Slouching Toward Mecca Mark Lilla Soumission Michel Houellebecq Socialists do. The party’s founder and by Michel Houellebecq. president, Mohammed Ben Abbes— Paris: Flammarion, a cross between Tariq Ramadan and 300 pp., g21.00 (paper) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan before he took (a translation from the French power—is a genial man who gets along by Lorin Stein will be published by well with Catholic and Jewish commu- Farrar, Straus and Giroux in October) nity leaders who share his conservative social views, and also with business The best-selling novel in Europe today, types who like his advocacy of eco- Michel Houellebecq’s Soumission, is nomic growth. Foreign heads of state, about an Islamic political party com- beginning with the pope, have given ing peacefully to power in France. Its him their blessing. Given that Muslims publication was announced this past make up at most 6 to 8 percent of the fall in an atmosphere that was already French population, it strains credibility tense. In May a young French Muslim to imagine such a party carrying any committed a massacre at a Belgian weight in ten years’ time. But Houelle- Jewish museum; in the summer Mus- becq’s thought experiment is based on lim protesters in Paris shouted “Death a genuine insight: since the far right to the Jews!” at rallies against the war wants to deport Muslims, conservative in Gaza; in the fall stories emerged politicians look down on them, and the about hundreds of French young peo- Socialists, who embrace them, want ple, many converts, fighting withISIS to force them to accept gay marriage, in Syria and Iraq; a French captive was no one party clearly represents their then beheaded in Algeria; and random interests.3 attacks by unstable men shouting “al- lahu akbar” took place in several cit- ies. Adding to the tension was a very François only slowly becomes aware public debate about another best seller, of the drama swirling around him. He Éric Zemmour’s Le Suicide français, hears rumors of armed clashes between that portrayed Muslims as an imminent radical right-wing nativist groups threat to the French way of life.1 (which exist in France) and armed Zemmour’s succès de scandale en- radical Islamists, but newspapers wor- sured that Soumission would be met ried about rocking the multicultural with hysteria. So was the fact that boat have ceased reporting such things. Houellebecq had gotten into trouble a At a cocktail party he hears gunfire in decade ago for telling an interviewer the distance, but people pretend not to that whoever created monotheistic re- notice and find excuses to leave, so he ligion was a “cretin” and that of all the does too. faiths Islam was “the dumbest.” The As expected, Le Pen wins the presi- normally measured editor of Libéra- dential primary but the Socialists tion, Laurent Joffrin, declared five and the conservative UMP don’t have days before Soumission appeared that enough votes between them to defeat Houellebecq was “keeping a place her. So they decide to back Ben Abbes warm for Marine Le Pen at the Café in the runoff, and by a small margin de Flore.” The reliably dogmatic Edwy France elects its first Muslim president. Plenel, a former Trotskyist who runs the Ben Abbes decides to let the other par- news site Mediapart, went on television tacks, felt obliged to say that “France is a modern apartment tower, teaches his ties divide up the ministries, reserv- to call on his colleagues, in the name not Michel Houelle becq. It is not intol- courses but has no friends in the uni- ing for the Muslim Brotherhood only of democracy, to stop writing news ar- erance, hate, and fear.” It is hardly versity, and returns home to frozen din- the education portfolio. He, unlike his ticles on Houellebecq—France’s most likely that Valls had read his book. ners, television, and porn. Most years coalition partners, understands that a important contemporary novelist and Given all this, it will take a long time he manages to pick up a student and nation’s destiny depends on how well it winner of the Prix Goncourt—effec- for the French to read and appreciate start a relationship, which ends when teaches young people fundamental val- tively erasing him from the picture, So- Soumission for the strange and surpris- the girl breaks it off over summer va- ues and enriches their inner lives. He is viet style. Ordinary readers could not ing thing that it is. Michel Houellebecq cation with a letter that always begins, not a multiculturalist and admires the get their hands on the book until Janu- has created a new genre—the dystopian “I’ve met someone.” strict republican schools that he stud- ary 7, the official publication date. I was conversion tale. Soumission is not the François is shipwrecked in the pres- ied in, and that France abandoned. probably not the only one who bought story some expected of a coup d’état, ent. He doesn’t understand why his stu- Except in the schools, very little it that morning and was reading it when and no one in it expresses hatred or dents are so eager to get rich, or why seems to happen at first. But over the the news broke that two French-born even contempt of Muslims. It is about a journalists and politicians are so hol- next months François begins to no- Muslim terrorists had just killed twelve man and a country who through indif- low, or why everyone, like him, is so tice small things, beginning with how people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. ference and exhaustion find themselves alone. He believes that “only literature women dress. Though the government The irony was beyond anyone’s slouching toward Mecca. There is not can give you that sensation of contact has established no dress code, he sees imagination. And it was doubled by the even drama here—no clash of spiritual with another human spirit,” but no one fewer skirts and dresses on the street, fact that the cover of the Charlie pub- armies, no martyrdom, no final con- else cares about it. His sometime girl- more baggy pants and shirts that hide lished that day had a feature mocking flagration. Stuff just happens, as in all friend Myriam genuinely loves him but the body’s contours. It seems that Houellebecq as a masturbating drunk- Houellebecq’s fiction. All one hears at he can’t respond, and when she leaves non-Muslim women have spontane- ard. It was tripled when it was revealed the end is a bone-chilling sigh of col- to join her parents, who have emi- ously adopted the style to escape the that one of Houellebecq’s close friends, lective relief. The old has passed away; grated to Israel because they feel un- sexual marketplace that Houellebecq the left-wing economist and Charlie behold, the new has come. Whatever. safe in France, all he can think to say is: describes so chillingly in his other nov- contributor Bernard Maris, was among “There is no Israel for me.” Prostitutes, els. Youth crime declines, as does un- the victims. (Maris had just published a even when the sex is great, only deepen employment when women, grateful for book, Houellebecq économiste, calling François, the main character of Sou- the hole he is in. new family subsidies, begin to leave the his friend the deepest analyst of life under mission, is a mid-level literature pro- We are in 2022 and a presidential workforce to care for their children. contemporary capitalism.) Houellebecq fessor at the Sorbonne who specializes election is about to take place. All the François thinks he sees a new so- appeared on television, devastated, in the work of the Symbolist novelist smart money—then as now—is on the cial model developing before his eyes, then broke off his publicity tour and J. K. Huysmans. He is, like all Houelle- National Front’s Marine Le Pen win- inspired by a religion he knows little disappeared into the countryside. A few becq’s protagonists, what the French ning the primary, forcing the other par- 2 hours earlier Prime Minister Manuel call un pauvre type. He lives alone in ties to form a coalition to stop her. The 3As if on cue, though, a small Muslim Valls, in his first interview after the at- wild card in all this is a new, moderate party, the Union des Démocrates Mu- 2On Houellebecq’s earlier work, see my Muslim party (the Muslim Brother- sulmans Français, has recently been 1See my review of Zemmour’s book in “Night Thoughts,” The New York Re- hood) that by now attracts about a fifth formed and will put up eight candidates these pages, March 19, 2015. view, November 30, 2000. of the electorate, about as many as the in the March departmental elections. April 2, 2015 41 about, and which he imagines has the without reason, and can’t stop. Soon the Virgin was rising from her own. They, too, idealized the life of polygamous family at its center. Men after—ostensibly for research pur- base and growing larger in the simple, unquestioning piety and de- have different wives for sex, child- poses—he decides to spend some time sky. The baby Jesus seemed ready spised modern culture and the Enlight- bearing, and affection; the wives pass in the Benedictine abbey in southern to detach himself from her, and I enment that spawned it. They believed through all these stages as they age, but France where his hero J. K.
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