Rolling in Widening Don’t drop that the dough the gap thun thun ... class INSIDE Local Houston rapper Baseball sweeps UAB to UCourt Chair Brian Baran urges New DegreeWorks Doughbeezy visits Willy’s Pub for increase their lead in students to protest the new drop system to replace Beats & Beer this Thursday. conference USA. deadline policies. ECAPP degree audit see A&E p. 6 See Sports p. 9 see Ops p. 5 See P. 2 Volume CI, Issue No. 26 StudeNt-RuN sINCe 1916 wedNesday, apRIl 23, 2014 Students allege mistreatment from SJP staff by Molly ChIu “They painted a picture about SeNIoR EdItoR me that wasn’t true and then didn’t give me a chance to refute it,” the In recent weeks, following sev- student said. eral student suspensions and ex- SJP handles cases regarding the pulsions, rumors have circulated enforcement of the Alcohol Policy that Student Judicial Programs and the Code of Student Conduct. mistreated students during inter- Zollner said cases generally come views regarding drug issues on to her office through Rice Universi- campus. However, SJP has denied ty Police Department reports, but these allegations and claims the students and faculty can also file interviews were conducted accord- reports directly. ing to procedure. Although each case is different, Zollner said the typical first step in SJP’s investigation is to meet with the accused student. During the “They were profane, rude, interview with a student, a mem- and completely unprofes- ber of SJP will ask the student to describe the situation and offer an sional ... They painted explanation of events. Zollner said a picture about me that the student is welcomed to speak wasn’t true and then didn’t in their own defense during the interview. give me a chance to refute “They’re not criticized or sanc- it. ” tioned for offering a robust defense,” Zollner said. “They can offer differ- Student involved ent interpretations of the facts.” in Student Judicial Programs However, the student said he proceedings feels the entire process was unfair. “Even at the slightest move of disobedience, SJP will come crack- A student involved in the pro- ing down with injustice,” the stu- ceedings, whose identity will be dent said. “It’s not innocent until kept anonymous in order to protect proven guilty at Rice. There’s no due his privacy, said he was given one process in any way, shape or form.” hour’s notice of the meeting with Zollner said students do receive bill wang/thresher SJP. Then during the interview, he fair treatment and due process An excavator demolishes the Rice Art Barn, commissioned in 1969 by Houston art patrons John and Dominique claims he was bullied, threatened during SJP investigations. de Menil to house a visiting machine show from the Museum of Modern Art in New York and later used as and scared into submission. He re- exhibition space until the Menil Collection was built in 1987. The space was being used by the Martel Center for called a particular exchange with Associate Dean of Undergraduates Continuous Studies after originally serving as the Rice Museum. According to Vice President for Administration Don Ostdiek, in which Ostdiek “When I’m given informa- Kevin Kirby, the building was structurally unsound and would have cost too much to renovate. Kirby said there cursed at him. tion that’s a factual mis- are currently plans to plant grass surrounding the tree Andy Warhol planted in front of the Art Barn “After I said I wasn’t comfort- representation, I question able with a question and that I wanted to talk to my parents and it, and I prod. That process lawyer, Ostdiek said, ‘I don’t give can be very uncomfortable a shit how you feel. You have to Faculty Senate passes grade inflation legislation answer my question,’” the student for the student.” said. “They were profane, rude Lisa Zollner by YasNa Haghdoost ing Group co-chair Jane Grande- through the Student Senate.” and completely unprofessional.” Director of Student Judicial News EdItoR Allen indicates that Duncan Col- Grande-Allen also cited presen- Director of SJP Lisa Zollner said Programs lege Senator Chynna Foucek was tations given to various residential she and members of her office do The Rice University Faculty Sen- chosen to lead the discussion on colleges throughout the year and a not curse at students. However, ate passed three motions proposed exploring the student perspective presentation given to the SA in No- Zollner said they are thorough in “Due process is being given no- by the Working Group on Grade In- on the issues. Grande-Allen said vember as further examples of stu- their investigation and interviews tice of what you’re being accused flation last month on March 26. Foucek, as the student represen- dent involvement in the process. with students can get heated at of, an opportunity to be heard in The first motion states that aca- tative, attended Working Group “I presented slides and an- times, especially if she has evi- full – which might include submit- demic programs offering courses meetings and served as a mediator swered lots of questions,” Grande- dence to prove a student is not ting statements from witnesses ranging from 100 to 300 levels between the student body and the Allen said. “They were really helpful telling the truth. – and a decision based on avail- must have faculty-wide discussion Working Group. meetings that shaped our analysis “When I’m given information able information,” Zollner said. about grading standards at least “[Foucek] was fully involved in and framing of the motions.” that’s a factual misrepresentation, “There’s also the appeal, which I once every five years. The second the conversations about the data However, Baran said he believes I question it, and I prod,” Zollner don’t have a say in.” motion, effective in fall 2018, states analysis and development of the mo- the presentations did not sufficient- said. “That process can be very According to Dean of Under- that an A+ grade will be worth a 4.0 tions,” Grande-Allen said. “We al- ly represent the voice of the student uncomfortable for the student. graduates John Hutchinson, stu- instead of its current 4.33 value in ways asked for her input. She worked body and a more formal method I wouldn’t expect someone who dents may appeal SJP rulings to calculating GPA. The third motion especially closely with me on the pre- should have been pursued. has been through that process to him if they believe them unfair. states that evidence of teaching sentations to the SA and colleges.” “Giving presentations and col- have good things to say about it. “Any time concerns are brought quality should be used in addition However, University Court lecting questions and comments Although students might feel un- to me, I follow up on those to to student ratings of instructors re- Chair Brian Baran said he believes informally doesn’t ensure student comfortable when being asked make sure we’re following appro- garding promotions and tenures. Foucek’s representation on the voices are heard,” Baran said. about their behavior, that does not priate procedures and practices,” The motion cites peer or chair ob- Working Group does not qualify as “Students should have the oppor- indicate a flaw in the process.” Hutchinson said. “Any student servations, as well as “teaching ar- sufficient student representation. tunity to have campus-wide dis- However, the student said the who has been found in violation tifacts” such as exams and syllabi, “Having a representative on a cussions and debates on campus- evidence against him consisted and feels there has been a problem as examples of evidence to use in committee is not enough,” Baran, wide issues and to pass, through only of hearsay, and that he be- in process can appeal to me under evaluating teaching quality. a Duncan junior, said. “The stu- the Student Association, legisla- lieves he is innocent of the charges the Code of Student Conduct.” An email sent from Class of 2013 dent body at large should have the tion formalizing the opinion of the 0 brought against him. see sjp, page 4 SA President Sanjula Jain to Work- opportunity to weigh in on issues 0see grades, page 3 2 NEWS the Rice Thresher Wednesday, April 23, 2014 DegreeWorks to make major completion status more visible by Tina Nazerian behind-the-scenes access issues. The Registrar Thresher Staff wants to ensure students and departments can only access their own records and not other’s. Students will soon be able to easily find out “If all goes well between [the access issues] exactly what they need for their major. By early and our final sign-off from academic depart- next semester, the Office of the Registrar plans to ments, we expect to be able to roll this out in replace the current degree-auditing tool, ECAPP, the fall,” Tenney said. “[DegreeWorks] exists, with DegreeWorks, a web-based degree-auditing it’s there. We’ve been using the tool. It prob- tool that will let students and their major advisors ably won’t be available the first week of class, evaluate degree progress. but we would like to have it up and running in Registrar David Tenney said ECAPP only cer- the early part of the semester, so that students tifies university requirements, such as distribu- are using it for the December conferral, and as tions, Lifetime Physical Activity Program classes students are declaring their majors and apply- and Freshman Writing Intensive Seminars. ing for graduation.” “[ECAPP] does not include undergraduate Tenney said the Registrar plans to set up De- major requirements,” Tenney (Sid Richardson ‘87) greeWorks for undergraduate curriculum first.
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