THE EDUCATOR Newsletter of the Arlington Teachers’ Association VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 SEPTEMBER 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: I Challenge You - No Ice Necessary New PR Chair 2 Kristine Jackson introduces For the past four Sep- can focus on the daily joys leagues, and your commu- herself. tembers the theme of this within your classroom to nity. Spotlight on Arlington editorial has been con- get through the onslaught Here's a quick list of We begin a new stant: although there have of changes outside of it, some ATA activities you monthly feature on the been many changes but don’t insulate yourself can join in on: attend an history of the district. (schools closing, new ad- from your union. executive council meeting, Trivia Challenge ministrators, more collect items for the Win ATA gear. state mandates…) The ATA is not just a couple of SPCA drive, write for Primary Race 3 the part of your officers who negotiate things and the newsletter, serve Find out about the job that you love remind you about the school budget dinner at the Lunch Democratic candidates for is still the same. vote. You are the ATA and I Box, help at the high- NY governor. And we're all in challenge every one of you to find way cleanup, deco- New Members 4 this together. And just one way to get involved this year. rate for the holiday See who our new the ATA is there party, go to a school colleagues are. for you. The ATA is not just a board meeting, donate to All of that is undoubted- couple of officers who ne- VOTE/COPE, assist in Edcamp Hudson Valley 6 ly true again for this fifth gotiate things and remind stamping budget mailings, Educators attended an "un-conference". year, but I'm finding my- you about the school budg- work at the miniature golf self unable to write my et vote. You are the ATA event. The list goes on and Renegades Night 7 usual spiel. Maybe it is and I challenge every one I'm sure it includes some- See photos from the time for another change. of you to find just one way thing that every one of you APPR Negotiation Process Has Begun summer event How about instead of talk- to get involved this year. can enjoy doing. Make this Tenure ing about how the ATA is No bucket of ice water is the year you embody the Congratulations to newly there for you we talk about involved, just the oppor- unity necessary to our suc- tenured ATA members. how you can be an active tunity to make a difference cess. part of the ATA? Yes, you for yourself, your col- -Sam Falk, editor Calendar and 8 Announcements SOLIDARITY AWARD WINNER ARLINGTON TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION 46 Davis Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 454-7002 · www.arlingtonteachers.com · [email protected] P A G E 2 Meet the ATA's New PR Chair representative at AMS, and opportunities to give back have been on the local PR to our community. We will Trivia committee for four years. I continue the Jackie Higgins have a strong life-long con- ASPCA drive, have some nection to Arlington—I dress-down for charity worked as a TA for two events, and host our big- Challenge years at TIS, volunteered gest fundraiser of the year for my children’s PTAs at to benefit the Arlington Ed- their schools, and even ucation Foundation, the Answer the graduated from AHS. I annual mini-golf outing in question below enjoy hearing all the won- June. We are always look- Kristine Jackson correctly and you derful things our members ing for volunteers, so could be the proud I am excited to be are already doing in the please lend a hand if you winner of ATA working as the new PR community, and being in- can. A little goes a long chair for the ATA. This is volved in PR is a way to way! I am very receptive to gear! my eighth year as an ATA help showcase that. new ideas, so feel free to member, and I have This year, I am hoping drop me an email if you worked at AHS, AMS, and to continue the good works have a suggestion or can will be starting LMS as a the Arlington Teachers’ As- offer feedback. seventh-grade ELA teacher sociation already does, as this year. I was a building well as to create some new Negotiations Update: What funky Happy new school year! It New Yorker was has been a quiet summer in Spotlight on Arlington terms of negotiations. We the first Student Marc Cerio probably wasn't thinking much of the last met with the District in governor of the history of Arlington that fateful day he wandered off when he June and are waiting for the was supposed to be sketching the ancient boilers in the belly of state? District to decide what the the former AMS, pushed open a supply closet door, and discov- ered a veritable treasure trove of information. Hidden in that next move will be. We dusty little room were Registers of Attendance which dated continue to push for a fair back to the very beginnings of the Arlington School District and and equitable settlement and daily bulletins written by none other than the very first super- we will keep you posted on intendent of Arlington, George Schia- our progress. As always thank vone. In 1998, former Arlington all of you for your continued Submit your answer colleagues Jocelynn Banfield and support. to the above trivia Andrew Arenson were grant- -Donna Doerrier, Chief question to ed a sabbatical leave to Negotiator [email protected] work on the publication that would become The History Of Ar- lington Central School District. In the years following the completion of this project, by September 19th. Arenson and Banfield would continue to share the Arlington legacy and lore to faculty The winner will be and students alike, instilling in their audiences a distinct pride for our school dis- randomly selected trict. This column, "Spotlight On Arlington" will be devoted to sharing with you the from the correct sub- research done by these two wonderful people in the hopes that the Arlington school community can partake in the vitality of Arlington that has enriched all our missions. lives. Please feel free to let us know if there is particular topic you would like to see covered in future issues! -Joseph Healy, Jr., UVMS THE EDUCATOR VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 P A G E 3 Don't Let It Be Politics As Usual: Vote On September 9 Yes, you saw that correctly: not only do we need you to vote on Election Day in November, but on September 9 you also have the chance to decide who gets to be on the ballot in a few races. That responsibility is perhaps even greater. Unfortunately, New York is one of only 12 states to have a closed primary system, so you can only vote if you are registered in the party holding a primary. The following is some information about primaries that are rele- vant to our area. The most coverage is given to the governor's race since it will have the greatest impact on edu- cation policy in New York. Republican Party NYS Senate District 40: Terrence P. Murphy (www.voteformurphy.com) Bob Castelli (www.bobcastelli.com) Democratic Party Lieutenant Governor: Kathy Hochul, former U.S. Representative (running mate of Andrew Cuomo) Tim Wu, Professor of Law at Columbia University (running mate of Zephyr Teachout) Governor: Andrew Cuomo Zephyr Teachout Current Governor, former NY Associate Professor Attorney General and U.S. Sec- of Law at Fordham retary of Housing and Develop- University, former ment Director of Internet Organizing for the Endorsed By: NYS Working 2004 Howard Dean Families Party* Andrew Cuomo, by Pat presidential cam- ATA CAC Co-Chair Betsy Marshall Arnow (Wikipedia) paign (left) met Zephyr Teachout during a On Education Issues: campaign stop in New Paltz. Tied school funding to teacher evaluations Endorsed By: NYS National Organization for Women, Instituted a cap on property taxes The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, Badass Teachers As- Replaced some formula-based school aid with per- sociation, The Nation, Public Employees Federation, formance incentives Diane Ravitch (and more) Doubled the allowable number of charter schools On Education Issues: in the state Will work to lessen the gap between funding In favor of closing failing schools instead of issuing schools in poor and wealthy districts vouchers Wants to halt new Common Core tests and those Budgeted funding for full-day pre-kindergarten that are part of teacher evaluations, then reevalu- Put Smart Schools bond on the November 2014 ate them with input from parents and educators ballot to fund technology in schools Will work to repeal the mandate that New York City pay for charter school rent Other Key Issues: LGBT rights, firearms regulation Wants to repeal the provision of tax cap legislation For more information: www.andrewcuomo.com requiring a supermajority *While other endorsements must exist, no other information was Other Key Issues: Fighting corruption, ending fracking available via the internet, though hours were spent researching this page. Cuomo is not actively campaigning. -Sam Falk For more information: www.teachoutwu.com P A G E 4 Welcome, New Members! This school year the closure of Arlington Middle and the relocation of Arthur S. May greatly augmented the usual movement of teachers to different buildings, and the loss of positions we have become accustomed to, but also brought many new faces to the Arlington family.
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