56 PIW' . r'; .'( To .' :()I .. So ... 13 1l1"l". ('O IX .IIIII.I. VOl.. 5 ~) (1 96::!l. 0 1': ". 1, 1962 Phaeoura mexicanaria (Grote) in British Columbia (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) .T . G Il .I .\; 'I" Rindge (1961) gives the range of the geo­ brown granules; conspicuous tu bercles bear­ metrid moth, Phaeoura mexicanaria (Grote), ing setae D-2 on abdominal segments 1. to as the western United States. Although 5 and setae D·1 on segment 8. Tubercles there are no published r ecords for this spe­ l a r g e s ~ on A2 , gradually diminishing in size ci es in British Columbia, larvae have been to A5; those on A8 about equal in size to taken in Forest Insect Survey collections on those on A3. An adult rear ed from this a few occasions in the southern Interior: larva was identifi ed by Dr. E. Munroe of the Kettle Valley, 28 August, 1953; Salmon AIm, Entomology Research Institute, Ottawa, as 17 .Ju ly, 1958; Grand Forks, 12 August, 1959; P. magnificans Dyar; since r educed in and Oliver, 24 August, 1961. Larvae wer e Rindge's r evision to synonymy with mexi­ obtained by beating the branches of pon­ canaria. derosa pine trees over a sheet laid on the An adult male, also identified by Dr. Mun­ ground, a nd were fed ponderosa pine foliage roe, was collected at Rock Creek on 10 July, in the insectary for periods up to 26 days 1958. It was fl ying in a lighted garage a bout before they pupated. The only members of 10 p.m. the genus for which the food plants were Acknowledgment previously known were two deciduous feed­ The writer is indebted to Dr. W. C. Mc­ ers: P. quernaria (J . E . Smith) on oak and Guffin , Forest Entumology and Pathology cherry, and P. cristifera Hulst on \l'illow. Laboratory, Ca nada Department of For estry, The larva of P. mexicanaria resembles a Calgary, Alta., for the description of the rough twig of the host tree. A description larva. of an ultimatE'-Jn star larva from Grand F orks References follo\l's: head 4.56 mm. wide, pale brown, notched, with brown patches suggesting a Hindgc, F. H. 1961. A Revision of the Naco­ herring-bone pattern: body 44 mm. long, phorini (Lepidoptera. Geometridae). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 123: 91- 6.4 mm. wide, pale brown, cover ed with fi ne 153. I For est Ent o m o logy Laboratory, Ve rno n, B.C. EDITOR'S NOTE It may surprise contributors a nd New York, N.Y. Sacramento, Calif. r eaders to learn how widely the Pro­ Philadelphia, Pa. San Francisco. Calif. Portland, Oreg. Sea ttle, Wash. ceedings a re distributed. Her e is a list Prosser, Wash. st. Paul, Minn. of places outside British Columbia to Provo, Utah. Tucson. Ariz. which one or more copies are sent, Pullman, Wash. Union Gap, Wash. Raleigh, N. C. Urbana, Mich. either in exchange for publications or Reading, Pa. Washington, D. C. by subscription. Elsewhere: In Cana da: Ad elaide, Australia Pretoria. Belleville, Ont. Montreal, Que. Amsterdam. Holland South Africa Calgary, Alta. Ottawa, Onto Berlin, Germany Rio de J ani ero. Edmonton, Alta. Quebec, Que. Bologna, Italy Brazil Fredericton, N.B. Saskatoon, Sask. Brisbane, Australia Rotorua, Gu elph, Ont. Sault Ste. Mari e, Canberra, A. C.T. New Zealand Ha lifax, N.S. Ont. Coimbra, Portugal Sapporo, Japan Hamilton, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Dunedin, Stockholm, Sweden Leth bridge, Alta. W innipeg, Man. New Zealand Taipei, Formosa Frunze, U.S.S.H. Teheran, Iran In the U.S. : F ukuoka, Japan Tikkurila, Finland Ames, Ia. Fayetteville, Ark. Leningrad. U. S.S.H. Tokyo, Japan Anchorage, Alaska Honolulu, Hawaii. Li sbon, Portuga l Uppsala, Sweden Ann Arbor, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. London, England Venice, Italy Atlanta, Ga. Ithaca, N.Y. Lund, Sweden Versailles, France Berkeley, Calif. Lincoln, Neb. Manila, Philippines Warsaw, Poland Bozeman, Mont. Los Angeles. Calif. Mexico City, Mexico Wellington, Ca mbridge, Mass. Madison, Wis. Mo sco w, U.S.S.H. New Zealand Chicago, IlL Manhattan, Kan. Nelson, Weybridge, England Cincinnati, O. Mount Vernon, New Zealand York, England Corvallis, Oreg. Wash. Paris, France Zurich, Davi s, Calif. New Haven, Co nn. POl·ti ci , Ita ly Switzerland .
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