World news Pittsburgh Catholic Friday; September 20. 1965 — Page 7 Trial of 8 to resume Sept. 18, new testimony scheduled By JOHN THAVIS significant' in the testimony. The testimony win be carrying a gun from the same Austrian arms cache Italian investigators were Impressed with Agca's read in court when the trial resumes. as the pistol used fay Agca Agca has not named mostly accurate descriptions of the three ROME (NC) — The trial of eight men accused of Ozbey was questioned twice In 1964 by Dario Samet as an accomplice, but Italian authorities are Bulgarians and his selection of their photos from plotting to shoot Pope John Paul II was scheduled to Martels, the Italian magistrate who conducted a Investigating allegations that he traveled to Italy an attmm However, no Independent verification of resume Sept 18 with a look at new testimony two-year lnvestlptlon Into the alleged plot and his possible role In the papal attack. Agca's story has so far emerged at the trial gathered during a two-month recess. Martella considered Qzbey's testimony too On Sept. 10. Marini went to Paris to question jet The same Is true of the alleged role played by the An Italian court planned to bring Yakin Ozbey. unreliable to Include In his 1.200-pagt indictment another Tu rtc Abdullah Catll. who was arrested last Indicted Turks with the exception of Omer Bagel one of four Turks questioned during the summer rep ort year on drug charges. According to Agca. Catll Bagel, one of three Turks present for the iriaL has break, to a courtroom confrontation with Mehmet The trial which began In May. has Increasingly traveled to dieTurkiah-Bulgartan border In 1960 to admitted bringing Agca the gun used in the All Agca. the 27-year-old Turk serving a life centered on characters peripheral to Marietta's consign a false passport to Agca which Agca later ■hootlrg. but has said he knew nothing about sentence In Italy for the shooting. Investqpdlon. During the summer recess, the court used to enter Italy. Agca's plana to shoot the pope. The pope was seriously Injured in the May 13. also questioned two more Turks who hare not been The trial s first two months centered on Agca. the 1961. attack In S t Peter's Square. On the basis of charged in the shooting but who Ages now says prosecution's main witness But Instead of sticking Console, whose client. Antonov, is the only Agca's later cooperation with authorities, four were his accomplices to what he told investigators during a lengthy Bulgarian present for the trial, said Sept 10 that he other Turks and three Bulgarians have been One of the Turks. Sedst Sim Kadem. was probe. Agca frequently contradicted hts own expected the court to continue probing the alleged brought to trial. brought to Rome Aug. 7 for a special courtroom testimony exasperating judges prosecutor and roles of other Turks In the shooting He said Agca s Agca has told the court that Ozbey knew about session. Like previous confrontations in the trial, defense lawyers. links with an array of Turkish terrorists and theM iootlng beforehand, and In fact had been this one was inconclusive Kadem who has known Agca eventually Increased the number of alleged criminals was "practically Ignored" by Martrlla'a asked to participate In the attack. When Ozbey Agca since childhood, denied Irmilrement in the plotters to Include at least seven other Turks the Investigation. refused, another accomplice was chosen. Agca attack on the pope and catted Agca "mentally three Bulgarians and a Soviet diplomat Hts Consolo said that because of the number of new testified deficient” Agca stuck to his version but produced testimony, which changed dally In key details was figures being added to the alleged plot, a follow up Ozbey was questioned In mid-August by the no conclusive evidence to support It punctuated by emotional outbursts In which he trial would be likely after thr present one Is trials prosecutor and chief judge In a West German The other Turk. Omer Ay. waa questioned In a claimed to be Jesus Christ. finished Such trials are not uncommon In Italy prison. According to the prosecutor. Antonio Turkish prison by Marini The results of that Agca has told Investigators that the plot was The current trial Is expected to last several more Marini, his testimony was "revealing and Interrogation have not yet been made public. The hatched by the Bulgarian secret service and that he months significant" about the alleged plot. court hopes to brlr^ Ay to testify In Rome this fall was aided in Rome by three Bulgarians who worked The court of two Judges and six Jurors has been But Giuseppe Console, a lawyer representing Marini also traveled to Holland during the for their government at the time of the shooting. questioning the four defendants on hand for the Bulgarian defendant Sergei Antonov, said summer break to question Asian Samet a Turk The case against the Bulgarians however, is trial. Defense lawyers will have their turn, followed transcripts showed there was "nothing new or arrested there in June Samet reportedly was based on Agca's word rather than hard evidence. by testimony by about 120 witnesses News in brief G u id e lin e s Attacks on refugees criticized for colum n WASHINGTON (NC) — The general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference has urged the U.S. government "to do all possible" to changed prevent Honduran military attacks on refugees. At the Vatican In a Sepl 11 letter to Secretary of State George P. Shultz. Msgr NC NEWS SERVICE Daniel F. Hove also expressed concern over the recent arrest and The early September debut of a detention of an American Jesuit priest working In Honduras. syndicated column drawn from Refugees and International relief workers said that on Aug. 29 Pope John Paul It's thoughts Honduran troops stormed the U.N. camp at Colomoncagua. embroiled the Vatican and news Honduras, dragging Salvadoran refugees out of shelters, kicking, syndicates owned by publisher beating and stabbing them. Rupert Murdoch in a controversy Pope: WWII atomic bombings must be the last Magr. Hoyt said If U.S. military forces were not so Involved In over the "commercialization" of the Honduras, the United States would not have as much responsibility pontiff. VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul II called 'Through his absolute Intellect. God Is to Influence the Honduran government. The result was new guidelines for the World War I! atomic bombings of Hiroshima Incomparable above all that exists outside of him. "But as our Involvement with the Honduran military Is extensive, newspapers using the column and and Nagasaki a tragedy Sept. 11 and told citizens ol No creature and. In partlcutar. no human can our government must assume some responsibility to encourage the strained relations between the the two Japanese cities that the world should never negate this perfection." the pope said appropriate authorities to desist from these kinds of actions" he syndicates and the originators of «gain experience such events. Speaking to a group of newlyweds, the pope urged said. the column. "At a distance of 40 years It Is Important to keep them to pray to Mary for help In being united, Magr. Hoye said the US. government must "press the responsible Officials of the News America and before the eyes of the world the full horror of the understanding and courageous In marriage. authorities" to guarantee the security of the Salvadoran refugees In The Times of London syndicates potential for death and destruction which nuclear "Marriage Is not a risk — as the wordly and Honduras. said they are reviewing their weapons represent." the pope told the group at the modem mentality affirms — but Is the normal He also called "unwarranted" and "unjustified" the Aug. 16 arrest contract with EAV Associates Inc.. a dose of his weekly general audience at the Vatican. place, desired by God. for realizing happiness, even and detention of Jesuit Father John Donald. 46. of Palo Alta Calif. New York partnership, which sold "Hiroshima and Nagasaki know the power of this amid struggles and difficulties." he said. A U.S. Embassy spokesman said American soldiers at Camp the syndicates the column Idea. terrible destructive force from personal experience, The pope briefly addressed a group of Bulldog did not realize Father Donald was an American when they The partners have said they acted and It Is y*>ur resolve to do everything possible to gynecologists, who were meeting In Rome to lent the Hondurans a jeep and assigned them a driver to take the honestly In the matter. make the world realize that such a tragedy must not discuss cancer problems and treatment. priest to a nearby alrbase. Father Donald was Interrogated at the On Sept. 8. the column made Its and need not happen again." the pope said. He said he hoped their meeting would lead to thr alrbase before being released. debut In many newspapers with a The group was at the Vatican to Inaugurate a development of new methods of therapy 700-word piece on the pope's views photographic exhibit in Paul VI auditorium. The "You know the great Incidence of tumors In our exhibit commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Witness says 2 nuns tortured on racial discrimination The age. and how they can often be the cause of nuclear bombing of the cities by the U.S. Army Air Chicago Sun-Ttmes promoted it In suffering" he said. He said he prayed that their Force PARIS (NC) — Fiance has asked Argentina to Investigate the an editor's note which said, in part: work would give hope to both doctors and patients.
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