Appendix D Biodiversity technical paper Mount Victoria village safety upgrade Appendix D Review of Environmental Factors GREAT WESTERN HIGHWAY Katoomba to Lithgow Upgrade Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT • Final • November 2013 Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade REF Technical Paper – Biodiversity Assessment GREAT WESTERN HIGHWAY Katoomba to Lithgow Upgrade Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade BIODIVERSITY ASSESSMENT • Final • November 2013 Prepared by Sinclair Knight Merz ABN: 37 001 024 095 710 Hunter Street Newcastle West NSW 2302 Australia PO Box 2147 Dangar NSW 2309 Australia Tel: +61 2 4979 2600 Fax: +61 2 4979 2666 www.skmconsulting.com COPYRIGHT: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd (SKM). Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of SKM constitutes an infringement of copyright. LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of SKM’s client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between SKM and its client. SKM accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party. The SKM logo trade mark is a registered trade mark of Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd. Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade REF Technical Paper – Biodiversity Assessment Contents Terms and abbreviations v Executive summary vi 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Project description 1 1.3. Study area 3 1.4. Legislative context 3 1.4.1. Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 5 1.4.2. NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995 5 1.4.3. Fisheries Management (FM) Act, 1994 5 1.4.4. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999 5 1.4.5. NSW Noxious Weeds Act 1993 6 1.4.6. State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) 44 - Koala Habitat Protection 6 1.5. Study aims 6 1.5.1. Objectives and scope works 7 2. Methodology 8 2.1. Personnel 8 2.2. Database searches and literature reviews 8 2.2.1. Vegetation mapping 8 2.2.2. Vegetation condition 9 2.3. Field survey 10 2.4. Survey effort 10 2.5. Limitations 10 2.6. Threatened species assessment 13 2.6.1. Likelihood of occurrence 13 3. Existing environment 14 3.1. Landscape context 14 3.2. Land use 14 3.3. Literature and database review 14 3.3.1. Vegetation communities and habitat 14 3.3.2. Fauna habitat 19 3.3.3. Threatened ecological communities 22 3.3.4. Groundwater dependent ecosystems 22 3.3.5. Threatened flora 23 3.3.6. Threatened fauna 31 3.3.7. Migratory and marine species 38 PAGE i Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade REF Technical Paper – Biodiversity Assessment 3.3.8. Wildlife connectivity corridors 41 3.4. Field investigations 41 3.4.1. Vegetation and habitat 41 3.4.2. Threatened flora and ecological communities 44 3.4.3. Threatened fauna 44 3.4.4. Migratory species 44 4. Potential impacts 45 4.1. Loss of vegetation and habitat 45 4.1.1. Threatened ecological communities 47 4.1.2. Threatened fauna 47 4.1.3. Hollow bearing trees 48 4.1.4. Loss of foraging habitat 48 4.1.5. Koala habitat 49 4.2. Wildlife connectivity and habitat fragmentation 49 4.3. Injury and mortality 49 4.4. Weeds 51 4.5. Pests and pathogens 51 4.6. Changed hydrology 52 4.7. Groundwater dependent ecosystems 52 4.8. Aquatic impacts 53 4.9. Noise, vibration and light 53 4.10. Impact on relevant key threatening processes 53 4.11. Cumulative impacts 54 5. Avoidance and Mitigation 55 5.1. Avoid and minimise 55 5.2. Mitigation measures 57 5.2.1. Weed Management 59 5.2.2. Pest and disease management 60 5.2.3. Vegetation re-establishment 61 5.2.4. Aquatic habitat and riparian zones 61 5.2.5. Wildlife connectivity 62 6. Significance assessments 64 7. Conclusion 68 8. References 69 Appendix A Vegetation community descriptions 72 Appendix B Fauna list of study locality of open forest habitat 76 Appendix C Assessment of Significance 79 PAGE ii Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade REF Technical Paper – Biodiversity Assessment C.1 Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1995 (S.5a) 79 C.2 Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999125 PAGE iii Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade REF Technical Paper – Biodiversity Assessment Document history and status Revision Date issued Reviewed by Approved by Date approved Revision type Draft 05/08/2013 A.Carty J.Carr 05/08/2013 Practice Review Draft 06/08/2013 A.Carty J.Carr 06/08/2013 Practice Review Draft 06/08/2013 V Cadungog A Spinks 06/08/2013 Planning review Final 03/10/2013 Josh Hale J.Carr 03/10/2013 Comments review Final 22/10/2013 B Watson A. Spinks 22/10/2013 Professional review Final 2 13/11/2013 V Cadungog V Cadungog 13/11/2013 Planning Review Distribution of copies Revision Copy no Quantity Issued to Draft Electronic 1 Roads and Maritime Final Electronic 1 Roads and Maritime Final 2 Electronic 1 Roads and Maritime Printed: 13 November 2013 Last saved: 13 November 2013 01:00 PM File name: I:\ENVR\Projects\EN04213\Communications\Out\20131022_RMS_MVV Final Working Papers\Biodiversity\EN04213_BiodiversityAssessment_MtVic_Final.docx Author: Jonathan Carr Project manager: Vivira Cadungog Name of organisation: Sinclair Knight Merz Name of project: Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade Name of document: Biodiversity Assessment Document version: Final 2 Project number: EN04213 PAGE iv Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade REF Technical Paper – Biodiversity Assessment Terms and abbreviations Term Meaning CMA Catchment Management Authority CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan Construction footprint 5 metre buffer of the proposed footprint CSIRO Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation DBH Diameter at breast height DEC Commonwealth Department of Environment and Conservation DECC NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change DECCW NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, now OEH (see below) DPI Department of Primary Industries DSEWPaC Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities EP&A Act Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 FM Act Fisheries Management Act 1994 GPS Global positioning system HBT Hollow bearing trees Km Kilometre m Metre m² Metres squared NPW Act National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service (now included under OEH) NSW New South Wales OEH NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (previously DECCW and DECC) Proposed footprint The immediate design footprint of the proposal Riparian Transition zone between land and watercourse REF Review of Environmental Factors RMS Roads Maritime Service NSW RTA Roads Traffic Authority NSW (now known as the RMS) SEPP State Environmental Planning Policy SIS Species impact Statement SKM Sinclair Knight Merz Study area Encompasses the proposed footprint and any adjoining or adjacent habitat where potential indirect impacts may occur. Study locality The broader bioregional context defined by Thackway and Creswell (1995) as the Sydney Bioregion and occurs within a 10 kilometre radius of the proposed footprint. TEC Threatened Ecological Communities TSC Act Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 PAGE v Mount Victoria Village Safety Upgrade REF Technical Paper – Biodiversity Assessment Executive summary Background Roads and Maritime proposes to construct safety works along the Great Western Highway at Mount Victoria, approximately 15 kilometres southeast of Lithgow and approximately five kilometres northwest of Blackheath. The proposed works extend from Browntown Oval, to the east of the village and continues just west of Mount York Road with approximately 2.3 kilometres of safety enhancements. The main features of the proposal include: • Widening the highway shoulders by up to about three metres on each side of the road. • Moving the highway about 20 metres to the north east between Mount Piddington Road and Hooper Street to improve the road alignment. • Upgrading six intersections, including: – Dedicated right turn bays at Harley Avenue, Mount Piddington Road, Kanimbla Valley Road and Selsdon Street. – Dedicated left turn bay at Mount York Road with the use of line marking. – Basic right turn at Victoria Falls Road. – Left in /left out only at Hooper Street and Cecil Road with the use of appropriate sign posting and line marking. • Providing a new service road to improve and provide safe access to private properties on the southern side of the highway between Cecil Road and Mount Piddington Road. • Providing a pedestrian refuge in the central median near Selsdon Street and improved connectivity through additional pedestrian pathways within the proposal area. • Building four retaining walls up to 5.5 metres high and up to 230 metres long. • Building two new culverts and upgrading existing drainage infrastructure. • Providing water quality basins at potentially three locations. • Temporary construction facilities, including construction compounds and stockpile sites along its length. • Tie-ins with the existing pavement and highway levels at the end of each section. This report details the methods and results of a biodiversity assessment prepared to identify the extent and potential magnitude of ecological impacts associated with the proposal. The report addresses the requirements for assessment of significance under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Existing environment The study area is located within the South Eastern Highlands and Sydney Basin bioregions (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia, 2012). The study area is located entirely within the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Area (CMA) and traverses the Mid Coxs River and Gorse River Subcatchments. The region is important for biodiversity because it provides a variety of landforms, aspects and microhabitats that support a high diversity of plants and animals.
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