
TheThe DoraDora MilajeMilaje areare thethe all-femaleall-female warriorwarrior eliteelite ofof Wakanda.Wakanda. RecruitedRecruited fromfrom thethe country’scountry’s variousvarious tribes,tribes, theirtheir originaloriginal missionmission waswas toto protectprotect thethe BlackBlack PantherPanther andand thethe royalroyal family,family, butbut theythey recentlyrecently endedended thatthat arrangementarrangement andand nownow protectprotect thethe nationnation asas a whole.whole. BeforeBefore declaringdeclaring theirtheir independenceindependence fromfrom thethe throne,throne, oneone ofof theirtheir leaders,leaders, OkoyeOkoye, waswas thethe personalpersonal bodyguardbodyguard ofof KingKing T’Challa,T’Challa, alongalong withwith a fellowfellow DoraDora MilajeMilaje namednamed NakiaNakia. NakiaNakia grewgrew dangerouslydangerously obsessedobsessed withwith thethe king,king, andand whenwhen sheshe attackedattacked hishis friendsfriends andand family,family, T’ChallaT’Challa exiledexiled herher fromfrom thethe DoraDora MilajeMilaje. EmbitteredEmbittered andand castcast out,out, NakiaNakia developeddeveloped anan arsenalarsenal ofof weapons,weapons, includingincluding a drugdrug namednamed JufeiroJufeiro thatthat givesgives herher powerpower overover men.men. ButBut long-timelong-time useuse ofof thethe drugdrug hashas mademade herher grosslygrossly ill.ill. InIn a desperatedesperate attemptattempt toto lurelure thethe BlackBlack PantherPanther toto herher beforebefore sheshe dies,dies, NakiaNakia stolestole a doomsdaydoomsday weaponweapon calledcalled thethe Mimic-27Mimic-27 andand isis wreakingwreaking chaoschaos acrossacross NewNew YorkYork City.City. TheThe DoraDora thwartedthwarted twotwo attacksattacks withwith Spider-Man’sSpider-Man’s help,help, butbut nownow NakiaNakia isis goinggoing afterafter StormStorm ofof thethe X-Men--T’Challa’sX-Men--T’Challa’s ex-wife!ex-wife! UE ERQ RQU LBU TO A BER D ALBERTOAL , ALBURQUERQUE R N E FOR HT A RQU E RA EIG UE AGN E O H Q OK NY- UR MP EDI THO ALB HA : N AN T, H C B NNEDIN OKORAFORY H T iter RAYRA ANTHONY-HEIGHTEIG KEI AND O r rs H D w cile Y- AN writerpencilerspen HON CO M T S W N A GA s ANTHONY-HEIGHT,A VL NIE ALBURQUERQUE, T ker AN CI inkersin JU R A A K C R RI s t JUAN ERICKE VLASCO ARCINIEGA AND KEITH CHAMPAGNE E i H r coloristcolo T C P A lettererletterer VC’sVC’s JOEJOE SABINOSABINO H O covercover TERRYTERRY & RACHELRACHEL DODSONDODSON CHAPTER TWO: CHAPTER C variantvariant coverscovers YASMINEYASMINE PUTRI;PUTRI; H SKOTTIESKOTTIE YOUNGYOUNG logologo ADAMADAM DELDEL RERE C designdesign MANNYMANNY MEDEROSMEDEROS associateassociate editoreditor SARAHSARAH BRUNSTADBRUNSTAD ECHO CHAMBER ECHO E editoreditor WILWIL MOSSMOSS executiveexecutive editoreditor TTOMOM BBREVOORTREVOORT editoreditor inin chiefchief C.B.C.B. CEBULSKICEBULSKI chiefchief creativecreative officerofficer JOEJOE QUESADAQUESADA presidentpresident DANDAN BUCKLEYBUCKLEY executiveexecutive producerproducer ALANALAN FINEFINE WAKANDAWAKANDA FOREVER:FOREVER: X-MENX-MEN No.No. 1,1, SeptemberSeptember 2018.2018. PublishedPublished asas a One-ShotOne-Shot byby MARVELMARVEL WORLDWIDE,WORLDWIDE, INC.,INC., a subsidiarysubsidiary ofof MARVELMARVEL ENTERTAINMENT,ENTERTAINMENT, LLC.LLC. 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