy Capt. Albert Johnson leaves FTG to weapons" are useless without the "gutsy become Chief of Staff for Amphibi- performance by our people." ous Group 2. Capt. Mays, he said, brings an "ex- The ceremony began at 10 a.m. cellent reputation" with him and re- with the arrival of the official party, minded him that his "task is to keep FTG the parading of colors, the playing of sharp and hone the crew of the Atlantic the "Star Spangled Banner" and the Fleet. invocation by Chaplain Warner "Capt. Johnson," he added, "You Blackburn. have well earned the accolades of your Following the invocation, guest peers." speaker Rear Adm. Wayne E. Rick- During the ceremony, Rear Adm. man, Commander, Training Com- Rickman presented FTG with the Merito- mand, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, took the rious Unit Commendation and presented Capt. Warner Blackburn gives the Invocation as Capt. Michael E. Mays, Capt. Albert P. Johnson and Rear Adm. Wayne E. Rickman bowtheir heads. Capt. Johnson with the Legion of Merit now he (Capt. Mays) has to execute medal. it." Following Rear Adm. Rickman's re- During his first remarks as marks, Capt. Johnson made his final re- incoming commanding officer, Capt. marks as the commander of FTG. Mays noted that his comments "We are here today for an exchange would be "customarily brief." of commands a turnover of responsibil- He said that today it isdifficult ity," Capt. Johnson said. Capt. Johnson to open a newspaper or magazine recalled his first thoughts when told he without seeing some advertising would be coming to Guantanamo Bay. campaign featuring the Navy slogan He termed the job as a "personal trag- "Committment to Excellence." edy", knowing all the time that his new "Few have achieved that concept assignment would also be a "professional to the degree that FTG has," he challenge." lauded. During the turnover period, Johnson credited the staff at FTG for Capt. Mays said he had been the quality of the training given to "warmly welcomed" and he knows Atlantic Fleet ships. that even though he relieves Capt. "When I look at all the innovations Johnson, "I cannot replace him." that have taken place over the last few He bid farewell to Capt. Johnson years, I can't recall any of them coming saying, "We wish you the best of from me," he said. "I truly feel we are luck and continued success. We will putting a better product in the fleet. But press on with the challenges and the credit goes to the crew (at FTG)." inovations you have initiated during "I relieve you sir.": Capt. Michael E. Mays salutes Capt. Albert P. Johnson Capt. Johnson noted that he is leaving your tenure and we will succeed in as he assumes command of Fleet Training Group. (Photos by PH1 Nat Capt. Mays with a challenge. "I've bitten those goals that you have presented Ray) off a lot. There is a lot on our menu and to us." tinuously on sea duty. His assign- A profile of FTG's__________________________ments new CO have been: Flag Secretary to Commander Cruiser Destroyer Mays; 25 years of service GroupThree(1977-78),f-erard Capt. Michael E. Mays is a native of signed to the Navy Field Operational Intel- (CG-30) (1979-80), Command- Pullman, Wash. Following a year at Wash- ligence Office at Fort Mead, Md., as the ing Officer aboard USS Buchanan ington State University he entered the Oceanographic Intelligence Analyst. (DDG-14) (1981-83), Assistant United States Naval Academy, graduating From October 1971 to June 1973, Capt. Chief of Staff for Operations and in 1963. Mays served as Executive Office aboard Plans on the staff of Commander Capt. Mays has served in a variety of USS Schenectady (LST-1185). Following Cruiser Destroyer Group Three shore and sea duty billets since his commis- this assignment he was stationed at the (1983-86) andCommanding Offi- sioning. Naval Amphibious School, Coronado, cer aboard USS Jouett (CG-29) His initial assignment was as Main Calif., to assist in the development of lead- (1986-88). Propulsion Assistant aboard USS Robison ership and management curricula. Upon Capt. Mays' decorations in- (DDG-12). Following attendance at the completion he was assigned to the Staff of clude two Meritorious Service Naval Destroyer School in Newport, R.I., Commander Amphibious Force Pacific as Medals, two Navy Commenda- in 1965, Capt.Mays served as Engineering Assistance Force Operations Officer and tion Medals with Combat "V", Officer aboard USS Forrest Sherman (DD- susequently Long Range Schedules Offi- Combat Action Ribbon, Armed 931). During this assignment he was se- cerwhen the three type commands consoli- Forces Expeditionary Medal, two lected for graduate education and reported dated in 1975. During the summer of 1976 Meritorious Unit Commenda- to the Naval Postgraduate School in Mon- Capt. Mays was a student at the Armed tions, various Vietnam service terey, Calif., in January 1967. Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va., and campaign medals and the Sea Service Marion Barbieri of Brooklyn, N.Y. They Graduating with a master of science graduating in January 1977. Deployment Ribbon with seven bronze have four children, Katherine, Barbara, degree in physical oceanography in De- stars. Michael and Jennifer, andreside in the San cember 1968, Capt. Mays was next as- Since February 1977 hehas served con- Capt. Mays is married to the former Carlos area of San Diego. Instructors needed at TSU Troy State University is eau, who arrives October 21. looking for instructors for the The planned class list for BAY NEWS undergraduate and graduate pro- TSU's Term II includes: grams here, according to Eddie Miller, TSU Coordinator. Monday - Wednesday Musicians needed share withdrawal request be called in Friday, Sept. 30. This is to help speed things up Musicians are needed for Black History "In particular, we need a MGT 317, Principles of Man- October 1. The Navy Exchange and Central Month. Interested persons should contact SMC person who is qualified to teach agement; CJ 201, Police Admini- Fidelity Bank will be open to cash share with- said. stration; MGT 479, Management Porter at 4848 or 4797 during working hours, drawals. world literature," Miller or 2116 after working hours, or YNSN Smith at "Of course, we are seeking indi- Seminar; HIS 101, Western Civi- 4511 or 4723. viduals holding a master's de- lization I; ECO 353, Money and Bank Teller at Leeward gree to teach in just about any Banking; BED 382, Business Mail Orderly training Central Fidelity Isank will have a teller at the Leeward Point Facility Thursday, Sept. curriculum." Communication and Report Writ- There is a mandatory training class for all 29. In addition, Central Fidelity Bank will be I. personnel who have turned in mail orderly Miller said there has been a ing open Saturday Oct. 1, from 9 a.m. to noon, applications to the Post Office and are waiting wide range of participation on Tuesday - Thursday due to military payday. the part of the community, but MGT 472, Organizational Be- for appointment as Mail Orderly, at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5. Any other mail orderlies many of the current instructors havior; CJ 101, Introduction to who have not attended the previous classes are Fun evening out will be leaving the island over the Criminal Justice; MGT 474, Busi- welcome to attend. The Family Service Center will be. having next few months. ness and Society; LAW 322, Busi- a Fun Evening Out from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. "As we all know, the armed ness Law I; PSY 302, Education Counseling/Assistance Center Tuesday, Sept. 27. Learn how to work on Hoover's lace or Chicken Scratch. Call the a stagnant organi- Measurement and Evaluation; The Counseling and Assistance Center has services is not Family Service Center at 4141 or 4153 to reg- relocated from the Family Service Center. zation and no one stays in Guan- ENG 205, World Literature I. ister and for a list of supplies. tanamo forever," Miller noted. Friday - Saturday - Sunday They are now located at McCalla Hangar, 2nd deck, above the Pass and ID Office. For more "For that reason we need to con- PA 620, Organization Theory; information, contact ET2 Selzler at 4390. Scheduled power outage tinually replenish the faculty!' PA601, Research Methods in Ad- There will be a scheduled power outage The TSU coordinator added ministrative Sciences. Fresh Fish Frys' Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 8 to 11 a.m. and 12:45 to 3:45 p.m. for Utilities Divi- that Dr. Victor Sapio of the TSU "We will also offer a directed Fresh Fish Frys' will be held every Tuesday from sion personnel to replace a leaking trans- Florida region is on base and is study of U.S. military history from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Yacht Club. Fresh fish former. Villamar housing units 712, 713, from Florida will be flown in every Tuesday available to talk with interested which will count as a military 714, 716, 718 and 720 will be affected. persons. science credit for those students and the type will vary each week.
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