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August 2010 SFR-056/09 Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report – 2009 Prepared by the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee Contributing State Agencies and Organizations Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Water Development Board Railroad Commission of Texas Texas Department of State Health Services Texas Department of Agriculture Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts Texas AgriLife Research Bureau of Economic Geology Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation printed on recycled paper Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report—2009 Prepared by Texas Groundwater Protection Committee SFR-056/09 August 2010 TEXAS GROUNDWATER PROTECTION COMMITTEE <www.tgpc.state.tx.us> Committee Membership Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Texas Water Development Board Railroad Commission of Texas Department of State Health Services Texas Department of Agriculture Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts Texas AgriLife Research Bureau of Economic Geology Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation The Joint Groundwater Monitoring and Contamination Report was designed and produced by the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee in fulfillment of requirements given in Section 26.406 of the Texas Water Code. The effort was partially funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. While the information contained in the report represents the contribution of each individual participating agency and group, the report as a whole is the work of the committee and does not necessarily reflect all of the views and policies of each participating organization. Authorization for use or reproduction of any original material contained in this publication, which is not obtained from other sources, is freely granted. The committee would appreciate acknowledgment. Published and distributed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality PO Box 13087 Austin TX 78711-3087 The TCEQ is an equal opportunity employer. The agency does not allow discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation or veteran status. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this document may be requested in alternate formats by contacting the TCEQ at (512) 239-0028, Fax 239-4488, or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD), or by writing P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087. ii ACRONYMS Agencies, Divisions, and Programs WPD/RML Waste Permits Division/Radioactive Material Licensing (TCEQ) BEG University of Texas at Austin Bureau of WQD/WQAS Water Quality Division/Water Quality Economic Geology Assessment Section (TCEQ) BRC Bureau of Radiation Control (DSHS) WSD/PDW Water Supply Division/Public Drinking BS/EACD Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Water (TCEQ) Conservation District WSD/WRPA Water Supply Division/Water Rights, CSD Compliance Support Division (TCEQ) Permitting and Availability (TCEQ) DOE United States Department of Energy State Legislation DSHS Department of State Health Services ENF Enforcement Division (TCEQ) CMRA Texas Coal Mining And Reclamation EPA United States Environmental Act Protection Agency SMRA Texas Surface Mining and EUWCD Evergreen Underground Water Reclamation Act Conservation District SWDA Solid Waste Disposal Act FOD Field Operations Division (TCEQ) TAgC Texas Agricultural Code GCD Groundwater Conservation District THSC Texas Health and Safety Code GSA General Services Administration TNRC Texas Natural Resources Code O&G Oil and Gas Division (RCT) TRCA Texas Radiation Control Act NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission TWC Texas Water Code RAD/RML- Radioactive Materials Division/ WWDA Texas Water Well Drillers Act Radioactive Materials Licensing (TCEQ) Federal Legislation RAD/UTA Radioactive Materials Division/ Uranium and Technical Assessments AEA Atomic Energy Act (TCEQ) CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental RCT Railroad Commission of Texas Response, Compensation, and RMD/CA Remediation Division/Corrective Action Liability Act Program (TCEQ) CWA Clean Water Act (Amended as Water RMD/DCRP Remediation Division/Dry Cleaners Quality Act 1988) Remediation Program (TCEQ) FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and RMD/PST Remediation Division/Petroleum Rodenticide Act Storage Tank Reimbursement HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Program (TCEQ) Amendments to RCRA (1984) RMD/SC Remediation Division/Superfund RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Cleanup Program (TCEQ) Act RMD/SSDAT Remediation Division/Superfund Site SARA Superfund Amendments and Discovery and Assessment Team Reauthorization Act (TCEQ) SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act RMD/VC Remediation Division/Voluntary SMCRA Surface Mining Control and Cleanup (TCEQ) Reclamation Act RMD/VCBSA Remediation Division/Voluntary TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act Cleanup, Brownfields Site Assessment UMTRCA Uranium Mill Tailings (TCEQ) Radiation Control Act RMD/VCIO Remediation Division/Voluntary Abbreviations Cleanup/Innocent Owner (TCEQ) RRC See RCT BMP best management practice SM&R Surface Mining and Reclamation CAFO concentrated animal feeding operation Division (RCT) CFR Code of Federal Regulations SWCD Soil & Water Conservation Districts COC chemicals of concern TAR Texas AgriLife Research CSGWPP comprehensive state groundwater TAGD Texas Alliance of Groundwater protection program Districts GIS geographic information system TDA Texas Department of Agriculture GPS global positioning system TGPC Texas Groundwater Protection GWSAP groundwater sampling and analysis Committee plan TNRIS Texas Natural Resources Information IPD Interagency Pesticide Database System LDR land disposal restriction TNRCC Texas Natural Resource Conservation LOA letter of authorization Commission (see TCEQ) LPST leaking petroleum storage tanks TPWD Texas Parks and Wildlife Department MCL maximum contaminant level TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental MSWLF municipal solid waste landfill facility Quality NPL national priorities list TSSWCB Texas State Soil and Water OSSF on-site sewage facility Conservation Board PCL protective concentration level TWDB Texas Water Development Board PMP pesticide management plan TWC Texas Water Code PMZ plume management zone UIC Underground Injection Control POE point of entry PRP potentially responsible party iii ACRONYMS (cont.) Program (TCEQ) USGS United States Geological Survey UWCD Underground Water Conservation District WPD/IHW Waste Permits Division/Industrial and Hazardous Waste (TCEQ) WPD/MSW Waste Permits Division/Municipal Solid Waste (TCEQ) RQ reportable quantity TAC Texas Administrative Code TRRP Texas Risk Reduction Program USDW underground source of drinking water WHP wellhead protection iv Contents SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Purpose and Scope .............................................................................................................................. 1 Notification to Local Officials and Public Information ...................................................................... 2 Groundwater Protection...................................................................................................................... 3 Groundwater Monitoring .................................................................................................................... 4 Groundwater Contamination .............................................................................................................. 6 GROUNDWATER PROTECTION ..................................................................................................... 13 Texas Groundwater Protection Committee ...................................................................................... 13 Federal Involvement and Coordination ........................................................................................ 14 State Groundwater Protection Strategy ........................................................................................ 14 Meetings ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Groundwater Protection Policy ........................................................................................................ 16 Groundwater Classification System ................................................................................................. 16 Risk-Based Remediation Programs .................................................................................................. 17 The Texas Risk Reduction Program ............................................................................................. 18 Municipal Setting Designations ................................................................................................... 22 Railroad Commission of Texas Cleanup Fund Program .............................................................. 23 Groundwater Contamination ...........................................................................................................
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