Appendix B Soft Drinks Bottled and Sold in El Paso 2010 A & W Root Beer Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1982-present) Apollinaris Co. Mineral Water G. Edwin Angerstein (1884) Dieter & Sauer (1889) Houck & Dieter (1983-1912) Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Distributor unknown, advertised in El Paso Herald (1893) Barlo (Lime, Grape) Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1919) Barma (Near-beer) Blatz Co. (1918) Barq’s (Root Beer, Grape, Moon-Glo, Imitation Strawberry) Barq’s Bottling Co. (1939-1956) Barq’s Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1957-1976) Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. (1988 [possibly earlier]-present) Belfast Type Ginger Ale Empire Bottling Works (1912[?]-1924) Bevo M. Ainsa & Son (1917-1918) James A. Dick Co. (1919-1920) Big Red Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1977[?]-1980) Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1980-1985) Kalil Bottlling Co. (1985-present) Blatz (near-beer) Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1920-1930 [?]) Bock (Near-beer) Tri-State Beverage Co. (1919) 655 Bone-Dry (Near-beer) Border Beverage Co. (1920) Botl-o (Grape, Lime) Grapette Bottling Co. (1942-1956, maybe later) Bravo (Near-beer) Tri-State Beverage Co. (1918-1921) Bronco Empire Bottling Works (1919-1922) Empire Link Industries (1923-1925) Empire Products Corporation (1926-1928, possibly 1956) Bubble Up Barq’s Bottling Co. ([?]-1956) Barq’s Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1957-1969 [1976?]) possibly Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1977-1980) Kalil Bottlling Co. (1985-present) Budweiser (near-beer) Empire Bottling Works (1920) El Paso Brewing Assn. (1920) Tri-State Beverage Co. (1921) Buffalo Lithia Water Henry Pfaff (1906, possibly as early as 1900-1907) Southwestern Liquor Co. (1908-1909) Canada Dry Mixers (ginger ale, sparkling water, collins mixer, lime rickey, Quinine Water) Hurd & Butler Distributing Co. (1946-1947) Canada Dry Bottling Co. (1948-1973) Wes-Tex Custom Bottlers (1974-1978) Seven-Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1979-1986) Kalil Bottling Co. (1986-present) Canada Dry Flavors (black cherry, cream soda, root beer, orange, Tru-Fruit Raspberry, grape, strawberry) Canada Dry Bottling Co. (1948[?][1953]-1973) Wes-Tex Custom Bottlers (1974-1978) Seven-Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1979-1986) 656 Cerva (near-beer) Houck & Dieter (1918) Champagne Cider Houck & Dieter (1881-1889) Chocolate Soldier Empire Products Corporation (1930[?]-?) “Circle A” Ginger Ale Goldoft Liquor Co. (1916) W.H. Hull (1916-1917) James A. Dick Co. (1918[?]-1920) Cliquot Club W.C. White & Co. (1910) James A. Dick Co. (1920) Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1941-1944) Clysmic “King of Table Waters” Southwest Liquor Co. (1910-1914) Coca-Cola Magnolia Bottling Co. (1911-1915) Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1916-present) Cocoa Crush Empire Products Corp. (1925-1945 [?]) Dad’s Old Fashioned Root Beer Empire Bottling Co. (1964 or earlier-1969) Barq’s Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1969 -1976) Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1977-1980) Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1980-1982[1984?]) Kalil Bottlling Co. (1985-present) Delaware Punch Tri-State Beverage Co. (1919) Kalil Bottlling Co. (1985-present) Diet Coke Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1983-present) 657 Diet Dr Pepper Barq’s Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1971-present) Diet Rite Cola Nehi-Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1962-1965) Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1965-1969) Seven Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1970-1986) Kalil Bottling Coompany (1986-present) Dietetic Dr Pepper Barq’s Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1963-1971) Dr. Pepper Empire Products Corporation (1928[?]-1949) Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1952-1956) Barq’s Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1957-1976) Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1977-1980) Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co.(1980-present) Dr. Swett's (Root Beer) Tri-State Beverage Co. (1919-1920[?]) Dr. Wells Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1934-1936 [poss. later]) Barq’s Bottling Co. (1940-1956[?]) Double Cola Barq’s Bottling Co. (1954-1956) Double Cola Bottling Co. (1955-1956) possibly Barq's Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1957-1976) Electro-Puro Table Water Empire Bottling Works (1915-1917) Empire Flavors (Lime, Creme Soda, Orange Nectar) [also called McGinty or Empire Giant] Empire Products Corporation (1926-1956) Empire Bottling Co. (1956-1969) Empire Pale Dry Ginger Ale Purity Bottling & Manufacturing Co. (1906-1912) Empire Bottling Works (1912-1925) Empire Products Corporation (1926-1956) 658 Evervess (water) Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1942 [?}-1952 [?]) English Ginger Ale Houck & Dieter (1889-[?]) Falstaff Dublin Style Cereal Beverage (Near-beer) Mackin Brokerage Co. (1928-1933) Falstaff Pale (near-beer) Tri-State Beverage Co. (1922) Mackin Brokerage Co. (1928-1933) Falstaff Pale Dry Ginger Ale Mackin Brokerage Co. (1928-1933) Famo (near-beer) Empire Bottling Works (1918-1919) Fanta Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1963-1982) Flores Bros Flores Brothers Bottling Co. (1950-1954) Fresca Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co.(1965-1983) Frostie Root Beer Seven Up Bottling Co. of El Paso (1937-1969) possibly Seven Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1970-1986) Fruit Thrills (Grape, Lemon, Lime, Orange) Empire Bottling Works (1912-1924) Ginger Champagne (Manitou Mineral Water Co.) R.F. Johnson & Co. (1897-1899) Goetz Pale (Near-beer) Grapette Bottling Co. (1950) Goldcrest (Near-beer) Nicholson Bottling Works (1925-1933) 659 Golden Glow (Near-beer) Nicholson Bottling Works (1925-1933) Graino (Near-beer) Border Beverage Co. (1919-1920) Grapette Grapette Bottling Co. (1942-1969) Grapico Border Beverage Co. (1919) Hava Swig Barq’s Bottling Co. (1942) Hi-C Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co.(1979-1987) High Rock Sun Spot Bottling Co. (1947-1948) Hires Root Beer Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1920[?]-1943) Kalil Bottlling Co. (1987-present) Hi-Spot, Hi-Grape Canada Dry Bottling Co. (1948-1973) Wes-Tex Custom Bottlers (1974[?]-1978[?]) Seven-Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1979[?]-1986[?]) Hope’s Flavors (Lime, Orange, Lemon) Magnolia Bottling Co. (1908-1915) Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1916-1936) Howdy Orange Nicholson Bottling Works (1925-1933[?]) Seven Up Bottling Co. of El Paso (1937-1969[?]) Javo (carbonated coffee) Tri-State Beverage Co. Jus-Rite (Near-beer) E.M. McCoy (1918) 660 Kikapoo Joy Juice Seven Up Bottling Co. of El Paso (1965-1969) King Kola Nicholson Bottling Works (1925-1979) Kissengen G. Edwin Angerstein (1884) La Perla (Near-beer) Zork-Smith Fruit Co. (1918) Crombie & Co. (1919) Lemon Crush Tri-State Beverage Co. (1919-1923) Lemonette Grapette Bottling Co. (ca. 1950-[?]) Like Seven Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1984-1986) Lime Cola El Paso Real Juice (1935-1942) Lime Rickey Empire Products Corporation (prior to 1939-[?]) Lipton Ice Tea Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1977[?]-1980) Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1980-1983) Kalil Bottlling Co. (1984-present) Magco Ginger Ale Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. ([?]-1922 [?]) Malt Nutrine Henry Pfaff (1903-1905?) Manitou Table Water (Manitou Mineral Water Co.) R. F. Johnson & Co. (1897-1899) Henry Pfaff (1900-1907) Southwestern Liquor Co. (1908-1916) 661 Mason’s Old Fashioned Root Beer Grapette Bottling Co. (1953-1964[?]) Mission Beverages (Cherry Cola, Royal Punch, Root Beer, Orange, Imitation Strawberry, Pale Dry Ginger Ale) Empire Products Corporation (1929-1956) Mr. Cola (Low Calorie) Empire Bottling Co. [Grapette] (1963 or earlier-1969 [?]) Mr. Pibb Magnolia Coca-Cola Co. (1972-present) Mountain Dew Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1954) Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of El Paso (1955-present) Muscadine Punch Nicholson Bottling Works (1925-1933) Nassau Selter Houck & Dieter (1893-1895) Nehi (Orange, Lime-Lemon, Imitation Peach) Nehi Bottling Co. (1931-1941) Nehi-Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1941-1965) Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1965-1969) Seven Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1970-1986) Kalil Bottling Coompany (1984-present) Nesbitt’s Orange (Immitation Strawberry, Orange, Root Beer) Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1943-1955) Barq’s Bottling Co. (1956) Barq’s Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1957-[?]) Nicholson Flavors Nicholson Bottling Works (1925-1979) NIB (Non Intoxicating Beverage - Near-beer) Union Bottling Works (1920-1925) Nicholson Bottling Works (1925-1933) 662 NuGrape Empire Products Corporation (1932-1944) Barq's Bottling Co. (1945-1956) possibly Barq's Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1957-1976) possibly Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1977-1980) Old Monk Punch Empire Products Corporation (1926 [poss. earlier]-1956) Orange Crush Tri-State Beverage Co. (1919-1923) Empire Products Corp. (1924-1945 [?]) Barq’s Bottling Co. (1945 [?]-1949) Empire Bottling Co. (1956-1969 [?]) Orangette Grapette Bottling Co. (1942-1956, possibly 1969) Parfay Tri-State Beverage Co. (1919) Par-T-Pak Nehi Bottling Co. (1933-1941) Nehi-Royal Crown Bottling Co. (at least 1951-1954 [1965?]) Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1965[?]-1969[?]) Patio Flavors Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of El Paso (ca. 1963-1985[?]) Pearl (Near-beer) Crombie & Co. (1920) Pepsi Cola Woodlawn Bottling Co. (1935-1957) Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of El Paso (1957-present) Pommac Barq’s Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. (1963-1969) Pop Kola Barq’s Bottling Co. (1950) 663 Quench Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1967[probably earlier]-1969 or later) Rondo Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1980-1983) R C 100 Kalil Bottlling Co. (1984-present) Royal Crown Cola Nehi-Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1941-1965) Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1965-1969) Seven Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1970-1986) Kalil Bottling Coompany (1986-present) Royal Ginger Ale Houck & Dieter (1881-1889 [1912?]) Possibly Empire Bottling Works (1912-1922) Possibly Empire Link Industries (1923-1925) Possibly Empire Products Corporation (1926-1956) Royal Purple Grape Juice Empire Bottling Works (1915-1917) Sahara Dry (ginger ale, lime rickey, set up, grape fruit, silver fizz) El Paso distributor unknown (possibly 1939-1959) Sas'parilla Kalil Bottlling Co. (1984-present) Schlitz (near-beer) Empire Bottling Works (1920-1925 [?]) Schweppes Empire Bottling Co. (1965-1969) Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co.(1978-1988) Seven-Up Seven-Up Bottling Co. of El Paso (1937-1969) Seven-Up Royal Crown Bottling Co. (1970-1986) Kalil Bottlling Co. (1986-present) 664 76 Empire Products Corp. (1926-1956) Sheboygan Ginger Ale Loretz, Pegram & Co. (1917-1923[?]) 6 Tone Seven-Up Bottling Co. (ca. 1941-1943) Sprite Magnolia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (1963-present) Spur Cola Canada Dry Bottling Co.
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