." \{f Prid,e,Sp'irit,>Give',',U(, Se,cond,Title Series BF. 1 Z552 :Page...Two , UN IVERSITY ..c,O~, C:I,NC;:B~·tN~rl~~WS~ES;ORD ,Thursday, March 29, 962 E' ," J I' , _.~ _" ~ -' ' ' "-", "," ,';; ,,' -/ ~ "- ·W",······,·..•. - ..···· ..-, ··Bucks LLeorrr ,to,'I ..', ,'as',..No Fluke by Stan Shulman actually allowed the 'Cats to pull ond time in two years that this he was scoring on him." Hogue away, ·Just as' in last year's - tistics are deceiving in that they When Tony Yates and Tom Thack- lias been acc(Hnplffned: forcefiJlty exhibited' his pro do not show the complete domin- er combined to steal the ball from championship match, the Bearcat Juckeralso came up with an potential by playing the fwo ance the Bearcats had over the Ohio State's Dick Reasbeck with guards constantly harrassed" the .appropriate if obvious state- best games, o.f his career in game. In the department of total Buckeye guards and thus forced ment IIHogue pl.ayed a mag- Louisville, sooring 58 points and DC up 29-25 with 5: 58 left in the rebounds, for example, the of- Lucas 'once again )nto the high nificent tournament. Tonight. he gathering 38 reboundsaga inst , ficial .totals gave. the Bearcats a half and Thacker easily stuffed post, disrupting all of Coach Tay- had tremendous moves, he was the nation's best ball-players. mere 43-42 margin, despite the lors planned plays, only the sec- the ball through the hoop, DC getting position on Luc::as and His performance was lmpres-> fact thar the ICats appeared to fans could feel/the victory in the ·SIV.!· enough for "him to' 'gather dominate by a much greater mar- making. all but three of the 78 votes gin. Taylor in: fact remarked Wli'en, mid-way through the sec- cast for the' teurney/s Most, after the game that the', 'Cat re- ond half, Tony picked '.off Jerry. Valuable Player. bounding, power .was "frighten- Lucas' .long pass and popped .in 'Tommy Thacker, who Jucker ing." .' .; .. a soft jump shot, they knew it said) "was' like five' men ,out' Inth~ furnever lde.partment, was all over. there," played a magnificent ball the -B\Jckeyeswere charged game, finishing with 21 points and with, nine errors as opposed to While these may wellhavebeen six rebounds from the guard slot. the back-breaking plays as far the' eight against the Bearcats, Thack 'connected .on nine of eleven three of OSU's against the as. Ohio State was concerned, free throws and did good defen- . there were innumerable others , guards while only one ICat er- sive jobs on, Reas~eck in the first ror was on' a guard. which should be singled out for half and on -Havlichek in the sec- full description, but which of In ,i the category of personal ond half, holding All-American fouls and free throws, however, course can not be given adequate (!)' Hondo' to, three tallies. coverage. the statistics .give 'convincing evi- . Yates played basketball to' dence of 'Cincinnati's·' always- There is no doubt. whatsoever near-perfection on defense and strong defensive prowess. The in anyonels mind that this vic- contributed' 12 points including national champions, even though tory was le9itimate~ There has two sparkling lay-ups. Sophstand- pressing from: half-court and been very little spec:ulation that , outs. Ron Bonham and George scrapping OSU throughout the if Lucas' knee had been at 100 Wilson played fine floor games "contest," committed only ten per cent operating ability the and contributed.ten and six-points fouls, a mere" three, .coming in Bucks would now be the na- and six and 11. rebounds respec- the first half of the ball game, tional champs. Coach Fred tively; when the 'outcome was really de- Taylor of the Ohio State Buck-' The. championship game sta- cided. ' eyes has said tha.t the knee may --~-:--:-~~~----~~~-'--'--~":"""-'-o-'-i----. - have made a difference but that it by no means could have af- fected Cincyls eventual trlumph; Bearcathead coach Ed Jucker I winner of two national champion- , ships in two years at Cincinnati, said he was pinned against the wall. by almost twenty newsmen in the locker room immediately after the championship contest.j. "This was a real satisfying win., The key was to get the ball into Hogue and our control of the' In t-ypical action in the NCAA final gamel UCls GeorgeWil'son \ boards." grabs a rebound, while Bearcats Tom Thacker (25)1 RonBon~'am Offensively he was correct, but' (21), and Paul Hogue (2~) form 'an imp~egnable wall.:Ohi() Sta;tels once. again, it was defense that ·Jerry Lucas (11) looks on in the b'ackground. " . , {' ,J 'I" '1 ,+ Thacker ,.'Man ...·Of-'Th'e- Hour' •1)"T~('YE~~O~·.M~~,~lI·'.I!OJE~ . v . ! /- < Five minutes from the U.C . caminu: As UC Edges UCLA~ ·72~70 Offers the latest in faci Iities; enterto inrnent c;nd by Pave Vogelgesgang .... for' clutch layups during a seesaw activities ... _ LOUISVILLE-Tom Thacker zipped in a ten-toot jump .second half. shot with three seconds remaining .t,hialt.blew the' lid off' After gaining possession on a pulsating, preSisure-palckledslt:rug!g}eandenabled the Bear- Hazzard's charging foul, the 'Cats ROO,MS AND SUITES ... ot,speciaJpricesfor cautiously held for the last shot. cats :110 slip past embattled UCLA 72-70 into the titil-efinale ,Following a time . out .to map" week-end visitors. 'Cal} Dean -pf M,en's office on against upstate foe asu. strategy, the ball was tossed to' \ Throughout the contest, how- commanding 16-2 bulge with just Thacker who, after whirling. by the ~C Campus to obtain reservations for your ever, it was magniHc:ent Paul five minutes gone in the-game. two defenders angled right, spun Hogue who provided the im- Temporarily stunned, the aroused toward the hoop and flipped in friends 'end family at special student rates. petus to the UC attack and Bruins then began retaliating with the winning basket to crush the kept the team from wilting amazingly long jumpers from Bruins' upset dreams. under the Bruins" surging come- every conceivable spot on .the DANCING _. to the Jimmy Wilber Trio back. The tourney's most valu- court. able player took scoring honors The West Coast outfit con- TU'X RE'N'T AL Wednesday, Frid~'y end Saturday evenings until with 36 points on 12 of 18 from tinued to sizzle and with 1:26 the floor and 12 of 17 charity left in the canto the huge crowd at CHARLES 2 a.m. No cover charge,' no minimum, no' in- tosses, while snagging 19 re-' erupted when Garry Cunning- Special Student Rate bounds. ham climaxed the Bruins uphill crease in prices. Significantly enough, the splen- efforts with a jump behind the • CumberbundTux '. 71 did All-American eager strung circle to kn~t the score .at 35';'all. '$9 and Tie together Cincy's final fourteen Each team thenadded a bucket • Sus~enders S:WIM CLUB ... opensdune 1 for 7 days a week points prior to Thacker's clinch- and the half ended in a 37-37 , - , l If you need Shirt and Studs, ing basket and was DC's key of- deadlock. Add $1.50 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Becutlful 35,000 gollon pool, fensive figure in the second half. With Thacker and Tom Sizer, Actually the 'Cats appeared to providing assistance, Hogue grab- 208 W. McMillan beach house, snack bar,Focktail bar. have the issue sealed and de- bed perfect 'lead passes and re- {by Shlpley's) livered when they stormed to a peatedly wheeled under the hoop, PA 1-5175 ••• ROOF G~RDE'N . end-sun deck opensMoy 1, atop 8th floor. ~ CANDLELI,(iHT, .,;CAFE 'JUMBO CO'~KTAIL HO'~R-daily 5. to 7 p.m, 277 Calhoun Street Try the new Red Bearcaf~.Cocktan! 65c For PIZZA At Its Best VERNO,N 'MA'NOR HOTEL I 8" Giant Hoagy, 40.0 OAK ST. OFF READING ROAD ~"''-- Tuna Fish Ravioli Fish Baskets . AVon 1-3300 I Steak Sandwiches Spaghetti ~nd Meat-Ba'lIs . MARGARET ~.l£jNK, President WE DELIVER - UN 1-3552 - AV 1-9595 Open 'til 2 :30 " "Cincinnati's only major hotel owned by 9incinnatians'" T; ,> ,'§J;~~'l;f~~lrN!r/li5'4,?'nrtn? Thursdoy, March 29, 1962 - Page'" Th ree ~ The 'hotel rounds-Bearcats at -the 'Ke~tucky,the Buckeyes at Duke [5 King! , the Sheraton;709 visiting coaches 'I'hree year'S'.ago. 'when Beareats -Jim Calhoun- and Ralph at the Brown ... Saturday after- Davis gavevPaul Hogue the name ',of "Marmaduke," later noon lobby talk-c-at. the -Kentue- Ha·nk Grade'n, Sports Editor shortenedto "Duke;" it was justanother nickname. ky: "Those Ohio Sate fans are too Paulworked-into the starting , 'ri - much to take"; at the, Sheraton: lineup as a sophomore and grad- ionship Tournam~nt and the Mis- , "And then some smart aleck Cin- .What a basketball team! There is no doubt that the press polls ually had people talking about souri Valley Conference 'second cinnati fans" . .. Saturday after- were wrong when'they'-passed up the Bearcats and their coach, m "Duke," not as a nickname but teams, , , , noon street talk: "Lucas and Hav- , Jucker, as' the number one team and coach 'in the country . Iicekare in the coffee .shop 'down with an aire.ofnobility. Theblg Rapid improvementinihe 1960- The 'Cats set out to prove that their N,CAA Champ,ionship vic- the . street" . '" "It looks like center stepped down from hIS 61 season saw Paul and All-Ameri- torY;,Jast year over Ohio State was, authenric, It took them [ust one throne last Saturday night" but "ca candidate'.
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