Venus Probe Is Lauadled Today ,-, . CAPE CANAVERAL (UPI) -­ A mu1tl-purpose spacecraft blasted off wlthout a flaw t K_~~~I: t;IJL",t:', ',HO U 1t~}-~~,f3,-\ ear1y today to start a ------ /, -------- -- four-month weather fact­ ~[-- ~ - - finding voyage to Venus. --=-=-=---- ,. The Ploneer Venus 2 11fted off preclse1y on VOLUME 15 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1978 NUMBER 153 schedule at 3'33 a.m. EDT. The spacecraft went In­ CARTER, BEGIN AND SADAT WILL MEET IN SEPTEMBER to a parking orbit shortly after launch where it re­ mal ned untl1 the engines aboard the Centaur portion A MIDEAST PEACE BREAKTHROUGH of the rocket sent it hurt- WASHI~lGTON (UPI) -- President Carter, Egyptlan Presldent Anwar Sadat and Israe11 Prlme Mlnlster Menachem 11ng out of Earth's gravi­ Begin will meet Sept. 5 at Camp Davld ln a major effort to reach a Middle East peace cccord, the Whlte House tatlona1 pull and toward announced today. the barren planet. "The presldent lS pleased to announce that President Sadat and Prlme Minister Begln have accepted an lnVl­ Lawrence Ross, director tation to come to Camp David Sept. 5 to meet wlth him to seek a framework for a Middle East peace agreement," of launch vehlc1es, said press secretary Jody Powell announced to reporters. the spacecraft was put lnto Powell sald Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, ln A1exandrla, Egypt, today for a meetlng wlth Egyptlan offl­ a1~ost perfect trajectory. cla1s, lnformed Carter that both Sadat and Begin, whom Vance met durlng the weekend, "have welccmed thlS meet- "From the pre11mlnary 1 ng." lnformatlon, it looks 11ke RHODESIA LAUNCHES PROGRAM OPEC To laise The September summlt ltS speed will have to be wl11 be the flrst face-to­ increased only 1~ meters face meetlng between the per second," Ross sald. Oil Prices Soon two Mlddle East leaders Discrimination Abolition BEIRUT (UPI) -- A Slnce thelr Chrlstmas Day AND CHINA SALISBURY, Rhodesla (UPI) -- Rhodesia's blraclal Saud1 Arabian newspaper talks In Ismal11a, Egypt. JAPAN lnterlm government launched today a program to abolish says the Organlzat1on of Only last week, Sadat racla1 discriminat10n w1th reso1utlons to make bUS1- Petroleum Exportlng Coun­ sald he would no longer NEA I A TIEATY ness distrlcts. toilets, SW1mmlng pools and other pub- tr1es wl11 meet ln extra­ talk wlth the Israells HONG KONG (UPI) -- Chlna 11C fac1lities open to all races. ordlnary session Sept. 19 unless they would agree to appeared near a successful B1Shop Abel Muzorewa, a and ralse 011 prlces by wlthdrawal from occupled conc1uSlon of negotlatlons black leader who sits on A black Min1stry of Edu­ 5 percent for next year. Arab lands. There was no on a peace treaty with a the government's ruling catlon employee ln a The unsourced report lmmedlate lndlcatlon, how­ former foe today and began executive counc11 and de­ group of people spending ln the newspaper Al Nadwa ever, that the Israell ac­ talks with a former frlend manded two days ago the thelr lunch hour outside was carr1ed by Arab news ceptance of Carter's lnVl­ on a dlspute that has "immed1ate removal" of the prlme min1ster's of­ agencles today. tatlon meant the lssue of brought them close to con­ rac1al discrimlnation, fice sa1d in a typical If true, 1t would ap­ occupled terrltorles would fllCt. sald he was satlsf1ed by remark: "Rubbish, abso­ pear to slgnal compromlse now be set up for dlSCUS­ Japanese Forelgn Minis­ the moves. lute rubblsh. Noth1ng between the current pr1ce Slon. ter Sunao Sonoda was flying "One of the greatest about hosplta1s, schools, freeze and reported moves Powell sald Carter "1S from Tokyo to Peking for thlngs that has happened resldentlal areas or re­ by OPEC hard11ners for a gratlfled" by the response what dlp10matic analysts to thlS country has now dlstributlon of land." steeper - and perhaps to hlS lnvltatlon. The sald was almost certain to started happem ng," he de­ ,~uzorewa, when asked earller - prlce increase. press secretary sald each be the final phase of pro­ clared as he and hlS exe­ about aspects of instltu­ The report made no leader wlll be accompanled longed negotlatlons with cutlve councl1 colleagues, tionallzed dlscrlmlnation mentlon of hard11ne moves by a small delegatlon to Japan on a treaty of peace 1nclud1ng two fellow black not mentloned 1n today's to abandon the U.S. dol­ help ln the negotlctions. and fnendship. leaders and Prlme Mlnlster statement, sald "We are lar as the sole unlt ln No speclflc timetable for In Hanol, Chung HS1-Tung Ian Smlth, emerged from a ln the process now of do­ computlng OPEC prlces 1n the talks has yet been set. Chlna's Vlce Forelgn Minis­ mornlng-long meetlng. lng these thlngs." favor of a basket of cur­ Word of the summlt ter, was to open talks with But a random poll show­ Decisions reached to­ rencies because of the flrst came from Capltol Vietnamese officials on the ed the black man ln the day were conflned to vis- recent decllne of the Hlll where members of the treatment of Chlnese. street to be dlsappolnted. 1ble discrimlnatlon. dollar on the market. Senate Forelgn Relatlons Commlttee began lnformlng AT LEAST FOUR TEST FLIGHTS AT KWAJALEIN thelr staffs of the lm­ LOCKHEED WINS STP HOE CONTRACT pendlng meetlng. HUNTSVILLE, Alabama Several Wounded (BMDSCOM)-- The U.S. Army's Bal11stic Mlsslle Defense In Border Clash Systems Command (BMDSCOM) HONG KONG (UPI) -- A recently awarded a $118.4 doctor and newsmen were mll110n contract to Lock­ among 20 people wounded heed Mlsslles and Space today ln the flrst blood­ Company, Inc., Sunnyvale, shed reported ln the cur­ California, to deslgn and rent dlspute between V1et­ conduct the Homlng Overlay nam and Chlna, the offl~ Experiment (HOE) for ltS clal V1etnam News Agency Systems Technology Program. reported The cost-p1us-flxed-fee The attacklng ethnlc contract calls for Lockheed Chlnese refugees -- termed to resolve the key lssues "Hoa" by the report -­ 1nvo1ved in deve10plng an smashed a VNA televlslon lnterceptor mlssi1e that crewman's camera, and a would be launched from the . doctor treat1ng the slck ground and use its own long­ was h1t 1n the r1bs and wave infrared sensor and on the forthead, accord­ computer to locate attack­ lng to the report. ing lntercontinenta1 ba1- Today's lnc1dent was llStlC mlssi1es (ICBMs) the f1rst report of blood­ above the atmosphere, home shed Slnce the exodus to in and "klll" them wlthout The Hom~ng Overlay Concept ~n an art~strs render~ng, publ~shed last year. rhina began 1n Apr11. Some the use of a nuclear war­ 160,000 ethnlc Ch1nese head. contractors partlclpating hardNare, and assoclated Northrldge, Callfornla, have fled to Chlna from The flve-year program in the competitlon were e1ectron1cs: Honeywell is responslb1e for the Vletnam ln the past three lnc1udes four f11ght tests the Boeing Company, AV10nlcs D1v1sion, St. integratIon of the boost­ months, accord1ng to Pe­ at KwaJaleln Mlsslle Range Seattle, Washlngton, and Petersburg, F10rlda, ter; and Aeronutronlc klng statlst1CS. ln the Paciflc and an the Vought Corporation Honeywell Defense Elec­ Division of Ford Aero­ option for two addltlona1 of Dallas, Texas. tronics Divls1on, Lex- SDace anrl Communications f1 i ght tests. Several major subcon­ 1ngton, Massachusetts, Corporatlon, Newport WATER REPORT Lockheed was one of tractors wl11 partlcl­ and Honeywell Defense Beach, Ca11fornia, will AS OF 0001 Aug. 8, 1978 three contractors awarded pate in the HOE with Systems Olvlsion, Hopkins, perform analysls of Water code is YELLOW a $500,000 study contract Lockheed. Minnesota. optical sensor test data. In tanks 6,665,000 gal in September 1977 to define Three divislons of Rocketdyne Divlsion of (Ed. note' No further I Consumed the configuration of the Honeywell, Incorporated, Rockwell Internatlona1, ~nformat~on was g~ven KwaJ: 285,000 gal experlmenta1 interceptor wl11 be lnvo1ved 1n de­ Canoga Park, Ca1ifornla, ~n the news release on Other 70,000 gal and the management and veloping the optical will develop the axial e~ther the number of Total 355,000 gal technical effort required sensor and fuze, the propu1s10n englne; Space personnel ~nvolved or Conserve water to develop it. The other guidance software and Vector Corporation of when ~t w~ll start.) PAGE 2 TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1978 Gold's Up, Dollar Down $1.65 8illion for New Yorlr LONDON (UPI) -- The U.S. dollar hlt new NEW YORK (UPI) -- President Carter said WORLD NEWS BRIEfS openlng lows on maJor forelgn exchanges today the new $1.65 billion program of DES MOINES, Iowa (UPI -- A clear, today followlng an unconflrmed Middle East federal flnanclal guarantees for Ne,'I York brlqht star appeared to perch on the edge report of a flve percent rlse In 011 prlces Clty is In the natlonal interest, is not of a gleamlng crescent moon Monday nlght, next month. a handout, and should not "cost the Amen­ creatlng a slght that caused a flood of Gold rose sharply In London and Zurlch can taxpayer a cent." phone calls to pollce and news operatlons reflectlng the dollar's weakness. The presldent,. ln a prepared speech ln the Mldwestern Unlted States. The dollar hlt lows ln Germany and before signlng the legislatlon at a cere­ "In portlons of the central plalns to­ SWltzerland, fell below a two-year low In mony ln front of city hall, called the nlght, a strange phenomonen can be seen Italy and closed sharply down to another federal loan guarantees over the next 15 ln the western skles ••• the planet Venus low In Tokyo. years "a cruclal step In New York's long appears to be slttlng on the peak of the Dealers in Zurlch, where the dollar and difficult cllmh back toward solvency moon," the Natlonal Weather SerVlce sald pl unged briefly to an all-tlme low of and lndependence." ln a statement ldentl fYlng the "star." 1.6935 SW1SS francs at open lng, blamed the Carter laced hlS speech wlth pralse for Phillip Riggs, retlred astronomer for "bad pyschological effect" of the new lows Mayor Edward Koch and Gov.
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