20— MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. March 23. 1990 INDUSTRIAL r n ANTIQUES/ 0 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO Astrograph ; PROPERTY COLLECTIBLES FOR SALE BUY/TRADE STEINWAY GRAND PI­ AA FOR SALE-Neii Diamond ANCHESTER- ANO wanted (only), Avallable Imme- WANTED concert photos. $50 and up. Please call 649-9409. any size In any condi­ quired to make your points with others. luctant to assume it. dlatelv. 800. 1200, 1750 tion. Will pay top price < % u r SAFES-New and used. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Although you SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) You could square feet. Commer- Sets of old china. and pick up. Call now ‘Birthday might not see any visible ways of getting be very fortunate at this time in making clol/lndustrlol. Ill Trade up or down. 1-800-238-6324 anytime. something material you've been want­ new triends. In fact, today you might Phase Electric. 646- 646-0475 Liberal allowance tor ing. unforeseen circumstances could be meet someone with whom you'll have 5477. clean safes In good FURNITURE W onted- much in common. Evenings condition. American Bedroom set or March 24.1990 instrumental today in helping you fulfill AAANCHESTER- dressers, dining room your desire. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) A Avallable Imme- Security Corp. Of CT, matter that could be meaningful to you 27 Commerce St., Glas­ set and misc. furniture. The course you are presently pursuing CANCER (June 21-July 22) Your judg­ dlately. 2700 square 524-8824. ment could be a trifle keener today than financially is shaping up rather well at feet. Cold storage with tonbury. 646-4390 or 633- could be the one that will lead you to 5100. success and fulfillment in the year the analytical powers of persons with this time. Several loose ends which loading dock. 646-5477. FURNITURE whom you'll be associating. Listen to have been left dangling may be tied ahead. Do not alter direction if things What makes Want CARS are moving smoothly. what they have to say, but don't dis­ down today. 54' Oak roll top d.esk. work? People like FOR SALE ARIES (March 21-April 19) A rather credit your own feelings. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today $790 ; 3 console Wur- you might be calied upon to help a lltzer Organ $350. Can who read ond use unique goal you've established for your­ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Some assistance I MISCELLANEOUS CHEVY 1983 Cltlatlon-4 self can be achieved today, but not nec­ is now likely in a matter you've had to friend who lacks your imagination and be seen at Manchester V/ont Ads every day. experience and is in dire need of guid­ FOR RENT Hardware, 643-4425. 2711. door,excellent conditi­ essarily through the use of traditional handle solely on your own until this on,Immaculate tactics. Let your ingenuity to devise the point. From this day on, progress ance. You are the right candidate for 2 CAR Garage on Ridge­ getting your pal back on track. Is odvertlsing expensive? throughout. 1 owner. plan. Know where to look for romance should be more substantial. wood Street. (Across You'll be surprised now AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Condi­ 633-5518 and you'll find it. The Astro-Graph VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Your ideas from Willies). Strictly economical It Is to adver­ will carry considerable weight with oth­ tions could be rather exciting for you to­ storage. $75 per month. CHEVORLET 1987Sprlnt- Matchmaker instantly reveals which tise In Classified. 643-2711. 5 speed, 45 miles per signs are romantically perfect tor you. ers today and they will act on your pre­ day and there is a possibility you might Call Rose, 647-8400 or TAG SALE sentations. Be extra careful that your gain in some manner from a situation 646-8646. gallon. Low mileage. Mail $2 to Matchmaker, c/o this news­ TA G /C ratt Sale-676 Kee­ One owner. Blaupunkt. paper. P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland. OH concepts are well thought out. that has been engineered by another. Matching Couch and PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Whatever ney St., Saturday 8i $1995. 644-2115. 44101-3428. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Today it might Love Seat 2 yrs. old, be necessary for you to take the lead in you do today and wherever you go you'll Sunday, March 24 & 25, CHEVY 1985 Spectrum- TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Don't hesi­ 10-3. Moving. Every­ tate to speak or write that which you an arrangement where you share a mu­ operate with an ambience friends will CHILDCARE Blue 'with Sm all Floral Tan, 2 door Hatchback, tual interest with another. You're well find extremely charming and pleasing. thing must go. Snowb­ $51,000 miles, new tires think today, because telling it like it is Print. Also Solid Color lower, yard eouip- will be very effective. Frills will not be re­ equipped for this role, so do not be re­ This should be a very nice day for you. CONSCIENTIOUS and tune-up. Runs High Back Chair, Large ment, furniture, TV, great $2,500 or best Mother of ISmonth clothing, crafts, silk daughter will baby Pastel Oriental Rug. otter. Call Steve 646- You can make excellent arrangements. 3654. I HOMES ISTORE/OFFICE dish cloths from the mesh STORE/OFFICE sit,my home. Referen­ All For $900 ces 649-0923. T A G SALE & Plea bags In which oranges, FOR RENT PONTIAC-1979 Sunbird. FOR RENT FOR RENT 64 9-4 235 M a rk e t-A p rII 14, at Body good condition. potatoes, onions, etc. are . Post 102 American Le­ OFFICE FOR RENT- No rust. Engine needs MANCHESTER-5 room sold. Just boll tor 15 MISCELLANEOUS gion, 20 American Le­ minutes In water to which Includes utilities and work. $100. Call 646-3620 Ranch with garage MANCHESTER gion Drive, Manches­ after 4. chlorine bleach has been parking. Location 485 SERVICES ter, CT. Spaces centrally located. E. Middle Turnpike. raTV/STEREO/ Bower's School dis­ added. Put still good but available tor rent. For FOR SALE OR 646-1698. GSL Building Mainte­ L 2 J APPLIANCES trict, q u ie t street. no-longer needed furni­ more Imtormatlon call TRUCKS/VANS ture and appliances back MANCHESTER-330 nance Co. Commercl- Available May 1. $750. LEASE/OPTION al/ResIdentlal building CURTIS M ATHIS Solid 643-4103 and ask tor FOR SALE Into use bv selling them square feet. $302 per 646-7655. 2 of the best located pro- repairs and home Im­ State color TV. Good George Sr. with a low-cosf Classified. month. Utilities and FORD F-150, 4x4 XLT. MANCHESTER-Lovely 3 fesional office suites in town. parking Included. 1 provements. Interior working condition. $90. T A G SALE-Saturday, 643-2711. March 24 and Sunday, Short bed, 351 engine, bedroom Duplex. Car­ mile to 1-84. Peterman and exterior painting, Please call 649-9409. iianri)PBtpr Ipralb (1) First ftcxy facing Main St. many extras. Please peting. Immediate oc­ Building Co. 649-9404. light carpentry. Com­ March 25. Assortment cupancy. $825. 646-3938. 1250 square feet. Huge, pri­ plete ianitorlal ser­ of tools, antique Items call 646-7251. vate parking lot. I STORE/OFFICE ond so forth. 10-4, on Is advertising expensive? vice. Experienced, rel­ I MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT iable, tree estimates. the corner of Route 6 r a WANTED TO I ^ C A R S (2) 2500 square feel, 2 story You'll be surprised now FOR SALE Saturday, March 24, 1990 643-0304. a n d Wales Rd., l ^ l Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents FOR SALE traditional style building. economicol It Is to adver­ Andover. _____ BUY/TRADE Very near famous Cavey's tise In Classified. 643-2711. ATTENTION Dog Owners-Registratlon Restaurant. Off street park­ MANCHESTER T A G S A L E now In progress tor END ROLLS M oving We buy clean, late model CARDINAL ing. 243 E. Center St. location. 1000 basic obedience 27H" width — 50$ used cars and trucks. Top sq. ft. 4 rms. arranged as 2 rm WE DELIVER Everything must go. Furni­ CALL TOM BOYLE classes. Please call tor 13" width — 2 for 50$ prices paid. BUICK, INC. suites. Will subdivide if needed. For Home Delivery. Call training site location ture & household items. Sat. OWNER/AGENT Nawaprint and rollf can ba & Sun., March 24 & 25, 9-5. Mr. Duff • Carter Chavrolal 1S8fl Buick Cantury Coupe S10,9M Available 4/1/90. nearest you. 659-2482 or picked up at the Manchattar 1229 Main Straal “n isea BuickkRegel f Coupe $10,960 B O Y LE R E A L 647-9946 47 Wlllington Road $9,790 Monday to Friday. 9 to 6 267-7025. Trainer Joe Herald ONLY bafora 11 am. Manchaatar, CT 1969 Buick Skyiiuk Sedan Call Tony Gorman 643-1139 Manchester O 1968 Romiac FlrebtIrebkd Coupe $a,99S ESTATE DiSanto. Monday through Thurtday. 6464464_________ 1968 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier $8,960 3 3 - n 1967 BMW 325 $12,960 649-4800 1967 Ford Tempo $6,960 1967 Bukk LeSabra Sedan $8,490 1967 Mercun Grand Marquis $10,960 CARS I CARS I CARS I q^ CARS I CARS 1967 Buick Century LTD Sedan $7,960 Save money on cleonlng 0 FOR SALE Budget 1967 Buick Cemury LTD Sedan $8,280 products by using ammo­ FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 1 ^ FOR SALE FOR SALE 1967 Buick RegaH|af Coupe $8,695 nia, diluted to the strength — m 1967 OldB FIrenza Coupe $5,960 1967 Chevy S-10 Truck $6,260 recommended on the bot­ O o 1086 Buick Skyhawk Coupe $5,395 tle, tor washing walls and 1966 ChavroM Conrans $19,990 windows.
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