This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas. http://dolearchives.ku.edu · · · · . · • · The Associated Press Sen. Bob Dole (ot podium) joins a host of newly elected Kansas Republicans on Thurid;y in Topeka. They are (from left) Rep. Todd Tiahrt, Rep, Jan Meyer, Gov.·elect Bill GrCIVes, Dole, Lt. Gov.-elect Sheila Frahm, Attorney General Carla Stovall, Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, Sec­ ¥assebaum credits retary of State Ron Thornburgh, Rep. Sam lrownback and Kansas Senate President Bud lurke. ~lefor GOP·gains By Judy Lundstrom Thomas The Wichita Eagle Republicans join for unity rally ToPEKA - Cailing Tuesday's ' . election results a "sea change In By The Auoclated Preu said. "My' view is if we tried and failed, at · "I aon't think it's going to be difficult to politics," Sen. Bob Dole told Repub­ TOPEKA - Sen. Bob Dole stopped in least we've tried." work together," Dole said. "In his early days, lican leaders Thur.iday that Kansas Kansas on Thursday for a unity rally with. The Senate will have 11 new members, all when he was a back bencher, he used to would be a big beneficiary of the state ·Republicans who· won ·election in the of them Republicans. The GOP now has a 53- throw a few bombs my way. That's in the GOP sw~p that left his party In party's landslide victory two days earlier. 47 advantage in membership. past." control of both the House of Repre­ He presented fellow Kansas ~publican "I don't know how to describe it, just a The state's top Republican Party officials sentatives and the Senate~ Sen. Nancy Kassebaum with a white T-shirt powerful message from the American peo­ participated in the rally. "This Is sort of a gOlden para- that said on the front: "Bob Dole's Republi­ ple," Dole said. Among them were Dole, Kassebaum and chute for us, for Kansas • • • " said can Victory Tour." The back of. the shirt · "Clearly the word 'reform' is part of the Meyers, as well as two new congressmen­ Dole, who Will read: "Nine more in '94," referring 'to the agenda," Kassebaum said. elect, Sam Brownback of Topeka and Todd become the nine Senate seats Republicans claimed from She attributed the Republican successes in Tiahrt of Goddard. Senate major­ Democrats. part to Dole's extensive travels throughout Gov.-elect Bill Graves and Lt. Gov.-elect Ity leader as a Tuesday's elections gave Republicans ma­ the nation, campaigning for Rep1.,1blican can­ Sheila Frahm were there, as were Attorney : result of the jorities in both houses of Congress for the didates. General-elect Carla Stovall, Secretary of Victories. first time in more than 40 years. Dole is like­ • "I think we have a powerful message from State-elect Ron ·Thornburgh and the presi­ "We've got out­ ly to be the next Senate majority leader. the American people that they think govern­ dent of the state Senate, Bud Burke. standing peG­ Dole said he did not see an anti-incumben­ ment is too big and spends too much," Rep. In addition, Kim Wells, the state GOP pie elected · in cy message in Tuesday's voting. Jan Meyers said. "They would like us to ad­ chairman; Jack Ranson, the state's GOP na­ nearly every "We didn't lose a single Republican sena­ dress the problem of deficit reduction. " tional committeeman, and ,Mary Alice Lair, position. We've tor, House member or governor," Dole said ·Dole said he believes he'll be able to get GOP national committeewoman, participat­ got a great nu· during a news conference at Topeka's along with U.S. Rep. Newt Gingrich, a Geor­ ed. cleus ·here." Dole Forbes Field, "So it wasn't anti-incumbency, gia Republican who is likely to become Also attending were the only two statewide Dole spoke but I think it was a strong message." speaker of the House. Some Washington ob­ candidates who dil\n't win, despite the huge .to reporters He said Americans want to give Republi­ servers believe there has been bad blood be­ Republican tide : Insurance Commissioner and to party loyaliSts who gathered cans a chance to govern. ~ tween the tw'6, based on Gingrich's past com­ . Ron Todd and Randy Duncan, the GOP nom­ at Forbes Field to greet the senator "If we don't do any better, out we go," he ments about Dole. inee for state treasurer. as he made a quick stop on his ~· "Victory tour'' before heading to Iowa and Minnesota. Those attending Included gover­ nor-elect Bill Graves and all other Friday, NoYember 11, 1994 THE WICHITA EAGLE 3D Republicans elected to state offices and Con~ Including Sen. Nancy overwhelming GOP victories. substaD!Jal CQnqol .... " tive," be said. "But I ~Ink beyond Kaslebaum and Rep. Jan Meyers. "One. reason that I Will be chair­ th!t. there's just an overwhel~ng 1 . · Dole, said he didn't any As Dole arrlved, he greeted his From Page lD man and· Pat Roberts Mll be chair· exPect · wave out there of discontent and problems wor'ldrig . ~th . Rep. Newt fellow Republicans with handshakes man arid Jan Meyers will be chair­ frustration." and back-slaps. With govei'I)ors," he said. ~'Gover­ man Is .that Bo:b Dole . traveled 1jl).) Gingrich, ~~ma. who will likely "Congressman, how're ya doln?" nors are big players now, because I over this eoimtry for senate njtes, become speaker· of !he House. · Dole sidestepped the Issue of be asked state Sen. Todd Tlahrt, a think many of us feel,. and rruiny whether he will run for president in House ra~ and govemQr's rai:es," "In . ~r days when he.VflS sort governors feel, that some things 1996. When ·asked when he planned Goddard Republican who upset she said. · ~He was tirele&9 in ·hiS of the. ~-bencher, he used to longtime Democratic Incumbent ought to go back to the states. Give campa,lgnlng, apd .that 'made a big to announee his candidacy, he said, tllroyi .a few bombs my way, but I "Well, I'm not certain that's going to Dan Glickman In the 4th Congressio­ the govemorn the flexibility and get difference.'.' tblnk that's passed," Dole said with nal District race. "You sure shook out of their way." happen, but It -won't be this year. Meyers said the transition to a a chuckle. 'em up back there." Dole received applause when he view ·I've got to ijlke a long Republl~troiJed Congress ·: lie said the sooilled religious ~·~y Is "This Is a love fest If I ever saw Introduced Kassebaum as the new hard look at whatever rm going to observed David Schlosser, the chairman of the Senate Labor COm­ WOUld be difticull right played a role In the GOP Victo- ~ne," ries. do here befo~ I make any decision. Roll~cal director for Graves' cam- mittee and Meyers 8s the new chair­ "It's.golng to be such a dram8tlc ' And my. primary foc~JS up until now man of the House Small Business ·difference j.n the House, because•we . "I think they we~ very active, as being out trying to help Repub­ Committee. was ~ves received a he~ round of haven't had oontrol.. for 42 years," other groups were very active, and liCans ~e money. and get elect· lause when he told those attend· Kassebaum credited Dole for the she sai~ "And then to be in such they have the right to be very ao- ed!' i..that "we, were gollJl#l ·meet origl· nally In a mucb smaller room, but by the tjme we tount~ the num­ bers, we had too many; we had to get a bigger room." · .OA THE WIOiiTA EAGLE Friday, .NoYember 11, 1994 Dole said the election was a pow­ erful message from voters "to give Republicans the chance, opportunity and responslbtllty.'~ He·added, how- -ever;-that-"we're ot-gotng-10"(1o­ ~,new GOP leadership_. evecytblng." "I don't suggest that Con~ Is going to have an 80 percent approv; al rating after two years of Republi­ .to _ . get · ~eir . first test·in GATI can control," he-said -.. BUt it's down to 18 now after·alJ the Democratic The key player appears to be Sen­ years, so it's got no place to go but ate Republican leader Bob Dole of up: . WASHINGTON .- It W8S hardly Kansas, who will become majority ·~ we don't do any oetter, then Miode)Md in n:tost camp8lgns, but' leader. next year. Dole has voiced ut we go.!' ·. feaiSiatiop, to · Implement a new misgiving; about the pact, especially ·.Dole said be wants governors to wirkl"tnlde qreeme!lHS shaping In regard to supra-national powers me major 'players in the 1$ues up 'ai the flr!t test of .the abtllty. of of the new World Trade Organlza- ~ by ,the next Co~ Pteiddent .Olnton and the new Re- tlon that. YiOuld enforce the agree­ . I think wha:t ~e need to do Is . ;Jeadersblp .OQ C8pltol ·Hill ment, and has.not said how he will work together and coordln8te ·the · toeether on behalf of a 1081 vote on ll JIQ~ _and tlle Senate, .and C!"ork) eml!>fy share. Wtead, Dole,'normally a supJ)ort- Beca~ ,'it. ~ {east technically ei' of freer trade, has t~ the ball ldds $31 biJUon to the federal bud­ ·baCk to ··ainton. "The president jsf dellcit over 10 ~ the trade ~ tQ get out front !lfid tell the J*t:allo ~Is backers with a American. 'people wh8t the World .'J'rllde ~tion Is and what It • Isn't," he said at a post-election news ···~- e~t~~ conferen~ .
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