AGENDA Local Planning Agency Meeting 5:50 PM - Thursday, May 6, 2021 - City Hall CALL TO ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF QUORUM AND PROPER NOTICE 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.1 November 5, 2020 - Local Planning Agency Meeting December 17, 2020 - Local Planning Agency Meeting April 1, 2021 - Local Planning Agency Meeting Staff Report #21-0103 - Pdf Staff Report #21-0103 - Html 11-05-2020 LPA MIN - For Approval 12-17-2020 LPA MIN - For Approval 04-01-2021 LPA MIN - For Approval 2. CONSIDERATIONS WITH DISCUSSION, PUBLIC HEARING AND RECOMMENDATION 2.1 2021-CPT-01 Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Staff Report #21-0107 - Html Ord. No. 21-10 Staff Report Ordinance No 21-10 Comp Plan Text Amend Exhibits A thru I Redline-Strikethru 1st Reading 5-6-21 Exhibits A thru I with Proposed Revisions Exhibit J 2035 Future Land Use Map Exhibit K Map 19 Proposed for Deletion 2.2 Amendment to Chapters 110 and 115 of the Land Development Regulations Staff Report #21-0105 - Html LPA Report Chapter 110 and 115 Amendment Ordinance No. 21-09 LDR Amendment 3. ADJOURNMENT This Agenda is provided to the Agency only as a guide, and in no way limits their consideration to the items contained hereon. The Agency has the sole right to determine those items they will discuss, consider, act upon, or fail to act upon. Changes or amendments to this Agenda may occur at any time prior to, or during the scheduled meeting. It is recommended that if you have an interest in the meeting, you make every attempt to attend the meeting. This Agenda is provided only as a courtesy, and such provision in no way infers or conveys that the Agenda appearing here is, or will be the Agenda considered at the meeting. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the board, agency or commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based (Florida Statutes, 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Clerk 48 hours prior to any meeting so arrangements can be made. Telephone (352) 483-5430 for assistance. Page 1 of 248 Page 2 of 248 Staff Report TO: Local Planning Agency FROM: Mary Montez, City Clerk DATE: May 6, 2021 RE: NOVEMBER5, PLANNING2020 - LOCAL AGENCY MEETING DECEMBER17, PLANNING 2020 - LOCAL AGENCY MEETING APRIL 1, 2021 - LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING Introduction: This item is for consideration of the minutes of the following meetings: November 5, 2020, Local Planning Agency; December 17, 2020, Local Planning Agency and April 1, 2021, Local Planning Agency. Attachments: 11-05-2020 LPA MIN - For Approval 12-17-2020 LPA MIN - For Approval 04-01-2021 LPA MIN - For Approval Reviewed by: Page 3 of 248 MINUTES Local Planning Agency Meeting 5:50 PM - Thursday, November 5, 2020 - City Hall CALL TO ORDER: 5:45 P.M. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF QUORUM AND PROPER NOTICE PRESENT: Member Marie Aliberti, Vice Chair Emily Lee, Member Karen LeHeup-Smith, Member Robert Morin, and Chairman Michael Holland 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.1 July 2, 2020 - Local Planning Agency Meeting August 6, 2020 - Local Planning Agency Meeting October 1, 2020 - Local Planning Agency Meeting Moved by Member LeHeup-Smith, seconded by Member Aliberti, to approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion carried by the following votes: Ayes: Member Aliberti, Vice Chair Lee, Member LeHeup-Smith, Member Morin and Chairman Holland 2. CONSIDERATIONS INCLUDING PRESENTATION, PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTION 2.1 Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan; property located north and south of Pine Meadows Golf Course Road (2020-CPLU- 07) Lori Barnes, Development Services Director, explained that a brief review would be provided with a full presentation provided at the City Commission meeting. She reviewed the large scale future land use map amendment 2020-CPLU-07. She explained the applicant is requesting Suburban Residential future land use. She reviewed the location of the site and the surrounding land use designations and explained staff's evaluation of the request. She stated staff's recommendation that the LPA find the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and transmit to the City Commission for consideration. Chairman Holland opened the public hearing at 5:48 p.m. Terry Roher expressed concern regarding the probable increase in traffic and the possible dangers. Moved by Vice Chair Lee, seconded by Member LeHeup-Smith, to find 2020- CPLUS-07 consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and transmit to the City Commission for consideration. Motion carried by the following votes: Eustis Local Planning Agency Page 1 of 3 November 5, 2020 Page 4 of 248 Ayes: Member Aliberti, Vice Chair Lee, Member LeHeup-Smith, Member Morin and Chairman Holland 2.2 Amendment to Chapter 100 of the Land Development Regulations (Ordinance Number 20-44) Ms. Barnes reviewed the proposed amendments to Chapter 100 of the Land Development Regulations, Definitions. She explained the amendment would modify the definitions of abut or abutting, impervious surface area maximum and open space in order to eliminate ambiguity, clarify the Commission's legislative intent and provide for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. She further explained abut or abutting would be modified so that properties across a right-of-way or easement would not be considered abutting. Impervious surface area maximum would be clarified to include other impervious surface areas besides buildings in the impervious surface calculation. The open space definition would be modified to provide a proper reference to the stormwater design standards in the code which was renumbered as part of a prior amendment. She stated staff finds the amendments consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommends transmittal to the Commission. Chairman Holland opened the public hearing at 5:53 p.m. Michael Holland, County resident, addressed the Commission to express concern regarding the change in the definition of abut or abutting and the affect that will have on the Bates Subdivision application. Cathy Gonzalez questioned why the Commission is changing the definition of abut and stated that other cities have the same definition. There being no further public comment, the hearing was closed at 5:56 p.m. Moved by Member LeHeup-Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Lee, to find the amendment consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and transmit to the City Commission for consideration. Motion carried by the following votes: Ayes: Member Aliberti, Vice Chair Lee, Member LeHeup-Smith, Member Morin and Chairman Holland 2.3 Amendment to Chapter 109 of the Land Development Regulations (Ordinance Number 20-45) Ms. Barnes explained the proposed amendment to Chapter 109, Section 109-4, Use Regulations Table, to remove group homes as a permitted use in the Public Institutional land use district and in the General Industrial land use district, professional services and general offices would be permitted. She stated staff has reviewed the proposed amendment and finds it consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommends transmittal to the City Commission for consideration. Chairman Holland opened the public hearing at 5:58 p.m. There being no public comment, the hearing was closed at 5:58 p.m. Eustis Local Planning Agency Page 2 of 3 November 5, 2020 Page 5 of 248 Moved by Member Aliberti, seconded by Member LeHeup-Smith, to find the amendment consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and transmit to the City Commission for consideration. Motion carried by the following votes: Ayes: Member Aliberti, Vice Chair Lee, Member LeHeup-Smith, Member Morin and Chairman Holland 2.4 Amendment to Chapter 100 of the Land Development Regulations (Ordinance Number 20-46) Pharmacy Definition Ms. Barnes reviewed the proposed amendment to Chapter 100 of the LDR's to amend the definition of pharmacy and explained the amendment would permit medical marijuana dispensaries to be treated as pharmacies. She stated staff has found the amendment consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommends transmittal to the Commission for consideration. Chairman Holland opened the public hearing at hearing 5:59 p.m. There being no public comment, the hearing was closed at 5:59 p.m. Moved by Vice Chair Lee, seconded by Member LeHeup-Smith, to find the amendment consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and transmit to the City Commission for consideration. Motion carried by the following votes: Ayes: Member Aliberti, Vice Chair Lee, Member LeHeup-Smith, Member Morin and Chairman Holland 3. ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 P.M. These minutes reflect the actions taken and portions of the discussion during the meeting. To review the entire discussion concerning any agenda item, go to www.eustis.org and click on the video for the meeting in question. A DVD of the entire meeting or CD of the entire audio recording or verbatim transcript of the meeting can be obtained from the office of the City Clerk for a fee. MARY C. MONTEZ MICHAEL L. HOLLAND City Clerk Chairman Eustis Local Planning Agency Page 3 of 3 November 5, 2020 Page 6 of 248 MINUTES Local Planning Agency Meeting 5:50 PM - Thursday, December 17, 2020 - City Hall CALL TO ORDER: 6:13 P.M. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF QUORUM AND PROPER NOTICE PRESENT: Member Robert Morin, Member Marie Aliberti, Vice Chair Emily Lee, Member Karen LeHeup-Smith, and Chairman Michael L. Holland 1. CONSIDERATION WITH DISCUSSION, PUBLIC HEARING & RECOMMENDATION 1.1 Large Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for 10.04 acres of recently annexed property between Kurt Street and David Walker Drive (2020-CPLU-08) John Bertrand, Senior Planner, explained this would be a brief review with a full presentation to be provided at the Commission meeting.
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