i LEADER *&•• Jlfort Circulated Weekly Neumpaper In Union County ton* u Sacond Claw Mat PttUlUMd OfBc*. W—UtaU.lt. I. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1958 Bvtrr Taunt ar 32 P«(M—10 Cwit* Membership Drive Registration Open lart To Join Educators For School Election Primary Battle Voters To Decide On •', •• For Concert Series Voters may register for the Looms For COP Soviet Field Study April 29 school election through Ends Saturday next Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 In Second Ward p.m. at the office of Mrs, Jane ,750,000 Bond Issue Twelve Programs D'Angelo, town clerk, in the Mu- Coulin, Haunter nicipal Building. Mrs. D'Angelo On Agenda For announced that this regitti-ation Both File For Next Season will cover any subsequent elec- Seat on Council For School Expansion tions. Three days remain, today, to- A second ward Republican bat- morrow and Saturday, for West- tle for council nomination in the ^, College has announced field residents to subscribe for April 15 Primary Election was in- Special Election *„„ 0. Stuart, professor of tickets for the 1958-59 Commun- PTA to Sponsor dicated Thursday when petitions Five Westfield Girls Win education at the col- ity Concerts series, according to were filed by Incumbent Alan Bruce ,j retired principal of B. Frank Patton, president of the Cohlin and William H. Baumer. Set For April 29, Westfleld Community Concerts Musical Program ^J, junior High School, has A Democratic contest evaporat- lly accepted a» a mem- Association. State DAR Contest At the same time Mr. Patton dis- ed when James S. MacFayden, Board Announces If Z "Soviet Union Field Invite Public To who was expected to file a petition, Trenton judges as winners. Mrs. 1 Promm" conducted by the closed that next season's four (PicturM oa |»f* 3) concerts in Westfield will include failed to do so giving fourth ward Mrs. Walter G. Perry Jr., co- erry will accompany the grirls to Lntire education society of Mountainside Affair andidate William T. Harbin free Trenton today. There they will .WesUleld residents will go tft tfnited States. one by the National Symphony Or- chairman of the Community Serv- .he polls Tuesday, April 29 at a chestra of Washington, D.C., of reign. ice Committee of Westfteld Chap- model their dresses before the •is Kicicty sponsored a "Euro- MOUNTAINSIDE — Gene and members of the DAR state spring special school election to vote oil which Howard Mitchell is the con- Lyn Ballard will be the featured Candidates for mayor are Re-ter N S DAR has announced that a bond issue of 12,760,000 to com- ICampvative Educttion Pro- ductor. publican incumbent H. Emerson Westfleld has five winners this conference, at which time they I" in the summer of 1956,. and soloists In "Broadway Meets the will receive their awards from the lete the Edison Junior High and This week the association is Met," an evening of music pre- Thomas, seeking a third two-year year in the New Jersey State o expand the senior high school.; lath American Program" in term, and Democrat William T.I. DAR girl homemak-ers' contest. itato regent, Mrs. iRudloph L. 1 "A Comparative Education maintaining a headquarters for sented by the Mountainside PTA Novak. The winners are Ann Har- "Somewhat over a year ago," the acceptance of new member- Friday, March 28, at 8:15 p.m.Ncvin, , who was defeated by Thom- Among approximately 70 state con- rison, Beverly iWetz, Elizabeth laid H. 0. Merrill Jr., president t» of the Soviet Union is as in 1956. cstants, 'Westfleld entered eight •project for the summer of BYRON D. STUART ships, located in the Gas Company ili the Deerfield School. The pro- Davitt, Catherine Cordyack, and of the Board of Education, "when . offices at 205 East Broad street. gram will feature favorite arias Other unopposed Republican and five were selected by the Margaret Stevens. we were discussing plans lor Ult fi»le of next season's tickets will from familiar operas and medleys councilmanic candidates are: First '„ purpose of the study is to end Saturday at noon. Each season Miss Harrison, 17, daughter of son Junior High School, we an> from Broadway musicals including ward incumbent A. Turney Sav- lounced that additional ipae* note inter-visitation of educa- ticket entitles the holder to at- age, third ward 'incumbent Her- Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison of |inj on-the-spot studies of Panelists Set "South Pacific," "Carousel," "Show ould soon be needed at the senior tend all four concerts in Westfield, Boat" and "Porgy and, Bess." bert R. Welch Jr. and fourth ward 400 Register 20 Wyandotte trail, Is a pupil iyjtei»8 throughout the and In addition, four others in newcomer Lewis B. Everett, who In Westfteld Senior High School. j by American Educatofa" For Workshop Plainfield and four in Summit, Mrs. Ballard, a soprano, appear- will fill the vacancy created by Her teacher is Mrs. Maurice "The present enrollment in thai .' •further to encourage cooper- ed as soloist in the Radio City Mu- For Baseball Kosak and her entry was a blue ichoot Is more than 1,100, and it I inong specialists in compar- "The amount of money we will William A. Bowen's deciaion to re- sic Hall, and was a regular per- tire from political life. "oral rayon print, with a blue will bo well over 1,200 nest year. \ education in joint studies Public Invited have to spend on artists and theformer on the ABC radio "Music inen jacket lined -with the niate- quality of the concerts will de The Democratic slate for couni Name Managers, The number of children already it hand descriptions of »du- Tent" show. A graduate of tho •ial of the dress, Ann was also in our lower grades, without tak- To RJHS Program pend entirely upon the number of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, oilman, is, as follows: First ward, 1 winner In the local Weatfield members on our ibooks when they no petition tiled; second ward, For Boys' Teams ing any town growth into consid- i Comparative Education So- she also spent a season as soloist Ihapter contest. eration, indicates that in a few Questions, suggestions and are closed," Mr. Patton said. with the Pittsburgh Opera Co. John J. Morrlsey; and third ward, I is i national educational or- Brj'ce I. MacDonaUl. Less than one-third of the 1,500 Miss Dleti.-H, daughter of Mr. ears the high school student body Ltion. Dr. William W. Brick- criticisms will be dealt with in a "We are sorry we cannot sell workshop program at the PTA Mr. Ballard, a native of Ohio, Thomas, who has been a West- boys who will want to play in the ind Mrs. Edward Dletz, 687 Ter- vill number more than 1,600. ThJ Ithilrman of the Department individual tickets to single con- is known throughout the middle Westfteld Boy's Baseball Leagues •ace place, Is a pupil in Roosevelt nrollment, by the time Weitfield hi History of Education at meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.mcerts,. " he noted, ".because we field resident since 1940 and re- in Roosevelt Junior High School. west where he starred in his own this spring have registered so far,Junior High School. Her teacher caches its capacity, is expected •Vork University, is the pres- must have all the required funds sides at 3 Stonelelgh park, has according to President George s Mrs. Thomas Bachmann. A Prefacing the workshops will be in hand before we can begin to TV show and on the stage. He been mayor since Jan. I, 1955. Pre- be at least 1,800 and couU |;Br, William H. E. Johnson, was the announcer on the recent Hannah who also announced the •vinnor In Wcstfleld Chapter con- reach 2,200. ssor of education at the Uni- a presentation of facts on Union book the artists, and the only way viously he had been a councilman County graduates by Howard General Motors Motorama TV names of managers and co-mana- gest and winner of second place in y of Pittsburgh, is the vico we can do this is by advance sub- for four years. A graduate of Ok- :he Stnte cotton dross contest, she If we are to have the facilltiea Tomlinson, principal. scription." show. One of his performances lahoma City University, Thomas gers for the 2(1 teams In the Pony leeded for this enrollment, we murt ntj and Dr. Gerald H. Read, in the New York metropolitan leagues and -the two major leagues. ntered a princess style ipMdco t- ,.« of Education at Kent All interested persons may at- Moat subscribers renew from heads the H. Emerson Thomna & luthorlzo them soon. A special area was as soloist in "The Great Associates, Inc., a liquified pctro' The deadline Is March 21 and school election is therefore sched- I University, secretary-treas- tend. year to year, but there are al-Walte." tryouta will begin April 5. Player (Plcaso turn to page 3) The parent education program ways some "drop-outa," so that leum gas company. uled for Tuesday, April 29, when agents and league directors will bo Westfleld citizens will bo anked to K itinerary of the Soviet Field is under the direction of RJHS tickets arc still available for new The evening of music will \n- His opponent, Ncvin, has been busy between those dates separat- and Elm Street teachers and par- members who act promptly, Mr, elude performances by the Union a resident for 25 yesvs. He ia a vote on a bond issue of $2,750,000 Includes not only visits ing players into the various Fritz Promoted to complete the Edison Junior High tat European Russia but ents.
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