Delegating Network Security with More Information The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Naous, Jad et al. “Delegating network security with more information.” in WREN '09, Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Research on enterprise networking, August 21, 2009, Barcelona, Spain, ACM Press. As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1592681.1592685 Publisher Association for Computing Machinery Version Author's final manuscript Citable link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/67004 Terms of Use Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Detailed Terms http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Delegating Network Security with More Information Jad Naous Ryan Stutsman Stanford University Stanford University California, USA California, USA [email protected] David Mazières Nick McKeown Nickolai Zeldovich Stanford University Stanford University MIT CSAIL California, USA California, USA Massachusetts, USA [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT network has become more centralized, enabling an admin- Network security is gravitating towards more centralized istrator to configure a consistent security policy at a single control. Strong centralization places a heavy burden on the location and have it enforced across various devices. Recent administrator who has to manage complex security policies proposals take centralization even further, proposing that al- and be able to adapt to users’ requests. To be able to cope, most all network features be pulled out of the datapath into the administrator needs to delegate some control back to a central controller [6, 5, 8, 10, 1], giving the administrator end-hosts and users, a capability that is missing in today’s direct control over routing, mobility, and access control. We networks. Delegation makes administrators less of a bottle- expect this trend to continue. neck when policy needs to be modified and allows network While there are many advantages to centralizing the con- administration to follow organizational lines. To enable del- trol of enterprise networks, such centralization places a heavy egation, we propose ident++—a simple protocol to request burden on the administrator. She needs to manage an in- additional information from end-hosts and networks on the creasingly complex set of rules, respond to user requests, path of a flow. ident++ allows users and end-hosts to par- and handle network upgrades and extensions. The admin- ticipate in network security enforcement by providing infor- istrator becomes more prone to errors as security policies mation that the administrator might not have or rules to be become large and complex, and she becomes the bottleneck enforced on their behalf. In this paper we describe ident++ when the need to alter policy arises. For instance, users and how it provides delegation and enables flexible and pow- may need to configure their own machines over the weekend erful policies. (when the administrator may not be available). Depart- ments may need to control their own policy (such as who may access their servers) at a fine enough granularity that Categories and Subject Descriptors the cost of having an administrator with different priorities C.2.3 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network in the loop is intolerable. Operations; C.2.2 [Computer-Communication Networks]: And even when administrators are able to handle the full Network Protocols network complexity, they often do not have the precise in- formation they need to make a correct security decision. So General Terms the administrators are forced to write coarse network secu- rity policies that cripple legitimate use of the network. For Management, Security example, the administrator may wish to deny Skype access to an important webserver but is unable to because Skype Keywords and Web traffic both use destination port 80. This informa- ident, firewall, network security, policy, management tion is usually only available at the end-hosts, and is often unavailable when making security decisions. 1. INTRODUCTION Limited administrator resources and the over-broad se- curity policies can harm productivity significantly and frus- While network security policy is usually decided by a sin- trate users, enticing them to bypass security protocols. How- gle authority, the network administrator, that administrator ever, these problems can be overcome by delegation. An ad- has usually had to configure myriad security devices, fire- ministrator in a large organization might want to delegate walls, and end-hosts. Gradually, the configuration of the some control to a department or site administrator, or might want to delegate specific aspects of network policy to an end- user. And while delegation was desired in previous network Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for architectures that were centrally managed, only more recent personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are architectures with strong central control make it possible to not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies delegate control (i.e. provide restricted privileges for others bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to to control parts of the network), log and audit the delegates’ republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific actions, and revoke the delegation if needed. The admin- permission and/or a fee. istrator can finely tune the degree of delegation to balance WREN’09, August 21, 2009, Barcelona, Spain. Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-443-0/09/08 ...$10.00. security concerns with productivity and morale needs. We propose ident++, a protocol designed to help network Switch administrators delegate aspects of network security policy to 1 5 other decision-makers—end-hosts, users, applications, appli- cation developers, or even trusted third-parties. ident++ is simple; it is inspired by the Identification Protocol [14], but is richer and more flexible. An ident++ daemon running on senders and receivers responds to queries from ident++- Client 2 4 Server enabled decision-makers about flows. The response to a query is a list of key-value pairs that can be used to pro- 3 3 vide information upon which the decision-maker can make its decision. ident++-enabled decision-makers on the path can also answer queries on behalf of end-hosts, or can modify responses to add additional information. Delegation in ident++ is two-fold: it involves the end- hosts and users in classifying traffic and it allows them to Controller specify rules to be enforced in the network using the key- Figure 1: Overview of : 1. Client initiates value pairs. These pairs are mostly free-form and ident++ ident++ flow by sending packet, 2. First-hop switch forwards does not constrain the types that can be used. ident++ packet to controller 3. controller requests additional specifies a few—such as user, application name, hash of the information using ident++ from both ends of flow, 4. executable, and user-defined allow/drop rules—and it allows if controller approves, it installs entries along path administrators, users, and application developers to specify for flow, 5. packet proceeds to destination. their own. ident++ allows policies to be described in terms of prin- cipals rather than incidental flow properties, a position al- ready advocated in [5]. In fact, any of the keys returned in These steps are illustrated in Figure 1, where the firewall is the ident++ response packet can be used as a principal giv- the combination of both the controller and switch. ing greater flexibility than previous approaches. This allows A flow under ident++ is defined as the 5-tuple {IP des- policies to be written free of network-level properties—such tination and source addresses, IP protocol, TCP or UDP as IP addresses and TCP port numbers—with which the destination and source ports}. This 5-tuple is included in security policy is not concerned. For example, by blocking the request to the ident++ daemon on the end-hosts. The port 25, the policy is trying to block SMTP traffic to recip- ident++ daemon’s response is a list of key-value pairs that ients who don’t want it, but the collateral damage is that includes information such as the user ID of the user that ini- users who wish to use SMTP authentication cannot relay tiated the flow on the source end-host or that would receive mail through their own servers. the flow on the destination end-host, the hash and version Our contributions are the following: of the executable, rules specifying flows that the receiver • A protocol to query senders, potential receivers, and wants filtered, and more. ident++ does not limit the types networks along the path for user-definable additional of key-value pairs possible and allows network administra- information on a flow. tors, application developers, and users to define new keys. The additional information is used together with the flow’s • Extending OpenBSD’s PF [2] language to enable con- 5-tuple to consult the network administrator’s policy and trolled delegation and flexible rules. make a decision on whether to allow or drop a packet. In certain situations, such as an OpenFlow or Ethane network, • A system design we intend to implement on Open- the policy can use additional information such as a packet’s Flow [12]. ingress port or MAC addresses. ident++ response and query packets can be intercepted In §2, we provide an overview of how ident++ works. themselves by ident++-enabled firewalls. The firewalls can ident++ Then we describe the design of in more details in answer the queries themselves or can modify response pack- an OpenFlow network in §3, and present some policies and ets to insert additional information. When adding informa- applications that ident++ allows in §4. We give a brief secu- tion to a response packet, a ident++-enabled firewall adds rity analysis showing that ident++ in an OpenFlow network an empty line to delineate the information it has added from is at least as secure as firewalls in §5.
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