JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY Editor DAVID R. GOLDFIELD History, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Associate Editors RICHARD DENNIS Geography, University College, London MELINDA H. DESMARAIS University of North Carolina at Charlotte TIMOTHY GILFOYLE History, Loyola University, Chicago SUSAN E. HIRSCH History, Loyola University, Chicago ANDREW LEES Rutgers University, Camden BRUCE M. STAVE History, University of Connecticut Assistant to the Editor LA SHONDA MIMS BYARS University of North Carolina at Charlotte Editorial Board CARL ABBOTT Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University MICHELE H. BOGART State University of New York at Stony Brook BLAINE A. BROWNELL President, Ball State University JÜRGEN BUCHENAU History, University of North Carolina at Charlotte SARAH J. DEUTSCH History, University of Arizona MICHAEL H. EBNER History, Lake Forest College BARBARA FRANCO Historical Society of Washington, D.C. KENNETH W. GOINGS History, University of Memphis TOM HANCHETT Museum of the New South JOSEF KONVITZ Urban Affairs Division, OECD, Paris KEN KUSMER History, Temple University TIMOTHY MAHONEY History, University of Nebraska HELEN MELLER University of Nottingham, England RAYMOND A. MOHL University of Alabama, Birmingham WILLIAM ROWE History, Johns Hopkins University JOEL SCHWARTZ Montclair State University MARY CORBIN SIES University of Maryland, College Park KRISTIN STAPLETON History, University of Kentucky JOEL A. TARR History, Carnegie Mellon University JOE W. TROTTER History, Carnegie Mellon University DIANE WINSTON PewCharitable Trusts For Sage Publications: STEPHANIE ALLEN, MARIA NOTARANGELO, JOE CRIBBEN, JULIE PIGNATARO, and TINA PAPATSOS THE EDITORS AND PUBLISHER wish to acknowledge with gratitude the encouragement of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in providing support for Journal of Urban History. Journal of Volume 28, Number 1 / November 2001 CONTENTS From Noblesse Oblige to Nationalism Elite Involvement in Planning Canada’s Capital DAVID L. A. GORDON 3 Dirty Work and Clean Air Locomotive Firemen, Environmental Activists, and Stories of Conflict DAVID STRADLING 35 The Federal Icarus The Public Rejection of 1970s National Suburban Planning NICHOLAS BLOOM 55 Review Essays Scandinavian Childhoods MADELEINE HURD 72 Moral Spaces in the Burckhardtian City WILLIAM H. LECKIE, JR. 81 Constructions of the Social GERRY KEARNS 98 California Cities and the Transformed Landscape in the Twentieth Century DAVID IGLER 107 Early Modern Urban Britain Regions, Themes, and Types KEITH LINDLEY 120 Contributors 130 Call for Proposals or Papers 131 Sage Publications Thousand Oaks • London • New Delhi The editors of JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY are receptive to varied methodologies and are concerned about the his- tory of cities and urban societies in all periods of human history and in all geographical areas of the world. The editors seek material that is analytical or interpretive rather than purely descriptive, but special attention will be given to articles offering important new insights or interpretations; utilizing new research techniques or methodologies; comparing ur- ban societies over space and/or time; evaluating the urban historiography of varied areas of the world; singling out the un- explored but promising dimensions of the urban past for future researchers. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted in triplicate to David R. Goldfield, Editor, JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY, De- partment of History, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223.E-mail: [email protected] should be no more than 30 typewritten double-spaced pages, with footnotes, references, tables, and figures on separate pages. Footnotes and bibliography citations should follow the American Historical Association style, but italics will be used for book titles only.A copy of the final revised manuscript saved on an IBM-compatible disk should be included with the final revised hard copy.A brief biographical paragraph describing each author’s current affiliation, research interests, and recent publications should also accompany the manuscript. Since manuscripts are reviewed anonymously, the author’s name and affiliation should appear only on a separate covering page. Submission of a manuscript implies com- mitment to publish in the journal. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should manuscripts have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or withsubstan - tially similar content. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editor. EVALUATION OF MANUSCRIPTS involves the anonymous submission of contributions to at least two referees. Com- ments by the referees are advisory to the Editor and are transmitted anonymously to the author with a decision concern- ing publication. Every effort is made to complete the evaluation of manuscripts within three months. Manuscripts that have been submitted simultaneously for review by other journals will not be considered. BOOKS FOR REVIEW should be sent to Timothy Gilfoyle, JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY, Department of History, Loyola University at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60626. Potential contributors of review essays are invited to correspond with Professor Gilfoyle. JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY (ISSN 0096-1442) is published six times annually—in November, January, March, May, July, and September—by Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320; telephone (800) 818- SAGE (7243) and (805) 499-9774; fax/order line (805) 375-1700; e-mail [email protected]; http\\www.sagepub.com. Copyright © 2001 by Sage Publications. All rights reserved. No portion of the contents may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Subscriptions: Regular institutional rate $395.00 per year, $70.00 single issue. Individuals may subscribe at a one- year rate of $75.00, $20.00 single issue. Add $12.00 for subscriptions outside the United States. Orders with ship-to ad- dresses in the U.K., Europe, the Middle East, and Africa should be sent to the London address (below). 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Please specify name of journal. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Journal of Urban History, c/o 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320. Printed on acid-free paper JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY / November 2001 Gordon / PLANNING CANADA’S CAPITAL FROM NOBLESSE OBLIGE TO
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