Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80208-6 - Judging the Past in Unified Germany A. James McAdams Index More information Index Bohl, Friedrich, 155 Bohley, Barbel, 7 Adenauer, Konrad, 4-5, 138, 165 border code, of the GDR: 23, 33, 197 n. Albania, 185 30 Albrecht, Hans, 35, 39-41, 45, 50, 53 border guards, of the GDR: 23-5, 27, 30, Alliance'90, 89, 112 32-5,43-8,168,171 "Alliance for Germany" coalition, 55 border trials: 26, 30-1, 33, 35, 38-9, 41-3, apartheid, 7, 173 45,51,53,55,57,71,113,126,147, Arendt, Hannah, 11, 176 160, 162, 167, 169, 173, 190. See also Argentina, 1,3, 12,46, 122-3 border guards Ascherson, Neal, 43 Bofi, Hans, 39-40, 44, 50 Brautigam, Hansgeorg, 38-39, 52, 198n. B 44 Bahr, Egon, 86 Brautigam, Hans-Otto, 76, 219 n. 12 Barbe, Angelika, 89 Brandenburg, 45, 73, 75-6, 80, 93, 100, BARoV. See Federal Office for the 115,159,175,182 Settlement of Open Property Questions Brandt, Willy, 105, 107, 120 Basic Law, 4, 29, 33, 37, 41, 51, 55, 59, 77, BStU. See "Gauck agency" 127, 130, 139, 142, 144-5, 149, 166 Bulgaria, 129, 184-5 Basic treaty, between the Germanys, 29, Bundestag: 157; elections to, 89, 115; 102 legislation, 60, 83, 139, 152-5, 163; Baumgarten, Klaus-Dieter, 47, 171 response to finance scandal, 159-60, Bavaria, 85 166, 180-2. See also Enquete Benda, Ernst, 45 commission Berlin: 5, 24, 35, 45, 48, 52, 115, 128, Bush, George, 158 133-4, 138, 140, 148, 157, 159, 162, Butterfield, Herbert, 161 170, 176, 178; Constitutional court of, 38; regional (or state) court of, 47, 50, 52, 168, 170, 189-90; screening for Stasi informants in, 58, 64, 67, 73, 75-77, 79 CDU. See Christian Democratic Union Berlin Wall: 13, 112, 179; construction of, Chile, 3, 7, 12, 36, 91, 122-3, 175, 184, 13, 18-19, 36, 94; expropriations for, 186,188 128, 146-9, 155-8, 175; opening of, 23, China, 187 28, 30-1, 33, 70, 151; shootings at, 2-3, Christian Democratic Union (CDU), 6, 15, 23-5, 38-9, 41, 43, 47-8, 52-3, 17, 28, 55, 75, 97, 99, 100, 105-9, 118, 168-71, 177 120, 158, 179-81, 183, 221 n. 40 Biermann, Wolf, 14 civil service, of the GDR, 7-8, 73 Bohme, Hans-Joachim, 169-70 Claus, Roland, 182 Bohme, Ibrahim, 55, 60, 164 collaborator, of the Stasi. See IM 239 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80208-6 - Judging the Past in Unified Germany A. James McAdams Index More information INDEX communism: assessments of 9-10, 15; 159-60, 166; compared with trials and comparisons with fascism, 10, 12, 26, uses of Stasi files, 123, 173; compared 32, 113, 177-8, 211 n. 48. See also with truth commissions, 122, 173-4; National Socialism criticisms of, 116-17; historical Compensation and Equalization Payments contributions, 90-1; influence of party law, 153 politics, 92, 97, 100-01, 104, 108-9, Construction law, of the GDR, 147, 149, 115-16, 118-19; on Lutheran churches, 156 92-101, 173, 179; on the passivity of the corrective justice: 3, 8, 20-1, 124, 175, GDR population, 109-113; stand on the 188, 190; compared with border guard Deutschlandpolitik, 101, 104-8, 173, 179; trials and Enquete commission, 126. See on the Stasi, 99-101, 113; unrealized also property settlement potential of, 117, 166, 173-4, 22In. 41; courts: appellate, 32, 40; administrative, 2, views on dictatorship, 109-15 4, 26, 74, 140, 172, 187, 189-90; Eppelmann, Rainer, 61-2, 89-91, 95-7, criminal, 2, 18, 168, 173, 189-90. See 101, 104, 117, 158,212n. 60 also border trials; labor, 74, 80, 81, 83, Erfurt, 58 172, 189-90 Erhard, Ludwig, 120 criminal justice: 40, 169; trials, 1-2, 5, 7, Ethiopia, 184 18-19, 24, 29, 178, 184-5; compared Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), with disqualifying justice, 57, 90. See also 93,98 border trials and Honecker ex post facto lawmaking. See retroactive Czech Republic, 185 justice Czechoslovakia, 2, 10, 56, 77, 83, 126, expropriations, by Soviet Union, 141-6 143, 185 D FCC. See Federal Constitutional Court Dalk,Detlef, 124-5, 152 Federal Constitutional Court (FCC), 42, Defense law, of the GDR, 149, 155-6 45, 51-2, 54, 59, 78, 82, 86, 143, 153, de Maiziere, Lothar, 3, 28, 59, 64, 67, 139, 159, 168, 175-6, 190 143, 162-3, 165 Federal Court of Justice (BGH), 35, 40, Democracy Now, 104 41, 45, 50, 79, 157-8, 170, 179, 189-90 Democratic Awakening, 55, 104, 164 Federal Office for the Settlement of Open Deutschlandpolitik (policy on national Property Questions (BARoV), 133-4 reunification), 20, 92, 101, 105-6, 173, Fink, Heinrich, 79-81 179,210n. 38 Flick affair, 180 Diestel, Peter-Michael, 61-2, 70 Fohrig, Friedrich-Karl, 47 disqualifying justice: 8, 55-7, 65, 86-7, France, 104, 139 188, 190; compared with property Free Democratic Party (FDP), 6, 27, 97, restitution, 134; noncriminal sanctions, 100, 109, 120, 127 2,19; versus moral justice, 87. See also FRG. See Germany, Federal Republic of screening and Stasi Fuchs, Jiirgen, 6 dissidents, of East Germany: 6-7, 58, 61, full-time employee, of the Stasi. See HM 75,89, 113, 115, 121, 157, 163, 210n. 38; attitudes about Lutheran churches, 92, 96, 99, 100; critique of the Gauck, Joachim: 58, 84; appeal for Deutschlandpolitik, 104; views of differentiation, 71, 83; concern for the unification, 88 eastern German people, 66, 71-2, Donhoff, Marion Grafin, 86 157-60, 171, 173; on the proper Donitz, Admiral Karl, 36 functioning of the BStU, 72-3, 79, 83, Dohlus, Horst,48, 52, 169 160, 172, 203 n. 43; on the Stasi files, Dresden, 58, 75 58, 68-75; on trust, 58-9; on truth telling, 62-3, 88-9. See also "Gauck agency" and Stasi El Salvador, 3 "Gauck agency," 64-74, 76, 77, 78-81, Enquete commission: 2, 3, 87, 126, 83-4,86, 134, 158-63, 172 240 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80208-6 - Judging the Past in Unified Germany A. James McAdams Index More information INDEX Gauweiler, Peter, 158 57, 126, 137, 168, 170, 175, 188; in GDR. See German Democratic Republic verification of Stasi complicity, 66-72 Geiger, Hansjorg, 59, 201 n. 9 Hitler, Adolf, 4-5, 26, 37, 175-8 Geneva conventions, 186 HM, or Hauptamtlicher Mitarbeiter Genocide convention, 186 (full-time employee of the Stasi), 60, Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 91 71-73 German Democratic Republic (GDR): fall Holocaust, 1, 141 of, 4, 110, 128; founding, 12, 127; Honduras, 184 influence on FRG, 22, 161-6; last Honecker, Erich: 13-14, 16, 26, 28-30, transitional governments, 55, 67, 83, 93, 98, 103, 105, 130, 150-1, 209n. 34; 124-5, 130, 150-2; as a type of trial of, 35-40,43-5, 48-50 authoritarianism, 9-16, 113-15, 147-8, Hoyerswerda, 88 177-8. See also Deutschlandpolitik, human rights, 15, 26-7, 46-7, 82, 84, 51, Germany, Federal Republic of, Socialist 91, 185-7 Unity Party Humboldt University, of Berlin, 79-80 German Unification treaty. See Hungary, 4, 129, 185 Unification treaty, of Germany Germany, Federal Republic of (FRG): I comparative bargaining advantages, IM, or Inoffizieller Mitarbieter (Stasi 1-4, 6, 184; constraints on, 21-2, 28-9, collaborator): 44, 56, 60, 68-70, 76, 77, 158, 160, 166; policies on national 79-83, 89, 164, 172, 182-3, 202 n. 27 unification, 124, 127-8; precedents International Criminal Court (ICC), 1, established by, 138-9, 165; relations 185-7 with the GDR, 27-8, 94, 101-3, Israel, 138 105-8, 144; and retrospective justice, 4-5, 129, 158, 161. See also Deutschlandpolitik and Unification treaty, of Germany Jackson, Robert, 11 Gestapo, 70, 177, 202 n. 28, 203 n. 36 Jaspers, Karl, 26, 87 Jesse, Eckhard, 27 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 158 Jewish land holdings. See property Great Britain, 104, 127, 139 settlement Green party, of East Germany, 89, 120 Joint declaration of principles, between Green party, of West Germany and Bonn and East Berlin, 125, 141-2 unified Germany, 103-4, 158, 180, 182, 210n. 38 K Gueffroy, Chris, 31-32, 45, 47 Kastrup, Dieter, 144 H Keller, Dietmar, 109, 114, 211 n. 49 Kefiler, Heinz, 35, 39-40, 44-5, 50, 53 Haber, Herbert, 169-70, 220 n. 21 Kiep, Walther Leisler, 180-1 Habermas, Jiirgen, 179 Kinkel, Klaus, 27, 30, 36, 127, 144, 149, Hager, Kurt, 48, 52, 169 203 n. 37 Harms, Monika, 157 Kintzi, Heinrich, 50 Hauptverwaltung Aufklarung (HVA), 59, Kirchheimer, Otto, 43 163 Kirchner, Martin, 55, 60 Havel, Vaclav, 10-11, 62, 113 Kleiber, Giinther, 48, 52-4, 157, 160, Havemann, Robert, 95 169-71 Heitmann, Steffen, 75 Kleinmachnow, 128 Helsinki Conference, 15 Klose, Hans-Ulrich, 158 Hilsberg, Stephan, 89 Kohl, Helmut: 3, 7, 124, 158; contacts historical context: as insufficiently with East German leadership, 28, 91, addressed by the Enquete commission, 103-7; involvement in CDU finance 121-3, 173; relevance to the property scandal, 17, 164, 180-4, 196 n. 12, settlement, 126-7; role in criminal 209 n. 34, 221 n. 40; on national trials, 25, 47, 52; significance in unification, 151; views on retrospective pursuing justice, xiii, 9, 12, 19-21, 46, justice, 27-9, 86, 164 24I © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80208-6 - Judging the Past in Unified Germany A.
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