rwagen Wissen vorma s Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften (EuS) Streitforum fiir Erwagungsku : Herausgegeben von 0 Frank Benseleu, Bettina Blanck, Reinhard Keil, Werner Loh EWE , Jg. 2012009 Heft 2 20 Sonderdruck Hauptartikel Robots a!zd TJzeology, Anne Foerst Kritik Seliller Bringsjord, Joanna J. Bryson,Thoinas Christaller, Dirk Evers, Yiftach J. H. Fehige, Oliver Kriiger, Anne Kt111, Bernhard Lang, Mantlela Lenzen, Hironori Matsuzaki, Andreas Matthias, Hans-Dieter Mutschler,Jiirgen van Oorschot, Sal Restivo, Matt Rossano, Stefanie Schifer-Bossert, ~hristo~herScholtz, Thoinas T. Tabbert Replik Anne Foerst Hauptartikel Bildtrng und Perspektivitiit - Korztroversitat urzd Gzdoktrinationsverbot als Grundsatze vorz Bildutzg urzd Wissensclza$) Wolfgang Sander Kritik Klaus Ahlheim, Carsten Biinger, Bernhard ClatzRen, Marcelo Dascal, Carl Deichmann, Joachiin Detjen, Heike Drygalla-Roy, Ludwig Duncker, Peter Gostmann, Benno Hafeneger, Peter Herdegen, Walter Herzog, Annette Kamn~ertons,Hanna I<iper, Dirk Lange, Holger Lindemann, Maria Maiss, Sabine Manzel, Michael May, Charles McCarty,Wolfgang Miiskens, Wolfgang Nieke, Arnd-Michael Nohl, Bernhard Ohlnleier, Andreas Petrik, Thomas Saretzki, Elisabeth Sattler, Armin Scherb, Henning Schluf3, Gerold Scholz, Helillt~tSchl-eier, Horst Siebert, Annette M. StroB Replik Wolfgang Sander ANHANG LUCIUS 7 ~LUCIUS- Erwigen Wissen Ethik Deliberation Knowledge Ethics vormals / previously Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften (EuS) - Streitforum fiir Erwagungskultur EWE 20 (2009) Heft 2 / Issue 2 INHALT CONTENT DRITTE DISKUSSIONSEINHEIT 1 THIRD DISCUSSION UNIT HAUPTARTIREL / MMNARTICLE Anne Foerst: Robots and Theology 181 KRITIK / CRITIQUE Selmer Bringsjord: But Perhaps Robots Are Essentially Non-Persons 193 Joanna J. Bryson: Building Persons is a Choice 195 Thomas Christaller: Why are humans religious animals and what could this mean to Artificial Intelligence and Robotics? 197 Dirk Evers: Humanoide Roboter als Mittel menschlicher Selbsterkenntnis? 199 Yiftach J. H. Fehige: It is good to be human. On thought experimenting with the perfect humanoid 201 Oliver Kriiger: Wie humanoid sind Roboter? 203 Anne Kull: Making to Learn to Be a Person 206 Bernhard Lang: So dachte ich auch - vor etwa vierzig Jahren 208 Manuela Lenzen: Ein Mensch ist doch etwas Besonderes 210 Hironori Matsuzaki: Roboter auf der schwierigen Suche nach Anerkennung und Nachstenliebe 2 12 Andreas Matthias: Robots, Theology and the Personhood of Nonhumans. A Critique 2 15 Hans-Dieter Mutschler: Liebe Deinen Roboter wie dich selbst - oder: Drei Griinde, weshalb Roboter keine Menschen sind 2 18 Jiirgen van Oorschot: Weniger ware mehr - oder eine immer noch anstehende Debatte zu Anthropologien 220 Sal Restivo: Robots, Theology, and the Sociological Cogito 222 Matt Rossano: Does Biology Matter? 224 Stefanie SchHfer-Bossert: Roboter und Anthropologie 225 Christopher Scholtz: Subjektsimulierende Maschinen als theologische Herausforderung 228 Thomas T. Tabbert: On Non-human Personhood 23 1 REPLIK / RESPONSE Anne Foerst: The Twofold Awareness of Personhood 232 VIERTE DISKUSSIONSEINHEIT/ FOURTH DISCUSSION UNIT HA UPTARTIREL / MAlN ARTICLE Wolfgang Sander: Bildung und Perspektivitat - Kontroversitat und Indoktrinationsverbot als Grundsatze von Bildung und Wissenschaft 239 ' KRITIK / CRITIQUE Klaus Ahlheim: Die Kirche im Dorf lassen. Ein nuchterner Blick auf den Beutelsbacher Konsens 248 Carsten Biinger: Die Grenzen der Perspektive 250 Bernhard ClauDen: Kontroversitat und Multiperspektivitat als Politikum. Defizite und Konsequenzen einer Fundierung indoktrinationsfreier Bildung diesseits und jenseits konstruktivistischer Idealismen 252 EWE 20(2009)2 Kritik 1 Critique Endnotes Change Detection. (Stephen Mitroff, Daniel Simons, Steven Franconery). Journal of Experimental Psychology / Human Perception & Performance 1 For a more in-depth discussion see my articles "Artificial Intelligence 2814 Aug 2002,798-816. I. Scientific", "ArtScial Intelligence III. Theological", ''Artificial Life", in: 26 The following experiments are described in Cliff Nass and Byron 'RGG (Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart), vol. 1. Reeves. "The Media Equation: How People Treat Computers, Television, 2 While I agree that it is problematic to translate JHWH simply with and New Media Like Real People and Places". New York: Cambridge God, I will do so nonetheless. In recent years, the language of God, Godself University Press, 1996. etc. and the replacement of any personal pronoun referring to JHWH with 27 Olivier Pascalis, Michelle de Haan, Charles A. Neslon. "Is Face "God" has become well established among feminist theologians to avoid Processing Species-Specific During the First Year of Life?" Science, 296, assigning a gender to JHWH. I will follow this tradition. May 2002,1321-1323. 3 See Rabbi B.Z. Bokser, "The Philosophy of Rabbi Judah Low of 28 Robin Dunbar. "Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language. Prague", New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996. 4 See S. Schroer, T. Staubli, "Die Korpersymbolik der Bibel", Darmstadt: 29 E.A. Feigenbaum, P. McCorduck. "The Fifth Generation: Artificial Primus Verlag, 1'998. Intelligence and Japan's Computer Challenge to the World", Reading: 5 I am referring mostly to his ''systematic Theology". Vol. 11, Chicago: Addison-Wesley, 1983. University of Chicago Press, 1957. 30 Cynthia Breazeal, "Sociable Robots". MIT-Press, Cambridge 2002. 6 Bonaventure, "Itinerarium Mentis In Deum", St. Bonaventure: The 3 1 For a discussion of the connection between the ancient golem traditions Franciscan Institute Press, 1956. and modem A1 see Gershom Scholem, "The Golem of Prague and the 7 See S.F. Gilbert, "Congenital Human Baculum Deficiency", American Golem of Rehovoth", Commentary, January 1966,62-65, and Harvey Cox, Jozrrnal of Medical Genetics 101 (2001): 284-285. Anne Foerst, "Religion and Technology: ANew Phase", Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. 17 (2-3): 53-60. 8 The following reflections come from H. Seebass: Hebraisch- Aramaisches Worterbuch zum Alten Testament. 32 Unpublished dissertation research of the team of Cynthia Breazeal at the M.I.T. Media-Lab. See http://web.media.mit.edu/-cynthiabl 9 See Claus Westermann, 1. Mose vol. 1, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neunkirchener Verlag, 1986. 33 For one of the most thorough discussions of the philosophical discussion of Personhood see Robert Spaemann, "Personen: Versuche uber den 10 For the history of the covenant see H.-J. Hermisson, "Bund und Unterschied zwischen 'etwas' und 'jemand'". Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 1996. Erwahluna", H.J. Boecker, H.-J. Hermisson, J.M. Schmidt, L. Schmidt (Eds.), ~lt'ksTestament, ~eukirchen-vluyn:Neukirchener verlag, 1989, p. 34 Most famous representative of this understanding of personhood is 222-243. the Australian philosopher Peter Singer. His most comprehensive work is "Practical Ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 11 The phenotype of every individual describes how its appearance looks like. For instance, there is a well-established link between body height and 35 "Was ist Leben und was ist wertvolles Leben? Eine Kritik des Biofakt- nutrition; if underfed, a child might not become very tall. Even if there is a Konzepts", in: Erwagen, Wissen, Ethik 17 (2006)4,574-575. genetic predisposition for height, the actual height of a creature, meaning 36 See especially Jared Diamond, "Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of the phenotype can not be determined by genes alone. Human Societies", New York: Norton, 1997. 12 See I. Eibl-Eibelsfeld, Liebe und Hass: Zur Naturgeschichteelementarer 37 Daniel D. Dennett, "Conditions of Personhood", in: Brainstorms: Verhaltensweisen. Miinchen: Piper, 1970. Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology. New York: Norton, 1978, 13 See A. Femald. "Intonation and communicative intent in mother's 267-287. speech to infants: Is the melody the message?" Child Development 60, 1998,1497- 1510. Approval and Disapproval: Infant responsiveness to vocal affect infamiliar and unfamiliar languages. Developmental Psychology 64, Address 1993,657-674. Prof. Dr. Anne Foerst, St. Bonaventure University, Theology and 14 See W.R. Ashby. "Designs for a Brain". (2nded.), Chapman and Hall, Computer Science, 3261 West State Road, St. Bonaventure NY 14778, UK, 1960. USA 15 See "Liebe und Hass" (s. endnote 12). 16 Marco Iacobini, Roger Woods, Marcel Brass, Harold Bekkering, John Mazziotta, Giacomo Rizzolatti. Cortical Mechanisms of Human Imitation. Science, 286, Dec 24 (!), 1999,2526-2528. 17 Chris D. Frith, Uta Frith. "Interacting Minds - A Biological Basisyy. Science, 286, Nov 26, 1999, 1692-1695. 18 Jean Piaget, Biirbel Inhelder. The Psychology of the Child. New York: Basic Books 1969,2000. 19 A. Diamond, Close Interrelation of Motor Development and Cognitive KRITIK 1 CRITIQUE Development and of the Cerebellum and Prefontal Cortex. Child Development 71, Jan/Feb 2000,44-57. 20 See Vilayanur Ramachandran and Sandra Blakeslee. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. New York: William Manow & Company, 1999. 21 0. Sacks, The Last Hippie, in: An Anthropologist on Mars. New York: But Perhaps Robots Are Essentially Non-Persons Random 1995. 22 See Antonio Damasio. Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. New York: Avon Books, 1994. Selmer Bringsjord 23 Herbert Benson. "The Relaxation Response". New York: Avon, 1975. Beyond the Relaxation Response: How to harness the healingpower ofyour ((1)) After making a few theological remarks on Foerst's pro- personal beliefs. Times Books,
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