PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Thurs.. Oct. 16, 1975 The weather Rain tonight, continuing Saturday. Lows tonight near 50, highs Saturday in the low uritan 60s. iIattrI|E0tEr lEim ttng to a lb MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1975 - VOL. XCV, No. 15 Manchester—A City of Village Charm BUSINESS H TWENTY PAGES — TWO SECTIONS PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS and hid Bond you News Judge upholds plea OH teams with Hotel I summary | town decision Compiled from :j:j ;¥ Cnited Press International :$ HEAVY State I i for firehouse i:*: HARTFORD —A one-man grand ij: jury has been ordered to probe S By SOL R. COHEN Assembly) to consider expansion of dis­ } nVFMRFR OCTOBB allegations of payoffs and im- Herald Reporter trict lines. ^ J f Q proprieties in the awarding of a When Superior Court Judge Harold Judge Mulvey drew an admission from gaming permit to a Bridgeport firm. ;|i; Bletchman and Noble that the new *- See Page 10. i;: Mulvey refused to issue an injunction firehouse would serve other areas of town, Thursday for halting construction of HOTEL COMTRACT DIVISION HARTFORD —Connecticut will :|i: in addition to the area in contention, but he ^ J the Buckland Firehouse, he said, “I’m Assistant veep 5 3 iji have to pay higher interest rates to ij; received no reply to his question, “How f FULL SIZE I QUEEN SIZE not here to decide whether or not the about the rights of the people of Edward R. DeGroff of Wall |:| borrow money because of a Moody’s 1 1 :|: Investor Service decision to lower firehouse is needed. I’m here only to Manchester outside the area you talk St., Coventry, has been named decide on the legal matter of a request about but also to benefit from the assistant vice president in the the state’s credit rating, according ij; 7 PIFrK CBT I ’ o9 8 . Ir 128* . to Gov. Ella Grasso. Mrs. Grasso iji: for a temporary injunction.’’ firehouse?’’ compensation and business ij: charged that Connecticut is being ^ Judge Mulvey is a former state attorney planning division of Connecticut The matter of the firehouse itself and general and a former municipal corpora­ Mutual Life Insurance Co., :$ penalized for problems of New York :¥ who has jurisdiction for fire protection in OPEN g City. I tion counsel. He has been named a one- Hartford. the Buckland area, he said, can be decided man grand jury to investigate scandal ij: DANBURY —Mayor Charles i;: DeGroff is a graduate of at a declaratory action brought by Larry charges involving the Bridgeport jai alai Ducibella said today the police un- ij; Syracuse University with two Noone of 327 Burnham St. and returnable facility. He was involved in controversial ion will have to make jts charges ;|;J Handing out the badges degrees in geology. He joined 9 TO 9 Nov. 18 in Hartford County Superior fluoridation and school-prayer opinions the company’s Denver agency against Chief James Tallon more iji Court. while attorney general and in the mis-trial specific before the mayor will take § in 1961 as an agent and came to Police Chief Robert Lannan, right, hands out the badges Russell Holyfield as detective, James Sweeney as After a 45-minute hearing on the “show ruling in the New Haven Black Panther •;;; any action on the union demand for ij: the home office in 1967. SATURDAY with the new ranks to four of his officers at 8:30 this mor­ sergeant, Robert Guliano as lieutenant, and Richard Sar­ cause’’ action, also brought by Noone, trial in the early ‘70s. j:; Tallon’s ouster. The union says it He was named assistant ning. The men and their new ranks are, left to right. tor as captain. (Herald photo by Pinto) Judge Mulvey declared, “I have no dif­ He said Thursday to Bletchman and No­ •S has had grievances with Tallon for director of employe plans in 9 TO 8 ficulty at all in this decision (denying the ble, “Why do you think I should stick my j:< more than a year and listed several 1971 and director of pensions in injunction). There is a cardinal rule in law neck out and interfere with Town of 1972. He received his CLU :|S reasons for wanting him out. not to embarrass or interfere with the Manchester officials in the performance (Chartered Life Underwriter) I ENFIELD -Officials of the | operation of a municipality. ” of their duties? You ask me to issue a tem­ designation in 1965. Osborne prison farm have porary injunction to restrain the town In Coventry, DeGroff is Four policemen promoted Prior to the hearing in open court. Judge lij: transferred 18 inmates described as ;j: from doing something, as a municipality, chairman of the troop com­ :|i leaders of a two-day hunger strike at Mulvey conferred in his chambers with all it has a right to do.’’ JANUARY of the attorneys involved, in an attempt at mittee of Boy Scout Troop 65. the minimum security facility. The He added, “They’re not playing with By MAL BARLOW 1969, has been acting captain of the patrol He and his wife have three KT :|: 18 were sent to other state jails as 5:| Sweeney is the president of the an agreement. “Nobody could agree on toys there. They are serious officials, Herulcl Reporter division since June 27. anything,’’ said one of the attorneys later. children. •j; correction officials met with in- Manchester Police Union. He lives in town trying to give the citizens the best possible He holds a B.S. degree from the Univer­ mates to discuss grievances. S; Youth and education are the com­ with his wife, Judith, and their son and government they can. It seems, they con­ sity of Connecticut in business and in­ Representing Noone, who is a leader in BRISTOL —Schools Were mon factors in four promotions and daughter. sidered all the angles before they came to dustry administration and a master’s the petition drive for expanding Eighth reopened today as striking teachers two re-assignments announced today Sgt. Holyfield joined the department in their decision." degree in public administration from the 1971. He was named community relations District boundaries into the Buckland vowed to remain on picket lines by Manchester Police Chief Robert area, were Robert Bletchman and He posed the question, “How can 1, or University of Hartford. officer March 7, 1974. From June until >•: despite a threat of court fines. The J; Lannan. Christopher Noble. any other judge, rule on an action of a Despite his new rank and duties, he will September, he served as youth services of­ teachers, ordered back to work by a The ages of the police officers affected town made in good faith?” still supervise the installation of the new ficer. Representing the town were Town i;: court injunction, began their strike is no older than 32 and as young as 27. All Bletchman charged. “1 think it's politics data processing system at the station this He holds a B.A. degree in psychology Counsel William Broneill, Asst. Counsel i|; Oct. 1 after negotiations with the have at least an associate’s degree in and not law that moved the town with such coming year. It will cost $169,660, most of from UConn and is working on a master’s Victor Moses, and John R. FitzGerald, school board broke down. police science. haste to acquire the land and sign a con­ it in federal funds. Sartor initiated the in public administration. He and his wife, special counsel. Richard J. Sartor, 32, rose from lieute­ tract for the construction. " ^ HARTFORD —Connecticut program in 1972. Linda, live in town with their son. nant to captain of the patrol division. Slate Sen. David Barry was present as To which Moses replied, “The main Natural Gas Corp. has been granted g Sartor is also a graduate of the FBI Chief Lannan noted that all the shifting Robert J. Guliano, 30, rose from counsel for Manchester’s Professional issue here is the request for a temporary a $5 rrnllion rate increase that will Academy, one of five now on the local involved in today’s announcement stems sergeant to lieutenant in the patrol divi­ Firefighters’ Union. He was permitted to injunction. The plaintiff must prove :|ij mean an average annual boost of $40 jj force. His father. Detective Capt. Joseph from the recent retirement of Capt. sion. speak as a friend of the court. The “show irreparable harm and interference with % in typical home heating bills. The in- Sartor, is the only other captain on the George P. McCaughey, head of the patrol James D. Sweeney Jr., 29, rose from cause” hearing involved the town direc­ his rights. Nothing the town has done, and crease, granted Thursday by the force. division for 12 of his 29 years on the force. detective to sergeant in the patrol divi­ tors, the town manager and the chairman it has acted within its charter, has proved i;: state Public Utilities Commission, ;|: The new captain lives in town-with his sion. of the building committee, and not the un­ those allegations. ” ij was about half of the $9.4 million ij wife, Diana, and their two sons. iji sought by the utility firm. j| Russell C. Holyfield, 27, went from com­ ion or Eighth District officials. Moses pointed out Noone would sustain Lt. Guliano, who joined the department a loss of under $5 a year ($4.74) in taxes if :i:j FARMINGTON -T h e Connec- | munity relations officer to detective in the in 1966, holds an associate degree in police Present as interested observers wer-e detective division.
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