\MERICA! Montana Weather See It First and Stand Generally fair Sunday and Behind It Always Monday; continued cold. MONTANA'S BEST NEWS GATHERER THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1922. THIRTY-TWO PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ASSASSIN'S BULLETS KILL PRESIDENT OF POLAND U. S. to Enter World SULTAN FLEEING FROM TURKS Crazed Artist Fires mm m. i Affairs in Effort to i Three Times; Throng Prevent New Conflict i • Sees Warsaw Murder Extermination Tactics Schooner Flying French Administration's Future Plans Indicate America to Begin in Kansas; Flag Upside Down and j Gabriel Narutowicz, First to Hold Highest Of- i m Will Act as Mediator in Endeavor to Forestall Legal Fight Planned. mm Boston Ship Captured. ! fice of New Republic, Is Victim of Pistol After Trouble Between England and France; Policy Skyrocket Political Career; Speaker of House of Isolation Now About at an End. Oregon Chief Executive - •» 2,000 Cases of Alcohol Takes Place Pending Choice of Another. Questions Allen on Aboard, Crew Dying By ROBERT T. SMALL ] the demands of France. The German Warsaw, Dec. 16.—(By The Asso­ a few moments. The slayer turned (Spwial Correspondent of The Tribune) government, submitting, would not live Ways of Ousting Body of Thirst. ciated Press.)—Gabriel Narutowicz, for flight, but was immediately cap­ (Copyright. 1922, By Great Falls Tribune) five minutes. On the other hand tured and beaten unmercifully. He Washington, Dec. 16.—The new role first president of the Polish republic, was taken to the police station under France, he said, could not afforjl to be -r. of the United States politically, in the placed in the position of letting up on White Sulphur Springs. Va.. Dec. Sandwich, Mass. Dec. 16.—The fell before an assassin's bullet at exceptionally heavy guard. 1 affairs of Europe, is to be that of me­ Germany. Both countries, Mr. Cox 10.—The fourteenth annual conference schooner Salvatrice, with 2.000 eases noon Saturday. Cabinet Is Called intimated, were desirous that the of__ governors ended Saturday with i of alcohol aboard, flying the French The tragedy occurred at an exhibi­ A council of cabinet members was diator. f the Ku Klux flag upside down as a sign of distress, United States should come in and give ! spirited discussion tion of paintings and the assassin was hurriedly called tc examine the situs - The statement from the White ! a decision which they could accept. I Klan. and the Boston schooner Star, well tion created by the death of the House that President Harding feels j stocked with ship's supplies, were cap­ an artist, one Neiwadomski, long re- The changed situation in Washington | Many of the executives then pre- „ , , . t ,, president, but their decision, if any the United States no longer can be! perhaps reflected by President. I pared to leave for Washington to a< tured together off this port Saturday garded by his associates as mentally j %vas taken, has not been made known, 7 "inactive ' in the affairs of the world Harding's action in sending for Am­ ept President Harding's invitation,^to by the cost guard crew commanded deranged. j In political circles it. is said to be has completely changed the aspect of bassador Harvey to come to Washing­ discuss prohibition enforcement witn j by Captain Chris Sullivan. The Salva­ The president had just concluded a! possible that Marshall Pilsudski, for- American foreign relations in the last ton for advice. him at luncheon Monday. | trice, ostensibly bound from Antwerp * . c _ IV u- mer chief of staff, will assume the few hours. The country at large, even George Harvey went to Europe as The Ku Klux Klan discussion devel- j for Santiago, Cuba, was put under brief address and accompanied by his task £ forming a ' cabinet. Another Washington itself, has been shown to the most irréconciliable of all the ir­ oped after an address in which Gov- | armed guard as a probable rum run­ aide de camp and two of the members j t j p^udski may even be in- grasp the full import of the very in­ réconciliables in this country. He ernor Allen of Kansas declared the or- j ner; the Star was similarly guarded as of his cabinet, was entering the first with dictatorial powers. formal intimations which have been al­ went as the very apostle of isolation , ganization was doomed to die and ex- a probable supply ship for vessels in hall of th^ exhibition to view the T1 ,. , _ , paintings, when Neiwadomski joined., "ending a solution and in eon- lowed to percolate through the White arid the "keeping entirely free of ; pressed the hope that the efforts of this contraband trade orn ty Wlth the House walls. To all intents and pur- Europe.-' Ile warned the nations of j the attorney general of Kansas to Both vessels will be taken to Boston j the throng eagerly pressing about !* V constitution, the poses. American isolation is at an end. ! Europe not once but many times that 'the klan from that state on the ground by the coast guard cutter Acushmet. the chief executive to shake his hand. ! speaker of the house of deputies, Instead of stopping in front of M. j ciej Rataj. will assume the sitna- Not that there is to be a rush to tie the United States would have none of i that it was operating without a char- Shot Stops Schooner ! i tion and his first act will be to con- this country up in foreign entangle­ them. He even went so far as to say i ter would be successful. , .Narutowicz. however, the assassin cir- , , ., , ments but there is to be henceforth a i lie hrar was caught after a chase j cling the crowd to a position in the ^ ibe national assembly to cnooso that the United States went, into the j |<jan Lawless which t aptain Sullivan fired a shot j rear. Then, working his wav so a successor to Naruto^\*icz. recognition of the influence this coun­ war solely for her own interests. f rom his revolver when Frank Nolan. close to his victim that there was no j The president's body was removed try ran play and is expected to play in Lately, however, the ambassador has Governor Morrison of North Caro­ helping to untagle the woeful condition lina said that although the organization : the mate who was in charge, failed to j chance to miss, he drew his revolver j to his residence, where a full military been talking on other subjects than heed an order to stop. i and fired three times, all the bullets guarad is standing over it. of affairs on the continent of Europe. foreign relations. aroused religious feeling, he did not' believe it was responsible for violence j With much alcohol on board the j piercing the presidents' back. General Sikorski, chief of staff, has President Harding was ied to adopt Twenty months in Europe has had This is the first picture of the former Turkish ruler. Sultan Caliph in his state. He asked Governor Al- Salvatrice, hrnest Poulard of " " " -- - ' * - ihe new policy of interest in Europe its effect and the ambassador will have of St. » M. Narutowicz. terribly wounded. I issued a proclamation to the armv ex- n' "'.-ImVifo'ever"hnHindorsed ' Mohammed VI. just received in this country and taken abonni the H. M. S. Pierre, Miquelon. and Ange f avaner ; collapsed to the floor and died within horting discipline and calm. The" pal- by confidential reports of the extreme­ much to say when he reaches Ameri­ Mala a on which vessel l,e l;fter pal- ! manifestations of lawlessness or' had i ? - appealing to Great Britain for help. of Halifax. N. H., her curtailed crew. ace of fine arts, where the murder ly serious condition of the relations be­ can shores. were almost dead of thirst, having no ; tween France and England. Succeed­ I done anything to stop them was committed, has been closed during Governor Allen replied that every I fresh water. They hf.d tried to drink • ing conferences have failed to bring the ibe police inquiry. i member of the organization believed he ! salt water with sickening results. Both; two countries anywhere near an agree­ The Polish afternoon papers, many j was doing noble work. When lawless­ : of Puiard's hands, mate of the vessel ment. Instead they have been drifting 1 of them in deep mourning, denounce ness developed, he said, the klan would j and in temporary command, were frost- T. steadily apart. Mir CITE KELLER j the assassination. The Gazetta War- T bitten. Cavelier was at the point of ] i disavow it and then give .$50 to a sawski. the national democratic or­ With France and England at logger­ I "loose-mouthed preacher who would exhaustion, and fell asleep after the heads, President Harding and the mem­ j vessel was boarded. The schooner, a 1 gan. says the concensus of opinion ! thank God for the klan." lie said he among Poles, regardless of political bers of his cabinet have come to the j trim little knockabout built for fish- ; was nshamed that the Bov Scouts in IN f COLLISION: opinion, is unanimous in deploring conclusion that conditions in Europe FOR REFUSING TO ID CROP SELLR ! Oil MATHS; TO i ing, was in a bad shape. Beaten bv jSt. Louis had not rejected a gift of the crime. It lays stress on its se­ must go from bad to worse. There j many storms—the last of them off i $20.000 -from the klan, so that "they rious aspect, owing to the present must be an agreement between these j could claim 100 per cent Americanism." j Nantucket a few days ago.
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