NEWSLETTER OF THE YOUNGSTOWN-WARREN CHAPTER OF THE SOCIETY OF SAINT JOHN CHRYSOSTOM VOLUME 15, NUMBER 2, MARCH-APRIL, 2016 VITO R. CARCHEDI, EDITOR, 35 SCHENLEY AVE. STRUTHERS, OH 44471, PHONE: 330-755-5635 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.byzcath.org/stjohnchrysostom/ DEAR MEMBERS AND ourselves to the Divine FRIENDS... life of the Holy Spirit, The next regular meeting bearing forth fruit for of our chapter will be the Church and the Tuesday June 14, 7pm at world. Our monastery Saint Michael's Byzantine Catholic Church, 463 provides a spiritual Robinson Road, Campbell, garden and a bridal OH 44405 chamber in which we The nuns of Christ The draw others into this Bridegroom Monastery in same life-giving Burton, Ohio will give a relationship with Christ presentation on "Traditional Eastern Monastic the Bridegroom." Life Today." "We are a Byzantine Catholic monastic community of women in the Eparchy CHAPTER DUES 2016 PAID Fr. Rohan, Fr. Rusnak, Fr. Loveless, Nakley, of Parma dedicated to a vigilant life of prayer Democko, Fr. Witmer, Br. Dominic, Br. and hospitality according to the traditions of the Peter, Joan Binsley, Jenna Binsley, Stanislaw, Christian East. Laying down our lives in Sleever, Vito Carchedi, Donna Carchedi, imitation of the Bridegroom, we joyfully Benedictine Sisters, Fr. Schmidt, Basista, embrace the monastic virtues of poverty, Barkett, Vasilchek, Billcheck, Demiduk. Fr. chastity and obedience. We participate in the Ettinger, Fr. Manning, Jacquet, Chorbishop dynamic love of the Trinity by sharing a life of Kail, Msgr. Spinosa, Fr. Hilinski, Beri Berardi, Chris Berardi, Fr. Conoboy, prayer, work and recreation at our monastery. Deckant, Fr. Rudjak, Fr. Mastroberte, Jim Meditating on Scripture, especially the Song of Dershaw, Esther Dershaw, Fr. Bonnot ( If Songs, and immersing ourselves in a life of you haven't paid mail check payable for $20 personal and liturgical prayer, we enter into a (25 family 15 student) to the Society of St. spousal relationship with Christ the Bridegroom. John Chrysostom in care of Vito R.. Looking to the Theotokos as our model, we open Carchedi, 35 Schenley Ave. Struthers, OH 44471 Orthodox Christianity ultra-conservative critics in their respective home patches, who find the whole idea of Eastern Christian leaders church diplomacy rather suspicious. Those face ultra-conservative critics will be looking out for anything that seems at variation with Orthodox tradition, grumbles as they prepare or which appears to be watering down Orthodox for a summit Christianity's claim to be the repository of Mar 6th 2016, 13:58 BY ERASMUS Christian truth at its purest The Georgian Orthodox Church, one of the HTTP://WWW.ECONOMIST.COM/ oldest and most traditional, has already raised a red flag: it has said that it will not sign the section of the proposed statement which refers to "relations of the Orthodox church with the rest of the world's Christian churches", or anything that implies that in order to achieve "Christian unity" the Orthodox must agree and combine with other bodies that follow Jesus Christ. From this purist point of view, there is only one Christian church worthy of the name and that is represented by the Orthodox. Meanwhile in the church of Cyprus, another ancient bastion of eastern Christianity, one of the island's most charismatic bishops, Athanasios of Limassol, has made an identical objection. "The Orthodox AS ORTHODOX Christian leaders prepare for Church of Christ...believes that the unity of what has been billed as their most important those who believe in Christ already exists in the gathering for centuries, they have many unity of her baptised children...in her correct problems to wrestle with. One, as widely faith," he has insisted. reported already, is the chronically uneasy In practice, Orthodox diplomacy has found a relationship between the two best-known of sort of solution to the problem of those leaders, the Istanbul-based Ecumenical defining "church" and "unity" in ways that Patriarch, Bartholomew I, and Patriarch Kirill of please most parties. At a meeting in Toronto in Moscow. It is Patriarch Bartholomew, in his 1950, when Orthodox bodies began joining the capacity as "first among equals" in the Orthodox World Council of Churches, they insisted on a hierarchy who is organising and hosting the statement laying down that "membership [of the Synod; but many eyes, both wary WCC] does not imply that each Church must and admiring, will be on his Russian guest, who regard other member churches as churches in the along with his huge entourage has just toured true and full sense of the word." This formula South America, and made a foray into allowed Orthodox churches to be purist and Antarctica. amenable at the same time, by accepting that the Still, plans for the "Holy and Great Council" are word "church" had more than one meaning. (In on track and preparations are gathering pace. ordinary language, it has at least half a dozen.) The meeting is now due to happen between June Some find that formula satisfactory, but ultra- 16th and June 27th; the venue was switched conservatives don't. from Istanbul to the Greek island in deference to As for Patriarch Kirill, he faces a slightly the Russian participants, whose government is at different problem ahead of Crete. His recent loggerheads with Turkey. meeting with Pope Francis in Havana gained a But apart from finessing their various lot of global attention, but the very fact that he differences with each another, most of the 14 parleyed with a "heretical" bishop of Rome has leaders, patriarchs and archbishops meeting on stirred into action some religious nationalists in Crete will have to look behind their shoulders at Russia (Continue next page) 2 (including some quite influential ones) as well as so that believers of the Catholic Church can some parts of his flock outside the Russian venerate them," head of the Synodal Federation: in Belarus and Moldova, some Department for External Church Relations conservative clerics and monasteries have Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk said reacted to the Havana meeting by ceasing their in his interview with Interfax-Religion. public prayers for Kirill. Answering the question if it may happen in If you think that such traditionalists will look the nearest future, he said: "I think the first more kindly on a meeting in Crete where all the exchange of shrines is possible during the participants are Orthodox, think again. Slavic year." ultra-conservatives already have a long list of According to the interviewee of the agency, grievances against Patriarch Bartholomew of the pope and the patriarch at their meeting Constantinople, starting with the fact that he has said that the two Churches should be more always enjoyed cordial relations with western open to each other in the field of pilgrimage. churches including the Roman Catholics. They "For example, a big flow of Orthodox will undoubtedly denounce the Russian Patriarch pilgrims comes to relics of St. Nicholas in for tainting himself by over-friendly association Italian Bari. Pilgrims from the Catholic with the "liberals" of Constantinople; some Church also come to Orthodox shrines. We already do. can intensify these two flows, as it is very As of now, none of this seems likely to derail the important for people to meet each other, to Cretan meeting; a more likely result is some have access to shrines of the other Church," empty chairs and a shorter-than-expected he stressed. communique. But as Orthodox Christians prepare to undergo their Lenten discipline of fasting and self-examination (which this year starts much later, on March 13th, than the Remembering Western one) their world will be even more introverted than usual. Protopresbyter Thomas J. Hopko 19 February 2016, 16:11 +March 18, 2015+ Russian and Catholic Church to exchange shrines for their believers to venerate during this year Moscow, January 19, Interfax - The Moscow Patriarchate expects development of mutual pilgrimage with the Catholic Church and exchange of shrines. "Our believers will be spiritually inspired if relics of the saints venerated in our Church, Memory Eternal! but kept in the Catholic Church, are brought to Russia. The reverse movement is certainly possible, I mean the shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church can be taken to the West 3 practice of permitting second marriage has Preconciliar Orthodox been taken up by PrayTell, and this is a good Document on Marriage opportunity to remind readers that second FEB12 http://www.praytellblog.com/ Posted marriages are permitted with deep reservations. by Nicholas Denysenko The possibility of receiving permission to marry In preparation for the Great and Holy Council to a second time should not obscure Orthodoxy’s be held on Crete in June, 2016, the Orthodox preference for the ideal of the eternal bond of bishops have issued a document on marriage between one man and one woman. the sacrament of marriage. In this brief essay, I Readers will not be surprised to learn that the will begin by identifying the main features and document prohibits same-sex unions and themes of the document and then comment extramarital cohabitation (1.10): briefly on some of the more notable and The Church does not deem it possible for her contentious comments. members to contract same-sex unions or enter The document’s main thrust is to illuminate the into any other form of cohabitation except core teaching on marriage and its sanctity from marriage. The Church exerts all possible pastoral the Orthodox perspective. Marriage is a efforts so that those of her members who enter dominical institution reserved for a into such unions may come to true repentance monogamous union of man and woman (1.1). and love blessed by the Church. The document refers to marriage as “the oldest Readers should note that the document avoids institution of divine law” and Christ-centered, pejorative language about LGBT people, which since it is “the image of the unity of Christ and distinguishes this preconciliar text from more the Church” (1.2).
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