CENSUS 1971 SERIES 2 ANDHRA PRADESH DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK EAST GODA V ARt PART X-A VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY PART X-B VILLAGE & TOWN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT T. VEDANTAM Of THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS ANDHRA PRADESH PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH 1973 Rajahmundry had been in the 'News' e,ven btrl'iJl-c this saw mill unit started producing the "Gossip Bench". 3. There is g~od d~mand tor the wooden furniture pre jJared at thiS umt. The Indian Navy the P 'J T V' I ' 01 ru,~ts at lsak tapatnam and Madras, the Housing BOa1ds of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu th H O 1 lh Si 0 b 01 ' C In­ l us .an, up Ul ding yard at Visakhapatnam, Central and State Warehousing Corporations, Post and Tele­ graph; and Defence Departments figure prominently among the major consumers of the mill's products. 40 The volume of business transacted between the yea) 196-1·65 and 1970-71 indicates the stupendous gTOwth made by this unique concern during a short span of about 6 years. The turnover in the three main divisions of th~ unit viz., Sawing, Pmcessing and Treatment whzch stood in the order of 13 ,600 c.tt., 600 c.ft. and 3iOO c.ft.} valued totally at Rs. 2.6 lakhs in 1964-65 increased to 2,65,000c.ft., 14}OO c.ft. and THE INTEGRATED SAW MILL UNIT, 68,~QO c.~t. valued at over Rs. 21 lakhs in 1970-71. RAJAHMUNDRY Thz~ umt. with countrywide fame is looked upon as a pwneerznfj p~oject in the field of country wood The motif on the, cover page depicts a fully manufactunng zndustry. The Forest Research Insti­ loaded chamber at the seasoning kiln and a piece at tute. at Dehra Dun often quoted the successful exam­ non-teak furniture commonly known as the "Gossip ple of the Rajahmundry's Integrated Plant to various Bench" manufactured at the State-owned Integrated States in the country while recommending establish­ Saw Mill unit set up at Rajahmundry, the largest city ment of similar projects. Tht: United Nations Ex­ (population 165,912) in East Godavari District and pert,. Mr. !1' Gallies and Dr. B. R. Freeden paid a also one of the most important tirnbeT trade and saw glowmg trtbute to the Unit's exemplary selvice: to the milling centres in India. The principal object ill calise oj rational utilization of the vast non-te.1e establishing this integrated saw mill unit is to popu­ timber stocks of the country which go into the market larise the non-teak species in the place of Teak in u<lUally as firewood. ; order to restrict the, demand for Teak products. This 5. It is also noteworthy that this unique project is mill which actually went into productioll during located at Rajahmundry on the left bank oj the 1964-65 has made a dent on the country's timber trade, mighty river Godavari that passes through the forest and the mill's products have become extremely popu­ tracts of East Godavari. East Godavari district has lar both in the Public and Private Sectors. an extent of 2,901.68 Sq. Kms. under forests repre­ senting about 27% of the total geograPhical area of 2. This plant at Rajahmundry equipped with mo­ 10,970.0 Sq. Kms. in the district. Bamboo is available dern and sophisticated machinery consists of five units in large quantities in these forests and the Andhra viz.) 1. Timber Depot, 2. Saw Mill, 3. The Seasoning Paper iVIills at RajahmundTY gets about 60% of its Kiln, 4. Treatment Plant and 5. Wood Work-shop. bamboo requirements from the forests of East Goda­ The functions of the unit range over sawing, pmcess­ vari di,trict. Coffee plantations are grown in a small ing and treatment of wood of secondary and non-teak area while rubber plantations are being tried in these species in order to upgrade them to the level of Teak forests on an experimental basis. But these torestj/ wood in respect of durabilttl/t1nd stability oj shape. j)ossess neither the precious Teak wood speCies of The finished products unit include besides tmm~ris Adilabad district nor the rich Red Sanders oj the Nal­ sawn.timber to various sizes, articles of 'drawing, bed lamalais in Cuddapah and Kurnool districts but have and dining room furniture, trusses and columns, doon abundant poor' quality timbers usually considered fit and windows, railway sleepers etc.' The "Gpssip only jar fire-wood. It is this fact aT which led to the Bench", referred to in the previous para, with sitting establishment of the Integrated unit at Rajahmundry. space and anangements to heep the telephone, ash The consumers calling once at this Saw Mill's sales tray etc., is one of the popular' Ofn _." __ ur­ counteTs are convinced that the "Teak" considered niture produced by this un' ~v~WJ1f the 'Queen of Woods' can no longer hold its sway tant centre of political, e socialae{t1!f ~a~nd over the realm of timber trade in the country. ties from the beginni :'iff ~e, _1Irf-Sent century,' PREFACE The District Census Handbooks which were first published at the 1951 Census proved to be very useful to the State and Central Government Departmtnts, private agencies and academic bodies like Universities and Research Institutions. The scope of these Handbooks was enlarged to make them more useful during the 1961 Census. Considering the delay in the publication of the Handbooks due to difficulties in finding suitable presses which cOllld undertake huge printing work of this kind, it was considered desirable to split up the 1971 CellSllS Handbooks into three parts viz., Part A - Village and Town Directory, Part B - Village and Town Primary Census Abstract and Part C - Analytical Report, Departmental Statistics and District CellSUS Tables. This was done mainly with a view to pub­ lishing Parts A and B which contain not only the population clata up to the village and town level but also the particulars about the basic amenities etc., an ilable in the towns and villages, as early as possible fm public use. The scope and contenb uf these three parts are elaborated in the introduction of this volume. I am glad to record here that Parts A and B of the 1971 Census Handbooks of all the 21 Disu-icts in the State have been finalised already and I expect that before the end of 1974 Parts A and B for all 21 Districts would have been published. The compilation of these Handbooks is being done from the 1951 Census in the Office of the Director of Census Operations while the cost of paper, printing etc., required for these volumes is being borne by the State Government. The Andhra Pradesh State Government have readily agreed to bear the cost of printing and paper for the 1971 Census Handbooks. I am grateful to the Andhra Pradesh State Government and in particular to the AdditiOlial Chief Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Shri S. A. Quader, lAS., for their co-operation and encouragement. I am thankful to the Director of Printing, Government of Andhra Pradesh for assisting me by selecting suitable presses for undertaking the printing of the Handbooks. The data presented in the Village and Town Directories are obtained from different State Government and Central Government Departments but for whose co-operation Part-A of the Handbooks could not have beell compiled. 1 am thankful to all of them for furnishing me the required data. I am extremely grateful to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, lAS., Registrar General, India and Dr. B. K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General, India who formulated the contents of these Handbooks in detail and rendered spontaneous help and encouragement to me at all stages. The following staff of my Office worked on the present volume of East Godavari District Census Handbook under the guidance aml supervision of Shri P. S. R. Avadhany, Deputy Director of Census Operations and Sri K. Narasimha Murthy. Assistant Director of Census Operations of my office. Sri P. B. Sunder Raj, Tabulation Officer Smt. P. Lalitha, Tabulation Officer Drafting. Scrutiny and Sri T. Brahmaiah, Statistical Assistant } Supervision Sri K. V. Sarma, Statistical Assistant Sri A. V. Krishna Reddy, Computor Supervision of Printing Sri N. Gangaraju, Computor I Sri S. Rama Krishna, Assistant Compiler J' Collection and Sri P. V. Prabhaker, Assistant Compiler Compilation Sri K. Devadas, Assistant Compiler . Sri V. Babu Rao, Assistant Compiler II Sri G. Jayaraju, Proof Reader Proof Reading Sri M. Lakshma Reddy, Proof Reader } Sri A. Venkateswara Rao, Assistant Compiler} Scrutiny of Maps Supervision of Sri M. N. Ram Mohan, Artist } Mapping Work Sri Syed Ahmed, Senior Draughtsman Sri M. J. Sadiq, Draughtsman Sri N. G. Swamy, Draughtsman Sri Mohiuddin Hassan, Draughtsman I Sri M. Shankaraiah, Draughtsman ( Preparation of Maps Sri Md. Yaqub Ali, Draughtsman I Sri B. Raghuram, Draughtsman Smt. Daya Saxena, Draughtsman ) Sri D. Koteswara Rao, Computor I am grateful to their services. I trust that this humble effort on the part of the Census Organisation would meet with the appreciation it deserves. T. VEDANTAM Director of Census Operations CONTENTS Pages In traduction 1- 4 PART A-VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Explanatory Note-Village DIrectory 5-12 Village Directory: Kakinada T<lluk 13-19 AmalaplIram Tal uk 21-31 Mummidivaram Ind. Sub-Taluk 33-35 Razole Taluk 37-41 Korhapeta Taluk 43-47 Alamur Ind. Sub-Taluk 49-51 Ramaehandrapuram Taluk . 53-59 Rajahmundry Taluk 61-65 Rampachodavaram Ind. Sub-Taluk 67-79 YeJlavaram Ind.
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