THE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR MAY, 1920. ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS- Amf rican Legion, New York County, request for ap- Public Letting, Committee on, reports of, relating to- Municipal Civil Service Commission, 2675, 3204, 3206, propriation to defray expenses of Memorial Day Court of Special Sessions, 2814. 3207. observances, 3000, 3164. District Attorney, Richmond County, 2344. Parks, Department of, Manhattan and Richmond, 2677. Authorization to purchase various articles without Education, Board of, 3344. Parks, Department of, The Bronx, 2680. public letting- Manhattan, President, Borough of, 2814, 3344. Public Charities, Department of, 2675. D strict Attorney, Richmond County, 3159. Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, 2813, 3008. Police Department, 2675, 2676, 3204, 3207. Purchase, Board of, 3159. Parks, Commissioner of, Brooklyn, 3162. Plant and Structures, Department of, 2677, 3204, 3205. Board meetings, 2703. Parks, Commissioner of, Queens, 2815. Queens, President, Borough •of, 3204. City Surveyors, appointment of, 3164. Police, Commissioner of, 2814, 3009. Street Cleaning Department, 2677, 3207. City Park, Brooklyn, restoration to original purposes, Plant and Structures, Commissioner of, 3162. Taxes and Assessments, Department of, 2676. 3161. Richmond, President, Borough of, 2814. Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of, Cod. of Ordinances, amendments of, relating to- Street Cleaning, Commissioner of, 2813, 3009. 2675. Aito trucks and trailers, 2999. Public hearings, 2803, 2859. Granting permission to management of the Greater New Discharge of small arms, 3166. Resolution requesting leave of absence for employees York Appeal for Jewish War Sufferers to collect Location and designation of public markets, etc., 2809. on Memorial Day, 3259. funds publicly, 2680. Licenses, by requiring owners of motor vehicles to Resolution adopted, 2695. Granting permission for public collections of funds for file certificates of insurance for damages which Resolution requesting President, Borough of Manhattan, the Caledonian Hospital, 3205. may be caused to persons or property, 3006. to grant permission for construction of a temporary Granting permission to the House Council of the School Municipal Civil Service, 2818. overhead bridge, 2817. Settlement to collect funds publicly in Brooklyn, 3205. Markets, by incorporating therein an article relating Resolution relative to conversion of the reservoir at Heads of departments and bureaus of the City Gov- to the manufacture and sale of ice, 2818. 173d street and Amsterdam avenue, Manhattan, into ernment requested to grant leave of absence to United R moval of snow and ice and property owners' duties a swimming pool, 2817. Spanish War Veterans to attend Memorial Sunday in connection therewith, 3006. Resolution granting permission for public collection of exercises, 2680. Serving of warrants of dispossess by City Marshals, funds for relief of starving women and children in Ordinance to provide for the operation of passenger and 3006. Germany and Austria, 3010. other car service over the Williamsburg Bridge by Speed, 2999. Resolution granting permission to Pastor of St. Mich- The City of New York, 3203. Sidewalk sheds, 3166. ael's Church, Brooklyn, to collect funds publicly, Ordinance to provide for the acquisition by The City Vacations for per diem employees, 3163. 3011. of New York of the personal property now or since Communications from- Resolution requesting the Mayor to appoint a wage January 1, 1920, located on Riker's Island and used M erchants and Taxpayers' Alliance of the North inquiry committee, 3011. for the final disposition of ashes, street sweepings, Bronx, 3339. Resolution seeking appropriation for erection of an etc., 3205. District Attorney, New York County, request for interior public bath in the Greenpoint section, Brook- Permission given to the management of the American special revenue bonds to replenish budgetary appro- lyn, 3166. Daughters' League to collect funds publicly, 2679. priation for equipment, 2809. Resolution granting permission to Beth David Hospital Permission granted to collect funds for relief of starv- Dowling, Mfrs. Frank L., acknowledgment of receipt to collect funds publicly, 3167. ing women and children in Germany and Austria, 3206. of engrossed resolutions on the death of her husband, Resolution petitioning for a bathhouse in the vicinity Permission granted to the Salvation Army Home Ser- 3(00. of 135th street and Lenox avenue, Manhattan, 3167. vice Appeal to collect funds publicly, 3206. Deeds, Commissioners of, resolution appointing various Salaries and Offices, Committee on, reports of, relating Resolution for special revenue bonds- persons, 2817, 3010, 3166, 3346. to- County Clerk, Queens County, 3207. Establishing various grades of positions- Education, Department of, 2816. College of The City of New York, 2675, 2680. C'.erk, 3345, 3346. Municipal Civil Service Commission, 2816. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, 3203. Chief Inspector, 3345. Plan and Structures, Department of, 2816. Licenses, Department of, 3206. Court Attendant, 3004. Street Cleaning Department, 3163. Memorial Day observances, 2680, 3206, 3207. Draftsman, 3346. Special revenue bonds, requests for- Parks, Commissioner of, Queens, 3206. Electrician's Helper, 3002. Bronx, President, Borough of, 2813; Register, New York County, 3205. F )reman Electrician, 3002. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 2815. Register, Kings County, 2680. Uarnessmaker, 3001. City Clerk, Queens County, 2811, 3159. Surrogate, Kings County, 3205. Moulder and Coremaker, 3002. Licenses, Commissioner of, 2810, 3007. Resolution in memoriam, 2680. Pressman, 3001. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 2816, 2812, 3341. Resolution concurring in action of Board of Estimate Plumber, 3003. Memorial Day observances, 3167. and Apportionment in elimination of grade of Private S iperv:sor of Monitors, 3010. Parks, Commissioner of, The Bronx, 3104. Secretary from resolution establishing various grades \ rheelwrights, 3003. Police Commissioner, 2811. of positions in Department of Education, 2675. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of, resolution Plant and Structures, Commissioner of, 3341. Resolution for special revenue bonds for repairs to appropriating $961.33 to provide for increases in Queens, President, Borough of, 3001. Riverside Drive Viaduct, 3205. s~.laries of two Clerks in the Department of Edu- Register, New York County, 2815, 3161. Resolution for special revenue bonds for discharge of c~.tion, 3341. Surrogate's Court, Kings County, 2810. liabilities incurred under contract for repair to street Examining Board of City Surveyors, certifying that Sheriff, New York County, 3000. pavement, Manhattan, 3206. t1 ree applicants have qualified for appointment, 3005. Supervisor, City Record, 3342. Releasing the Ganford Company, Inc., from penalty Finance, Committee on, report of, in favor of adopting Surrogate, Queens County, request for the fixation of accrued under contract with the Fire Department by resolution to authorize the issue of special revenue the salary of the Clerk of the Surrogate's Court, 2809. payment of nominal damages, 3206. bonds to defray expenses of Memorial Day observ- Salvation Army, home service appeal, request for per- Sullivan, Daniel V., as Official Examiner of Title, fix- ances by the M. and E. Committee, G. A. R., - mission to collect funds publicly, 3000. ing compensation of, 2676. Spanish War Veterans, American Legion and Vet- Savarese, Humbert F. X., elected Alderman in the ART COMMISSION- etans of Foreign Wars, Queens, 3005. place and stead of Archie C. Ketcham, deceased, 2803. Minutes of meeting of April 12, 1920, 3374. General Welfare, Committee on, report of, relating to The News, request for permission to collect funds pub- licly, 3000. ARMORY BOARD- discharge of small-arms, 3166. Proposals- S Municipal Civil Service, 2818. APPEALS, BOARD OF- For furnishing and completing lecture hall, 8th Coast Ganford Company, Inc., be released from penalty ac- Board meetings, 2703. Defense Command Armory, Jerome avenue and crued under contract with the Fire Department by Kingsbridge road, The Bronx, 3278. payment of nominal damages of one dollar, 2816. APPROVED PAPERS- To reconstruct roof and drill shed, old 8th Coast Jurors, Commissioners of, Kings County, report for Defense Command Armory, Park avenue, 94th and yar 1919, 2803. Authorization to purchase various articles without publi.• 95th streets, Manhattan, 3278. Minutes of meeting of May 4, 1920, 2803. letting- Mirutes of meeting of May 11, 1920, 2999. Correction, Department of, 2081. ASSESSORS, BOARD OF- Mirutes of meeting of May 18, 1920, 3159. Hunter College, Trustees of, 3205. Annual apportionment in former Town of New Utrecht, Mirutes of meeting of May 25, 1920, 3339. Justices of the Court of Special Sessions, 3205. 3362. Me;;sages from the Mayor, 2999. Manhattan, President, Borough of, 3203, 3206. Assessments and awards, completion of- Notice of public hearing, 3159. Plant and Structures, Department of, 2679. Bronx, Borough of The, 2689, 2727, 2800. Off ce and office hours, 3166. Police Department, 3207. Brooklyn, Borough of, 2689, 2800. Resolution relative to increased pay for postal em- Purchase, Board of, 2679, 2680. Queens, Borough of, 2689, 2727, 2800. p'oyees, 2818. Richmond, President, Borough of, 2676, 2680, 3206. Notice to present claims for damages- Resolution granting permission for public collection of Street Cleaning, Department of, 3203. Bronx, Borough of The, 2727. funds for the Caledonian
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