An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Iattirests of the People of Hightstown and East W indsor R COUNTY, W itt JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1978 128TH Y E A R — NO. 31 Release W rite-In Township F | a n Board Cent Ballot Rules For Meetings #j§omiiig School Board Elec Delight T o " Attend Tax Hike Township Plan- Residents of Hqtfkatowo th e E. Wl its image last vacancies {three-years) to Ml nmg Board In Proposal its meeting at the February 7 Eaj Tuesday by Milhier, con- Hightstown Schoof 10:15 p.m. Hightstown’s local purpose tax ta r stated he President Wa trover* at FB slated to go up about a half cent 'his Image announced was trying to according to the preliminary fig­ this year. As a of Borough- Thi ures submitted to the Borough gov­ was biy tBW No. PB Tuesday erning body Monday by te e ac­ speed co event able and nwrtnf' countant firm of C. Bergen Groeo- plete tbs agenda | . was almost dyfce, Co. The adoption is sched­ County deUgbt to " * uled next Monday at 8 p.m. at the tion appoints MiBner was d that Municipal BuBding, North M ain vacancy. District 1 of the Windsor street. be making The budget will be a little over The League of Wom~ unteer Fire Co. a considerable under the $1,000,000. The exact figure has not reminds voters a write-in of work at The T*wn and .___ ___ bonding been determined since tee CITA permissible for the elect took of hls trade. The . taxpayers $127, figures have mot been received. procedure for write-in votes the ing machlIM on: a Singer 311$ (KM ng Howver, tee budget wiM be undei Mercer County Board of Elections tailorfcv of inii« -■ u _____Twin Rivers t willy spent soma « years in ^ 00<t ON tee-GAP set by the state. reports is: for many of those years here. ing going into survey, The local purpose tax rate will When Altering the voting ma­ search, title, etc, oglts $121,400 will be $1,074 compared to $1,068 fot chine the voter must first activate COMES OUT OF RETIREMENT FOR ONE [be in bonds and MM remainder in 1977. Council tried to lower it but the switch that closes the curtains down payment. Jg ACCEPTS MINISTERIUM DONATION. Rev. Russell E. Loughman, St. found tee saving of $1.50 on a $38,- and prepares the voting madhine D A Y T O F U L F IL L <\N O L D P R O M IS E | MiBner wanted A me committ- Anthony’ s Church pastor, accepts a donation for the area ministerium 000 house was not that va for voting. Second, the voter is di- A customer o f the Town and After -tee war, he worked m a ^at the peoifcl of East Wind- T, Bentley, McGraw-Hill official. The gift was the result general purpose rate for 1978 rected to the left hand side of the Country Cleaners, Stockton street clothing factory teat manufactured w didn’t pay lo r Mk building and of a fund-raising program at the McGrawrifllJ office and book distribu- was $1.05. voting machine about a quarter of saw Salvatore Danca, affection- garments, doing ah kinds of work land CoQaggwoman Kay tlon center here. The million dollar budget includ­ ihe' way down where there is a ately known as Sully the Tailor, He came to Hightstown in the earty stated aceotMkg to state ta w 1------------------------------ “ ~ ” es $8660.80 for tee bussing of 150 sticker which explains the write-in last Saturday, fixing a pair of 1820's and started hls own tailor donations o r m p ie s to tee fire McGraw-Hill Used Scores Routed By nan-mandated students for 71 days procedure. I trousers. Immediately the young shop on Rogers avenue. From there com pu)in m towards serv-j (September through December 19- 'Push and hold lever below to the man said, “ FH run home and get he moved to a building on .Stockton ^ or ^toproent for tee company.1 Book Sale Proceed* Avon Village Fire; 77) at a cost of $.832 per pupil. right and hold lever until proper'a pair of my pants to be fixed", street where the old Acme store And the account* i : be audited. 1 The estimated cost of bussing 150 slide is opened. When voter pushes j ireplie<i, <T(tn retired. I is now and which is being used for i U od ^ Twin Rivers Are- I To Area Ministerium One Fireman Hurt ndn-mandated students for a full switch to open the curtain, the promised toss man before Christ- a school. At that time It was a ' lhous6 was donated by Kendall tor school year, 180 days x 150 x $.832, write-in slide w ill automatically ^ j woukj fix them and t o he brick building, now torn down, teat Fire officials are investigating is a problem teat will have to be a , „ i » « m < * . a cfase and the write-in w ill be lock- got an,i now he needs them in the cause of a blaze Friday after­ solved in tee 1979 'budget. That cost housed the A& P, tee Hightstown development atJM 1 W- ,“»w“ “* 2 . ed in on the paper roll until tee a hurry” . Library, and SuUy’s tailor shop. PB member BWtam' Sullivan raising program at noon at an apartment to Avon Vil­ will be $22,464. voting machine is unlocked after When teat building was torn down, to ’ eland L d «1 1 arri 1)0011 distribution fe ' lage teat injured a fire fighter. BiU The Council during its budget iSuMy has been retired one month ....... stated he 'had the election is over. ! from tee T o w n and Country Ctean- he moved bts shop to M ercer street buUding was appfNM d at cloee to, cHities here. Askenstedt, a member of the East meetings was abie to cut here and For tee sixth year to a row, tee A person may write in his own.^ ^ for x ve tl across from the Motor Transport- ^ m , 140,000 lor the building « m- Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. 2, was there and use any surplus to any handwriting or affix tee name of w ^ ^ down day where Ira's Tires are now located. and ^ rest fQC w j. He ex- company has treated by the rescue squad at the accounts to include tee busstog any person by any legal means in to keep toe shop while tee women From there he moved to the Atom; ^ w ^ r f i J l bought the scene for a hand injury. without going over the CAP. or upon tee receptacle or device go out to lunch and he pass- With tee exception of Councilman re Dey building. Inkling at Twin M rs the buBd- •ndflN of According to Co. 2 Chief Martin provided for on tee voting machine ^ * e time of day for awhile, At first Sully was not able to ing ,hari a mortgage of some $70,- employees, proceeds Charles (Cappy) State, Council C. Mark, tee fire at V-10 Avon Vil­ for that purpose. I [s toe second time Sully has sate have been contributed to the straw voted to give themselves a make much of a living. He had ^ Distrlct 2 only wanted to pay Mmisteriurn lage broke out shortly after 2 p.m. Voters in East Windsor win cast ret;mi :fn>m ta ilin g work. The ightstown Area Ministerium. raise if essential services for tee married and had two girls. But| jgoooo or $90,000, but District 1 Hightstown in tee bedroom of the second floor: on one candidate fo r three years, f i - tiTne had his tun ono i This ^ donation was ac- own shop when his business warranted, he j wguiq only go as ton ^ w w ,™ . - Russell E. condominium. Fire fighters were not. P£> White eligibtes in bote Hightstown ^ ^ retlred te * 6 early bought a house on Broad street, j j n explaining the $1 forJTL tee land »p«?P* . w^ *•________ »»• »rT - vto Lesser and Sam Lynch, aboard 1P°^ salal^ W0U^ * . and EW will ballot on tee budget, f i go's 9 Mr. and Mrs. Danca’s two girts Mayor W. Jay J. ' to the cor- teri“ m 41x1 P(wtor 01 S t Anthony the first arnving ^ ^ d a p ^ a - , for “ mayor frurn Polls will be open from 5 to 9 1 j n ms p i^ ie Sully made suits for live to New Jersey. Mrs. Anna daji donated tee ^b u y-'X Tedua, Church from making this p a W ^ W fe u d - 011 Fet,ru“ "y many men and women to Bights- Schwager lives in Lakewood and | poratkw and tee T. R.C. ^nfreemoiiAn oull kwim Wta^lrme AAS- _ _ .. .. , tion. al'd T. Bentley, regional vtce presi-, flames and succeeded m teifoing IM l'o r ^ i 1* ' * * * ^ S'*Hy' me"iMrs. Beatrice McCurdy lives to W the tend from tee corporation. fire from spreading. Unite from budget will be introduced on 764i or Sara Stevm 443-5103. bringbrine toimhim suits from all over tee TmVehnrsiLakehurst. TheyTbev have two grand-1Brand- mhau * . pPR r also approvedannmved thetee bond- den'f ftnd _ „here I|Hightstownu l j .i j . - ~ and—i East wksunrWindsor /ViCo. The but world to be altered. People travel tteiforen, one of each, and two ittg ordinance for $77,734 for a bus “ 1 u made UD of'i also responded and assisted at Monday, February 6 and will be Area School Teacher a lot now, said SuHy, and labels great grandchildren, also one of type ambulance for District 2 Res- The tjx K up , published in The Gazette February on tee suits read Israel, France, 1 each.
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