FORESTRY IDEAS, 2016, vol. 22, No 1 (51): 17–33 NEW DATA ON ALIEN INSECT PESTS OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS IN BULGARIA Aneliya Penchevа1* and Mariya Yovkova2 1Department of Plant Pathology and Chemistry, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture. University of Forestry. 10 St. Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria. *E-mail: [email protected] 2Institute of Ornamental Plants – 1222 Sofia, Negovan, Bulgaria. E-mail: [email protected] Received: 04 December 2015 Accepted: 17 February 2016 Abstract In this study, the results of recent surveys (during the period between 2012 and 2015) on alien insects infesting ornamental plants in Bulgaria are reported. Fourteen species, associated with urban landscape areas and indoor plants, are discussed. Two of them, Ceroplastes sinensis Del Guercio and Lepidosaphes flava (Signoret), are reported for the first time in Bulgaria. Furthermore, Acizzia jama- tonica (Kuwayama), Ceroplastes ceriferus (Fabricius), Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni Tozzetti) and Cydalima perspectalis (Walker) have been found in new localities. Metcalfa pruinosa Say has widened its host range in Bulgaria. Additional distribution data are also provided about Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi and Cacoecimorpha pronubana (Hübner). Details on current status, host plants, zoogeographical origin and probable pathways of introduction into Bulgaria are reported for each spe- cies. Morphological and biological remarks are given for C. perspectalis and C. sinensis. Key words: box tree moth, Chinese wax scale, De Stefan scale, new pests, scale insects. Introduction as one of the main factors that lead to a decline in regional biodiversity (FAO 2003, In recent years, due to the active market- Chornesky et al. 2005). ing of ornamental plants and plant mate- As far as phytophagous insects are rial, a large number of non-native insects concerned, more than 25 alien species have penetrated in different continents have been recorded as new pests in the and countries. After introduction into a last decade in Bulgaria (Beshkov et al. new area, they may become acclimatized, 2015, Doychev 2015, Pencheva et al. surviving outdoors. In some cases these 2014, Tomov and Trencheva 2013, Yovko- are very harmful species. They not only va et al. 2013, Yovkova et al. 2015). About cause significant damage to ornamental two thirds of them are ornamental plant plants, reduce their aesthetic and mar- pests and may cause significant damage ket values but also may threaten the na- to cultivated plants both in Bulgaria and tive flora. Thus, their invasion becomes a across Europe. Their unexpected massive global environmental problem regarded appearance in urban habitats is attributed 18 A. Penchevа and M. Yovkova mainly to the introduction and distribution Bulgaria (Fig. 1). Part of the biological ma- of infested plant materials. terials was provided by different specialists The aim of the present study was to in- working in urban parks or in nurseries. vestigate the current status and distribution During the visual inspection of orna- of alien insect recently reported as pests on mental plants, infested plant parts (twigs or ornamentals in Bulgaria, as well as old in- leaves) and insects on them were collected vaders whose populations are increased in and placed separately into plastic bags or in the last years. The survey results will con- 70 % alcohol for further examination in the tribute to get acquainted with alien insect’s laboratory. For each insect’s sample, origin distribution and have a practical application, of infested host plants or pathways of their benefiting producers of ornamental plants. introduction were checked. The surveys were carried out during the active phase of the insects’ life, namely from May to Oc- Materials and Methods tober. Caterpillars of the lepidopteran pest species were reared to adults under labo- The survey was conducted over a period of ratory conditions. Scale insect specimens four years, between 2012 and 2015. Several were mounted for light microscopy accord- localities with ornamental plants (city/urban ing to the procedure detailed by Kosztarab parks, private gardens, ornamental nurser- and Kozár (1988). The species found in ies, greenhouses, garden centres and col- Bulgaria for the first time were identified us- lection in botanical gardens) were surveyed. ing the keys of Danzig (1993), Gimpel et al. They were located in various regions of (1974) and Fetyko and Kozár (2012). The Fig. 1. Regions and locations in Bulgaria where alien insect pests included in this study were established. New Data on Alien Insect Pests... 19 identification of Ceroplastes ceriferus was Results and Discussion confirmed by J. F. Germain, Plant Health Laboratory, Montpellier, France. The col- Fourteen alien insects associated with lected specimens are preserved in the de- urban green areas were identified in dif- partment of Plant Pathology and Chemistry ferent regions of Bulgaria during the pre- at the University of Forestry, Sofia. sent study (Table 1). They belong to two Table 1. List of surveyed alien pests. First record No Alien insect pest Established localities Type of localities Origin in Bulgaria Petrich, Balchik, Shabla Outdoors (private Metcalfa pruinosa – 2014; Nessebar, 1 2007– Plovdiv gardens and city North America Say Balchik and Varna – parks) 2015 Acizzia jamatonica 2009 – Sofia – 2014; Outdoors (private 2 East Asia (Kuwayama) Nessebar Nessebar – 2015 gardens) 2009 – Outdoors (private Mediterranean 3 Trioza alacris Flor. Aheloy – 2012–2015 Ahtopol gardens) origin Central and Elatobium abieti- 2014 – nearby Not found in its previous Outdoors in private 4 Northern num (Walker) Sofia localities gardens Europe Icerya purchasi Indoors in garden 5 1968 – Sofia Ravda – 2012–2015 Australia Maskell centres Phenacoccus Indoors in garden South America 6 peruvianus 2010 –Ravda Ravda – 2013–2014 centres and green- (Argentina, Granara De Willink houses Peru) Ceroplastes cer- Nessebar – 2012 and Outdoors (private 7 2011 – Vidin Neotropical iferus (Fabricius) 2013; Sozopol – 2015 gardens) Outdoors (private Ceroplastes 8 2007 – Sofia Ravda – 2014 gardens and garden Eastern Asia japonicus Green centres) Ceroplastes sinen- Indoors (garden Central or South 9 New record Nessebar – 2013 sis Del Guercio centres) America Indoors (green- Aulacaspis yasu- 2009 – Sofia and Sunny Beach 10 houses and garden Southeast Asia matsui Takagi Tsarevo – 2013; Ravda – 2014 centres) Near East and Lepidosaphes Sofia, 2012 Indoors and garden 11 New record Mediterranean flava (Signoret) Burgas, 2013 centres Palaearctic 1968 – Plovdiv, 2013; Sofia, Outdoors (private Pseudaulacaspis Petrich, 2012–2015; Balchik gardens, city parks 12 pentagona Eastern Asia Sandanski, – 2014; Sunny Beach – and botanical gar- (Targioni Tozzetti) Kulata 2013 dens) Cacoecimorpha Outdoors and Ravda, Burgas, Aheloy – Mediterranean 13 pronubana 2009 – Aheloy indoor (garden 2012–2015 region (Hübner) centres) Dragalevtsi, Dobrich – Outdoors (private Cydalima perspec- 2014 – 2014; Burgas, Plovdiv, 14 gardens and city Asia talis Walker Balchik Primorsko, Sofia, Kalofer parks) – 2015 20 A. Penchevа and M. Yovkova orders (Hemiptera and Lepidoptera) and pruinosa mainly infested weeds, including 8 families. Half of them are scale insects Marsdenia erecta (L.) R. Br. and Clematis (Coccoidea), which are able to spread vitalba L. (around Nessebar), and only in easily with infested plant materials, be- Petrich the insect was found on a single cause of their small size and cryptic be- Catalpa bignonioides tree. haviour. Details on detected species are The North-American planthopper M. given further down. pruinosa was accidentally introduced into Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830) [He- Europe (first in Italy), and subsequently miptera, Flatidae] – citrus flatid planthop- caused economic damage to orchards per. and vineyards in some South-European Collected material: 2014: 20 July – countries (Strauss 2010). In Bulgaria it Petrich; 26 August – Balchik and Shabla; was first detected in 2004 on Thuja oc- 2015: 15 July – Ravda and Nessebar; 20 cidentalis L. at a locality near Plovdiv August – Balchik and Varna. (Trenchev et al. 2007). The planthopper In August 2014, in Balchik Botanical is gregarious and extremely polyphagous garden M. pruinosa had infested more species. According to some authors it may than 45 herbaceous, ornamental and fruit feed on 200 to 300 plant species (Soulio- plant species (Fig. 2). The most infested tis et al. 2008, Grozea et al. 2011). Three trees and shrubs were: Acer platanoides of infested plants species determined in L., A. campestre L., Broussonetia papy- Balchik – Lonicera maacki (Rupr.) Herder, rifera (L.) Vent., Catalpa bignonioides Securinega suffruticosa J. F. Gmel. and Prints, C. speciosa Prints, Cornus mas L., Cephalotaxus harringtonia (Knight ex J. Diospyros kaki Thunb., Fraxinus excelsior Forbes) K. Koch – have probably not been L., Ficus carica L., Hibiscus syriacus L., recorded earlier as hosts of M. pruinosa. Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Siebold & This species overwinters as eggs in- Zucc.) Planch., Philadelphus coronarius L. serted in woody tissue or under tree bark. and Vitis vinifera L. The population density The first nymphs were found on the leaves of citrus flatid planthopper was consider- and stems in the beginning of May. The to- ably lower in 2015, but number of infested tal development period of the larval stages host plants increased. At other sites M. takes an average of 42 days (Lucchi and a b Fig. 2. Metcalfa pruinosa: adults (a) and signs of
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