Newfoundland_Index 6/16/04 11:59 AM Page 223 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurants indexes below. GENERAL INDEX Area codes, 39 Bay L’Argent, 123–126 Argentia, 93, 94–95 Beachcombing, 197 Art galleries, 13, 69–70 Bears, 216 Aboriginal Day, 29 Art Gallery of Newfoundland Beaumont Hamel, Battle of, Accommodations and Labrador, 69 211 Avalon Region, 83–84, 86, Atlantic Adventures Boat B&Bs. See Accommodations 87–89, 93–94, 96–97, Charters & Tours, 114 index 100–101 ATMs, 25, 39, 48 Bell Island, 3, 99, 102 best, 17–19 Aurora borealis, 5, 205 Berries, 214 Central Region, 128–129, Automobile clubs, 39 Big Falls, 159 133–134, 136–137, 140, Avalon Region, 78 Bight Theatre Festival, 16, 113 142 Baccalieu Trail, 95–99 Bird Cove Archaeological Dig, costs, 26 Cape Shore, 92–95 149 Eastern Region, 107–109, Conception Bay/Marine Bird Rock, 3 110–112, 121–122, Drive, 99–102 Bird-watching, 3, 89, 92, 94 124–125 Irish Loop, 82–92 Blue Hill, 182 Gros Morne National Park, transportation, 79, 81–82, Boat 169, 172–173 92–93, 100 tours, 2, 4, 73, 114, 117, Labrador, 188–191, map, 80 139, 153–154, 176, 183, 200–201, 204 Avalon Wilderness Reserve, 198 St. John’s, 47, 49–55 87 travel by, 32–34 (See also taxes, 48, 101 Avalonia Dinner Theatre, 85 Ferries) Terra Nova National Park, Aviation Museum, 4, 133 Boil-ups, 115 178–179, 182 Avondale Railway Station Bonavista, 8, 103, 116–118 Western Region, 146–147, Museum, 12, 98–99 Bonavista Peninsula, 103 148–149, 151–152, 155, Books, 220–222 158–159, 160–162, Borealis Craft Cooperative, 164–165 Baccalieu Island Seabird 149 (See also Accommodations Ecological Reserve, 97 Borealis Crafts & the index; Campgrounds; Baccalieu Trail, 8, 95–99 Labrador Lookout, 149 Hospitality homes; Backcountry Adventures, 5 Botanical gardens, 65 Hostels; Trailer parks) Baie Verte Miner’s Museum, Bowring Park, 72 Airlines, 32 140 Boyd’s Cove Beothuk Airplane Baie Verte Peninsula, Interpretation Centre, 15, museum, 4, 133 139–141 127, 138 tours, 132 Bakeapple Folk Festival, 17, Brewery, 67 travel by, 32, 39 30, 196–197 Brigus, 9, 95 Airport Banking, 25, 39, 48 Brigus Blueberry Festival, 16 international, 42 Barbour Living Heritage Burial mound, 194 security, 43 Village, 14–15, 137–138 Burin, 123–126 Amusement park, 12 Bars, 76–77, 112–113 Burin Heritage Museum, 14, A.N.D. Company’s Summer Basilica of St. John the 126 Theatre Festival, 4, 134 Baptist, 13 Burin Peninsula, 103 Anglican Cathedral of St. Battle Harbour, 10, 193 Burnt Cape Ecological John the Baptist, 62 Battle Harbour National Reserve, 149 Anthem, 70, 219 Historic District, 15 Buses Apothecary Hall, 14, 68 Bay Bulls, 82, 83, 89 cost, 26 Aquaforte, 85 Bay Bulls/Witless Bay travel by, 38, 47 Archaeological digs, 3, 82, Ecological Reserve, 6 Business hours, 48 85, 90, 149 Bay de Verde, 97 Butterflies, 12–13, 143, 159 Newfoundland_Index 6/16/04 11:59 AM Page 224 224 INDEX Clarenville, 107–109 Dogs Cable station, 99 Clarenville Dragway, 4, 109 namesake, 215 Cabot, John, 29, 116, 207, Classical music, 77 race [dogsled], 205 208 Climate, 27, 48 show, 28 Calendar of events, 28–30 Coast of Bays, 127–128 Dorset Soapstone Quarry, 15, Campgrounds, 55, 84, 112, Coastal Walking Trail, 147, 140–141 124–125, 137, 174, 179, 182 Dorset Walking Trail, 147 182, 190 Cod fishing, 120, 207 Drugstores. See Pharmacies Canoeing, 198, 201–202 Colony of Avalon, 3, 14, 90 Dungeon Provincial Park, 117 Cape Bonavista, 3 Come Home Year Cape Bonavista Lighthouse, celebrations, 217–218 4, 116, 217 Conception Bay, 99–102 East Coast Trail, 11, 79, Cape Race, 82 Conception Bay South, 100 81–82 Cape Race Lighthouse, 91 Confederation, 209–210 Eastern Region Cape St. Mary’s Ecological Conne River Mi’kmaq Discovery Trail, 103–118 Reserve, 3, 92–93, 94 Reserve, 15, 127, 140 Heritage Run, 119–126 Cape Shore, 92–95 Consulates, 39 map, 104 Cape Spear, 2, 64, 82 Corner Brook, 143, 160–163 transportation, 105, Cape Spear Lighthouse, 208 Corner Brook Museum & 119–120 Cape Spear Road, 7 Archives, 162 Echoes of Valour memorial, C.A. Pippy Park, 72 Costs, amenities, 26 126 Captain Cook Drive (Heritage Cottage, heritage, 66 Economuseums, 149 Run), 120 Credit cards, 25, 26 Edible Trail Hike, 11, 182 Captain Cook Lookout, 123 Crime, 26, 40 Elderhostel, 31 Carbonear, 95, 99 Currency, 24–25, 124 Electricity, 39 Caribou, 184, 216 Customs regulations, 24, 119 Embassies, 39 Cars Emergencies, 26, 31, 39 auto clubs, 39 Emma Butler Gallery, 70 best scenic drives, 7–9 Day spa, 63 Entry requirements, 22, 24, insurance, 35 Deer Lake, 143, 157–159 119 racing, 4, 109, 218 Dialects, 207, 219 Euros, 124 renting, 38, 48 Dildo, 9 Events calendar, 28–30 safety, 31, 144 Dildo Bay, 97 Exploits Valley Salmon travel by, 36, 38 (See also Dildo Fisheries Interpretation Festival,17, 127, 134 under specific regions) Centre, 14, 98 Cartwright, 184–185 Dildo Run Provincial Park, Castle Hill National Historic 137 Fall colors festival, 30 Site, 95 Dining Families (See also Children) Central Region, 127–128 Avalon Region, 83–84, 86, activities, 11–13, 126 Baie Verte Peninsula, 87–88, 93–94, 97 travel tips, 35–36 139–141 Central Region, 132, Ferries, 32–33, 39, 142 Gander, 128–29, 132–133 133–134, 136–137, 142 Ferryland, 9, 82 Grand Falls–Windsor, Eastern Region, 107–109, Festivals, 16–17, 70–71, 99, 133–135 110–112, 118, 122, 125 113, 132, 134, 139, 142, Kittiwake Coast, 135–139 Gros Morne National Park, 166, 196, 201, 202, 220 map, 130–131 169 calendar, 28–30 South Coast, 141–142 Labrador,191–192, 201, 204 Fisherman’s Museum, 90, transportation, 128, 133, St. John’s, 55–61 138 135, 141, 142 Terra Nova National Park, Fishing, 28, 120, 198 Channel–Port aux Basques, 178–179 Fishing Point Municipal Park, 143, 163–166 Western Region, 146–147, 153 Charters. See Boat tours 151–152, 154–155, 159, Fjords, 5 Children 162, 165–166 Flag, Labrador, 185 best activities, 11–13, 126 Dinner theater, 3, 77, 85, Flanagan’s Fancy Inc., 72–73 dining with, 56 151–152 Floral emblem, 213–214 naturalist clubs, 179 Disabilities, travelers with, Flower’s Island Museum, 150 traveling with, 35–36 35, 178 Fluvarium, The, 5, 11, 64 Christina Parker Gallery, 69 Discovery Centre, 174–175 Fort Amherst, 64 Churches, 13, 40, 166 Discovery Trail, 11, 103–118 Forteau, 192 Churchill Falls, 184, 202–205 Dockhouse Museum, 153 Fortune, 103, 123 Churchill Falls Hydroelectric Documents. See Customs; Fossils, 91, 175 Generating Station, 204 Entry requirements Francois, 10, 127 Newfoundland_Index 6/16/04 11:59 AM Page 225 GENERAL INDEX 225 Francophone culture, 5, 8, 29, 166 Happy Valley–Goose Bay, Labrador French islands. See St. Pierre 184, 199–202 accommodations, 188–191, and Miquelon Harbour Breton, 127, 142 200–201, 204 French Islands Drive Haunted Hike, 10 Churchill Falls/Labrador (Heritage Run), 120 Hawthorne Cottage National West, 202–205 Frenchman’s Cove Provincial Historic Site, 14, 98 dining, 191–192 Park, 12, 124–125 Health insurance, 34–35 flag, 185 Heart’s Content Cable history, 206–213 Station, 99 Labrador Coastline/Happy Galleries. See Art galleries Heritage Cottage, 66 Valley–Goose Bay, Gambo, 213 Heritage House, 97 199–202 Gander, 127, 128–129, Heritage inns, 19, 49, 53–55 Labrador Straits, 185, 132–133 Heritage Run, 8, 119–126 188–198 Gasoline, 26 Hermitage, 127, 141 map, 186–187 Gatherall’s Puffin & Whale Highway 1. See Trans Canada natural resources, 213–217 Watch, 89 Highway shopping, 196 Gay travelers, 36 Hiking, 10–11, 79, 81–82, time zones, 188 Geology 115, 147, 182, 197–198 transportation, 185, 188, centre, 11, 65 Hill O’Chips, 46 199, 203 resources, 214 History, 206–211, 220–221 Labrador Canoe Regatta, Tablelands, 7, 175 Holidays, 27–28 201–202 George Street, 2, 76–77 Holyrood, 87, 100 Labrador City, 184, 202–205 George Street Festival, 16, Hopedale, 185 Labrador Coastline, 199–202 29, 71 Horse-drawn carriage, 73 Labrador Interpretation German Hangar Fest, 201 Hospitality homes Centre, 202 Geyser, 3 (Labrador), 188 Labrador 120 Dogsled Race, Ghost town, 106 Hostels, 55 205 Golf, 12, 17, 82, 88–89, 92, Hotels. See Accommodations; Labrador retriever, 215 109–110, 126, 166 Accommodations index Labrador Sno-Break, 202 Goobies, 120–123 Humber River, 143 Labrador Straits Museum, Goose Bay. See Happy Hunting, 216 194 Valley–Goose Bay Labrador West, 202–205 Government House, 62 Lane Gallery, 70 Grand Bank, 123 Icebergs, 6, 127, 136, L’Anse Amour, 192 Grand Banks fishing, 120 216–217 L’Anse Amour Burial Mound, Grand Falls–Windsor, 127, Insectarium, 12–13, 143, 159 194 133–135 Institute for Ocean L’Anse au Clair, 192 Grates Cove, 95 Technology, 64–65 L’Anse au Loup, 184, 192 Grates Cove Rock Walls Insurance, 34–35 L’Anse aux Meadows, National Historic Site, 98 Internet 154–157 “Great Fires,” 13, 62 access, 39–30, 48 L’Anse aux Meadows Great Northern Peninsula, 6, bookings, 34 National Historic Site, 15, 143, 144, 146–157 Inukshuk, 200 143, 156 Grenfell House Museum, 153 Irish Loop, 6, 7–8, 82–92 L’Anse aux Morts, 195 Grenfell Interpretation Iron Ore Company of Lesbian travelers, 36 Centre, 15, 152, 153 Canada, 205 Lewis Hills, 166 Grenfell Park, 153 Lighthouses, 4, 5, 91, 116, Grenfell, Sir Wilfred T., 152, 138, 147, 149, 157, 175, 153 James J. O’Mara 194–195, 208, 217 Grey River, 127, 141 Pharmacy Museum, 14, 68 Liquor laws, 40 Gros Morne Adventures, 7, Jiggs Dinner, 29, 57 Lobster Cove Head 176 Johnson Geo Centre, 65 Lighthourse, 175 Gros Morne National Park, Jordi Bonet Murals, 152–153 Lobster festival, 29 5, 11, 143, 167–169, Junior Naturalist Club, 179 Lockston Path Provincial 172–177 Park, 112 map, 170–171 Logy Bay, 5, 100 transportation, 168, 169 Kayaking, 4,
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