Planning Weekly List & Decisions Appeals (Received/Determined) and Planning Applications & Notifications (Validated/Determined) Week Ending 27/11/2020 The attached list contains Planning and related applications being considered by the Council, acting as the Local Planning Authority. Details have been entered on the Statutory Register of Applications. Online application details and associated documents can be viewed via Public Access from the Lambeth Planning Internet site, https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/planning-and-building- control/planning-applications/search-planning-applications. A facility is also provided to comment on applications pending consideration. We recommend that you submit comments online. You will be automatically provided with a receipt for your correspondence, be able to track and monitor the progress of each application and, check the 21 day consultation deadline. Under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, any comments made are open to inspection by the public and in the event of an Appeal will be referred to the Planning Inspectorate. Confidential comments cannot be taken into account in determining an application. Application Descriptions The letters at the end of each reference indicate the type of application being considered. ADV = Advertisement Application P3J = Prior Approval Retail/Betting/Payday Loan to C3 CON = Conservation Area Consent P3N = Prior Approval Specified Sui Generis uses to C3 CLLB = Certificate of Lawfulness Listed Building P3O = Prior Approval Office to Residential DET = Approval of Details - Planning P3P = Prior Approval Warehouse to Residential EIAFUL = Environmental Impact Assessment P3Q = Prior Approval Agricultural buildings to C3 FUL = Full Planning Permission P3R = Prior Approval Agricultural to Flexible Commercial Use G11 = General Development Order pt.11-Rail P3S = Prior Approval Agricultural to School/Nursery G24 = General Development Order pt.24-Telecomm P3T = Prior Approval Business/Hotels to Schools/Nursery G31 = General Development Order pt.31-Demolition PDE = Prior Approval Householders Extensions GOV = Circular 18/84 REM = Approval of Reserved Matters LB = Listed Building Consent RG3 = Council own development on Council land LDCE = Certificate of Lawful Use Existing RG4 = Other development on Council land LDCP = Certificate of Lawful Use Proposed RUS = Approval under Rush Common Act NMC = Non Material Change S106 = Variation to Section 106 Agreement NOT = Notifications SPF = Shop Front OBS = Observations from adjoining Borough TCA = Tree in Conservation Area OUT = Outline Application TPO = Tree Preservation Order P3C = Prior Approval Retail/Betting/Payday Loan/Casio to TTT = Thames Tideway Tunnel A3 P3J = Prior Approval Retail/Betting/Payday Loan to D2 VOC = Variation of Condition Page 1 of 54 Planning Weekly List & Decisions Appeals Received Address / Description Ward Reference Applicant/Agent Inspectorate Ref 56 Clapham Park Road Clapham 20/00107/LDC Mr Premtim Zucolli APP/N5660/ London SW4 7BG Common X/20/325925 4 Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development (Proposed) with respect to the use of ground floor drinking establishments (Use Class A4). Page 2 of 54 Planning Weekly List & Decisions Appeals Determined Address / Description Ward Reference Appellant Name Decision Inspecto rate Ref 823 - 825 Wandsworth Road Clapham Town 20/00022/FULR Pastor Chris DISMIS APP/N56 London SW8 3JL EF Watson 60/W/20/ 3245148 Alterations and extensions to the existing building including erection of a 2 storey extension and balconies to the rear, enlargement of mezzanine area and external alterations including replacement fenestration, cycle and refuse stores and associated landscaping alterations and part change of use of the existing church and ancillary uses (Use Class D1) to facilitate the provision of 8 self-contained residential units (Use Class C3) and widen the range of ancillary community uses including a night shelter. 73 Greyhound Lane London St Leonards 20/00052/FULR Miss Blanca DISMIS APP/N56 SW16 5NW EF Yiannopoullos 60/W/20/ 3251567 Conversion of the property into 2 residential units. Page 3 of 54 Planning Weekly List & Decisions Planning Applications Validated LOCATION OF Ward Reference APPLICANT / AGENT DEVELOPMENT 172 Clapham Road London SW9 0LA Stockwell 20/04006/LDCE Mr Angelo Sorelli, Mr Angelo Sorelli / Mr Simon Gatehouse, SiX Architecture LLP, 26 Albert Square London SW8 1DA PROPOSAL: Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development (Existing) with respect to a single storey rear outbuilding. CONSTRAINTS: • CA4 : Albert Square Conservation Area • Tunnel Safeguarding Line • Amenity Group Consultation Area - Albert Square 22 Wyvil Road London SW8 2TG Oval 20/04123/S106A Van Zyl, Kuropatwa Ltd / , , PROPOSAL: Discharge of obligation under Schedule 9, Part 3. (employment and skills plan) of the Agreement by Deed dated 19th Febuary 2020 pursuant to Planning Permission ref: 17/02874/FUL (Demolition of the existing buildings and erection of 9 storeys building with basement level comprising commercial use (Use Class B1) at basement and ground floors and 30 residential units (Use Class C3) on the upper levels, together with landscaping and public realm, communal terrace at roof level, ancillary servicing and plant, 47 cycle parking spaces and associated works) granted 15.10.2015. CONSTRAINTS: • Central Activities Zone - Article 4 B1a-C3 • Vauxhall Opportunity Area • Multiple • Kennington Oval And Vauxhall Forum (KOV) • Kennington Cross Neighbourhood Association • London Plan Vauxhall Opportunity Area Page 4 of 54 Planning Weekly List & Decisions South Lambeth Estate, Dorset Road Stockwell 20/04053/DET Miss Sahar Ghanimati, Hill London SW8 1AH Partnership Ltd / Miss Sahar Ghanimati, Hill Partnership Ltd, The Power House Gunpowder Mill Powder Mill Lane Waltham ABeey London EN9 1BN PROPOSAL: Approval of details pursuant to condition 29 (SAP calculations), 32 (Biodiversity), 43 (Energy and Sustainability Statement ), 44 ( Finalised overheating analyses) of planning permission 17/05993/OUT (Full planning permission for the construction of a new building (4 to 6 storeys) on the corner of Dorset Road and Clapham Road to provide 30 residential units (Use Class C3) with associated parking and landscape works and; improvements to the ground floor of Wimborne House including extension and conversion of the existing Caretakers room to provide a community room (Use Class D1) together with works to provide an additional entrance and refuse store. [Wimborne House to be retained].Outline planning permission (with appearance and landscaping to be Reserved Matters) for the demolition of 101 homes in Broadstone House, Sturminster House, Swanage House, Verwood House and Osmington House and the construction of new buildings arranged in five blocks (with varying heights of 3, 4 and 6 storeys and, a tower block of 16 storeys) to provide 332 new residential units (Use Class C3), up to 230sqm (Gross Internal Area) of retail floorspace (Use Class A1) and up to 325sqm (Gross Internal Area) of flexible floorspace (Use Class A1, D1, B1) and; highway works and parking layout improvements. [Existing vehicle entrances from Dorset Road to retained]) granted on 26.09.2019. 65 Thornton Avenue London SW2 Streatham Hill 20/03793/FUL Miss Lucy Hunt / Aaron 4BD McDonald, McArki Architecture, 65C Thornton Avenue London SW2 4BD PROPOSAL: Erection of rear dormer together with the installation of 2 rooflights to the front elevation (to top floor flat). CONSTRAINTS: • Thornton Avenue 8A Brading Road London SW2 2AN Tulse Hill 20/03804/LDCP Louise Montgomery / Mr Edward Ward, Studio Werc Ltd, 40 Lisle Close London SW17 6LB PROPOSAL: Certificate of lawful developement (proposed) in respect to a ground floor side infill extension and a rear dormer with juliette balcony and 2 front roof lights CONSTRAINTS: • Brading Road • Tulse Hill Neighbourhood Forum Page 5 of 54 Planning Weekly List & Decisions 6 Elms Road London SW4 9EU Clapham Common 20/04033/DET Gun, John Vetch House Ltd / Warren Smith, Design Team Consultants Limited, Business And Technology Centre Bessemer Drive Stevenage SG1 2DX PROPOSAL: Approval of details pursuant to condition 21 (Energy Strategy) of planning permission 16/05628/FUL (Demolition of the existing building and garages for the construction of a residential building with 15 dwellings with highway access and associated works) granted on 14.12.2017. CONSTRAINTS: • CA1 : Clapham Conservation Area Unit 67-68 Brixton Village London Coldharbour 20/04022/DET Hondo Enterprises / Mr Chris SW9 8PR Hartley, DP9 Limited, 100 Pall Mall St. James's London SW1Y 5NQ PROPOSAL: Approval of details pursuant to condition 6 (maintenance) of planning permission 20/02619/FUL (Installation of a flue) granted on 01.10.2020. CONSTRAINTS: • CA26 : Brixton Conservation Area • Smoke Control Area • Brixton Town Centre - Article 4 B1a-C3 • Granville Arcade (Brixton Village), Listed Building Grade II • Brixton Major Centre Primary Shopping Area • Tunnel Safeguarding Line 161A Norwood High Street London Gipsy Hill 20/04015/FUL Ms Julie Buffandeau, Ms Julie SE27 9TB Buffandeau / Mr Thomas Denhof, DenhofDesign, Garden Flat 153 Norwood High Street London SE27 9TB PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey ground floor rear and side infill extension. CONSTRAINTS: • Norwood Planning Assembly 7 Lexton Gardens London SW12 0AY Thornton 20/04063/FUL Sarah Pritchard / Mr James Hay, Walker Hay Architects, 5 Stambourne Way London SE19 2PY PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing garage and erection of single storey
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