Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-17-1942 UA19/17/4 Football Program - WKU vs Morehead State University WKU Athletics Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation WKU Athletics, "UA19/17/4 Football Program - WKU vs Morehead State University" (1942). WKU Archives Records. Paper 638. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/638 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STE REH B o W L I N s G D A Y SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1942 - HOWDY FOLKS! HOW YOU rrDOIN~~? AFTER THE " GAME, OR ANY OLD TIME ,"TANK UP" AT SHELLEY PAXTON SERVe STA. 13th and Center ,24 Hour Service Phone 999 After 9 P. M. Phone 359 STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS - "I, ATLAS TIRES-BATTERIES-ACCESSORIES ',' Winterize With The Station That Has Personalized Service. ", I ' • .~ • "i"1 , NOTHING NEW BUT SOMETHING DIFFERENT The Front Cov{!r Wf/$ Designed and Printed by DoN SPENCER COMPANY, INC., 271 Madison Ave., New York. 1942 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Sept. 26. University of Mississippi . .... .. .. .. Away Oct. 3. Marshall College ... ... .. ... .. .. Home ::: Oct. 9. Youngstown College . .... .. ...... .. Away Oct. 17. Morehead (Dads Day) .. ... .. ........ Home :::Oct. 23. Union University .. .. .. ... ... .. Away Oct. 31. Eastern .. .. .. .. ... .... .. Away Nov. 7. T. P. I. (Homecoming) .. .. .. ... ... .. Home Nov. 14. Union University .... ..... .. ..... ... Home Nov. 21. Murray . .... .. .. .. .. .... Away ::: Night games ~ 1--. 2:J~j ftL 10 () () - "OCTOf»ER DAD~S DAY PROGRAM Football Game 2:30 P. M. WESTERN LUNCHEON PROGRAM MORNING PROGRAM vs. MOREHEAD Presiding .. ... .... M. L. Billings Faith Of Our Fathers .... Audience Trumpet Solo ... ... Ray McKeever '",c''''''''''''''''''''''' Invocation . Rev. Charles E. Hawkins Father-"The Home's Place in a World at War" ... ... M. C. Hines Violin Solo, Serenade ..... .. Drdla Marjorie Parker Son-"The College Man's Place in a World at War" ... Chas. M. Hale Welcome to Dads .... W. J . Craig Violin Solo .... .. ...... Janice Rhea Response .. Supt. Gilbert C. Burkhead Daughter-"A College Girl's Place Vocal Solo~Danny Boy .. Weatherly in a World at War" . ... Steeley Veach ..... .. .. .. ... Claire Bryant Address ......... .. Rev. W. O. P arr Western-"A College's Place in a World at War" . .'.. .... Introduction of Dads Pres. Paul Garre~t GUNDERSON THE WESTERN BAND IS DIRECTED BY HUGH GUNDERSON SWANEY KINDUELL ZIMMERMAN SPARKS STEELE GADD MAZOLA HILLTOPPERSENIORS RALPH GADD BOB WILSON JIMMY KINDUELL JOHN STOLL SI STEELE RED SPARKS AS USUAL OLD FRI EN DS WILL MEET AT THE BROWN ICE CREAM AND MILK CO. UNIVERSITY INN -GRADE "A" PASTEURIZED MILKe Steaks and Freezer Fresh Ice Cream Are Our Specialties -ICE CREAM - AND BUTTER- HILLTOPPER JUNIORS AL ZIMMERMAN BOB CALES HAROLD SWANEY ~ ..... BOOTS ABELL DALLAS ARNOLD Best Wishes To The . .. Compliments of I HILLTOPPERS SWEET FEED MILLS "Kentucky's Best Football Team" Incorp or ated From The . .. Manufacturers of JlACE" Bowling Gr~en Laundry Co. SWEET FEEDS "Kentucky's Best Cleaners" FOR ALL CLASSES OF LIVESTOCK Phone 700 13th St. A t L . & N . R. R . WESTERN FB Wilson 98 RHB or Cullen 89 LHB Mills 81 H. Shelby 70 QB Steel 99 RT RG C LG LT Abell Sparks Cales Solley Zimmerman 69 88 97 73 64 RE LE Swaney Gadd 9(t 78 TODAY'S CAPTAIN Sparks 88 SQUAD LIST 65 Stoll, John, c 79 Greene, James, qb 67 Moran, Charles, hb 82 Capps, Edward, g 68 Hall, Carroll, t . 83 McLeod, Buddy, hb 71 Pawley, Bill, c 86 Farris, Charles, e 72 Redmon, Lloyd, g 87 Arnold, Da llas, t 7'5 Keyes, Buddy, c 91 Mazola, John, hb 76 Hammack, Bill, g 92 Shelby, Albert, t 77 Kinduell, Jas. K., e 95 Goodner, Howard, hb 96 HartIedge, Ray. g OFFICIALS Referee Bobby Worrall, Sewanee Umpire Williams, Pittsburgh Smokers cheer for the cigarette that really performs ... gives them a MILDER smoke ... cheers them with its Cooler, Better Taste- QB W orkma n 32 RHB LHB Sween ey 40 Salva to 83 FB Hower ton 81 RG C LG LT Gandolfi Zachem Walters H etma n 38 42 33 84 RE LE M a sonis Wheeler 39 :15 SQUAD LIST W Adams, b 36 Spe lock, e 21 Jorda n , b ,:7 H a rma n , g Z4 Wor onowicz, g" 43 Galbra ith, t 26 Micholowsjus, b 80 G ibson, b 29 Fa chini, e 82 La wson, c 34 Hicks, e 85 Preston, g" OFFI CI AL S Headlinesm a n Merrill Huges, T enn. T ech . Field Judge Bo Brown, T ennessee WESTERN'S COACHING STAFF TOM PROTHRO Prothro is :the son of Doc Pro­ thro, former. manager of :the Phil­ adelphia baseball :team and now leader of the Memphis Chicks. Coach Wallace Wade of Duke praised him as "one of :the fines:t ever :to play for me." Salato, popu­ HEAD COACH ARNOLD WINKENHOFER lar spark plug from las:t season, will en:ter :the Army in January. Arnold "Winky" Winkenhofer. who moved up to the Winkenhofer, Pro:thro, and Sa­ head coachship this year after Gander Terry became a lato have a squad of seven:teen physical education instructor for the Army. was a star players above the firs:t-year level at Western prior to being graduated in 1928. playing and fourteen Freshmen. Of :the both at 'end and in-the backfield. He coached at Dawson seventeen upper classmen eleven Springs in 1928 and at Princeton High during the next of :them made varsi:t:y le:t::t:ers op four years. He took over coaching duties at Western's las:t year's squad, and six were College High in 1934 and awarded numerals. ~~ became an assistant to Ter­ ry in 1938. Last school year Missing from las:t year's squad he traveled for the Ameri­ which won four games, los:t five, can Red Cross after being and :tied one are :thir:teen varsi:t:y granted a leave of absence players and nine freshmen. Seniors by President Paul L. Gar­ who completed play last season reti. were Harold Hun:ter, Howard "Tip" Downing, Jimmy Sala:to, Assisting him in coaching Dick Crouch, ' Pe:te Marcus, and the Toppers are Tom Pro­ Harry Bowling. Others who en:ter­ l:hro, one of last year's ed :the armed forces or dropped Rose Bowl starters from ou:t for some o:ther reason were Duke University, and Jim­ Casey S:tephenson, George Cun­ my Salato, all-K. I. A. C. ningham, Joe Asbury, Gene Spar­ blocking back from West­ row, Elmer Keffer, Joe Cullen, ern's 1941 team. Prothro and freshmen Wilbur Cunning­ fills the place made vacant ham" Andy Jones, Rudy Sills, by Ed Stansbury, who is Charles Me:tro, Charles Hoard, now in the United States Charles Bailey, Earl Garr,George JIMMY SALA TO Army. Maines, and Bob Currier. Coach E. A. Diddle who is na­ tionally famous for turning out superior basketball teams is serving as Western's Director of Athletics. Coach Diddle came to Western in 1922 and until 1928 was in charge of all Western sports. With the expansion of the college he relinquished the head coachship of football but has remained closely in contact with the sport in an advisory capacity. WE'RE FOR YOU WESTERN Everything For The Athlete Warren County Hardware Company "Where the Nation Shops and Saves!" Phone 328 934 State Street Compliments of American National Bank SAFE At-.!D FRIENDLY SINCE 1886 WESTERN'S 1942 SQUAD ROSTER Red Gray Name Pos. Wt. Ht. Class Home Address 64 64 Zimmerman, A. End 190 6'1" Junior Youngs-town, Ohio 65 65 Stoll, John Center 179 6'1" Senior Ludlow, Ky. 67 67 Moran, Charles Back 160 5'11' Frosh Horse Cave, Ky. 68 68 Hall, Carroll Tackle 185 6'1" Soph. Marion, Ky. C9 C9 Abell, Raphael Tackle 195 6' Junior Morganfield, Ky. :0 70 Shelby, Harding Back 168 5'11" Frosh Clarksville, Tenn. 71 71 Pawley, Bill Center 186 5'11" Soph. Rineyville, Ky. 72 72 Redmon, Lloyd Guard 190 6'1" Frosh Okolona, Ky. 73 73 Solley, Bill Back 180 5'11" Junior Guntersville, Ala. 75 75 Keyes, Buddy Center 175 6'2" Soph. Tompkinsville, Ky. 76 76 Hammack, Bill Guard 165 5'9" Frosh Sturgis, Ky. 77 77 Kinduell, James K. End 172 5'11" Senior Fort Mitchell, Ky. 78 78 Gadd, Ralph E. End 175 5'11" Senior Catlettsburg, Ky. 79 79 Greene, James Back 190 5'10" Frosh Ashland, Ky. 81 81 Mills, Ray Back 155 5'11" Soph. Lynch, Ky. 82 82 Capps, Edward Guard 170 5'11" Frosh Campbellsville, Ky. 83 83 McLeod, Buddy Back 170 6' Frosh Cleveland, Tenn. 86 86 Farrish, Charles End 170 5'11" Frosh Erlanger, Ky. 87 87 Arnold, Dallas Tackle 195 6'1" Junior Fairdale, Ky. 88 88 Sparks, M. S. Guard 190 5'11" Senior Pinkeyville, Ill. 89 89' Cullen, Lou Back 21(} 6'1" Soph. Meadville, Pa. SG 90 Swaney, Harold End 180 6' Junior Meadville, Pa. 91 91 Mazola, John Back 175 6' Soph. Auburn, New York 92 92 Shelby, Albert Tackle 170 5'10" Frosh Bowling Green, Ky. 95 95 Goodner, Howard Back 160 5'11" Frosh Cleveland, Tenn. 96 96 Hartledge, Ray Guard 168 5'10" Frosh Elizabethtown, Ky. 97 97 Cales, Robert Center 190 6'1" Junior Ironton, Ohio 98 98 Wilson, Robt. F. Back 170 6' Senior Fairfield, Ohio 99 99' Steele, Siler Back 175 5'11" Senior Lynch, Ky. COMPLIMENTS OF , Carpenter-Dent-Sublett COInpany C. D. S. No.1 C. D. S. No.2 C. D. S. No.6 C.
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