THE TUFTS DAI,LY Where You Read It First Thursday, October 20,1994 Vol XXM, Number 27 ILectureSeries chair fined for I violations of TCU Drocedures by JESSICA ROSENTHAL Daily Editorial Board An incident involving charges level. “no such document exists.” Ar- of procedural violations brought “A P0b’ that is set forth was cher said that a verbal agreement broken [by against last year’s Lecture Series This is an was made Over the phone with Chair Ken Archer resulted in a individual rather than an organi- Coles for him to speak at Tufts on mediation settlement last Friday. plained.zational violation:’ Brinker ex- April 19 in exchange for $5,500. In a letter to Associate Dean of Reitman said that this verbal agree- StudentsBruceReitman dated July Reitman stressed that no one is ment was a binding one. 20, then Tufts Community Union accusingArcherof money In a letter to Reitman, Archer (TCU) Treasurer David Brinker -- “there is no misappropriationof described Stackman as “obstruc- initiated the charges that Archer funds,” he said. Archer “didn’t tionist throughoutibis entire pro- Dai/y nk photo follow the Senate’s policies and cess.,) Archer said that after ar- Late night study will open in Carmichael Hall in November. “violated both university and TCU Treasury regulations.” Reitman committed money he didn’t actu- ranging the verbal understanding described the letter as “adisciplin- ally have, but not for his own gain; , ary complaint suggestinga media- it was for school-wide benefit,” Late night study will tion solution.” Reitman explained. In the letter, ,Brinker accused Brinker requested that Archer men uDhill location Archer of entering into a contract personally repay the Senate the A A with Professor Robert Coles of $5,500 under the guidelines set by PAUL COCHRANE Lee also mentioned that Harvard University for the amount forth in The Pachyderm. Addi- Daily Staff Writer Carmichael is a much larger space of $5,500 without the approval of tionally, he asked that apermanent Scheduledto begin Nov. 1, late than Hodgdon and could poten- Director of Student Activities Bill injunction bar Archer from ever tially require a lot more effort to night study will be offered uphill Stackman. Coles spoke in Cabot holding signatory authority over in the Carmichael dining hall. Es- clean. Also, new doors will need Auditorium on April 19 from 7:30 any TCU-funded organization. sentially set up like the late night to beinstalled before thestudy can p.m. to 9 p.m. on the topic “Is God Additionally, Brinker accused studyinHodgdon,Carmichael will open so that the servery can be Dead on College Campuses?’ Archer of “knowingly and reck- also open a servery for food. closed off. Brinker said that Archer’s ac- lessly overspending” the budget According to Patty Lee, direc- There is also the concern, ac- allocation for Lecture Series by tor of Dining Services, the cording toDavidBreakstone, stu- tions represented a violation of “I‘ TCU Treasury Procedures section $1 1,779.68.Brinker said that this Carmichael study will offer a lim- dent chair of the Tufts Dining Ser- 11 on contracts, TCU Treasury overspendingis a violationof TCU ited menu including pizza, sand- vices Committee, that people will by-law 17, and The Pachyderm Treasury Procedures section 1 on wiches, snacks, soda, and coffee. come just to get food and disrupt section on contracts. signature forms and Treasury by- The food will be provided by Din- those trying to study. However, he David Brinker According to Brinker, these law 14. The budget of the Lecture ing Servicesstaff. Students will be said, “Carmichael is pretty big, so Treasury regulations state that the Series last year was $20,421, and with Coles, he completed a writ- able to purchase these offerings you can have food in one section Director of Student Activities the organization spent approxi- ten contract and gave it to with either campus points or cash. and studying in another. It should [Stackman]must sign all contracts mately $32,200. Stackman one week prior to the Due to concerns that serving work out.” into which a Tufts student enters In response to Brinker’s me- event, in the same process Archer food may be disruptive to the study Late night study has not been .. prior to the event for which the diation proposal, A~ehe~-.aeiB he sa-- 1- atmosphere, there will be an evalu- offered uphill since the renovation contract is made. Additionally, the was “concerned about the legiti- ous one-and-a-half years as Lec- ation at the end of the semester to of Carmichael in the summer of regulations state that the Treasury macy of the two charges against ture Series chair. determine whether it had a “posi- 1993.According toMatt Whitney, will not pay for an amount of [him] and [was] therefore unable However, Stackman refused to tive or negative impact on people” president of Tufts Student Re- money stipulated in acontract that toaccept theproposedmediation.” sign the contract until Coles had studying, Lee said. After examin- sources (TSR), the organizationin has not been approved by the Di- Archer proposed a “sincere apol- signed, Archer said. Directly prior ing the results of the evaluation, it charge of late night study, the new rector of Student Activities or the ogy” for the situation as “a good to theevent, Coles wasout of town will be decided whether food Treasury. The wording in The and reasonable compromise.” should continue to be offered. STUDY, page 11 Explaining his actions, Archer =ARCHER, page2 Representative- MarkevPuchvderm sDeaksreiterates these trea- on his role in House Y 1 by 6RENEPSTEIN ton since 1976. The interests of ago, the Republican party made a can’t, my hands are tied.” American Free Trade Agreement Daily Staff Writer Tufts University are included in [NAFTA], which would let low- On Tuesday night, US Con- “promise to cut taxes for the rich, He stressed the importance of his representation of these areas. end jobs go, and create challenge gressman Edward J. Markey spoke increase defense spending, and moving on towards the future, as As chairman of the Telecom- for high-end jobs against indus- to a group of approximately 100 balance the budget.” he believes we face many chal- municationsand FinanceSubcom- trial competitors. students and faculty in Cabot 205. This plan, hesaid, hasa“fami1- lenges in the 1990s.“We can move mittee, Markey has responsibili- In addition, he said that the US The event was co-sponsored by Pi iarring toit, IikeaFrankie Avalon to the future or look at the future ties in Congress over all “tele- must produce products that we Sigma Alpha, the political science phone, cable, satellite, computers, record ... it won’t work, it didn’t through a rear-view mirror... and work in the 1980s.” say it’s the future,” he said. can market overseas and that we honor society, and the Tufts Coun- software, and Wall Street Stocks “can’t kill the bills” that will cre- cil on International Affairs. and bonds.” ate competitionand entrepreneur- Markey spoke about his back- Markey attended Boston Col- ial activity in the US. He also ground as a congressman and as lege as an undergraduatefollowed believes we mustestablish an edu- the Chairman of the House Sub- by Boston College Law School. cational system which will give committee on Telecommunica- He said Tip O’Neill inspired him kids the skills they will need to tions and Finance. Markey also to run for Senate, and in 1976 compete, without resorting to vio- discussed the issues he is dealing Markey ran under the slogan, lence. with in his re-election campaign “Bosses can tell me where to sit, This year, Markey said he suc- and addressed several topics nobody tells me where to stand.” cessfully convinced President brought up in a question and an- For this election, Markey is Clinton to bantheonemillionsemi- swer session. running under a certain premise. automatic assault rifles and hand- The 48-year-old democrat from “Additional change needs to be guns which the Chinese secret Malden has represented Malden, madeinoursociety... alotofpeople police were selling on the streets Medford, and most of the commu- believe that change for the sake of of the US for $100 apiece. He said nities immediately north of Bos- change is good, but that’s not nec- that these weapons caused many essarily true,” he said. deaths and injuries to police offic- Markey cites former President ers. “A kid just has to work two Ronald Reagan, who in 1980 held Congressman Ed Markey spoke at Tufts on Tuesday night. weeks in a McDonalds... to buy a to the “central erroneous premise pair of sneakers or a semi-auto- Michael reacts to the debate over the [that] it was possible to increase Markey described a chain of Recently, he proposed a tele- matic weapon.” Markey said. Department of Religion and Naif returns defense spending, cut taxes, and communications bill, which was to discuss chaos in Kuwait. tax cuts on the wealthy, fewer rev- In 1994 he said it is necessary balance the budget simulta- enues in the treasury, and a bigger “killed” by Bob Dole in the Sen- to.engage the issues central to the neously.” increase in defense spending as ate. This bill required every class- US. Theseissues includeNAFTA, Sports................................ P. 7 This system, according to room to be hooked into a digital The sailing team dominates the high being what he feels to be the prob- gun control, domestic violence, Markey, led to the increase in the lems of the Republican party. He network. Markey said that the loss and making children accessible to seas as usual but the women’s soccer deficit from one trillion to four team loses two games.
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