FACHE SI2 MONDAY. EVENING CAPITAL NEWS MAY 12, 1919. EDUCATED HORSE WITH GREATER ALAMO SHOWS AMUSEMENTS «Sport N ew s L <0 ■>*♦ + * ♦ + ♦ + « * ♦♦♦* ♦4. STANDING OF THE TEAMS £ AT BOISE THEATERS TODAY % *8* Finney—Dark. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE •1* Majestic—Turn Mix in "Mr. Lo- W on Lost. Pet. ❖ gnn, U. 8. A." •(. Los Angeles .... ...........24 11 .686 Strand—Geraldine Farrar in 6* M E S IN f t San Francisco . .......... 21 14 .600 ❖ "The Stronger Vow.” ’ -r O akland .............. .........17 14 .54$ •I* Greater Alamo Shows — Open *!• Sacramento .... ..! ..1 7 1G .51 f. *1* tonight at Riverside park. 6* •Salt Lake ........... ...........14 17 .453 Vernoji .................. ...........12 16 .429 S eattle .................. .........13 18 .419 GREATER ALAMO SHOWS P ortland .............. .........10 22 .313 AMERICAN LEAGUE The Greater Alamo Shows arrived In No Hits Secured by Opposition W on L ost Boise today and tonight will start a Between First and Tenth In­ C hicago ............................. 11 3 program of fun and amusement which B oston ................................ 7 1 will attract thousands of people to Its nings; Army Service Adds j New York ....................... 6 4 lighted outdoor city which has been I Cleveland .......................... 7 G to Spirit. established at the old Riverside park. j Washington ,.........................G G The Greater Alamo Shows have 18 (D etroit .............................. 5 8 different attractions. Special cars are St. Louis .......................... 4 8 necessary to carry Ibis equipment. The By !i. C. HAMILTON’. Philadelphia ................... 3 8 better portion of the day was devoted United Pres» Staff (Correspondent. NATIONAL LEAGUE to getting it in place. New Tori«. May 1 The mere men­ W on L ost Tiie first parade of iho Greater Ala­ tion of Waiter Johnson is enough to Brooklyn .......................... •* 2 mo shows was held at 2 o'clock this af­ strike fear into the heart of any bull Cincinnati ......................... Il 1 ternoon. A second parade will take Club. With the Yankees, tor a Ions C hicago ................................0 5 I dace this evening at 7 o’clock. Rotli Stretch, it has been different. 'I’ho New Y ork ........................ 7 4 parades are repeated daily. The carni­ N ew Y orkers bave had tin* idea, up- P ittsb u rg ............................5 7 val opens at 7 o’clock. Admission to ported by their own clientele, that they Si. L ouis .......................... 3 12 .200 the grounds is free and there will he Boston ..................................1 0 .1 0 0 could whip Walter most any old time PRINCE GEORGE a number of free open air acts. Clark Griffith chose to tempt fate by Two of the fancy swimmers and div­ starting him against them. This remarkable animal answer s questions, tells the time, picks NATIONAL LEAGUE. colors and, in fact, does most ever ers with the "Swimming Girls," Pauline Therefore they stir, are wearing a y thing. He will even answer ques- I Hack and Psyche Lytton, appeared at baseball hangover today as the result At Cincinnati— R. H. IS. fions asked by people in the audi encc. 11c is considered tho m o st Wrestliitg Bear With Greater Alamo Shows highly educated horse on cxliibitio the Natatorium Sunday night and gave of their first at-home Sunday. John- St. Louis ............................................0 0 3 an excellent exhibition of swimming «on didn’t beat them, but lie did hold Cincinnati .......................................... 6 S 0 and diving, which was witnessed by WEATHER CONDITIONS * them to no runs in 12 innings and they At Brooklyn— R. H. E. ! FAST GAME AT NAMPA; hundreds of people. OVER THE COUNTRY managed to break even because An­ New York ..........................................7 13 3 Under the auspices of the labor coun­ HOW TQ GROW A narrow trough of low pressure ex­ cient Jack1 Quinn was just good B rooklyn .............................................2 4 2 BOiSE TEAM DEFEATED cil the Greater Alamo shows have been TURNIPS tends from Alberta southward over the At Chicago— TL H. 13. BULL W E OF enough to hold the Senators from playing at Pocatello the past week. Rocky Mountain and southern Plateau crossing the pan. 1 Pittsburg ............................................ 0 4 0 They came here on their own train of states. It has caused precipitation C hicago ...............................................3 6 4 25 cars, c arry in g 300 people an d all of In the northern States it is an old during the past 24 hours from the PERFORMANCE UNUSUAL. : Nampa, Ida., May 12—In a fast ball saying that “you plant turnips the 25th ; Boston-Philadelphia game post­ j game here yesterday tho Falk Whole­ tiie necessary equipment. They appear upper Missouri valley southward over Johnson never pitched a better hall of July, whether wet or dry.” While poned, rain. sale team (Boise) was defeated by here under the auspices of the Boise the Plains states to the Gulf; rain fell game than he flashed yesterday. Two this is not literally true ,it is custom- Nampa 4 lu 2. Athletic club. also In eastern Washington and Ore­ hits were marked down for the al­ army to plant turnips in July and AMERICAN LEAGUE. ^corc: R. H .E . Names of 20 boxers and wrestlers, gon and on the north Pacific coast. leged wreeking crew of the Yankees. on land that has produced a crop of N a m p a ...................................................4 G 3 including several well known local fa­ The north Pacific high pressure area The big star of Washington never has Al New York (12 innings-— Twin Falls Defeats Filer and early vegetables. F alk ’s ..................................................... 2 5 4 vorites, have been submitted to the is again moving eastward and as a pitched a no-hit game, hut yesterday’s e Turnips, however, may be grown to rt. ri. Batteries—^Joiner and Lockelby; state athletic commission by the Boise result colder weather is indicated for record shows that between the first W ash in g to n .................................... 0 10 0 Burley Won From Buhl; perfection during tie early spring­ Robinett and Brown. Athletic club with a request that the tonight with light to heavy frost in and tenth innings not n Yankee even N ew York ....................................... 0 2 3 Games Represented Battles athletes ho permitted to engage in time, and throughout the south they reached first base, which, under or- A t .St. L ouis— R. H. F. the early morning. BARBER TEAM WINS. bouts this week as part of the attrac­ furnish one of thel main sources of dinary conditions would lia >o been a D etroit.................................................... 6 10 1 Between Pitchers. Caldwell, Ida., May 12—Barber de­ tions offered by the Greater Alamo early greens, in addition to the use of jïlne-inni ng. n o -r un. n o -h it no m an St. Louis ......................................... 2 ( 3 feated Caldwell Sunday 3 to 2. The shows, tho first request of the kind their roots. Fall-sjnvn turnips pro­ Have you heard that the model 90 - reached first pel formante. U Cleveland— It. H. E. Caldwell pitcher, Johnson, fanned 12. made since the new boxing law went duce winter and early greens through­ Overland broke the world’s record In the first in ling R oger Pec- V, of C hicago ..............................................10 17 1 The Southern Idaho Baseball league A large crowd witnessed the game. into effect May 6. out the southern states without any April 5 lo 12 for a non-stop high gear P ittsb u rg pul oi .* to left field for Cleveland ........................................ 2 S 4 opened Sunday with games at Twin Score: R. H .E . Athletes named In the application protection or special cultivation. m u ? It m ade 4370.1 m iles, 7 days, firs t and then si do second. whci o ho Philadelphia-Boston game post­ are: Chester Camp, Frank McCarroli, Where they arc planted in the 7 n ig h ts, 20.66 m iles per gallon gas, staved until Pn it t walked in the Falls and Burley. Twin Falls won B a rb e r ............................................... 3 4 0 poned, rain. j Caldwell .............................................. 2 6 0 Babe Brown. James Morgan, Rex springtime, the seeds are generally 744.65 per gallon oil.—A dv. M13 eleventh. Faker s rtgled, but both m en from Filer on a score of 1 to 0 and Batteries—Eddy and Chapman: Sprott, A. P. Gibson, Jack Collins, Nick sown in rows about. 1 ! Inches apart were cut down trying to steal, so the COAST LEAGUE. Burley took the opening matinee from De Court. Ad Santei. Jack Sorensen. and the plants thinned to about two record speaks volumes for the crafti­ Johnson and Steitzel. T’ro trouble? Leave tire fixing to Buhl, score G t" 5. The attendance was Francis Mott, Bill Stevens, Harold inches in the row, the thinnings being ness of the mighty Walter. At Los Angeles, morning— R. H. E. Christenson, Finis Christman, Clar­ used us greens. For* fall planting the our experts. Bryant Tire & Vulcaniz­ large at both games. COUNCIL WINS. FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT. San Francisco ...............................10 15 1 ence Cummings, Roy Layton. Tony seed is generally sown broadcast and ing Co., 1020 F ro n t St., Opp. O. S. L. Los Angeles ................................... 5 10 3 The Twin Falls-Filer game opened Council, Ida., May 12—With the depot. Firestone tires. Adv. A20 A glimpse into the future might be bases full in the tenth inning of the Barnadi and company. slightly raked into the soil. obtained from the day. coupling in Afternoon game: with Oliver, Cablock and Patton as the ....... ■ ♦ ♦ 4 ' San F ran cisco ............................... 7 10 2 game hero yesterday between Council v.ith a certain matinee a few days ago battery for the Magic,City and Carson and Payette Council’s second base­ Let ns mount vour bead and tan The Lanital News telephone numbers The Capital News telephone num­ in Cincinnati, when Grover Cleveland Los Angeles ..................................
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