......DDRY £ ~UV\J vn~Rr~v Erno VOLUME XXXI Published by the Senior Class Tecumseh High School June 1949 DEDICATION We, the class of 1949, dedicate our Annual to MRS. HAZEL DICKINSON in appreciation of her time and efforts in guiding us through high school as our ad­ viser, teacher, and friend. Pqe Two MR. EARL H. PLACE, A.B., M.A. Superintendent Our new superintendent, to whom we extend a sincere welcome. Pqe Three MR. JAMES McDOWELL, A.B., M.A. Principal, Mathematics 1'Keep talking, I've got a lot of time." Pqe Four AI:IJLTY FACllLTY 1\lr . Hazel Dickinson, Mr. Alvin Brazee Junior Hi~h Mathematics, A.B. Readinl', Eichth Grade Enl'lish, Speech, Senior Adviser. Adviser. A grand man who ju,t "I hre them !rom class, can't give up the work he and still they babble on." love; best. Mr. Clare Camburn Mrs. Lois Service, A.B. Instrumental Muaic, Band En&'lish, Foreign Langu~es, Director. Annual Adviser. "All right, that" anothet· "-Aud 1! anybody else b ~hewmg anyth111g, get rid o[ dement." u no,v." Mr. Neville L. Hart, Mr. David J. Dick, B.S., M.A. A.B. Science, Mathematics, Commercial, Sophomore Freshman Adviser Adviser, Director of Adult . "Ltsten, Joe, do your talk· Education. mg only when I call on you "Keep your eyes olf t~ keyboard!" or you'll do your talking 11; the a"embly." Mr. Delmer E. Crisp, Mr. David G. Locke, B.S. B.S. Commercial, Co-operative A&'riculture, F.F.A. Adviser. Trainin&' Co-ordinator. "Let's use a little judg· "Don't look at me; look in ment now, boys." your book." Miss Bessie Bortner, Mr. Myles E. Runk, B. Ed. B.S. Junior High EnJlish, lnduatrial Arts, Co-operative Readin&', Seventh Grade Traininl' Co-ordinator. Adviser. "-!"eep quiet, you gu) s, I "People, who's mak1ng all can t hear myself thi11k 1n the nmse backstage?" here." Pqe SIX FAC ULTY :Mr. Duane K. Furbush, :Mr. R. N. Brazee, B.S. H i a t ory A.B. "HIS VOICe you do not Social Science, Debate. often hear, but in the study "If you have anything Ill· hall they do fear." teresting to . ~;'Y, by all means, utter 1 t. l\liss Dorothy Burgess, 1\lr. Elven Duvall, B.S. B.S., M.A. Art ,. Biolou, Boya' Phyaical "PIe as e, don't throw Education, Junior Advlaer, away anything you draw!" Director of Athletic• and Coach. "Oh, my achin' bacon !" :Miss :Marie Frautschi, Mrs. :Martha Kuhn, B. Ed. B.S. Girt.' Phyaical Education, Horne Economics, Cafeteria Health, Geocraphy. Director. "Okay, hne up, gtrls." " W e'll work in the foods lab today, girls." :Miss Marjorie Mohr, :Mrs. Irene Jacobs Librarian, Attendance. B.M. " I s this the first time Chorus, Junior Hich you've been late ?" Chorus .\lus1c >hln~ from her very eyes. :Mrs. l\largaretta Brisbin Office Secretary. "Just a moment, 1'11 be nl{ht w1th rou." Pqe Seven Mr. Perry Satterthwaite, Mr. Jens Touborg, Mr. Paul Breitenwischer, Mr. J. W. Spafford, Dr. Ralph Helzerman. BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFICERS President ....................................... Mr. Jens Touborg Vice President ................................... Mr. J. W. Spafford Secretary ................ ................... Dr. Ralph Helzerman Treasurer .................................. Mr. Perry Satterthwaite Trustee .................................... Mr. Paul Breitenwischer ENI~RS Myrna Mae Beevers­ Roger Joseph Bemier­ "Myrna" "Roger" "That's my man/ He Be silent, or speak B071UI­ drives a. blue Ford." thin.g worth hearing. Onsted I, Operetta 2, F. F. A. I, Chorus 2. Richard H. Bishop­ Mary Elizabeth Brown­ "Dick" "Mary" Silence indicates a. busy An odd character-she man. studies! Salutatorian, Student Council 3, Annual Staff, Senior Play. Annual Stall, Football RJ, Basket­ ball R3-V4, Baseball 4. John C. Cameron­ James H. Colson­ "J. C." "Jim" You may think him shy, but He works with will and not after you know him. paints with skill. Honor Roll, Annual Staff, Junior PlayhVarsuy Oub 4, Football RI-2- Annual Staff, Senior Play, Oper­ V4, aseball 2·3·4. etta 2, Chorus 2, Male Quartet, Band I, Basketball R3, Red Cross Council 3·4 (Vice President J, Presi­ dent 4.) Gordon A. Comfort­ Mary Lou Davenport­ "Gordon" "Mary" "How'd you do the second problem?" You are not with her long Honor Roll, Student Council 4, An­ before you hear of Tipton. nual Staff, Debate 4, Senior Play, Adrian 1, Junior Play. Operetta 1-2, Choru• 1-2, Male Quartet 1-2-3. Mary Lou Dinse­ J eanet Ehinger­ "Mary'' "Net" Always merry I Senior Play. Operetta 2, Chorus 2. "Come on, let's go fishingr' Student Council 4 (Secretary 4), Annual Staff. Gordon W. Garliek­ Jack R. Gillin­ "Skeeter" "Jaeques" He's noted for his will to "Have you ever been to work for the Senior class. Pennsylvania?" DetrOit 1-2-3, Annual Stall. Vice President 4, Annual Staff, Sen· ior and Junior Play_s, Varsity Club 4, Football Rl-2· V3-4, Basketball R2-V3-4, Baseball 2-3-4, Track 2. Charles C. Gorton­ Helen Patricia Hammaek­ "Bud" "Pat'' Be silent and safe. silence Always happy; never glum. never betrays you. a cheery pal and a peppy Macon I, Britton 2, F. F. A. 3-4 chum. (Treasurer 4), Band J-4 (President Honor Roll, D. A. R. Good Citizen­ 4). shit> Award, Secretary 3, Treasurer 2, Student Council 1 (Secretary 1), Annual Staff, Senior and Junior Plays, Operetta 1-2, Chorus 1·2, Cheerleader 2-3-4 (Captain 4). Martha Jane Hanna­ Ronald Harper­ "Janie" "Ronald" Her diapoBition certainly "Anyone want a ride to doe.n't match her hair. K. C.?" Honor Roll. Secretary 2-4, Annual Band I . Staff, Junior Play, Operetta 1-2, Chorus 1-2, Cheerleader 3-4. Margaret Sue Hart­ Martha Ann Ha;yden­ "Pegg;y" "Mart" Have you ever seen her "Anyone going to the without Mel? game?" St. Mary's, Adrian 1·2-J. Annual Staff, Junior Play, Oper­ etta 1-2, Chorus 1·2, CM..rleader J-4. Roberta Holmes-­ Dorothy Mae Jewell­ "Bert" "Doroth;y" "I'll help if I'm not Her diBpositicm. is generous working." and amiable. Junior Play, Operetta 1-2, Student M.acon 1, Operetta 2, Chorus 2-3. Secretary J-4, Chorus 1·2. Richard D. Khale­ Martha Kossy­ "Dick" "Martha" Small? So is a stick of The gal with the little dynamite. voice and a friendly smile. Vice President 1, Junior Play, Oper­ Annual Staff. etta 1, F. F. A. 2-3-4, ChofJJS 1. Dola Lou Lanning­ Robert L. Lawson­ "Dola Lou" "Bob" Good things come in small We wonder if Bob ever packages. thinks of girls. Macon 1 William D. Martin­ Darwin McCiure­ "Bill" "Mac" "lm hungry! Who wanta "It's fun to study to eat?" (I'll bet!)." Honor Roll, President 3-4, Student Band 1-2 Council 1, Annual Staff, Junior Play, Varsity Club 4, Football R1-2-V3-4, Basketball R2-3-V4. Betty L. Miller­ Charlotte Miller­ "Betty" "Charlotte" Her heart ia in Clintvn. "Who's Jim?" Operetta 1-2, Chorus 1-2. Honor Roll, Junior Play, Operetta 2, Chorus 2. Shirlie Anne Moore­ Duaine M. Murphy­ "Bubbles" "Murph" "Let's drive by Dick's "I like work; I can sit and house." wok at it forever." Annual Staff, Senior Play, Operetta 1-2, Chorus 1-2-3, Cheerleader 4, Varsuy Club, Football R1-V2-3-4 Red Cross Counc1l 3-4. (Captain <4), Baseball 1-2-3-4. Pqe Twelve Melvin A. Murphy­ Zoe Ann Pennington­ "Mel'' "Zoie" "I can't! I've got too He's a lucky fellow that much 'IQQ'rk to do." gets Zoe. Vice l'restdent 2·3, Pre ident I, Treasurer 3·4, Annual Stafi, Junaor Annual Stall, Var ity Club 4 ( ·ec· Play. retary 4) Football Rl· Y2·3·4, Ba • ketball R2·Y3 ·4 (Captain 4}, Ba e· ball 1·2·3 · 4. Dean A. Peotter­ Lois T. Purkey­ "Dean" "Docly" . Quiet in his ways, but al­ "I've got a date-with ways ready to pop pop-corn Bill.'' for the class. lland 1-2. Annual Stafi Robert J. Rentschler­ Gladys Mae Riley­ "Bob" "Gladys" He likes sports better than As quiet as a gate post, but girls. always merry. Varsity Club 4 (Trea urer 4}, Foot· Addison I, Honor Roll, Annual ball, R1·2·V3-4. Staff. Franl~lin Rumler­ Barbara E. Schoeck­ "Frank" "Barb" "I've sacrificed the twelve Pretty and popular-a good best years of 11111 life.'' student, too; We could do Football R4, Basketball R3·4, Track well with more like you/ 3·4. Valedictorian, Treasurer 1, Student Council 2·3 (Secretary-Treasurer 3}, Editor of Annual, Senior Play, Chorus I, Operetta I, Cheerleader 3-4. Millard 0. Snyder­ Gwendolyn Treby­ "Mibs" "Gwen" "I never let my studies in­ Her manner is as winning terfere with my educa,.. as her smile. tio-n.'' Toledo 1·2·3, Honor Roll. Football R1-2, Basketball 1·2. Gene Tuckey­ John W. Underwood­ "Gene" "John" "Not that I lot•e study leu, His mind is always on but that I love fun more." Bunny, and we don't mean Senior Play, Football Rl. a rabbit! Vice President I, Varsity Club <4, Football R2-V3-4. Jack Whelan­ Beulah E. Withrow­ "Jack" "Beulah" "Girls are so bothersome, W e... re apt to forget her till but I like to be bothered." we hear her giggle. Prestdent 2, Student Counctl 1, Var­ Honor Roll, Annual Staf!, Senior sity Club 4 (President 4), Football Play, Operetta 1, Chorus I. Rl-2-V4. Vernita Withrow­ Gloria Anne Yost­ "Nita" "Gay" A f1-iend of all who meet "Anyone seen my man?" her.
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