Death Notices & Obituaries Northern Standard 1954

Death Notices & Obituaries Northern Standard 1954

Death Notices & Obituaries in The Northern Standard Newspaper 1954 - 1956 NAMES: ADDRESSES: DATE: PAGE: Adair, Mary J. Pond House, Carrickaslane, Castleblayney 23/07/1954 62 Adams, Elizabeth Corness, Monaghan 02/11/1956 378,383 Adams, Herbie Glasgow & Corlatt, Monaghan 19/02/1954 20 Alford, Miss J. Ture, Clones 07/09/1956 355 Allely, Joseph Newbliss 19/10/1956 371,373 Allen, Mrs John Cordoo, Newbliss 17/06/1955 199 Allen, Sean Castleshane, Monaghan 01/10/1954 84,99 Anderson, Eliza Jane Drumneil, Castleshane 13/01/1956 273 Andrews, Miss D. Drumurcher, Scotshouse 16/07/1954 58 Armstrong, Agnes Corrintra, Castleblayney 05/11/1954 100,104 Armstrong, George Tiernahinch, Clones 22/10/1954 93 Armstrong, Mary J. Armagh & Monaghan 10/08/1956 347,348 Armstrong, Robert John Drumate 16/07/1954 59,60 Askin, Edward Glaslough 20/08/1954 70,72,74 Atkinson, Robert Milltown, Rockcorry 15/10/1954 83,93,94 Babbington, Elizabeth Mary Coolderry, Carrickmacross 13/05/1955 188 Bailey, Elizabeth Tullyvin, Castleblayney 08/07/1955 211,216 Balfe, Ellen Lower Main St. Ballybay 05/03/1954 22 Bannigan, Patrick Drumchonnion, Latton 17/06/1955 200 Barbour, Jack North Road, Monaghan 01/0/1954 1,2,3 Bates, Infant Mount Lodge, Latton 29/06/1956 328 Beattie, John Glasgow & Newtownbutler 21/05/1954 45 Beattie, John The Square, Castleblayney 25/06/1954 57 Beattie, Mrs George The Lodge, Hilton Park, Clones 30/07/1954 63 Beattie, Mrs William Scotshouse 04/05/1956 307 Beggan, Patrick Scotstown 13/04/1956 305,306 Beggs, James Feroy, Dungannon 29/04/1955 181 Betty, Roland Thomas Kilcorran, Smithboro 21/05/1954 46 Black, Robert Gallinagh 12/08/1955 227 Black, Susan Dromod, Latton 16/03/1956 292 Black, William Drumate, Newbliss 28/12/1956 393 Blythe, William Mullaghanee, Broomfield 02/11/1956 381 Bogue, Mrs J. McCurtain St. Clones 30/03/1956 300 Bowes, Letitia Ruskey, Newbliss 05/11/1954 99,100 Bowes, Margaret Castleshane, Monaghan 16/07/1954 59,60 Boyd, Thomas Monaghan 07/01/1955 118,120,121 Boylan, Margaret Corravaccan, Rockcorry 26/02/1954 22 Boylan, Patrick Maudabawn & Bawn 25/03/1955 158 Boyle, Patrick Dunaree, Carrickmacross 23/12/1954 114 Boyle, Rose O'Neill St. Carrickmacross 16/07/1954 59 Bradford, Esther Swann's Cross 01/06/1956 323,329 Brady, Francis Tydavnet 02/11/1956 378,381 Brady, James Formass, Scotstown 04/03/1955 150,151 Brady, James Glasgow & Scarva, Clones 10/02/1956 280 Brady, John The Diamond, Clones 09/12/1955 258,261 Brady, Mary Ann Tonagh, Aghabog 01/06/1956 323,328 Branyan, James R. Shanwallagh, Clontibret 21/05/1954 46 Breakey, Thomas Ardnasalem, Emyvale 21/01/1955 125,128,129,132,133 Breakey, William Ardnasalem, Emyvale 06/05/1955 181,193,194 Brennan, Bernard Cornacrew, Tullycorbett 06/01/1956 273 Brennan, Mary Cavan 04/11/1955 246 Brennan, Michael Cuchullain Tce. Carrickmacross 20/01/1956 276 Brennan, Sarah Cornacrew, Tullycorbett 01/04/1955 159 Brennan, Thomas Dublin & Ballybay 03/08/1956 346 Breslin, Mary Kilturk, Newtownbutler 31/08/1956 354 Brides, Mrs C. Knoz, Scotshouse 08/04/1955 167 Brines, Michael Sragh, Aughnamullen 18/02/1955 143 Brogan, Catherine Cordoo, Newbliss 01/04/1955 162 Brogan, Mrs J. Fermanagh St. Clones 21/08/1956 359 Brogan, Thomas Killeevan 30/07/1954 65 Brown, David Cleenagh, Newtownbutler 31/12/1954 117 Brown, Elizabeth Belfast & Ballybay 17/02/1956 281 Brown, Robert Park St. Monaghan 12/11/1954 104 Brownlee, Rachel nee Martin Canada & Smithboro 29/10/1954 93 Bryson, Emily Fermanagh & Clones 06/05/1955 184,187 Bulfin, Thomas Fethard, Co. Tipperary 24/09/1954 83 Burke, Christina nee McEneaney Dublin & Monaghan 20/08/1954 72 Burke, John Lisnalee, Scotshouse 28/10/1955 247 Burns, James Drogheda & Monaghan 29/01/1954 5 Burns, Mrs Shercock 22/10/1954 92 Byrne, Hugh Fermanagh St. Clones 13/08/1954 69 Caddoo, Joseph The Diamond, Clones 03/12/1954 109 Callaghan, James Dublin & Aughnamullen 22/07/1955 221 Callaghan, Mary Emyvale 09/12/1955 259 Callaghan, Mrs M. Corranny 08/04/1955 165 Callan, Joseph Drumgowna, Carrickmacross 05/02/1954 15 Campbell, Henry Carnowen, Smithboro 10/03/1956 291 Campbell, Maria Drumroughill, Swann's Cross 30/03/1956 297 Campbell, Mary Elizabeth Tyholland 08/04/1955 167,170,173 Campbell, Mary Elizabeth Armagh 12/10/1956 370 Campbell, Mrs G. Armagh & Emyvale 12/10/1956 366 Campbell, Sarah Jane Tyholland 30/04/1954 37 Campbell, Thomas Cootehill 08/04/1955 165 Carney, Andrew Edraguil, Rockcorry 07/10/1955 239 Carolan, Michael Aughnaskieve, Scotshouse 24/09/1954 77 Carragher, Ellen Glenahorn, Clontibret 14/05/1954 43 Carragher, Margaret Aghakist, Ballybay 12/10/1956 362 Carrigan, Paddy Clondergole, Clones 04/06/1954 49 Carroll, Cassie St. Patricks St. Ballybay 06/04/1956 300 Carroll, John Boston & Scotshouse 17/08/1956 346 Carroll, Michael Liscumiskey 15/01/1954 5 Carroll, Patrick Drumgor, Latton 17/12/1954 111 Carroll, Peter Liscumaskey, Latnamard 12/08/1955 229 Carson, Mrs M. Main St. Ballybay 11/06/1954 52 Carson, Theresa Enniskillen 15/07/1955 207,213 Casey, Anna London & Scotstown 30/07/1954 65 Casey, Maggie Mile Hill, Castleblayney 30/11/1956 389 Casey, Rose A. Tyrone 10/03/1956 287 Cashell, Robert Dublin & Ballybay 23/12/1954 114 Cassidy, Brian Main St. Roslea 23/11/1956 387 Cassidy, Ellen Glen, Rockcorry 12/03/1954 27,35 Cassidy, Michael The Glen, Rockcorry 20/01/1956 275 Caulfield, Kathleen Tyraverty, Tydavnet 07/12/1956 389,392,393 Chalmers, George Cordevlis South, Ballybay 03/09/1954 76 Clark, Kathleen Tattyreagh, Castleblayney 14/12/1956 390 Clarke, Meta Rostrevor 18/05/1956 314 Clarke, Mrs John Fermanagh St. Clones 20/05/1955 192 Clarke, Rachel Castleblayney 25/02/1955 142,144,145,146,162 Clarke, Rachel Dunmaurice, Ballybay 16/11/1956 383 Clarke, Rev. William J. Thompson British Columbia & Rockcorry 23/04/1954 37 Clarke, Robert Crieve, Clontibret 13/05/1955 188,189,190,193 Clarke, Wilson Drumagelvin, Glaslough 15/04/1955 173 Clegg, Frederick Wexford & Carrickmacross 14/09/1956 359 Clegg, John H. Carrickmacross 16/12/1955 262 Clerkin, Arthur Roslea 15/10/1954 90 Clerkin, Catherine Ture, Clones 14/10/1955 244 Clerkin, Francis Rackwallace 20/08/1954 70,71 Clerkin, John Aughnamullen, Latton 17/08/1956 350 Clerkin, Mary A. Corravacan, Rockcorry 28/10/1955 247 Clerkin, Mrs Frank Corracharra, Bawn 17/06/1955 200 Clerkin, Patrick Clonfad, Newtownbutler 30/03/1956 292 Clerkin, Peter Crosshue, Monaghan 28/01/1955 129,137 Clerkin, Peter Dundalk 10/02/1956 281 Clifford, James Barrack St. Ballybay 16/04/1954 39 Coffey, Lou Coolshannagh House 15/04/1955 172,173,178,179 Collins, Mary Anne Laragh 18/02/1955 143 Collins, Mrs Thomas St. Patricks St. Ballybay 19/08/1955 229 Comiskey, Nicholas Carrickanair 09/09/1955 231 Conlan, Edward Drumgor, Latton 15/02/1954 21 Conlan, Luke Lisdrumclave, Latton 21/01/1955 128 Conlon, Edward Lisdrumclave, Latton 13/05/1955 187 Conlon, James Fervilla, Tullyherim, Monaghan 09/12/1955 261 Conlon, Mary Ann Mullinarry, Aughnamullen 23/11/1956 386 Conlon, Sam Rockcorry 08/04/1955 165 Connell, Samuel Rockcorry 06/05/1955 181 Connolly, Daniel Ballybay 22/04/1955 176 Connolly, Gerard Sheskin, Scotstown 21/01/1955 129 Connolly, Harry Monea, Latton 18/06/1954 51 Connolly, Hugh Greagh, Stranooden 10/03/1956 291,294 Connolly, Irene Maud (Renee) Glenn, Rockcorry 03/08/1956 344 Connolly, Michael Drummuck 28/09/1956 365 Connolly, Mrs James Lakeview Tce. Ballybay 11/05/1956 318 Connolly, Mrs Michael O'Neill Park, Clones 18/11/1955 255 Connolly, Mrs W. Largy, Clones 25/02/1955 145 Connolly, Patrick Drumgavney, Ballybay 04/03/1955 150 Connolly, Patrick Aughnacloy, Smithboro 22/04/1955 175 Connolly, Peter Tyholland 22/07/1955 218,219,221,224,227 Connolly, Rev. Br. William Dublin & Cornamuckla, Doohamlet 07/10/1955 242 Connolly, Sarah Ann Threemilehouse 22/04/1955 177 Connolly, Sr. Mary Ethna Dublin & Castleblayney 18/02/1955 141 Connolly, Terence Clontibret 22/07/1955 216 Connolly, William Derrygoash, Newtownbutler 09/04/1954 37 Connolly, William Raw, Lisnalong, Latton 17/06/1955 197 Connors, John Glasgow & Clones 21/08/1956 357 Coogan, Paddy Glaslough St. Monaghan 18/02/1955 142,143 Corbett, Samuel Drum 16/09/1955 232 Corrigan, John Ballybay 30/03/1956 295 Corrigan, Paddy Carrigans, Emyvale 05/08/1955 226 Corrigan, Susan Emyvale 01/04/1955 152,161,167 Cosgrove, Ann Fair View, Clones 13/08/1954 70 Cosgrove, John Lower Main St. Ballybay 15/01/1954 10 Cosgrove, Matilda Mullnacloy, Stonebridge, Clones 18/02/1955 142 Costello, Bridget O'Neill Park, Clones 04/06/1954 48 Costello, Nellie 09/04/1954 36 Coulter, Mrs R. Lower Main St. Ballybay & Latton 15/07/1955 212 Courtney, John O'Neill Park, Clones 12/11/1954 100,102 Cox, John Glaslough St. Monaghan 15/04/1955 173,175 Coyle, Annie Dublin St. Monaghan 04/11/1955 250,252 Coyle, Bernard York St. Castleblayney 08/10/1954 89,92 Coyle, Catherine Corretard, Threemilehouse 03/06/1955 196,197 Coyle, Francis New York & Ballybay 05/02/1954 13,16 Coyle, Mrs Owen Drumlood, Latton 05/03/1954 25 Coyle, Rev. Canon Eugene Garrison & Threemilehouse 01/07/1955 209,212 Coyle, Sarah A. Swann's Cross 22/10/1954 93 Coyle, Susan Mullabrack, Smithboro 13/07/1956 339,340,362 Crampton, Thomas The Glebe, Killeevan 29/07/1955 224 Crawley, Thomas Ednamo, Inniskeen 01/04/1955 163 Creighan, John Belgium Square, Monaghan 25/03/1955 153 Creighan, Terence Tyholland 26/08/1955 229 Croarkin, James Tullycorbett 29/01/1954 3 Croarkin, James Cara St. Clones 12/03/1954 26 Croarkin, Joseph Coolshannagh & Stranooden 02/04/1954 36 Croarkin, Joseph Killyneill 09/04/1954 38 Croarkin, Joseph Ballybay 26/10/1956 374 Cromptom, Thomas The Glebe, Killeevan 22/07/1955 215 Crothers, Mrs London & Clones 05/02/1954 15 Cruikshank, Jennie New South Wales & Ballybay 04/03/1955 146,151 Culleton, Mary Ann Mullinary 06/08/1954 69 Cuming, Jane Boyd Brackley, Castleblayney 23/03/1956 294,296 Cunningham, Andrew Ardee Rd.

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