* TODAY: WAGE, DEADLOCK AT CDM '* NEW· UNIVERSITY BORN *. WALVIS UPDATE * SUPER SPORT~ ' - - - - --- ~ ~. '.-. - Bringing Africa SO""'th Vol.2 No.641 R1.00 (GST Inc.) Monday August ~1 1992 owa 00 or • YESTERDAY'S Novel Ford Premier League en­ counter at the Katutura e·rror .SIX. Stadium ended with refe­ arm ree IsbosethKandjii hav­ ing to flee the field flanked by policemen after Tigers players and supporters at­ Court turns down ~ppeal against stiff sentences tacked him. The match. featuring TYAPPA NAMUTEWA Black Africa and Mukorob Tigers. brought joy to A BID by the six members of the farm Black Africa players. officials and fans but it terror gang to appeal against their convic­ will be a day that referee tions and sentences was rejected by the will want to forget. Windhoek High Court on Friday. The trouble started af­ The gang, whichwllgeda ' ing from custody. ter a hat-trick by super reign of terror in farming Passing sentence on Fri- substitute Smithley Engel­ areas north of Windboek, day, Judge Louis Muller said brecht, who steered Black received what have been the actions of the six <lG- ...- Africa to a 3-0 victory. described .as the most se- cused had not only created Kandjii had to be es­ vere sentences to be handed ' an atmosphere of fcar but corted away in a police down in post-independence ' had also had a negative af- van after being 'attacked Namibia. fect on tourism and inves- by Tigers supporters and Collectively the six have tors. players after the final been sent to jail for a total He noted that the· six had whistle. of 168 years, with the effec- not been worried about The mob protested that tive sentences ranging from whether their victims were the referee had handled 10 years to 52 years. elderly people or women, the match unfairly and also Paulus Ndikwetepo; and in some cases the vie- accused the whistleman Matheus Tjapa, Mwooma tims had been brutally at- of being drunk:. Nghihalemhote, Michael tacked. Spatking the troUble was Angula, Venasistis Ameho Further, the attack on Tigers player-coach Dan­ and Martin Kadhikwa were farmers had been carefully Boy Ndjadila. who spoiled found guilty of a string of organised and all the ac­ an afternoon in which he charges including robbery cused had acted with com- otherwise displayed ex­ . with aggravating circum- mon purpose. In addition, cellent form in Tigers' stances, theft, attempted Judge Muller said, the mo­ midfield. murder;possession of arms Ndjadila lost his cool ammunition andescap- and punched the referee. causing all hell to break loose as the Ingweinyama supporters invaded the field and cornered the referee. Joint administration not the issue Fists and boots flew leaving the poor referee running and ducking to WALVIS ~AY : Namibian Gurirab told the gather­ tion is the settlement of the avoid further harm. Foreign Affairs Minister, ing at the Kuisebmond question of sovereignty." The police, who seemed Theo Ben Gurirab, on Sat­ community hall that Na­ Namibia and SA could not to have been expecting urday calledonWalvis Bay mibia regaroed negotiations have normal relations while the trouble, moved in residents to accept change on the reintegration of the dispute existed. Besides swiftly and Kandjii was and join hands for a better Walvis Bay and 12 offshore affecting the two countries, escorted to safety but not future. island "slow but on course". it also affected relations with ~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::;=~~~d before he had received a "Please welcome with He called on Walvis Bay other states in the region blow with a stick from open hands these develop-' residents to welcome and and beyond. another angry supporter. ments," he said of the joint accept change. 'Think: about how best and It was also bad timing administrative. authority "Change will come. Why how soon we can settle the for Tigers who only dew between South Africa and fight the inevitable?"" he dispute," Gurirab urged, months ago made the Namibia. asked. .' adding he did not expect the headlines by becoming the South African Foreign Namibia saw the intro­ JAA would last six months first local club to launch a Minister Pik Botha and duction of the JAA as "an but it could not carry on Code.of Conduct for their Gurirab announced in Wind­ interim arrangement". indefinitely. hoek on August 21 that "The issue is not the joint ..The JAA, he said, would FOR MANAGEMENT -I M L!. Supporters Club. This LEADERSHIP TRAINING initiative was taken after Pretoria and Namibia would administration ... the solu­ affect "all facets of life" in establish the JAA to control tion is not setting up joint To page 3 the enclave. administration ... the solu- To page 3 2 Monday August 31 1992 THE NAMIBIAN . NAU Development and Training Project NLU- Ontwikkelings- en Opleidingsprojek Ico will be on otTer at the TWO VACANCIES' FOR FEMALE . State Museum's Alte I"este . from tomorrow. DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS The exhibition, which has BOTH IN NORTHERN AREAS already been shown In sev­ eral other countries, Is timed to coincide with Mexico's na­ CRITERIA · tional day on September 16. 1. Must be able to communicate in English It covers all aspects of Mex­ Ico: historic, modern, geo­ 2. Must have at least Std. 61 Grade 8 Certificate. graphic, climatic and Indus­ 3. Training I Experience in Community Developmen~ an ,trial. The main part of the ' Advantage. display Is an historical over­ 4. If not Namibian Citizen a Permanent Residence Permit view, deidlng with pre-Hls­ ON THE PANEL .•. IRED personnel from South required. panic times, ' the colonial and left). period, Independence, ,the re- 5. Must be willing to travel. _, ., form movement, war with the The job concerns the training and development of .selfhelp . Mr' , le can NGO networks". Unitedship and States, the Mexfcan the dictator: revo- groups in Northern Namibia. ' . lution. ,It uses photographs, a Inservice training proVided. e collection of 200 ritual masks, . Salary negotiable. en' k u' p w' le th Na,mle bla engravings and many other li materials. As Africa also con- . ClOSing date: 11 September 1992. tributes to the formation of NGO REPRESENTA· . development priorities in the Mexican culture, the dis­ KAlE BURLlNG play should also be Intrigu­ Send CV to: TIVES from 17 east and countries further afield, she ing to people Interested 'In Private Bag 13255 WINDHOEK . southern African countries lot we can learn from other said. The main points of for Attention: Mr. Gobler ' the Interplay of Afro-Ladn­ met in Windhoek earlier African ,countries," said discussion at the Nangof/ American cultures. or phone (061) 37836 Miss Cramer to make an this month to help Na­ Kazombaue, adding that for !RED meeting were experi­ For Namibia, there are ": ~ appointment for an interview. mibia's co-ordinating body her Uganda had provided ences of collaborative de­ interesting comparisOns to be (A.S.A.P. -11/9/1992) Nangof fmd the best way particularly interesting food velopment, access to credit made In the post-Independ­ forward with development. for thought. "At the mo­ facilities, the development ence reform section and the Members of the Namibia ment we tend to share expe­ of human resources, net- · industrialisation ofa slmlll,lr Non .Governmental Organ­ riences mainly with South working and alternative natural environment.~ ic;ations Forum (Nangof) African groups but devel­ funding for NGOs. The display can be viewed were joined by the world­ opment in that country and "We also talked about the during .museum opening times: Monday to Friday wide organisation for De­ in Namibia tends to be very relationship betweeen gov­ 09hoo to 18hoo and on Satur­ Market Motors velopment Innovations and focused on political sensi­ ernments and NGOs in other day and Sunday from lOhoo . Tel. 225307 - Posbus 5977 Networks (!RED), whose tivities." countries and the advocacy to12h30and 1ShOO to 18hoo. • Ausspannplatz - Wlndhoek - Talmaat members offered up to 30 It was refreshing and illu­ role ofNGOs," said Kazom- The exhibition closes on years experience of devel­ minating to find out about baue. • Sunday 11 October. opment work. 1987 V Wagen Golf GTi (16v) 77,OOOkm ...... R29 SOO Nangof lllember Undy FARM CASE Wrapping up, the Judge sentenced to an effective 52 1988.. , \'.~agen Jetta C.8X AlC ......, .. ~... \... :... R24900 Kazombaue described the warned that the courts would years' imprisonment. 19.89.... ~ Wageniletta'CLJ AlC R/T Alarm ...... R32 900 meeting as ''very useful" and from page 1 impose ' stiff sentences to Ndikwetepo was con- 1986 VWagen Golf GTS (Magrims) ............ R17 SOO an opportunity to learn from frighten off other criminals. victed of robbing Heiner 1991 VWagen Citi Golf 1300 with alarm ...... R23 900 other countries' successes tive of all the. attacks had The sentences received by Schneider-Waterberg's fann 1990 Toyota Corolla 1.6 GL AlC, R/T .......... R33 SOO and failures. been for personal gain. the six are: - at Otjiwarongo on February . 1990 Nissan Sentra 1300 c .......................... R21 SOO At present Nangof has He also noted that it was *PaulusNd.i.kytetepowas 1991, of the robbery at regrettable that none of the ' convicted' of robbery, at- Stephanus de Lange's farm 1990 VW Golf CSX WoIfsburg, full house .... R29 SOO observer status at !RED but six accused had shown tempted murder, theft and Khairob near Outjo. He was 1984 MlBenz 280 SE .................................. R55OO0 hopes to become a full ~morse during the ·trial. escape from aJStody and was . also convicted of theft arid , 1990 Toyota Land Cruiser SlWagon, . L..,...!:~~~~~~~~~L.:.....-___-=- ____....,.....--...::.-.- ___-=- __--. escaping from custody. full house, (33000 km) ...................... R115 000 * Tjapa was sentence4 (0 1991 Toyota Hilux 1800 SR with steel 49 years' imprisonment after canopy ................................................ R32 900 YOUR LAST CHANCE! he . was convicted of rob­ 1991 Toyota Hilux 22'000 l/W/B bery of the OndUruguea fann 1989 lsuzu KB 250 D (Rails) SIW/a ...........
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