THE VOICE O01 Biseoyne Blvd., Miami 38, Flo. Return Requested VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. IV NO. 16 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy. JULY 6, 1962 After Prayer Ruling, What Next? Seldom, if ever, in the history of this nation has there been .the greatest number of protests ever to deluge the nation's high- such a violent and widespread reaction as that which has fol- est tribunal. lowed last week's decision of the United States Supreme Court outlawing the'recitation of a simple prayer by children in New "What next?" was the underlying fear of most state- York's public schools acknowledging their dependence upon Al- ments and messages. While tortHOUs interpretations attempted mighty God and begging His blessings upon themselves, their to explain that the decision applied only to prayers "com- parents, their teachers' and their country. posed and recited under the direction of the state itself," it was generally agreed that the court's ruling was "not clear" "Shocking," "ridiculous," "malicious" and "anti-religious" as to whether or not it applied to all prayers in public are but a few of the expressions voiced publicly and written in schools. With few exceptions, it was generally accepted that the Su- preme Court's 6-1 decision had dealt a grievous blow to the ac- cepted religious tradition and practices of the nation and had opened wide the doors of all public schools to complete godless and materialistic secularization. * * * - • The American Civil Liberties Union was quick to leap into the breach blaste3 in the ramparts of a constitution guaranteeing religious liberty and freedom of worship. It immediately called upon all 33 of its affiliates through- out the United States to review "other sectarian religious practices brought to the court's attention" so that they, too, may be declared unconstitutional. Among these were cited Christmas and Chanukah observances, Bible reading, reci- tation of the Lord's Prayer and baccalaureate services. These projected targets include the.Bible Reading and reci- tation of the Lord's Prayer recently approved by the Florida FIRST CUBAN priest ordained in exile from his native country Supreme Court; and other religious practices in schools of Penn- is Father Roberto Soler, shown giving his first priestly blessing sylvania, Maryland, Arkansas, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey to Bishop Coleman F. Carroll at the conclusion of his First (Continued on Page 6) . Solemn Mass sung last Sunday in the Church of St. Hugh. First Cuban Priest Ordained Serra International Honors In Exile Sings First Mass 4 Clubs Of Miami Diocese The conditions which prevail declared,, "not because of the Serra clubs of the Diocese of named to the international's in Cuba today are the result in person but because through or- Miami were signally honored trustee board. large measure of a shortage of dination he has become another last week at the 20th Serra In- priests and lack of interest in Christ." ternational convention in Phila- The Miami Serra Club also vocations, Bishop Coleman F. delphia. had the distinction of being Carroll told the -congregation In his sermon during the invited to participate in a during, the first Solemn Mass of Mass, Father Eduardo Fer- Joseph M. Fitzgerald, of the panel presentation on the Father Roberto Soler sung Sun- nandez, assistant pastor at St. Miami club, was elected a second day of the convention. day in the Church of St. Hugh. Anastasia parish, Fort Pierce, member of the board of trus^ expressed the gratitude of the tees of Serra International. Representing the Diocese of The first Cuban refugee Cuban people to Bishop Car- Voice 'Photoa Mr. Fitzgerald is a past gov- Miami were Bishop Coleman F. priest to be ordained in exile roll and the Diocese of Miami. NEWEST PRIEST ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of ernor of District 30 and Jose Carroll and Msgr. Jeremiah P. for the Archdiocese of Havana Miami is Father Charles D. Clements of Stuart shown giving his Gonzalez, past president of the O'Mahoney, • Father James J. Walsh and Father Joseph Beau- received the Sacrament of "Bishop Carroll has been a first priestly blessing to Bishop Coleman ,F. Carroll in the Puerto Rico Serra Club, which mont, chaplains of three of the Holy Orders in Canada from (Continued on Page 14) sanctuary of St. Mary Cathedral. (Page of pictures Page 15). is in District 30, also was Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger, four Serra Clubs in the Di- Archbishop of Montreal. Father ocese; and 13 members, includ- ing District Governor Philip Soler, whose family js still Lewis of West Palm Beach. in Cuba, offered his first Sol- Communism, Socialism, Marxism Explained £• "^lass in the presence of Mr. Fitzgerald, an attorney, a ^'ge group of Cuban Q. What does Communism is a member of the Little Flow- priests now in exile and refu- mean? (As part of their regular course of instruction on the (Continued on Page 12) evils of communism, Miami Diocesan school pupils study gees living in the Greater Mi- A. (1) Literally it means the ami area. "Questions and Answers on Communism" by Richard Cardinal common ownership of all ma- Cushing. The Voice this week begins publication of excerpts Bishop Carroll, who presided terial goods: No private, in- from this authoritative source through the courtesy of the at the Mass, reminded those dividual ownership of wealth, Daughters of St. Paul, at whose bookstore, 2700 Biseayne present that "whenever there is property or productive goods. Blvd., the._ complete volume is available.) a great shortage of priests there (2) It is based oh a world view called "dialectical material- is ignorance of religion and in- ise (which is only a promise) of difference, which permit many ism," which seeks to interpret able in this condition, they fool- of the conditions found in Cuba the world as coming into being bringing about an earthly para- ishly assert, to end all unhap- today. There was a great short- without God and to prove that dise, the so-called "Communist piness, neurosis, and ill health. age of priests in Cuba and He does not exist. - Also, in that "Communist so- society." ciety," there will be "lasting there was a failure on»the part Q. How does Communism of many young men to answer Q. What will be the condi- peace" and "for the first time, contend that it will "prove" the call ofAlmighty God," Bish- tions of this "Communist so- .genuine freedom." op Carroll said. that. God does not exist? ciety," according to the Com- Q. Are there any supposed munists? SERRA International Board of stages in this achievement of Trustees Member is Joseph M. "In every land the priest A. (1) By the assertion (which is only an assertion and which A. It will be an era, they con- the "Communist society?" Fitzgerald, first president of should be held in high esteem can readily be refuted) that tend, where there will be no A. Yes, the first stage is sup- the Miami Serra Club and and should be recognized as matter is auto-dynamic or self- State, no family, and no moral- posedly the achievement and member of_ Little Flower par- another Christ," Bishop Carroll creating and (2) By the prom- ity of any sort. Man will be (Continued on Page 10) ish, Coral Gables. ELECTRONIC DEVICES TO SPEED SESSIONS Modern Setting For Council The author of the follow- The physical appearance of been constructed at the four ing article is head of the the Second Vatican Council will corners of the main altar. The Rome bureau of the be chiefly the work of the Tribune of St. Andrew to the N.C.W.C. News Service Technical - Organizational Com- right of the Pope's throne will and served as a member mission, which is under the di- of the ecumenical council's rection of Gustavo Cardinal be reserved for the special le- Preparatory Secretar- Testa of the Vatican adminis- gations of nations sent to at- iat for Communications trative staff. tend the solemnities of the Media. One of a dozen council. The Tribune of St. special articles, it gives a This commission's archi- Longinus will be reserved for tects have designed the Coun- preview of what will hap- cil Hall, now under construc- the members of the diplo- pen at the historic council tion in St. Peter's basilica, matic corps accredited to the which begins on Oct. 11. which extends 361 feet from Holy See. By MSGR. JAMES I, TUCEK the tomb of St. Peter to with- in 10 feet of the basilica's Those who are to report the VATICAN CITY (NO — front doors. council to the world will occupy Punched card ballots, electronic the tribunes behind the Pope's analysis machines and multi- The Council Hall is closed on throne. The press corps will oc- purpose chairs like seats in its two long sides by two tiers cupy the Tribune of St. Helena, commercial airliners will expe- of seats 10 rows high. It i$ behind the Pope to his left. Ra- dite the work of the 21st and closed by the throne of Pope dio and television crews are to largest ecumenical council in John XXIII on the end next to be given the Tribune of St. Ver- the Church's history. St. Peter's tomb and will be onica, behind the Pope to his closed by a curtained entrance right. These devices are a few of on the end next to the doors. the many details worked out The seating for the council by three groups now prepar- Besides the two long tiers, Fathers has been arranged in ing for the council.
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