Board of Management Meeting 6.30pm, Tuesday 24 November 2020 By Video Conference Board of Management Meeting 24 November 2020 Agenda Item Subject Report For Status Page Time 1 Welcome and apologies - 6.30 2 Declarations of interest - 6.31 3 Meeting minutes – 30 September 2020 Decision Public 1 6.32 Board away day notes – 7 November 2020 4 Actions log Discussion Public 9 6.35 5 Chair’s report (Oral Item) Discussion Public - 6.37 6 Managing Director’s report Decision Public 12 6.40 7 Asset management strategy Decision Public 15 6.50 8 FoodBox incorporation proposal Decision Public 42 7.00 9 Regulatory compliance progress report Discussion Public 49 7.10 10 Capital programme report Discussion Public 52 7.20 11 Health and safety report Decision Public 65 7.35 12 Performance report Discussion Public 100 7.50 13 Finance report Discussion Public 117 8.00 14 Transformation programme report Discussion Public 130 8.10 15 Board forward plan Discussion Public 136 8.15 16 Draft Audit committee minutes Discussion Public 137 8.20 17 Any other business - 8.30 Homes for Haringey Board of Management Meeting 30 September 2020 Meeting: Board Meeting Date: 30 September 2020 Venue: By Video Conference Present: Aman Dalvi (AD) – Chair, Adzowa Kwabla-Oklikah (AKO), Cllr John Bevan (JB), Cllr Alessandra Rossetti (AR), Cllr Dana Carlin (DC), Ola Akinfe (OA), Andrew Crompton (AC), Paul Rickard (PRi), Edward Robinson (ER), Chris Harris (CH), Jessica McDaid (JM), Tom McGregor (TM), Margaret Morris (MM) Officers in Sean McLaughlin (SM), Puneet Rajput (PR), David Lewis (DL), Tracey Attendance: Downie (TD), Jonathan Gregory (JG), Mark Baigent (MB) Shareholder: David Joyce (DJ) Apologies: None Item Minutes Action 69/20 Welcome and Apologies AD welcomed members and resident observers to the meeting. He also welcomed Mark Baigent as Interim Executive Director of Property Services, thanked David Lewis for his valuable work and wished him well in his new role. There were no apologies for absence. 70/20 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 71/20 Meeting Minutes In relation to 66/20, providing copies of finance reports to the resident scrutiny panel, AKO clarified that she had intended this to be for the resident cooptee to the Audit and Risk Committee but was happy for all panel members to have the reports. The minutes of the Board meeting held on 28 July 2020 were, otherwise, agreed as a true record of the meeting. 72/20 Actions Log Questions had been received from the Board and these would be addressed in the meeting where possible and also responded to in writing. 1 Homes for Haringey Board of Management Meeting 30 September 2020 73/20 Chair’s Report AD presented a question from a resident at Broadwater Farm – “Does the Board agree that they should reject any charging for estate parking permits given that residents rejected this option in the recent consultation?” SM explained that this was a decision for the Council and not Homes for Haringey who had provided options, data analysis and stakeholder feedback to the Council for consideration. A number of leasehold residents from Noel Park had presented a statement setting out concerns about the cost of works to the pods at Noel Park. The statement had been circulated to Board members. AD commented that this matter was not on the agenda for the Board meeting and asked SM to address the concerns raised outside of the SM/AD Board meeting. AD offered to meet with the residents separately to discuss their concerns. 74/20 Managing Director’s Report SM informed the Board that he had attended an inquest hearing into the death of the child that fell from Stellar House. He would be attending the full hearing scheduled for 30 October. The Board expressed its condolences to the family. The away day on 7 November would not go ahead as a physical meeting due to increasing risks related to covid-19. The away day would be online for a reduced length of time. Further details would be PR circulated in due course. 75/20 Asset Management Approach DL presented options for different approaches to asset management. A number of questions had been received from the Board and these were responded to. The Board supported the recommendation for adopting a holistic approach to achieving the Decent Homes Standard by 2025. The Board was keen to ensure proper oversight and scrutiny of the asset management programme. It requested sight of the programme and for the remit of the property compliance task and finish group to be extended to included oversight of delivery of the asset MB management programme including Decent Homes, major works and capital programme. The Board also requested regular reports on progress to the Board. 2 Homes for Haringey Board of Management Meeting 30 September 2020 AD thanked DL for his work in taking this forward. 76/20 Property Compliance Report CH updated the Board on the work of the property compliance task and finish group. Two meetings had taken place so far and the group had gained a better understanding of the issues. The accuracy of data and information had improved as well as levels of compliance and the group felt better assured that actions to address non compliance were being managed effectively. New issues were still being found and there was still more work to be done but the direction of travel was in the right direction. Consideration was being given to a third party audit. AD commented that the Board would need third party assurance at the right time. He thanked the group for their continuing work. 77/20 Estate Parking Report TD outlined the work underway on behalf of the Council to review the management of estate parking. The Board offered feedback which included: Consideration of parity in parking charges on estates with street properties Consideration of a 24/7 service Ensuring signage is clear and presentable Consideration of exceptions e.g. old aged pensioners and people in poverty Ensuring income receivable from charges is sufficient to properly manage car parking and anti social behaviour Consideration of the impact on carers The manner in which cars are deemed suitable may impact poorer residents General support for Traffic Management Orders but consideration of phasing in the costs The Board’s feedback would be captured in the final report to Cabinet. 78/20 Performance Report There were a number of questions from the Board, the responses to which are summarised below. Confirmation that the new gas capping procedure was being followed and that this was being externally audited. In relation to the contact centre, relationships at managerial level with HfH were better and a new training programme was 3 Homes for Haringey Board of Management Meeting 30 September 2020 due to commence in October. Covid-19 had impacted performance due to an increase in call volumes. At this stage not all KPIs and targets were not being revised, the focus was on the accompanying narrative. Income collection had, however, been revised. Confirmation that the backlog of fire risk assessments (due to the impact of covid-19) would be cleared by the end of November Confirmation that additional floating support resources were being directed to support people in hostels and hotels. 79/20 Finance Report PR summarised performance against the company and managed budgets. Questions had been received from the Board and these would be responded to. 80/20 Transformation Programme Report The transformation programme had commenced and the main highlights were presented to the Board. JB commented that in his discussions with staff they appeared positive about the programme. A draft operating model would be presented to the Board for TD consideration at the next Board meeting. 81/20 Strategic Risks Report Risk 5 “A failure in continuity and ability to deliver services to an acceptable standard” would be expanded to state “including as a result of covid-19”. 82/20 Board Forward Plan The plan for 2021 was noted. 83/20 Facilities Management Report In response to a question from DC, it was confirmed that extra finance would be needed if additional work was required and other issues found. PRi confirmed that he was in regular discussion with Malcolm Peek, Director of Strategic Projects, responsible for the FM service and that these were useful from an oversight perspective. 84/20 Any Other Business There was no other business. 4 Homes for Haringey Board of Management Meeting 30 September 2020 The meeting closed at 20:02 Signed: Date: 5 Homes for Haringey Board of Management Strategy Away Day 7 November 2020 Meeting: Board Strategy Away Day Date: 7 November 2020 Venue: By Video Conference Present: Aman Dalvi (AD) – Chair, Adzowa Kwabla-Oklikah (AKO), Tom McGregor (TM), Paul Rickard (PRi), Andrew Crompton (AC), Cllr John Bevan (JB), Cllr Dana Carlin (DC), Cllr Alessandra Rossetti (AR), Edward Robinson (ER) Officers in Sean McLaughlin (SM), Puneet Rajput (PR), Tracey Downie (TD), David Attendance: Sherrington (DS), Denise Gandy (DG), Abigail Reilly (ARe) Apologies: Ola Akinfe (OA), Chris Harris (CH) Item Notes Action 01 Welcome AD welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Eamon McGoldrick (EM), Managing Director of the NFA and Chair of the Barnet Group, who would be facilitating the away day. 02 Overview of the External Environment EM gave an overview of the external operating environment and key policy issues for ALMOs. The Social Housing White Paper (still expected from government) will place a greater emphasis on resident empowerment and outcomes related metrics. HfH’s response to the policy issues flagged in EM’s presentation SM would be considered by the executive and presented back to the Board in January for further discussion.
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