Skype/Linkedin/ Mansee Bal Bhargava, PhD Facebook/Twitter: Entrepreneur | Researcher | Educator bal.mansee www.mansee.in Google+: Phone: 0091 98240 92804 mansee bal Email: [email protected] Academic and Professional Involvements Since Jun’95- - Research Entrepreneur. Environmental Design Consultants (EDC), Ahmedabad Since Sep’09- - Independent Research, Guest Speaking and Coordinating Designed Courses Since Jan’03- - Founder Volunteer, Eco Development and Research Cell, Ahmedabad (not for profit) Since Nov’20- - Visiting Faculty at School of Architecture, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer - Managing Editor, Connections for Sustainability Journal, managed by the Remote Connections for Sustainability, The Netherlands - Expert Evaluator, Paris Region Fellowship Programme (ParisRegionFP) Since Sep’20- - Visiting Faculty at TERI School of Advance Studies, New Delhi Since Mar’15- - Affiliated Faculty. The Ostroms Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA & Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam Since Jan’20- - Member, Board of Studies, Department of Sustainable Architecture, Central University Rajasthan, Ajmer; and Department of Architecture, KLE Technological University, Hubli Since July’18- - Visiting Prof. Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai, Raipur - Member, Board of the SDG Center at Presidency University Bengaluru July-Oct’2020 - Executive Director, SaciWATERs, Hyderabad, India Feb’-July’2020 - Prof. Amity School of Architecture, Amity University Chhattisgarh, Raipur - Visiting Prof. SAL School of Architecture, Gujarat Technical University, Ahmedabad Jan’18-June’20 - In different capacities (Full-Time Prof., Adjunct Prof., Visiting Prof.) at Institute of July’15-Dec’18 Architecture and Planning, Nirma University, Ahmedabad Mar-Apr’2018 - Expert Evaluator for the Central Evaluation of Research and Innovation projects of H2020(2018) at the European Research Executive Agency Sep’16-June’17 - Fulbright Prof. at Centre for Behaviour, Institutions and Environment, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University ASU, Tempe, USA (2016-17) Jan’16-June’16 - Visiting Prof. School of Architecture, Anant National University, Ahmedabad July’15-Dec’15 - Adjunct Prof. Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture, Saurashtra University, Rajkot Aug’14-Mar’15 - Research Fellow at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto. Sep’09-Feb’15 - PhD Scholar at Department of Public Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam Sep’09-Dec’13 - Associate Faculty at Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (HIS-EUR) Sep’11-Dec’11 - Long Term Visiting Scholar at The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington. July’07-Oct’07 - Business Intelligence and Development at Mayfair Housing Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. Mar’1999- - Research Associate and Visiting Faculty at School of Planning and Architecture, Centre July’05 for Environmental Planning and Technology, (now CEPT University), Ahmedabad. Apr’01- Oct’01 - Urban Design Consultant at Modi Associates, Ahmedabad. Aug’96-Jun’97 - Senior Architect at M/S Urban Development Group, Ahmedabad. Jun’95-Aug’96 - Assistant Architect at M/S Stein, Doshi and Bhalla, Ahmedabad. Academics Feb’2015 PhD in Public Administration from Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Sep’2008 - *MSc. in Urban Management and Development from Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies, IHS, Rotterdam, NL July 2006 - MPhil. in Planning, Growth & Regeneration from Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Feb’1999 - *PG Dip. in Urban Design from Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology (now CEPT University), Ahmedabad, IN June1995 - *B. in Architecture from Maulana Azad College of Technology, (now MANIT), Barkatullah University, Bhopal, IN * Distinction Areas of - LIFE. Research Methods; Built Environment Design-Planning-Management-Governance; Interest Water; Lakes; Land; Public Spaces; Housing; Sustainability; Politics; Society; India; YOG. 1- December 2020 Awards, Nominations, Grants Feb’2020 - USIEF India Grant for Workshop on Pedagogy of Waterscape for Sustainable Development Sep’16- June’17 - Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship for Professional & Academic Excellence, Phoenix, USA June16-Feb’17 - Grant for IDE-JETRO Interactive Water Governance Initiative, Chiba JP Oct’16 - Nominated for IHS Urban Manager Award at the (UN) Habitat III, Quito, Equador Aug’14-Mar’15 - Research Fellowship from Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, JP 2014 - Nominated by IHS-EUR for The Ramsar Convention Award for Wetland Innovation Sep’09-Aug’13 - Research Fellowship from IHS-EUR for pursuing PhD. Aug-Dec’2011 - Visiting Scholar Fellowship from The Ostroms Workshop, IU Bloomington, USA Oct’07-Sep’08 - Netherlands Fellowship Programme for MSc. July-Aug’2008 - Visiting Scholar Fellowship from ArgDesign, Cape Town, SA. Sep’05-July’06 - Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship for MPhil. July’97-Feb’99 - Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering Scholarship for PG Dip. 1990 - National Scholarship Scheme, NSS SCIENCE RESEARCH Book - Forthcoming. Bhargava, M.B. 2021. Applications of a Social-ecological system Framework- Analysing urban lake governance and sustainability in India, in Series: Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences, Springer, Japan. Forthcoming. Hambarde, A., and Bhargava, M.B. 2021. Collective Memory of Public Spaces. EBook on Indratsra Global. ISBN: xxxxx - Bhargava, M.B. and Ast, JVA, 2020.Why Resource Governance Fails?: Examples from Urban Lakes in India. EBook on Indrastsra Global. ISBN: 9798651597895 - Bal, M. 2015. Social-ecological System Framework: Understanding urban lake governance and sustainability in India. PhD Dissertation at Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISBN: 978-90-7011-65). https://repub.eur.nl/pub/77643/ Articles - Forthcoming. Bhargava, M.B. 2020. Social-ecological State of Urban Lakes in India. MyLiveableCity. Focus on Health and Cities, Jan-Jun’2021. ISSN: xxxxxxx - Forthcoming. Bhargava, M.B. 2021. Ds! that challenge the Urban Lake Conservation & Management in India. Indrastsra. ISSN: xxxxxx - Forthcoming. Bhargava, M.B. 2021. Water Cannons: Cannonisation of Protest Governance. Indrastsra. ISSN: xxxxxx - Forthcoming. Mondal, S., Bhargava, M.B. and Robertson, M. 2021. Women Water Leaders in the Making: South Asian Water Leadership Programme on Climate Change. In wH2O: The Journal of Gender and Water - Bhargava, M.B. 2020. Reclaim the Drains in the Cities: For Relishing the Rains and Replenishing the Rivers & Lakes – I, Indrastsra. ISSN: 2381-3652 - Bhargava, M.B. 2020. Walk the Lake, Talk the Lake. MyLiveableCity. Focus on Heritage & Culture, Jan- June2020. ISSN 2455-2380. - Van Ast, J.A. Widaryati, A. & Bal, M., 2014. The 'Adat' institution and the Management of Grand Forest 'Herman Yohannes' in Indonesian Timor: The Role of Design Principles for Sustainable Management of Common Pool Resources. Conservation and Society, 12 (3), pp.194-305. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26393164?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents - Bal, M. Van Ast, J.A. & Bouma, J.J., 2013. Sustainability of Urban Lakes: Role of Values in Lake Governance in Ahmedabad, India. Sociology Study, 3(3): pp.182-206. - Bal, M., Ast, J.V., & Bouma, J.J. (2011). Sustainability of water resource systems in India: role of value in urban lake governance in Ahmedabad. Semantic Scholar. Corpus ID: 55515828. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Sustainability-of-water-resource-systems-in-India%3A-Bal- Ast/1613262ef1d49053a449f32b131c99980ee90920#references Book Chapter - Forthcoming. Bhargava, M.B. 2021. What will it take to make Indian cities more Resilient Case of Integrated Lake Basin Management at Indore. In Raza Ullah and Ganesh Shivakoti ed.2020. Redefining Diversity and Dynamics of Natural Resources Management in Asia. Volume 5. Elsevier. - Forthcoming. Sanjaliwala, M. & Bhargava, M.B. 2021. An Institutional analysis of Gundalav Lake Governance. co-author Megha Sanjaliwala. In: Shivakoti, G. et.al. ed., 2019. In Raza Ullah and Ganesh 2- December 2020 Shivakoti ed.2020. Redefining Diversity and Dynamics of Natural Resources Management in Asia. Volume 5. Elsevier. - Forthcoming. Ali, S and Bhargava, M.B. 2021. Design Principles of the Indus Water Treaty towards a Peace Building Process between India and Pakistan. In: Brauch, H.G. et.al. ed., 2019. Handbook on Sustainable Peace. In Book Series, The Anthropocene: Politik – Economics – Society – Science (APESS). Springer Nature. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030623159 - Bhargava, M. 2019. Assessment of Interactive Governance at Anasagar Lake Management in India: Analysing using Institutional Analysis Development Framework. In: Kenji Otsuka ed.,2018. Interactive Approaches to Water Governance in Asia. Springer, Japan. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-2399-7_9 - Van Ast, J.A., Bouma, J.J. & Bal. M., 2013. Values connecting Societies and Water Systems. In: J. Edelenbos, N. Bressers, & P. Scholten, ed., 2013. Water Governance as Connective Capacity. Ashgate Publishing Limited, Surrey, England, pp.249-266. https://search.proquest.com/openview/32aa3b4458e6b662e7f703437c3c6311/1?pq- origsite=gscholar&cbl=2032318 Published Essays and Reports - Bal, M. 2015. Special Report: Institutional Analysis Development Framework of Urban Lake Governance in Indore: Case Studies of Lasudia Mori and Khajrana Lake. Submitted to TARU Leading
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