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Ba,xilrlrig* House Field and garden yield their treasures, masses most of us found our best amusement in OF Text of the Lesson, .Luke xxi, JSO-36—Mem­ fair of beauteous bloom, goiny to sleep, for we had had a hard THE PRESS is an eight column folio Each a message of remembrance bearing to the weekly, filled with interesting reading- ory Verses, 34-3G—Golden Text, Luke lowly tomb. drive of it during the ten days previous, and it would have taken mighty lively New England, local and general news, The B, 0, k ROBT. E, SPENCER CO, xxl, 33—Commentary by the Rev. D. M. Emblems are they of the fallen, whom the and well-selected miscellany. Tliompsonville, Conn. Stearns. springing grasses hide, surroundings to rouse much sporting TERMS: $1.50 a year in advance; six Of tlieir hopes so fair and glowing, stricken in blood in us. We had foraging parties months, 75 cents; three months, 40 cents. 20. " Ye shall see Jerusalem compassed tlieir noon-day pride; CLOTHIERS. Oapita-1, $25,000. out, of course, but what they found Postage prepaid by the publishers. ivith armies." One day as He was leaving Long their sleep and deep their slumber,through Papers are forwarded until an explicit the temple they sought to call His atten­ the years of manhood's prime- wouldn't have filled a haversack, and so tion to the great stones and gifts, but He order is received by the publishers for Tlie business of the liouse is the transaction Glorious years, whose splendor brightens the we had to be content with what our few their discontinuance and until payment of nf i sreneral banking business. Deposit accounts Baid that the time would come when not kaleidoscope of time! recei?ed subject to check at sight, and interest one stone would be left on another. They wagons had brought along. all arrearages is made, as required by law. allowed on deposits. We have money to loan on Still their spectre hands have swayed us, reach­ Advertising rates made known on ap­ Tliompsonville real estate. afterward asked Him about this, and He ing upward from the grave, "It was our second night in that posi­ then told them of the approaching destruc­ plication. Another Busy Saturday We are desirous of beinpf of service to those And they still shall guide the nation which they tion. I had been officer of the guard on tiiat m;iv have had, and now may be. having, tion of Jerusalem and of this whole age Births, Marriages, and Deaths inserted gave their lives to save. as UWDER trouWe and anxiety in the matter of their invest­ the night before, and a result I was free. Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents till He shall come again. For tliey did the deeds of Titans, and from shin­ absolutely Pure. And the most Wonderful Bargains ever offered in Boys' and Chil­ ments Possibly we can suggest some way out 21. "Then let them which are in Judaea a line. ing sea to sea sleeping in a very determined and busi­ dren's Finest Clothing. It matters not the bargains we may have of the difficulty. flee to the mountains." Sometimes we are "A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest THE PRESS will be for sale at John We are in a position to give our clients the Left our starry banner floating o'er a land re­ nesslike way. But it didn't take any of all in leavening strength."—Latest U.S.Gov- Hunter's, and by news boys, every Thurs­ offered heretofore, for none can approach these now presented. best service possible, and any business you may to stand and endure and die, and some emmenttfood Report. entrust to our care will be faithfully attended to. times we are to flee. He will tell us when deemed and free; alarm clock to bring me out of my blan­ day evening. Copies folded ready for And where'er their bones are resting, tho' their ROYALdiKiNGPOWDER Co.. 106 Wall st., N.Y. OFFICE HouRS-9.30to 12 a. m.; 1.30to 3.30 p. m. to stand still and when to go forward if kets when a shot came cracking out from mailing can also be had at Hunter's or at Two Suits for the Price of One. wo have ears to hear. Let us ever ''watoh names no mortal knows, the woods where our pickets were, and this office. At Hazardville, at the store Liberty a shrine is keeping, where the fire of of Wm. A. Smith. At Windsor Locks, 439 Boys'2-piece Suits at $1.98 each, our regular $2.50 and $3 suits, made Physicians and Surgeons. the way," and "watoh to see what He will when another sounded, and then two or "Boys, I never heard a march that say" (Nah. ii, 1; Hab. ii, 1). Ezek. xxii, Freedom glows. at C. F. Cleveland's news room. of strictly all-wool Cheviot, fine quality and weight; they are made in 17-22, has had a fulfillment, but like many But alas! the mounds grow thicker with each three together, I began routing out my sounded more like a veritable paean of We have a complete outfit of news­ the very latest style, and are beautifully trimmed and made. The F PARSONS, M. D., swift returning year, men mighty promptly. Well, our drum­ victory khan that glorious hymn, and paper and job type, our presses are rim sizes are 4 to 15—439 suits to select from. ,. R•A-1VOWI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. another prediction, the great fill-full-ment E, Is yet to come. And they sleep who stood beside us when the by steam power, and we have every 1,200 Boys' Finest 2 piece Suits, at $2.50 each, our regular $3.50 and $4 suits. Residence and office No. 45 Pearl street, mers thumped out the long roll, and the in the m dst of the smoke and dust and 22. "For these be the days of venge­ last sweet May was here! facility for doing Every suit in this line is all wool and come in a variety of styles— rhompsonville, Conn. Office hours, 8.00 to 9.00 regiment fell in, and presently back came blood of the fight it brought us both hope 2-piece Reefer, Junior, Sailor—in fancy Cheviots, blue, black, plain ance." Such passages as Deut. xxvili, 25, Soldiers of the great Grand Army! You who JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS a. m.; 2.00 to 3.00, and 6.00 to 7.30 p. m. Orders 48; Dan. ix, 26, were then fulfilled, hut the pickets with the report that the and cour ige and gave us the feeling that Cheviots, plain and fancy Cassimere, Tweeds and Worsteds. Sizes may be left at E. N. Smith's drug store. once stood side by side we read elsewhore that the days of venge­ With the comrades who are sleeping 'neath the enemy was in our front and, so far as no odds < ould be strong enough to crush in the latest style, at short notice, and 4 to 15—1,200 suits to select l'roui. ance will be associated with Israel's re­ flag for which they died, they could judge, in force. The night us. Colt nel Burleigh afterward told us at the lowest living prices. Boys'Shirt Waists at less than cost, $1, $1.25, $1.50. Mother's Friend and demption, not with the destruction of Je­ defy honorable competition. T H. DARLING, M. D., You who marched through hailing bullets, and was pretty well used up then, and the that he t id intended to give the word to Star Waists for to-morrow, 69c. Boys' Wash Suits, 48c, 69c, 98c. rusalem. When the Lord shall appear in stood face to face with death, Give us a call or drop us a line before * • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. first hazy light of the new day was just the regii lent to set up a cheer when the His glory, He shall build up Zion (Ps. cil, Yet escaped from his entrances, though you felt placing your orders. 16). coming. But there wasn't enough of it band got well up to the line. He never Residence, 24 Pleasant St., Tliompsonville, Conn. his flery breath, The Parsons,Printing Company, 23. "There shall be great distress in the By the love you bore the comrade, who fell by to show what was going on across the got the c hance, though, for that order— Telephone connections with E. N. Smith's land, and wrath upon this people." It is your side that day.
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