' / .'’l ' J iV • 1 * njaSOAT. ATXroST ts, IM t AYgragg Dmiljr Net Pragg Rtm B ar llie'W eek Btotod Vaasmrn s4 P. to to— — ■ P J d B T W E L V I 1Eti0n!ng Angnto Ig, Iggg \ 4 i^ i^ ttln 1 3 ,5 9 0 lIllaU iRAm AA IwU^ulUU 1 Served Many Purposes W elfm « O ffice M e ** M toe AaMt A bout Town Move Tomorrow B 0 t A « E S M anehaster^A City of VUlaga Charm H m nguBrnr ptenic ■upp«« All azrangementa have been b* Mparrtoed by tli« *18* o t ti»* Little House Will Give Way to Progress completed for moving the Town HO. m PA 0 M- 4 !f TWO flBCnONB) CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUCH7OT 14, 196S namXSon dcpartaMOt taoi«M on Welfare Department tomorrow to tlw alnmi piiy*iwtndB. Flreptaow wtu 1w amiMMe uid boya and Ita new quavers at Mieln Bt. 4 By SOL COHBN I A one-year lease has been signed Kirla may bring thrir botdoga or Time is running out for the hambwgari ft»r roaatlng or any between the t o w n and Wesley weatherbeaten three-room struc­ H is our firm bolioE that a l State News othar eavmrit* pbcnlc menu. "Hie Gryk, owner of the btilldlng, ftw 390 per month, beginning Aug. 16. i p e ^ eirent to ro o n w night trill ture whldif^ stands on the town families, however modest thalr N H R R ^8 Ex-President, be a. watennekKi eating oonteat. pruking/lot. Just to the west of Gryk will furnish heat and elec­ tricity, and the town will be re­ the ^ l^ c ip a l Building. financial means, are fully en­ Roundup An outing oommittee of the sponsible for all waiter and gas en the Welfare Department chargee. Anti-Missile Testing tein CMb w ill meet tomorrow at titled to the finest service wa i pjn. at the VPW Home. i>vea to Its new quarters ah 474 The three-room offices, which Main St. tomorrow, it will mark formerly housed the Nutmeg Shop, an«E Boston & Maide Head, Rep. Tibbets Safe have been renovated by town can provide. tbe recreation department the end of 67 years of service, in touncea the last Mries of awUm various forms and to many mas­ maintenance men. In Weird Accident '.eaaona for Verplanck Pool ■ym be- ters, for the old frame building. Tln on Thuraday m o rn in g ^ 9:30. The structure will soon' be tom Regiatratione for begtnnen, inter- down to make room for the new 8 m out ctMoplet* BelectKHi ot TRUMBULL (AP)—State medlatea, advanced a x vromen'e central firehouse, which will be Indicted in Rail Deal fresh, detidous Rep. AUan F. ’IThbetta es- Possible Under Ban claaeea iril be taken on Wednesday erected on the west side of the morning at the pogt" art 10 o’clock. Municipal Parking Lot. ci^ed with minor injuries in The building was built in 1896 BOSTON (AP) — Four a spectacular auto accident on JCancbester Ubna Club has en­ by the old South Manchester Tram­ men, including the president ^Lucretia B orgia "Nhu* the Merritt Parkway today, dorsed a houpe tour in Harwlnton, way Co., which ran the first trol­ and form er president of the State Police reported. Saturday,-A^. 24, as a means of First Lady AEG Chief ley line to Hartford. The then trim CANDIES Boston & Maine Railroad, The auto went more than 70 feet ]g iilt e r ^ in Connecticut structure was u.sed as a dispatch­ m S traa* fmMmtr h istory,^ was announced by Sam have been charged with prof­ Uuough the air, before chopping to er’s office and waiting room for another road. IMamgM, president. The tour is trolley-car passengers. iting illegally from a raimoad Viet Nam’s Mrs. Nhu The 31-year-old Monroe Republi­ Goes Home SaysN-Pact red iy the Harwlnton Lions The present municipal parking deal. can told police that the accident Houses will be open from 11 lot was Tramway Co. property and Named in criminal antitrust in- wfm. to 5 p.m. Area artists will occurred ^ te r he fell asleep while OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, was used as a terminal for the line. Quinn’s Pharmacy dictmenfs Tuesday by a federal driving. "’exhibit paintings on the village Cars were run onto the lot to long grand Jury were Daniel A. Benson Mass. (A P )— Mrs. John F. Benefits US green that day. Lunch will be 873 MAIN ST. Blasts U.S. Editorial TiMMts waa taken to Bridge­ sheds, in the area of the Center of Weston, Mass., president of the Kennedy, holding the Presi­ served at Harwlnton Congregation­ port Hospital where he was treat­ Congregational Church and the BAM; Patrick B. McGinnis of ed for lacerations of head and face. dent’s hand, left the hospital WASmNGIDX (AP) — al Church, ‘nckets may be obtained Lincoln School. New York, former BAM preri- from Uie Harwlnton Lions Club, in NEW TiMUC (AP) — Mrs. NgoA The Tlmee editorial had com- Ha waa reported in good condition. today. Dr. Glenn T. SeaSwE- d ia ir- The sheds, which were used to ^dent; George F. Olacy of Brook- Dinh Nhu, poUtically powerful mented on an interview Mrs. Nhu Trooper Gene Ozerhoski a t the care e< the postmaster, Harwlnton. The President and Mrs. Ken­ man of the Atin iir Eas)gy house the can's for repair and stor­ 'line,' BAM vice president for fi­ elster-in-Iaw of South Viet Nam 's gave last week to Times corres­ Westpott ’Troop filed this report: age, had previously been used to nedy walked slowly down the two The VPW Auxiliary will have a nance; and Henry Mersey of New president, reiterated in stinging pondent David Halberstam in ’The car, operated by Tihbetta CotnmiBskm, teotifled tadaY park the horses and wagons of the Haven, Conn., president of the In­ stone ho.spital steps and the short bualueas meeting tonight at 7:80 torms tc^y that dissident Bud­ which she said she would beat who said he fell asleep at the that undeiEnNimd watME wSl Center Church parishioners. ternational Rulway Equipment distance to a waiting car, which at the Post Home. dhists in her country are traitors Buddhist monks “ 10 t ^ e s more” wheel, ran off the Merritt Park­ drove them to a nearby helicopter permit a wide range at no- During the eau"ly 1900’s the South Co., of Boston. .The railroad and cipaking political activity by their and “if they bum 30 women we way, struede a curb and bounded Manchester Tramway Co. sold Its Merridps company also were pad. The President helped Mrs. cleoT weaftOBS dewJimgiiegt. George Eldwards, son of Mr. and religloua robes. shall go ^ead and clap our into the air, over the guard rail Kennedy into the car. holdings. Including the property, to Tipu^a/i/ named. Mrs. James Btiwards, 15 Wads- unworthy pe<q>le dare hands.” and after being airborne for 78 Mrs. Kennedy had a long hair­ induding warianadi for aatH- the Connecticut Co. The indictments accused the wortii St„ and Wmiam Keigh, son make a farce of rellidon, should In an earlier televisian inter­ feet, landed on White Plains Road, do. vastly different from the miaaile defcNne. Wlhen K was evident, in 1927, r f| [i| i|(i«)t t o railroad officers of making a per­ those respactiiig religim play the view she had also called the first of SCr. and Ura. BHery Keigh, 172 a drop a t 25 feet. bouffant one.s she usually wears. A s Oaa lU r g ■ iBiatsa ak »m W a sonal profit of 371,600 from the B. laddie T^ke., left Saturday thart buses were soon to rephice the game of me sacrilegious or should suicide by burning a barbecue. H ie car, rolling end over end, She wore white pumps with a noncompeUUve sale o f '10 railroad morning by oar for St. Peters- traJley car, the irreguJarly shaped B mose respecting religion play the The nines editorial said Mrs. finally came to a stop in a culvert. simple pink, sleevele.ss sheath •sriier « property was offered to the town cars. game of the eacrileglous or Nhu seemed to be lacking in Tibbetts was tossed from the dress and a bandage showed on at atate Dean ^ b«Kg, Flak, where they will at­ Benson denied any wrongdoing tend 8 t Pwterabufg Junior College by the Connecticut C5o. for 327,500. should' they denounce them for “ some sense of social and po- car while it was airborne and her foot. at Dctenae BshB It was in that year thaut the AUGUST SPECIAL and Issued a statement eaying: what they are?” she asked in a Utlca] reality and responsibility” Mrs. Kennedy left after a week Oad rstifirartlss « am fteahmen. have not read the indict­ landed about six feet from where present Mimlctpal Building was letter to the New York ’Ttmea, if thoee remarks were an index the auto came to a halt. in toe hospital following toe birth bsn treaty sasriU completed at a net ftim ish^ cost Conv. Tops. Seat Covers. % A E ments, but aa I understand It, which had called her “LucreUa to her character. of her third child, Patrick Bouvier Interests « ( toe I DOUBLE they are baaed on tranaactlona Borgia Nhu’’ In an editorial last i Mrs. Nhu in reply called the of 3190,000. As Low As As Low As I w * # 3 Kennedy, who lived less than two Tbe tie aty mm Herald news cUppinga show that WORLD OREEN 35.00 alleged to have taken place tn Friday.
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