RV Time, Money ·THE POST hop ill NewllI'k NE~llK Fir I Alll et'icRU L('gioll Uuit 10 Elrel Siale of OJIicCl' 16-YearOld Youth The Derby Winl/ er! Council Rejects l\!embers of tho J . Allison 0 '­ Wins Local Jaycee Da ni I Unit No. 10, American Leg­ Rezoning Requcs t 100 Seniors to Get Diploll1as ion, el ctE'd Mrs. Ii. N. Herbener Road-e -o Contest prcsid nt for installation with other By B&O Railroad I'S Cl uhs to ;\Icct olric I'S a t the September meeting. Roy Tops Field at Hi School Comnlencement lI'Olllf' JUli e I -J!) MI·s. Wm Swon was elected 1st. Hlo n~ Judged by Newark Police Vetoes Commercial se At Newar k, vice-president; Mrs. C. Glenn Skin- Newat'k Hig h School Class of '53_ in Final Graduation 56th Anlluul I ~ \ ' cllt nero 2nd vi ce president; Mrs. F. For Trophy, Prize A wards Of I5-Acre Tract Off Cet'emonies Tomorrow Night · Dr. Gib on Washing ton In __ Allyn Cooch, Jr., treasurer; Miss The Ogletown Road k New Cen tury Club 'Dora Gibb, secretary; Mrs. Leon W. College Presid ent, to Deliver Commencement Arl'dress 'eo't,s fOI' IIIC Stilh Jnnual Case, chaplain ; and Mi·s. Harry hOS Pi the Delall';)"e State 'rrivitt, sergeant-at-arms. Final graduation ceremonies wi ll be held for 100 ewa l'k ~f Women's CIJlbs on The nominating committe con- Ro~~Y\~nB:I~·,;;ql~i:~ ~ \6~ ~~~~~';'~e~ CO~I~~il~'~~~~~a~f ~~ ~ h~e:a ~'.~q~~~ Friday of next week sisted of Mrs. Harold Sheaffer, Mrs. sponsored teenage "Road-E-O" held by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad High chool seniors tomol'I'Ow night, at o'clock, in th be lod/:cd .In um- C. K. Lewis, J r., and Mrs. Orville student at High School auditorium. meollng at Littl e. h e~~y~a~ur~:~t~no~~~~ :. f~~d l 'e~~t~~~n o~:le i ~~:~r'k~~~cta~J Newar k High School, recently com- the rail road, east of town, was re- Dr. Daniel Gibson, pre ident of Washington olleg, will [~:it~~gt~~ur~!g~ndSC~~~~fu ~.~~~~~; j e ~~6 b~ff~Ci'~ I~Or!q~~;~~ d re-zoning be the guest peakel', and J o eph M. McVey, president or t he COJ11111unlty"N ur ses ca!'l mOresrta palndace fl astrophyh outfit,, a andpriz ea ofce r-a cofommercia the propel, rtyand from althou residegntih alth teo t hewae g radul'k Boardates. of Education, will present the diplomas to C OJuhine Efforts ,tl ~c;~to n~O I~I~~i~ 1 ~~sd~~~ngbY Betty ~~~~~~~;~s !~r~~ee ~~~~~al~~~d:~~~~ __,;} Alan Hucbner is the class presi- To A id Patients oPoof Nleewa, 18rk, R.DlUg. hNO. a.2,nd lla lirgrd aduplaceate hinovolveuse, C ocunoncsiltr uctivetoeond ofthe apropo warsae-l M ,c V ey Announces ~:~:~ ~ : :'1e~~~ ';'[,~~~:"~~'er:t~~/r~~~ Mt ·s , E"lla Plummer Subs ~~:~~: o~:; ;f~~~r~;:F~~~~l:~~! ~:£*:;~dOt?n J~¥tl;~fr~: :~g~(~~~I:~~~~ NBew H" ighS~chool fJ:~~:}L;fa:~'~!~i;.;~~.Sl~~~ ;; d~Ii:;~~ arc pen and pencil sets ancl place Council passed an ordina nce, I'e- U -ill(lll g J t e At the commencement exer ises, Ib,48' F" '"j.,.d Ali" L.ak ''' ''H ,,~,_ ",',' "-,m ,,,",',,., " "m. ';~:';' :;"~',~'::i" ":.~~ ::~,::~: ,lb. II, In Making Sick Calls C;~ : ~:::~n C~_~~b e~ad~~m~~:~~ne~~: ~~~c:i ' s~u~~a~lh ~~: ~ S~~ e~i~e soe~t~~ 25-Acre Tract Purchased nomes of student award wi nners. Miss Alice Leak, Newark's V! sit- ~~I~t~~~ d a ~~ a~ I ~ :~;!,e l·to o~o~~~ t~OCi~ _ ... , fi~~~J ~;n~I~~ l v;~~~l S ~;:~~~a a SR~i~ : ;:; rF~~~~!eC~~:~ lr:Citl: :~e Cl~~~eOf~~~~b~I~'~: of the gl':Jdunting '"' "" 0,,, <0, , ,,.,,, , ' '', "Roo'·E·O" '" '" _ "00'_ with N,,0 f~,oo t Inj ury sinc"eOO ,,''',May ~,19, held on the Wanamaker pal'king 'I he "Ball of Fire" ou tspecl thC behind the wheel; and Mi'. and Mrs. It is expected that a cement The purchase of 25 acres 'of land "~'::"~~'~~~'~:I I ' 11' '~::fi~~:~~~r:C I /47' and Mrs. Ella P lummer, graduate lot .June 17. other racers to win the 5t.h annual Chal'les R. Otto, Den 18 advisors. batching plant wil lbe constructed en But cr, WI Jam arrow, A ys nurse formerly employed at the The w inners will be guests of the Cub Scout Pushmobile Derby over The "Flying Cub" of Den 8, win- at this site which is adjacent to the ~e\~a ~~i;~i;; ;~~~0\0~~;~~:';~~1~~~~ ~f:n ;;~r~ ; ~ n~;~av~I;~ I~~'~; ~~~~~ Y21b5So ',w"k P'oU, S'""'", "m"",, ""'" ., u.. " ru" " m,,,,,, " <0, C""",,' A",", '"""',, , ,,' , ~ , ",,', ''''0" w" = ,0<- "0," "m,_T w, ,~", ... ' '',m" , S""'" ",,, 0, ' 00,," M_ M,. ,_", '''" C"'" M",.", C"'"" MISS Leak s caUs for the month. Ith College Inn, Tuesday, June 16 course hel'e last Saturday. The c: I James K. GreISS, chalr.man . of to build ~ uch a plant In other New- Vey, presid ent of the Newark Boa l'd Rodney Dann, Gene Dempsey, ;Ib, 39- ..u':.~i':,'t';~~; ::;~' , :1::",\;'o;:,,:;~ ;':::::'::' ''''"' M' . ",,~ w'" 0, ~:; ~:,~~l ;;:,' , r:~:'; ,:: ,':': I~~~,- '':;'''; ",;::',';'~"",:::~'~;':::; "k , ~" ' ." ".. ,' "'~,,= , .. , ;:":,' ~,~~';, ~;o~~, '"'''' w" i:'''"';;'~,~;~;~~'',; ,~fo;:r,, D;;;r,~ )iano trio at 8 p.m. w iU arounclMiss LeaSept.k, J.w ho is now able to LyncSerh,gea ofnt.s th Lere Noyewar Hillk P oandlic e EarlD e- anFcl I'omnewest left Ctou b g rouaJ:ep in Pthauel ar~a·levenBld - as lat.s t Altyeah.or ,us ghfi ehalfld,. th aga!! idne rbyas largewas Local" "Y" Elects soTn hteract land in i s baa ckpo rtiofo nG eorgeof the ReadWi!- Fb osthte r.Flabbi , Shirley F olk, Erma 0 r l ~ ht lib, 61 h '",,," 0, ,0'" ",ok. moo,Ome ,"00' 00 " -ok",, " h" "''''','' '"'g" '"' "-,,. "" ""',,' ;H, " ' '"'' , ,," ".,,"" " , ,,' "m, Committee Heads V"',"_ M"-, ..,, F, ,,_ R= G,"''"'' H. Douglas,' fOJ.me l'/ , is a pprecia t,ive of the gifts and the spec. Jal ca~~."rs were Q;~ Early construction of the new Ellen Gallaher, Ellen GI'ay, Lois '12 e~'s , f~r - Ib2S- from he r ma ny f ri ends, and the nlshed by the A tlantiC Refimng H· S 1 I Al • TI s· At M t" H high school is dependent upon uc- Griff ith, Ethel Hanna, J ohn Han- Club wi ll hold televi sion set presented to her by a Company. 1 C 100 un, lnI IIII SII'uI' IOt'S, tree c lltors ee lng ere ti on of the legislature in regard son. Theresa Hart, J ohn Harvey. Ib, ' in honor of all guests, public soliciation committee, headed • A ISh I h" Reeeive F e llowships ___ to the building fund approprin!lon, Marilyn Hildreth, Ronald Hill. J ane Hall, at 10 o'c1ock FI'J(I~y by Mi ss Mary Roberts, is providing FaCility A bandons Cam!) Wart c 0 ars Ip ___ A. S. Priestley Named but Supt. Wilmer E. Shue indicated Hitchens, J ean Hoffman, William Raymond W. Helm, chall'-/ a constant source of pleasure. - One member of the faculty and that in view oI anticipated e:1ro l1 - Huebner, Walter Burm, Shirley , . The Visiting Nurse r eport for As Confe r e n ce Site At Annual Banquet Ithree students, all seniors, at the To Lead Management ments, construction should bc!!in as J ackson, James J aquette, Rudolph Foster, Sterling C.lty, May includes a total of 207 visits --- U~ i ve r s ity or. Delaware h~ ve re- Group; Plans Outlined soon as possible. J ohnson. J oanne KiI'k, J o Anne of the F cle r~tJo n , I to patients within the area, with. The a nnual I?re-school t ea~ h ers' --- I celved Fulbright Fellowships for Junior and senior high school LaFontaine, Richard Lawson, Ray- the Fl'lday mO l nm.g Ie ight heart disease cases involving conference, w hich has previously Jane Hitchens Recei ves In xt yoar Albert S Priestl ey was elected pupils only w ill occupy the present mond Leas, Franklm Lee, Dolores J. Roger Deas. Ame~ l- thell high number of 43 classified been held at the Wilmington Camp Grant ; Gallagher C:: peaks I Dr Bem ard Phillips, professOJ' of chmrman of the Newal k YMCA bUi lding In September, and foul' Lloyd, EI nest Lloyd, Mar garet Co, represcntall ve, Wlii/ rI'ockwogh, will be conducted locally philosophy and chairman of the management committee at a meet- elementary classl'ooms WIll have to Lockard the women on Fnday a f- ca S. '. this year, September 8-9. 'ro Alumni. Senior Class depal tment, IS the faculty member. IIlg In the JI:ewark YMCA be moved elsewhere, Mr Shue P eter Mahanna, Hel bert Marlll, "To Wh om Docs the APoPle, xy was responsible fOI a Members of the Newark Public ' and MISS Trudy Gl lgenast MI SS Monday night along WIth Geoofflrgec~ ed It IS hoped that the school blllld-s ~ a t- Howard Mays, Carol Meade, Pat- " t ~ t a l of 35. visits made to four pa- School faculty vetoed the proposal At the annual Newark High IClaB'" H offman and Patrlck ' Thad- Stovel, Vice chai rman; MI S E Ve:- I,~ g wi ll accomodate the e nrollmettt I'ICl a MilleI', Na nme Mil li ken, June . O. is presid nt of tJ ents, w hile ff20. c a l ; ~ each . ;ve l:e to return to the camp, probably bo- School Alumni banquet held hel e cl eus al e the three graduating senIOr non LeW IS, recordlllg secretary; Mrs.
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