SUL ROSS MASONIC LODGE NO. 1300 A.F. & A.M. Sul Ross COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CHARTERED 1947 Lodge News Volume 31, Issue 1 Summer 2012 Special points of interest: Please send your articles, FROM THE EAST news items and photos BY BROTHER CHANCE M. ROBINSON, MASTER Collegium Latomorum “College of Masonry” Brethren, uncle B.A. Haynie (Past Master Masonic Education pro- of Patrick No. 359), as well as gram August 28 What a pleasure it is to be a brethren from my mother member of Sul Ross Lodge, and lodge, Sam Bournias (Secretary Ritual Forum and Exam what an honor and privilege it is and Past Master of Fairfield No. hosted by Brazos Union to serve you as Worshipful 103) and Scott Mills (Past Mas- Lodge on August 25 Master this year. It was truly a ter of Fairfield No. 103). great experience to join our brethren and their families for I was also honored to have so Inside this issue: the installation of officers on many of our honored ladies and July 14th. I felt especially hon- guests present especially my Sul Ross Member 2 ored to have so many of the wife, Suzanne, my mother, Gina, Brother Robinson and his Updates brethren who have made a pro- and my two daughters, Lyndsay wife, Suzanne, after the found impact in my life both in and Clara. Our ladies support installation of officers on From the East 3 and outside of masonry present the fraternity each and every July 14. (continued) for the installation ceremonies. day as we spend time enjoying This included my father Marc various masonic activities let us Recently my family has moved Henry P. O’Neal 4 Robinson (member of Science not forget to thank them for to a new home, and in the pro- Hill No. 211), my grandfather their understanding and support cess I have begun to reflect on Collegium 5-6 Charles M. Robinson (member as it is greatly appreciated. of Fairfield No. 103), my great (Continued on page 3) Latomorum York Rite Degrees 7-9 … LAMAR AWARD PRESENTATION Habitat for 10 Humanity BY ROY I. SMITH, Jr., PM May-July Birthdays 11- 2012 A&M Consolidat- Freemason and the second and Masonic An- 12 ed High School gradu- President of the Republic of niversaries ate John Spelce was Texas, is remembered as presented on July 9 the the founder of the Texas From the West / 13 2012 Grand Lodge of Public Schools and the From the South Texas Lamar Medal by ”Father of Education in Tex- Sul Ross Masonic as.” The award consists of a Calendar of 14 Lodge No. 1300. The medal, certificate, and Events presentation was made $1,000 college scholarship at a dinner in his honor and is given to students to In Memoriam / 15 at the Brazos Valley recognize outstanding per- New Master Ma- Masonic Library and sonal achievement in aca- sons Museum in College demics, citizenship, commu- Pictured: Lamar Award Committee Station. The Lamar nity service, or sports 2012-2013 Officers 16 Chair Brother Jon Hall, Mr. Spelce, Award namesake, Past Master Brother Bobby Mirabeau B. Lamar, a Gilchrist Heritage 17 Roggenbuck. Society From the South 18 (continued) Page 2 Sul Ross Lodge News Tom Fritz moved to East Lan- SUL ROSS MEMBER UPDATES... sing, Michigan, as his fiancé took a job at Michigan State University. Jay Matush continues to serve as a Police Officer with the City of College Station. Decebal Marin is about to en- ter law school at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. After living in the BCS area for 12 years, Bobby Roggenbuck, This is the photo of Sul Ross Lodge No. 1300 members who received their immediate Past Master, has 32nd Scottish Rite Degree at the Houston Scottish Rite Reunion in Houston accepted a job with Total Safe- on July 28. In photo from left to right: First row: Nathan Teinert, unknown ty in Houston. He and his Aggie, Omid Rahmani, Decebal Marin, Jeff Williford, Roy I. Smith, Jr. 33rd family will relocate to the East Degree. Second row: Sir Dick Heale, Personal Representative and Chairman Houston area toward the end of the Houston Valley 33rd Degree, Sam Balch, unknown Aggie, Gary Beaty, of August. Good luck with Hugh Carnahan, Robert Pagenkopf, Justin Curtsinger, Pete Normand 33rd your new endeavor! Degree. The picture below is of Eric Brother Jeff Williford and Gary Beaty received word Reinheimer where he served as his wife, Abby, had a baby that he was promoted to master for a degree: He boy, Callum Joshua Willi- LTC in the Army National opened, obligated, gave the ford, on July 2, 2012. Cal- Guard on January 24, 2012, lecture and closed. lum weighed 7lbs 10oz, and was pinned on July 10, 20in. and is pictured below! 2012. Brother Beaty is Congratulations! PCSing (moving for non military folks) to Austin and will be stationed at Camp Mabry. Congratulations to WM Chance Robinson and his wife, Suzanne, on the pur- chase of their first house in Kurten in July. BRETHREN SERVING IN OTHER LODGES Information Carlos Chang is an Asst. PM Tom Payne is serving as Eric Reinheimer is serving Wanted: Professor at UTEP and is Secretary of Brazos Union as Senior Deacon of Up- serving as Worshipful Lodge No. 129 as well as land / Mt. Baldy Masonic Please send your Master of El Paso Lodge District Deputy Grand Lodge No.419 in Califor- No. 130. Master for District 29A. nia. letters, articles and digital photos to: Josh Reinbolt James McInnis is serving as Ronald Langston is serving Senior Warden in Brazos as Worshipful Master of at Union Lodge No. 129. Washington Lodge, No. jreinbolt99@aggie 18. Brother Langston network.com. donated the ashlars at the Joe D’Agostino is serving Warden’s stations in the as Senior Warden of Adam lodgeroom. Royder Lodge No. 778. Volume 31, Issue 1 Page 3 self in the “necessities” of Sul (Continued from page 1) visit to a brother in need, ABOUT THE MASTER Ross Lodge. Volunteers are providing assistance to the what material items I have that widows of our brethren, fur- requested to take on the re- Brother Chance M. are necessities and what items thering our masonic knowledge warding job of calling upon a Robinson was raised a that are simply superfluous to and education, and fellowship widow of your lodge through- Master Mason in Fairfield my day to day living. I believe with one another. out the year. This will be your Lodge No. 103, Fairfield, this transcends to other parts opportunity to offer a helping Texas in 2007. hand, a simple a hello and an of my life as well, and to how So how might we ensure that we govern ourselves as a fra- these necessities are accounted invitation to the Homecoming He has been married to ternity. As I consider just what for? In the coming months Banquet in December and Suzanne for six years and is are those vices and superflui- brethren when you receive a Sweetheart Dinner in February. the father of two daughters, ties which I should divest my- phone call from a young Master Another program which will Lyndsay and Clara. Chance self of? I ask myself just how Mason in your lodge asking begin this coming year is the received two degrees from often I judge someone I do not how you and your family are Collegium Latomorum (Latin Texas A&M University and is know, or curse someone for doing, and inviting you to an for College of Masonry). The currently employed as a soil not driving in a manner that I upcoming meeting, know that College of Masonry will be held scientist with the USDA in think is proper. your lodge does care about monthly on the fourth Tuesday. Bryan. you and for that reason we are This educational program will Well I could go on, but I think I calling. Without occasional enable a brother through his Many thanks go out to Broth- will stop short of making a full communication, we are ill in- participation to incrementally er Robinson for his excellent confession of my shortcomings formed of your recent surgery, gain a wealth of masonic service and stewardship to knowledge. The syllabus for and say that I have a lot of the health of a loved one, your our lodge this masonic year work yet to do in breaking off recent deployment, or the loss the program was developed by those rough edges in my life, I of a job. We are your brothers Brother Pete Normand and think we all do, but often times and we do care about you and runs the gamut of masonic I fail to reflect upon my life and your family’s well-being. topics while at its core pro- Finally, I wish to draw your how I am living. I accumulate ceeds through our history and attention to page 14 where superfluities and fail to focus on That being said, I also know will provide an excellent foun- notice is given regarding a dues the necessities of life through that many members of our dation to further masonic re- increase from $75-$85. This introspection. fraternity remain the best rep- search and education for the dues increase will take affect if resentatives and most faithful brethren. This is a program for voted upon favorably by the As a fraternity we sometimes ambassadors of masonry not by which I am extremely excited lodge at the September Stated do the same thing, but what are serving in high offices or even to offer to the masons of Col- Communications.
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