MUShare The Carbon Campus Newspaper Collection 2-6-1987 The Carbon (February 6, 1987) Marian University - Indianapolis Follow this and additional works at: https://mushare.marian.edu/crbn Recommended Citation Marian University - Indianapolis, "The Carbon (February 6, 1987)" (1987). The Carbon. 270. https://mushare.marian.edu/crbn/270 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Campus Newspaper Collection at MUShare. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Carbon by an authorized administrator of MUShare. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The VOL. 4, N0.17, FEBRUARY 8, 1887 ~TUDENT PUBLICATION OF MARIAN COLLEGE COLD SPRING KIDS BROADCASTING by Shelly Leman will train them ln a given skill GOES LIVE and expose them to the •reat• by Trisha Miller Tan, hIJy and Anthony probably world. This ls where our Marian would not appreciate being cal led ccmwnity gets involved. Finally, Before this year, the 'kids' when they are almost our the Juniors and seniors are broadcast l ng course at Mari an was age and involved ln their f lrst ideal l y placed ln paying Jobs. tau~t fran a textbook, but a new week of on-the-Job training here According to Mr. McDermott, one of teacher and fresh Ideas have at Marian. Hal llburton Tan ls the dlfflcultles ls that the changed that, and today students working under Janet Padgett ln people who hire the kids often get hands-on exper 1ence l n local Al 1lson Mansion ; Amy Harris ls wan t to keep t hem on permanen t l y. broadcast and radio studios. be Ing superv I sed by Herman Johnson This is wonderful for the at the gym; Anthony White ls ln lndlvlwal, but It makes finding the 1lbrary being trained by Fred Jobs for the upcanlng freshmen and Thanas. These teenagers share a sophanores more difficult. camnon di sadvantage -- they are Tan, hay and Anthony's work retarded. week is Monday, Wednesday, and Retarded ls not synonymous with Friday fran 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. At repu 1sl ve. It sil1') Iy means that the end of the day, Mr. McDermott these teens have a men 1 ta or sane other member of the Cold h l nder ance that makes them s 1ower Spr l ng Schoo I staff pl cks up the to I earn and does not aI 1CN them teenagers who are excl ted and to transfer skills to different satisfied to get positive environments. Tan, MY, and responses to the inquiries on how Anthony are being trained with their day went. A1 thou~ many skills that will hopefully look times the mentally retarded cannot good on the 1r resumes when they go fu 1I y c~rehend where the l r Job out to f Ind Jobs that wl 11 al low tralnlng ls leading, they do enJoy them sane measure of independence. be Ing part of the norma I work Ing Because they are retarded, they world. This gives them a sense of wll I always need kind of sane self-worth and accaapllshllent. support. The long term ~I of Mr. Cindy Brewster and Greg McDermott , Ms. Brewster, Mar Ian' s McDermott support these kids Joyce Johnstone and anyone throu~ Cold Spring School. This Involved with the retarded ls ls not a school of reading, breaking down the attitude writing and arithmetic, but rather barriers toward the handicapped. The class, which ls tau~t by a school of training. First By making Taa, Amy, and Anthony Kary Ellen Kirby, meets two days a throu~ third grades are given visible to the Marian callllJnity week • On Tuesdays, they go to c 1assroan jobs such as co 1I ect i ng American Cable Vision and work on erasers. In grades four throu~ throu~ their custodial work, hopefully we wl11 all learn to scripts that they have prepared. el ~t, the children are encouraged Each student sutxnits two to do Jobs outside of the treat them as naturally as we do each other . scripts 'during the semester ; these classroan , for ex•Je, l aundry, can be el ther theatre scripts or and de ) I very of lunch trays. <Please See KIDS on page 6> Freshmen and sophomores get (Please See BROADCASTI NG page 5) involved with non-paying Jobs that THE CARBON -- 6 February 1987 -- page 2 The v l ews expressed on th ls page are not necessar 11 y the v l ewe of LETTERS TO THE EDITOR the~ or lts staff. Yearbook Fee •.. FOREIGN BORN Term Paper Clinic To the students of Marian College: Let the Marian College Librarians Help You Choose Your Last week, I read with great According to the Student Topic and Find Your Sources. dlsnay a letter by a Mr. Ridenour Affairs Office, 30 students at When; Feb. 23-27 who literally called me an Marian are foreign-born. Time; 9-5 •arbitrary thief.• According to If you've never been a or by appointment. him, I had no other desire by •stranger in a strange land,• H's vot 1ng • yes• to a yearbook fee hard to understand how a student BIG THANKS!! than to get Into his billfold. He fran another country feels at for making the Ski Trip a success: said that I did not care. Marian College, United States of Sandy Gatto, Reservations & My decision to vote on a America. Preliminary Planning yearbook fee was not a rash one. The differences are more than JIil Bakker, Collections &Final I examl ned the costs, the work, sk 1n tone, dress, Ian~age or Details the yearbook stat f ••• I asked sane which side of the street to drive --Mr. Henderson on. When a student fran another students, •would you want a GUEST EDITORIAL POLICY for the yearbook fee?' I remember that as land canes here, he/she brings also the memories, habl ts, ~. The~ welcanes guest a senior In hi~ school, I toured editorials. Specifications: Marian College and found out that culture, oplnlons, religious beliefs and prejudices. 100-150 words, in the ~ there was no yearbook. What klnd office by 12:00 noon, Monday of of 1 poclank 1 place was this ••• no I remeni>er an occurrence at a ca1111.1nications conference when I the week the editorial ls to be yearbook??! ! My hl ~ achoo 1 run • The f i na l dee is I on on wh l ch friends wtio _went to other colleges asked an oriental lady her age. It was as l f I had asked for the edltorlal(s) to run ls reserved autanatlcal ly received a yearbook solely to the ~ editor and/or at the end of the year. It was most intimate statistic possible. part of their fees. What about I had! In her cu 1ture, age was staff. Marian? sanething one Just didn't ask. We aleo spent hours atteq,tlng What to do? Here at Marian we THE CARP to get the most for the student's have a wonderful opportunity to Mari an Co 11 ege money ••• best quality at the learn about other cultures and Indianapolis, IN 46222 cheapest price ••• and we were peoples •. We also can learn to be surprised at how llllch more the better calllllnlcators by learning Manaalna Editor Editors yearbook would be l111>r.oved. It to be better 11 steners and wI sers Scott Reinhardt Stacey Nicholas wou Id be cheaper l n · cost for speakers. Michelle Scheidt everyone. It wou Id have better Listen to you new friends, find quality paper, more color out about their belief systems and Staff: Brad Landwerlen pictures, and a larger size book. try to be caref uI about how you Pat Webb I could not ·telp but think how express yours. Bob Bunting DJch better this would be for the Perhaps l n th Is ema I l way we Jenna Morrow students and for Marian as a can begin to bul Id a world system Jill D~vis whole. that doesn't resort to guns and Trisha Ml ller My dee I si on was not bali>s to settle differences. Chris Beals arbltrary ••• lt was not rash ••• lt Remember -- in the final Don Vogt was not an act of thievery ... It analysis foreign relations are up Corinne Collings was a conscientious decision and to you -- not the State 5'teri Bernat one that, yes, I felt I could make Department. She I I y Leman a difference to both the quail ty by James Ridenour Kenny Richards of the echoo I and the pride of Alex Lake those attending l t. I make that Debbie Erven •yes• decision because I ~ about Marian and my peers who are WHAT MAUS NEWS? ml make news. (Special thanks to: enro 11 ed here. If you know of an event or Brother James Rinard, O.S.B.> happening, let us know too. When Thank you, you see news happen, call ext. 411 Advisors: Dr. Craig Bill Gulde or ext. 400. Mr. Hohman THE CAR~ -- 6 Februar 1987 -- pa 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS DOHERTY ON INDIANA There w111 be a meet l ng for the cast of 'Raggedy Ann & Andy• on Tuesday, February 10 at 8:20 a.m. by Kelley Ross in roan 222. Jeff Johns, Danny Johnson, Scott Reinhardt, Sandy An institution's greatness Max, Chris Beals, Carin Chambers, depends upon the peop1e who Karl Wolf, and Sandra Groves owe dedl ca te themse I ves to l t. The $25.00 for the videotape. Extra institution grows from their tapes may also be purchased at efforts, and takes pride in their this time.
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