Talking Heads - page 10 VOL. XXI, no. 37 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1986 the independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s I ■ Dorm for women to be constructed with $5-million gift By MARK PANKOWSKI begin Feb. 1, 1987, and be com­ Mews Editor pleted by June, 1988, he said. Both will be ready for occupancy Baltimore businessman Henry by September, 1988. s> Knott has donated $5 million to Workers began clearing the construct one of two new wo­ construction sight earlier this men's dorms at Notre Dame. week, said Dedrick. The residence hall, housing Knott, whose daughter approximately 250 undergradu­ received a master's degree from ates, will be one of two built be­ Notre Dame in 1968, said "com­ tween the Memorial Library and petent, committed and compas­ Pasquerilla East and West, Uni­ sionate women are indispen­ versity officials said. sable to all levels of a healthy The dorm will be named society. Marion Burk Knott Hall, after "To enhance their access to a Knott's wife, according to Mi­ Notre Dame education enriches chael Garvey, assistant directorthe society which they will later of public relations and informa­ serve, and I count my ability to tion. do so a great privilege." Knott, chairman of the board University President Father of the Arundel Corporation in Theodore Hesburgh praised Baltimore, is well known for his Knott for his generosity, saying philanthropy in that city, said"this most recent benefaction Garvey. will greatly sustain Notre Dame's "Catholic education is gener­ residential character and ac­ ally what he is giving to," Garveycelerate the University's efforts to said. bring the numbers of men and Director of the Physical Plant women students Into proper bal­ Donald Dedrick said Knott's gift ance." The Observer/Damien Chin will pay for one of two dorms, Notre Dame currently has Mmm, mmm, “Goode” both of which will be "essentially 5,367 undergraduate men and identical to the Pasquerlllas." Freshman Karen Carbone auditions for C.P. Taylor’s “Good” Tuesday night in Washington Hall. Construction of the halls will see DORM, page 6 Buchwald pokes fun at Afghan Communist Party leader Washington figures oversees exiting of tank regiment By TRIPP BALTZ said. Associated Press July, during a speech In plying political support and Mews Editor Reagan got the idea for supply- Vladivostok. Moscow has con­ weapons to the Moslem guer­ side economics from watching SHINDAND, Afghanistan - tended that Afghan govern­ rillas. ELKHART, Ind. - Art Buchwald, "Tip O'Neill eat a bowl of soup," Communist Party chief Najibul- ment forces are much stronger Publicity about the nationally-syndicated columnist,according to Buchwald. Buch­ lah threw flower petals at about now than when it sent the first withdrawal began Immediately declared himself one of wald said he has a terrible fear 1,500 members of a Soviet tank troops to Kabul in December after Gorbachev's announce­ America's greatest employers at that if the "Soviets ever launch regiment who clanked away in 1979. ment and culminated this week the Elco Theatre Wednesday ah attack, the president will get a dusty column Wednesday on Western diplomats in Af­ in a carefully supervised visit to night. "Most everybody in Wash­his little black box, push the but­ their long and well-publicized ghanistan say the withdrawal is Afghanistan for about 100 ington works for me," he an­ ton 'til he's released 8,000 MX trip home. insignificant, a gesture timed to foreign journalists, most of nounced. missiles, and the only thing that The departure from a ward off criticism during annual them from the Soviet Union and Dishing out the humorous will happen, is the White House parched basin In this region U.N. debate on the Afghan war its East European allies. commentary that earned him the garage door will go up." near the Iranian frontier began later this year. The seven-day tour was ar­ 1982 Pulitzer prize, Buchwald Buchwald said the American the withdrawal of about 8,000 Soviet officials call it a sym­ ranged in Moscow by the Soviet poked fun at Washington figures public Is down on the media. of the estimated 115,000 So­ bol of Kremlin willingness to Foreign Ministry and Afghan of­ and issues in a lecture titled "On "Everybody wonders where weviet soldiers who help the com­ achieve a political settlement In ficials. Morality and Ethics." get our government secrets munist government fight Mos­ Afghanistan. They say a com­ Visiting reporters are allowed He praised the organizers for from. We get them from the gov­ lem guerrillas. plete pullout is not possible un­ almost no Independent move- getting the best possible speaker ernment. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbac­ til the United States, Pakistan on the subject. "In Washington, "If a Washington reporter says hev promised the pullout in and other countries stop sup­ see AFGHAN, page 3 I know morality when I see it and he's stepping out of the office for ethics when I don't," he said. a leak, it means he's going to Buchwald, a graduate of the pick up a top secret document," University of Southern Califor­ said Buchwald. Attackers strike near Wailing Wall nia, drew upon the humor Buchwald said every institu­ columns he has been writing for tion is under pressure. He recalls Associated Press It was the most serious attack the evening air and a nearby almost 40 years. To be a having heard about a University in the city in 20 years and camesidewalk was stained with blood. humorist, he said, "you have to president who told his football JERUSALEM - Attackers hurled during the three weeks of Jewish Shreds of clothing were strewn have an unhappy childhood." Hecoach he was going to give one hand grenades Wednesday nearobservances known as the High about. told the audience to encourage of his athletes a quiz, because Judaism's holiest site, the Holidays. Mayor Teddy Kollek The injured, some with their their children to write columns if he was under pressure to Im­ Wailing Wall, killing at least one called it a "large scale disaster. " clothes ripped off by the explos­ they have a good sense of prove the academic quality of person and wounding 69 sol­ ions, were lifted onto stretchers humor. "There's a lot of money sports at his school. "He went to diers, civilians and tourists. A medic who was on the scene and carried by soldiers and in it," he added. the boy and said 'What's two plus said on army radio: "I heard ...passers-by to ambulances. Buchwald said he has enjoyed two?' and the kid answered four. The grenades were thrown at two, three explosions. ... I heard Israel Radio reported at least writing about several humorous "Then the coach said, Aw, give a group of 300 new recruits of shouts and windows exploding. two attackers threw as many as presidential administrative fig­ 'em another chance ." an elite infantry force of the Is­ There were shrapnel injuries, three Soviet-made hand ures. Ronald Reagan himself did Buchwald was touring Notre raeli army who had just com­ there were smashed limbs, bro­ grenades at the crowd. not escape the slings and arrows Dame on his own earlier this pleted a swearing-in ceremony at ken hands and legs of those who Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Buchwald's outrageous week. He said he talked to an the last remnant of the biblical stood close." told reporters at the scene, "This humor. "I worship the very quick­ Jewish temple that was largely The wall of emergency sirens see BUCHWALD, page 6 see WAILING, page 3 sand he walks on," Buchwald destroyed In 70 A.D. and screams of the wounded cut The Observer Thursday, October 16, 1986, - page 2 In Brief Contrary to popular belief Women on campus have been approached by a 25-year old white male asking them to punch him In the stomach. Hesburgh not to blame Mo one has been injured In the Incidents, which occurred on the South Quad and at Dorr and Juniper Roads. Motre Dame Security described the man as 5-feet, 8-Inches tall, weighing The press can be a very powerful tool. approximately 160 pounds, and having dark hair and a mus­ In 1898 newspaper moguls William Randolph tache. The man was wearing a dark blue sweatsuit with white Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer played a large part in Chris stripes down the side. Security officers ask anyone with In­ persuading the nation to go to war against Spain. formation on this man to call their office at 239-5555. - The Although certainly not as important, In 1986 a Bednarski Observer commentary from a student appeared in The Ob­Assistant News Editor server and persuaded many students the Univer­ sity's president was at fault for the "banishment " Motre Dame Security is seeking Information on a black of "Louie, Louie" from the band's program. labrador that bit a man at 4:40 p.m. Tuesday near St. Joseph How did this happen? Hall between Saint Mary's and Douglas roads. Security would The story began, according to Assistant Director like to check the dog for rabies. Security asks that anyone of Bands Nick Morrison, when a woman wrote a with Information call 239-5555. - TheObserver letter to the University president's office, com­ plaining she found the song "Louie, Louie" offen­ sive. "Louie, Louie" was not banned by University President Fa­ The woman's letter filtered down from the Uni­ ther Theodore Hesburgh as many had thought, Motre Dame's versity president's office to the acting director of president said Wednesday.
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