February 11, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1851 SENATE-Tuesday, February 11, 1997 The Senate met at 2:15 p.m., and was out that nomination this afternoon, honest exchange of views. Let me one called to order by the President pro and we will attempt to reach an agree­ more time just make clear to col­ tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ment limiting debate to approximately leagues what this amendment says. 20 minutes equally divided but we will, This amendment says that if we are PRAYER of course, wait until the committee has going to make a commitment by way The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John officially reported it and then bring it of a constitutional amendment to bal­ Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: up as shortly thereafter as possible. ance the budget, then we go on record Eternal Father, You have told us Following that vote, we will continue that the Federal outlays, as we do this, that the things we can see are tem­ debate on the balanced budget amend­ should not be reduced in a manner that porary, but the things which are un­ ment, and it is my understanding that disproportionately affects outlays for seen are eternal. We confess that what Senator REID will be prepared to offer education, nutrition, and health pro­ is seen captivates our attention. It is his amendment relative to Social Secu­ grams for poor children. easy to get lost in the labyrinth of rity. The amendment will be debated Yesterday my colleague, Senator life's enigmas. The media constantly today and tomorrow, and we hope to HATCH, said I was asking for an exemp­ remind us of violence and vandalism, set a vote on or in relation to the Reid tion. There is no request for an exemp­ crimes and conflicts, and the spin we amendment for tomorrow, late in the tion. This is just simply a request for put on sin. Sometimes, the things afternoon, probably around 5:30 or so. fairness, and it just simply says let us which are seen blur our vision of the But we have to get a final agreement not lock ourselves into a very harsh set unseen, but indefatigable movement of on the exact time. All Senators will be of priorities. Your Spirit in people and cir­ notified as the votes are scheduled. I also pointed out yesterday that in cumstances. You call us to experience I thank my colleagues for their co­ the last Congress, 93 percent of the the things which are unseen: Your eter­ operation as we approach the Presi­ cuts in entitlement programs were en­ nal presence, the power of love, the dents Day recess. titlement programs that affected poor healing of forgiveness, and Your guid­ Mr. President, I yield the floor. people in America, too many of them ance of leaders who open their minds to poor children. I also cited the Com­ You. mittee on Economic Development, rep­ In the on-going drama of secular life RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME resenting really some of the largest with all its sinister and alarming possi­ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. corporations in America, saying that bilities, also help us to see what You COATS). Under the previous order, the what we did last time, last Congress, are doing to change people and enable leadership time is reserved. was really disproportionate and really them to change government and our not based on a standard of fairness, be­ society. We are not asking for a sim­ cause we cut a lot of programs that plistic, "God is in His heaven and all is BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT were important to the nutrition and right with the world" nostrum. Rather, TO THE CONSTITUTION health care and educational status of we need an "All is not right with the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under children. world but lo I am with you always," the previous order, the Senate will now I also quoted from the Concord Coali­ cure for our deepest needs. resume consideration of Senate Joint tion, which has been a driving force for Now it dawns on us with full force; Resolution 1, which the clerk will re­ our balancing the budget, taking the only Your invisible power can trans­ port. same position. I also quoted from an form our intractable problems. We The legislative clerk read as follows: editorial yesterday in the Washington yield ourselves to be agents of Your A joint resolution (S.J. Res. 1) proposing Post. visible impact on our Nation at this an amendment to the Constitution of the I think the most important thing strategic time of history. In the name United States to require a balanced budget. that I did yesterday, though, Mr. Presi­ of our Lord and Savior. Amen. The Senate resumed consideration of dent-and I would like to start this the joint resolution. way today, and then develop these Pending: points, and then listen very respect­ RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY fully to my colleague from Utah, and LEADER Wellstone amendment No. 3, to state the policy of the United States that, in achiev­ then respond to some of what he has to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ing a balanced budget, Federal outlays say-was to try to translate this debate able majority leader is recognized. should not be reduced in a manner that dis­ into human terms. Yesterday, my col­ SCHEDULE proportionately affects outlays for edu­ league from Utah said, and I appre­ Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, today the cation, nutrition, and health programs for ciated it, "You know, I don't agree Senate will immediately resume con­ poor children. with Senator WELLSTONE but he is very sideration of Senate Joint Resolution AMENDMENT NO. 3 sincere in his conviction." And I appre­ 1, the constitutional amendment re­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ciated that. That's a tribute from an­ quiring a balanced budget. By unani­ the previous order, there will now be 60 other Senator. mous consent, there will be 60 minutes minutes for debate, to be equally di­ But this is really not about me. This rema1mng for debate on Senator vided in the usual form, prior to a vote is an amendment that I think is sub­ WELLSTONE's amendment No. 3. Sen­ on or in relation to the Wellstone stantive, I think it is important, and I ators can expect a rollcall vote on or in amendment No. 3. wish there would be 100 votes for it. Be­ relation to that Wellstone amendment Mr. WELLSTONE addressed the cause the fact of the matter is, all too at approximately 3:15 today, if all de­ Chair. often-and that was the record last bate time is used. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Congress and I think it has been the Following that vote, it is my hope we Senator from Minnesota. record of too many Congresses-when will be able to begin consideration of Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, we come down to the nitty-gritty, to the nomination of BILL RICHARDSON to yesterday I had a chance to speak for the point where the rubber meets the be the U.N. Ambassador. The Foreign some time about this amendment and road, we do deficit reduction based on Relations Committee will be reporting then Senator HATCH and I had a very the path of least political resistance. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. 1852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE February 11, 1997 And usually, all too often, it is not the his viewpoint with regard to children. I Mr. HATCH. If the Senator will yield. special interests or heavy hitters or think virtually everybody in here does. Mr. WELLSTONE. I will be pleased well connected or big givers who are The fact of the matter is, though, that to yield on the Senator's time. the ones that we target. And poor chil­ all items have to be on the budget if we Mr. HATCH. On my time. I have to dren have been, with the exception of are going to have any kind of a bal­ say that you did get a voice vote last some Senators, the Chair is one of anced budget amendment work. I know time, not a recorded vote. I am offering them-you have shown a tremendous the Senator is not going to vote for a you a recorded vote. I happen to be­ commitment to what we can do at a balanced budget amendment to the lieve sense-of-the-Senate resolutions neighborhood level, at a community Constitution no matter what we put mean a lot. But I certainly could not level, as has the Senator from Mis­ into it. Even if we accepted his amend­ accept this language as part of a bal­ souri, by way of commitment to chil­ ment as part of the balanced budget anced budget constitutional amend­ dren. amendment, he would not vote for it. ment. If for no other reason, what does But all too often, poor children in That way, you are sending a message. the term "disproportionate" mean? America are faceless and voiceless in That way, you would have your col­ Which programs have to be preferred the U.S. Senate, and I just think that leagues voting with you. Otherwise, I above others? it is not at all inconsistent for Sen­ think people who love and revere the There are a thousand programs we ators-even if they are for this amend­ Constitution have to say this is not the are talking about here. I know, because ment, to vote for the constitutional way you amend the Constitution; we I worked with most all of them when I amendment to balance the budget-to should not put this language into a was ranking member and chairman of at least vote for this proposition.
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